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Sharing my new banned hackers


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Comparing BE global bans to a random admin's ban list?. Slightly different different case there.

And how is it any different? The end result is exactly the same. You end up with a list of banned people from your server, who in all likelihood, have never even been on your server. This is the point I'm making.

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OK, I'll concede that point. However, until the anti-hacks are at such a stage where they actually block current hacks, is it not preferable to share information on potential problem players? I mean, you can take the advice, or leave it, but you shouldn;t try to dissuade others from adding the people to their own ban lists. It should be up to the server owner, and server owners alike should be sharing this information.


As an example, in A2 there's been a hack around for months where everyone gets teleported and killed, and entire bases can be deleted at will. This 'hole' still hasn`t been plugged.


Now in A3, we're already seeing people reporting the same hacks....should we wait patiently for BE to recognise the problem?

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There is no easy way but to keep an eye on your own server sadly !


Sharing your ban list isn't going to work because you would end up having to keep updating your list and releasing new updated list every time you ban or unban a player who was mistakenly banned or as mentioned above banned by some servers admins who abuse their powers!


intentions are good i am sure with regards to OP but it wont work! sorry! 

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