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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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  On 4/24/2015 at 12:53 PM, lowrey said:

Hi Horbin,


Quick update from when we last talked.


The mod is running on my second server that has a max of 50 players and it runs without any crashes (nice).


That said as soon as we get above 60 players (on server 1) we start seeing problems. All clients get disconnected and most of the time the server crashes.


My next round of testing is to run the HC from the same server as the main server to see if this has an impact (I’m not sure this will make any difference).


Some issues I’ve seen:


- When AIs Drop rocket launchers they are not cleaned up and remain on the map.

- When you end a City Invasion Mission [via the admin menu] the mission marker is cleaned up but AI remains.

- Convoy mission display mission failed when all AI are killed

Small and SEM missions compete when there is still AI to kill.


- I’m running infiStar antihack, when the admin menu is enabled I get kicked from the game when infistar loads. There are no battleye kicks and no logs on both server and client. If I login as a Infistar admin there is no issue. [i will talk to chris about this issue], I just wanted to let you know.



Is there a way to limit the time in which loot smoke is there? Found it!


To those that are reading this… this mood is great and the above issues are minor. The only deal stopper for me is when the server is under load [lots of players]. If you have lees than 60 players look no further!


I look forward to your feedback.





did you find a fix for the server crashes @ + 60 players?

I am having this as well.  :( as soon as player count reaches above 60 about 50% of the players get kicked with 6000ping.

I am looking into it but thought I'd ask if other server owners  where seeing this as well.


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hey guys got a question about the lootbox method...


when i look as example into the VanCrash the box will define here:


["Building" , [-5,0] ],

is it possible to choose "random" different variants of "Building" ? so...


it choose between lootbox "Building", "Building_2", "Building_3" and so on... ??

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  On 5/10/2015 at 8:30 AM, ZENITHOVMAN said:


did you find a fix for the server crashes @ + 60 players?

I am having this as well.  :( as soon as player count reaches above 60 about 50% of the players get kicked with 6000ping.

I am looking into it but thought I'd ask if other server owners  where seeing this as well.



This may be down to a host issue. I have moved hosts so I will know once I next hit the numbers.



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Not sure if it was just me but I had an error with the DayzHeloCrash.sqf


There is a typo on line 13:

  Reveal hidden contents
14:07:51 File FuMS\Themes\StaticSpawns\DayZHeloCrash.sqf, line 13
14:07:51 Error in expression <l",25],    
false, 0, 0, 

Change from:
falsez,// Show encounter area on the map
false,// Show encounter area on the map
That is all I had to fix.
Also in your known issues you say:
"Vehicles occupied by players not persisting through server restart."
This is no longer true, vehicles can be saved and sold now!
Great work again dude, Love this mod!
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  On 5/10/2015 at 8:30 AM, ZENITHOVMAN said:


did you find a fix for the server crashes @ + 60 players?

I am having this as well.  :( as soon as player count reaches above 60 about 50% of the players get kicked with 6000ping.

I am looking into it but thought I'd ask if other server owners  where seeing this as well.



Are you using a remote HC?

I switched to a local and I have 69 players with no issues.


If you are using a remote HC then then I know how to resolve the issue (or I have some ideas).


Let me know.

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Thanks Horbin. Really great stuff! Now it works fine on my server. Only I have an issue when I enable the Predator theme. I got a kick message:

10.05.2015 19:19:19: Rotter ( 0fbbe76f2509bf1c6ca0c56bda6ae8c6 - #6 "se;

_rap allowFleeing 0;

_rap disableAI "FSM";

_rap enableFatigue false;
_rap setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]"

Any ideas?

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  On 5/10/2015 at 12:39 PM, kyrane said:

hey guys got a question about the lootbox method...


when i look as example into the VanCrash the box will define here:


["Building" , [-5,0] ],

is it possible to choose "random" different variants of "Building" ? so...


it choose between lootbox "Building", "Building_2", "Building_3" and so on... ??


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  On 5/10/2015 at 4:25 PM, lowrey said:

Are you using a remote HC?

I switched to a local and I have 69 players with no issues.


If you are using a remote HC then then I know how to resolve the issue (or I have some ideas).


Let me know.

Using local HC on the same dedi.


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* CapturePoints are a 'trigger'.  See the 'CapturetheFlag.sqf' mission in the /test theme.


* Thanks lowrey on the bug update. I will have to fix that typo in the distro when I get home.


* I don't know of any reason why FuMS would NOT run on linux.


* Krayne,

    If you have a series of different types of 'building' loot that you are using for a specific theme, you can build them all out in the Theme's lootdata.sqf and set the theme to use that file instead of the globallootdata.sqf.

  There is currently no method to choose randomly between a subset of all the loot descriptions in a lootdata file.


*belanch, I do not recall turning BE back on for my test server when I implemented the predator mod.  It is very likely there are some BE filters that need to be added.  If you do confirm that is the case, please post them here, so others can get hold of them, and so I can update the main BE file on the distro! ;)

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okay. and how i do this?




copy in the same folder LootData.sqf ? or how?


sry for maybe stupid questions. i prefer the safe way.



and maybe im missunderstand... i just want for as example "VanCrash" the possibility to make 5 Lootboxes and let them choose randomly which of this 5 boxes it will pick.

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Is there any way to make the AI more "lively"?


Right now they're all just sort of standing around the mission, not really doing much. Is there any way to make them roam around the mission area so they're more spread out and not so grouped up. Would make the missions a little more unpredictable.



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Hey Horbin,

Was testing out the building additions and when i copy paste either of the proper info from saving from M3EDITOR I get fatal errors, saying it's expecting an array or 4 or 5. Both types of saves from M3EDITOR have at least 6 and more.

I did an update froom git to 1.5g moving the appropriate files over.

Any chance anyone else is getting a fatal error when trying the M3EDITOR buildings array?

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  On 5/11/2015 at 3:03 PM, horbin said:


    There is no option for players to select their own loot. I think I still may be confused on what exactly you are looking for?


Ok le'me try to explain ;-)



41 - 45


[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["Building", [-5,0] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [0,0] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure


edit to...


[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["Random" = [ [Building, Building2, Building3, Building4, Building5], [-5,0] ] ],
// Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [0,0] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure



and Building 1 - 5 are described in




is this possible? i cant believe its such hard to get this work but i cant figured out for myself.

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