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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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Hey guys sorry but i can't find this in the forums how would i go about spawning Ai at the same location every time like at a AI city the A3Eai are not working good so would like to try to use this, is there a way and how would i go about doing this?

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    Just specify the location next to the mission's name in the ThemeData.sqf


 In the ThemeData.sqf, where you have the mission name in the list of missions.


    ["YourMission"],   change to ["YourMission,[x,y]],   where [x,y] is the location you want it to spawn.  The "YourMission" will always spawn at the fixed location of [x,y]


    ["YourMission","Zaros"]  is also a valid format. FuMS will find the location for Zaros and use it as the mission center.

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I am probably just doing something wrong, but I can not open the latest server build mission.sqf i get NUL errors all over and can not find the item group to edit....


Very new to HC but I think if i can get a mission file i can edit I will be fine, old builds mission seems to open fine

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There is a 'Docs' folder on the GitHub.  I would read through those. It should clear up a lot of questions. If you still have questions, please let me know!



    Read through the files in the \FuMS\Themes folder to get a better understanding of how the system is set up.  The number of AI that spawn and how they behave is up to you and how you set them up in your mission/encounter file.



     Look under \FuMS\Themes folder for all the missions.  They are arranged by theme.  Individual missions are found inside each sub folder in the 'themes' folder.

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hey horbin, have a nice day!


i got the problem that every mission (vancrash, helocrash, banditcamp) got no buildings/vehicles... is this a bug?


I got this a while ago, reverted back to 1.5e and it works again. I don't use Raptors or the M3Editor.

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I have a list of things for you to look at when you are able to.


  1. Structures do not spawn on the missions since the 1.5g update. Reverted back to the 1.5e release and they work fine.
  2. On Bornholm, the Land Patrol doesn't drive around. They just sit there. Take an exact copy of the files and put them on an Altis server, and it works perfectly.
  3. Reward crate smoke grenades: I set it to just a single red smoke grenade, and limit it to 1 minute. The red smoke drops on the crate, but it doesn't stop after 1 minute, just keeps going off until the crate is cleaned up.
  4. AI radio chatter. I had to disable this because it was being seeing by EVERYONE on the server regardless of the distance limit I set in the Theme or Global file.

This is all I can think of for now, I'm sure more will come to me later. Worth mentioning that there are no errors in either my server or headless client RPT files.

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This been asked before but I don't think it got a response. Am getting a script restriction #0 kick


Heres the log

 #0 "BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm = _this execfsm 'A3\functions_f_mark\Vehicles\fn_setVehicleMass.fsm'; BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm"
 #0 "BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm = _this execfsm 'A3\functions_f_mark\Vehicles\fn_setVehicleMass.fsm'; BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm"
 #0 "this select 0)) then {[(_this select 0), "", [], true] call bis_fnc_initVehicle;};"
 #0 "BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm = _this execfsm 'A3\functions_f_mark\Vehicles\fn_setVehicleMass.fsm'; BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass_fsm"

And my scripts.txt 



Can join server fine after a restart., But once the ai missions starts loading, the kick happens

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I have a list of things for you to look at when you are able to.


  • Structures do not spawn on the missions since the 1.5g update. Reverted back to the 1.5e release and they work fine.


  • On Bornholm, the Land Patrol doesn't drive around. They just sit there. Take an exact copy of the files and put them on an Altis server, and it works perfectly.


  • Reward crate smoke grenades: I set it to just a single red smoke grenade, and limit it to 1 minute. The red smoke drops on the crate, but it doesn't stop after 1 minute, just keeps going off until the crate is cleaned up.


  • AI radio chatter. I had to disable this because it was being seeing by EVERYONE on the server regardless of the distance limit I set in the Theme or Global file.
This is all I can think of for now, I'm sure more will come to me later. Worth mentioning that there are no errors in either my server or headless client RPT files.

This is a known error of 1.5g, I brought it up quite a bit a page or two ago...even said, just build something in M3EDITOR and use that till horbin gets back in town.

Born Holm might be screwed on land Patrol's cause of its ROADS. Roads and intersections play a big part in AI in vehicles. They might not be able to set their routes cause they are confused. Too long of roads, too many intersections not sure I've never played on born Holm yet.

The smoke going off in single smoke over and over was the answer to the smoke lag we got in the beginning. just set it for disabled or put it back to 3 minutes and it wont pop a smoke every minute.

Fums needs heavy configuration. AI radio chatter is a part of his mission system. It's a personal, custom addition if you don't like it turn it off, otherwise get configuring.

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I was not clear in my problem but I solved it, thought I would share just in case anyone else had issue...


I was not able to open the mission.sqf in the alstis.pbo file, and needed eliteness to deract it or whatever it was called, I was having some dll issues with the mikero files but got it sorted out


This was causing me to not be able to add the headless clieant info into the mission file to even get a HC to connect.


A little google and forum searching led me to the tools needed to unpack the mission correctly without crazy dehexing etc...




I am familar with pbo tools but had not run into this issue yet!


thanks for great work horbin!

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This is a known error of 1.5g, I brought it up quite a bit a page or two ago...even said, just build something in M3EDITOR and use that till horbin gets back in town.

Born Holm might be screwed on land Patrol's cause of its ROADS. Roads and intersections play a big part in AI in vehicles. They might not be able to set their routes cause they are confused. Too long of roads, too many intersections not sure I've never played on born Holm yet.

The smoke going off in single smoke over and over was the answer to the smoke lag we got in the beginning. just set it for disabled or put it back to 3 minutes and it wont pop a smoke every minute.

Fums needs heavy configuration. AI radio chatter is a part of his mission system. It's a personal, custom addition if you don't like it turn it off, otherwise get configuring.

Thanks for the reply.


I brought up the issue of structures not working a long time ago in a single post, but since then more things have come up, so I figured I'd just compile them into a single post for horbin.


Bornholm has a lot of roads on it. But I wouldn't say it's any worse than Altis. Infact I'd say Altis boasts longer roads. You can look at a map of Bornholm here: http://anvilproject.com/downloads/files/Bornholm.png


Thanks for the tip about the smoke, I'll set that to 3 minutes and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't then I'll disable it. Smoke creates such an FPS hit for clients.


I realize that FuMS requires A LOT of customization, and I've really enjoyed doing that. I have actually gone through all the missions and cleaned up the script so it's easier to read. At the same time I've made my customizations.




[// Event and AI Radio messsage behavior
		true, // EnableRadioChatterSystem: turns on the system, allowing below options to function
		false, // EnableRadioAudio: turns on 'audio' effects for radio chatter
		true, // RadioRequired: if false, messages are heard without a radio on the player's belt.
		false, // RadioFollowTheme: Conforms with Theme radio channel choices. False:any radio works for all channels.
		true, 1000 // EnableAIChatter: enables random radio chatter between AI when players get within the specified range (meters) as default.
		// NOTE: Theme 'Radio Range' will override this setting.

Example from the Convoy ThemeData.sqf:


[ // AI Radio Chatter configuration
			//0=Quartz, 1=Garnet, 2=Citrine, 3=Amethyst, 4=Topaz, 5=Sapphire, 6=Onyx, 7=Emerald, 8=Ruby, 9=Jade
            0, // radio channel used by AI - "ALL"= messages heard w/o radio (other options 0-9)
			true, // silent Check-in =true: AI squads will NOT check-in with BaseOps when they spawn.
			true, // AI death messages enabled.
			1000, // Radio Range (for AI. BaseOps's high power radio has unlimited range)
			"Bandit",    // AI callsign, groups will be numbered..ie Bear01, Bear02
			"Bandit-HQ" // BaseOps call sign

As you can see, in both the Global file and the Theme file I have the range set to 1000m, but players all over the map that are MUCH further than 1000m away still get the radio messages in the upper left.


I'd be more than happy to send you my FuMS.pbo file for you to inspect. I would love to have the messages on, but when you have people doing 2 or 3 missions at once the amount of spam in the upper left is really distracting, and interferes with players' scroll wheel options. I was getting a lot of complaints from players so I had to disable them.


I've probably spent more time customizing FuMS than anything else on the server. I only use 4 themes, Convoy, SEM, Small, TownRaid. I have one of each running at any time, except the Convoy, that has 3 running at once.

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i give it up... i tried everything but always when i changed the building part the SEM Mission dont came up again... and there is no error in the rpt file...


look. maybe i make something wrong. please help!!

// Horbin
// 1/11/15
// Based upon drsubo Mission Scripts

["VanCrash", 100,"LAND"], // Mission Title NOSPACES!, and encounter radius
["Van Crash","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],    
    [// NOTIFICATION Messages and Map display Control.
	true, 1, 0,
    true, // Notify players via global message
    true,// Show encounter area on the map
    30,    // Win delay: Time in seconds after a WIN before mission cleanup is performed
    30       // Lose delay: Time in seconds after a lose before mission cleanup is performed
          //NOTE: the above delay must occur before the mission is considered 'complete' by the mission manager control loop.
    // Spawn Mission Message
    "Supply Van Crash!",
    "A supply van has crashed with surviving bandits!."
    // Mission Success Message
["Mission Success",
    "The bandits have been destroyed."
    // Mission Failure Message
["Mission Failure!",
    "The bandits have escaped."
[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["RANDOM" , [-5,0] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [0,0] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure
	["M3Editor", [-1,-1], 777, 0,
   // paste your array of building objects here

//BUILDINGS: persist = 0: building deleted at event completion, 1= building remains until server reset.
    ["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[6,6],0,0,"SMOKE_MEDIUM"],   //type, offset, rotation, presist flag
[ // AI GROUPS. Only options marked 'Def:' implemented.
//   [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1,"Sniper"],[2,"Rifleman"],[2,"Hunter"]  ],   ["BoxPatrol",[0,75],[0,0],[0]   ]],
[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Sniper"]           ],     ["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]     ]],
[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"] ],   ["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]     ]],
[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Rifleman"]           ],   ["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]     ]]

// Vehicles

[ // NOTE: side RESISTANCE for groups == side GUER for Triggers.
    [    //WIN Triggers and Controls
     // ["LowUnitCount", "GUER", 0, 0, [0,0]], // all enemies are dead:  side options "EAST","WEST","GUER","CIV","LOGIC","ANY"
      ["ProxPlayer", [0,0], 100, 1], // 1 player is within 100 meters of encounter center.
      ["BodyCount", 7],
      ["Reinforce", 25, "Random"]
    [    //LOSE Triggers and Controls
//      ["HighUnitCount", "GUER",10,40,[0,0]] // 10 enemies get within 40m's of encounter center
 //   ["TIMER", 1500]   // Encounter fails after 1500 seconds (25 minutes)
    [    //Phase01 Triggers and Controls
//      ["Detected",0,0]    //Launch mission if any group or vehicle detects a player
    [    //Phase02 Triggers and Controls
    [    //Phase03 Triggers and Controls
    [    // NO TRIGGERS: Uncomment the line below to simply have this mission execute. Mission triggers from a mission that
          // launched this mission will continue to be observed.
    // Uncommenting this line will ignore all triggers defined above, and mission will pass neither a WIN or LOSE result.
    //   ["NO TRIGGERS"]
// Phase Missions



so what i did wrong here?? cant figured out...

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hey peoples.. whats up? read it.. but nobody answer? its rly pain in the ass to waste a full weekend for nothing... so maybe someone could only explain how i get the M3 Editor buildings working in Fums. nothing less.. nothing more..

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hey peoples.. whats up? read it.. but nobody answer? its rly pain in the ass to waste a full weekend for nothing... so maybe someone could only explain how i get the M3 Editor buildings working in Fums. nothing less.. nothing more..

The answer is in the docs.



5) If you desire placement to use an 'offset' specify it in the paramater after "M3Editor".

   (EX: ["M3Editor", [0,0], ......
   If you desire placement based upon the locations in your M3Editor file, set the offset to [-1,-1]
   (EX: ["M3Editor", [-1,-1], ......
Note: The 1st component listed in your building objects array will be used as the 'anchor point' when offset is used.

Note: If you are pulling a building complex/file that was built for another map, make sure you use the [0,0] offset metioned in step 5. And if
you need to place this building complex/file in a specific location, specify this location by statically defining the mission in the ThemeData.sqf.
Ex: ["testMission01",[12300,45600]]  will spawn this mission at [12300,45600], with the 1st building in your list being located at [12300,45600].

The objects are spawning, but they're using the coordinates listed in your array, that's what [-1,-1] does. Set that to [0,0] and they should appear on the mission centre point.

["M3Editor", [0,0], 777, 0,
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   Try removing the comman from line 48 AND removing lines 51 and 52.  This will force the mission to only use M2Editor defined buildings.


There is an a bug in FuMS. I won't be back in town for another two weeks. So can't get to the code to test/fix it. (along with a few other minor bugs)


While I have been away, I've done some research on audio in arma, and I am planning to overhaul the radio chatter system that is a little more clean.  The chatter was 1st component I built into FuMS and I agree with most folks that it is a little cludgy :)

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Hi Horbin,


Firstly apologies if this has been covered but, I've had a full read through before, am subscribed to the thread and have tried searching in case I missed anything. I have a problem I'm wondering if you could help on...The AI seem to still be dropping their launchers when killed even though the HC seems to be running normally and we have this line in the baseserver.sqf:

        //  when an AI dies, gear on this list is deleted from the AI's inventory.
            [], //Uniforms
            [], // Vests
            [], // Backpacks.
            [], // Helmets
            ["Launch_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F"], // Weapons
            ["RPG32_HE_F","Titan_AA","Titan_AT","M_Titan_AA"], // Magazines
            [] // Items

Am I doing something wrong?



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Hi Horbin,


Firstly apologies if this has been covered but, I've had a full read through before, am subscribed to the thread and have tried searching in case I missed anything. I have a problem I'm wondering if you could help on...The AI seem to still be dropping their launchers when killed even though the HC seems to be running normally and we have this line in the baseserver.sqf:

        //  when an AI dies, gear on this list is deleted from the AI's inventory.
            [], //Uniforms
            [], // Vests
            [], // Backpacks.
            [], // Helmets
            ["Launch_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F"], // Weapons
            ["RPG32_HE_F","Titan_AA","Titan_AT","M_Titan_AA"], // Magazines
            [] // Items

Am I doing something wrong?





I have this exact problem, I just edited the soldier configs and removed the launchers from their gear in there.


Look in GlobalSoldierData.sqf:

[ true, true, true], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo, anti-tank

Change the last "true" or "RANDOM" to "false" for each soldier type.


This way they won't even spawn with the launcher in the first place.



But ya... the launcher clean-up doesn't work.

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Only trouble with that is I would like to keep the launchers but, thanks for the tip, might go for this until it's fixed.


As we have RPG 32's allowed on the server, it would be good to know where they are being spawned in and replace all the Titan's with that. But, even though I've found the launch_I_Titan_F in spawnserver.sqf, we seem to have all types of Titans coming in and I can't find where....guessing there's a random cfg.magazines call somewhere...

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Let me know if you are seeing this behavior on 100% of the AI with the gear, or just on an occasional AI.

For the item clean up.


Take a look in \FuMS\HC\AI\AIKilled.sqf


starting around 62.


Arma3, at random times, causes AI to drop their weapons before the 'killed' Event Handler fires.  This results in the AI's weapon falling to the ground and being placed into a "WeaponHolderSimulated" object.


Maybe expanding the range to something beyond 5 meters (line 66) will produce better results.


If someone has a better solution, let me know! :)



   I also saw that you are NOT removing the RPG launchers from the AI. This may explain why you are finding them on the bodies.

Also, the AI only spawn with the             ["launch_RPG32_F","launch_I_Titan_F"],


one of those two launchers. If you are finding other launchers they are from some other source. Not FuMS.

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I can confirm it's random AI. I have literally seen the launcher disappear as soon as they are shot, but other times it just drops to the ground beside them.


My solution is to add it to the infiStar bad items list so it's deleted the moment a player equips it. I also set them to not spawn with them.


Hope this helps.

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Yep, thanks Mimic.


Going to look at some other 'creative' way to fix it, but I think your approach is good too.  Just wish I knew how to get the 'killed' EH to fire/complete before the AI physically drop their weapons....

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