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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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Gday horbin,

well I guess my version of a static spawn is a group or single AI that can be spawned at a specific location to perform certain patrol duties.

Broad based I know but that's what I would define "Static Spawn AI"


What I am trying to do is get "town raid" to spawn at a custom edit that I made at [23672.1,16317.3,0]

I really like the way that FuMS AI Behave in towns occupying buildings and such.


I know it must be possible,just unsure about the best way to achieve it.



is it possible to spawn a mission for example "town raid" at your location using FuMS Admin Menu?



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See if this will work for you.  In the ThemeData.sqf for your custom theme add the above location to the end of the mission name in the "Mission List" section:

(below taken from the 'Test' theme)

Note: Test theme contains the most documentation on options not described in the Docs folder.

  [  //***** Mission List *****
    // List of Missions. 
    // The below missions MUST be in the same folder as this file!            
    ["TestMission01",[23672.1,16317.3,0] ],

So in the above example, TestMission01 will spawn at your custom location.  

If your mission is using offsets, the above point will be used as the encounter's center for placement of any AI you have in the mission itself.

otherwise any hard coded points you have in the actual mission will be used.


You can also mix and match offsets and fixed points within a single mission, allowing you to do things like spawning a fixed AI base that then sends patrols out to random encounter areas across the map. 

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I just wanted to report that the heli crash missions are having problems with loot spawn. I think the loot is being placed underground. In some cases the loot shows up, in other cases there's nothing there, and sometimes I get the indicator to loot something, but when I open my inventory, nothing is there. Seems to affect 8 out of 10 spawns.


I'm hosting it on Bornholm 1.3.

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  Thanks for that info. Looking into it!



   Not too sure about 'debug' messages, but FuMS does come with a 'RadioChatter' option that will show communications going on between AI. If this is the text you are speaking of (in the upper left corner). You can turn this feature off in the BaseServer.sqf.  Just set the flag to false for RadioChatter.

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Scatter Loot Fix:

Add the following after line 26 in \FuMS\HC\Loot\Scatter.sqf


 _box setPosATL [_randomPos select 0, _randomPos select 1, 2];


This forces the weaponHolderSimulated to spawn 2 meters above the ground. Game physics will then let it fall the the ground, ensuring the container and its associated 'loot' are visible.

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The MadScience themed missions start with a 'spawntrigger' type mission.


This mission simply waits for a player to come within range, then launches the actual 'horde' mission which creates the zombies.


Look to the 'spawntrigger.sqf' mission to change the flags for map markers.  

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  On 5/2/2015 at 2:08 PM, horbin said:

Can someone explain to me what they mean by 'static spawn'?


I sort of feeling the mod does this right now, unless I am totally misunderstanding what some folks are looking for.





  Thanks for the code. This is what I am using right now. along with:


   _vehObj call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle;

   _vehObj call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;  


I am still having an issue getting mission vehicles to persist through resets...but with the above 2 lines they become sellable to merchants.

Kinda weird that you have two more lines of code but yours don't sell....

Don't have that problem with the code I posted for spawning in a vehicle at missions and/or crafting one.

I will look into it more today when im moving my sem missions into FuMS.

Thanks for the scatter fix.

Thanks for the updates and support!

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  On 5/2/2015 at 10:26 PM, chrisa said:

Guys i get a kick #0.

But i dont seem to find any errors in the log, only whats in the link (screenshot)

Can someone help me?


Many thnx!



Looks like 2 players occupying the same group slot (left window) on connecting. Reconnecting should sort that out, and absolutely nothing to do with FuMS

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I cant edit it :/ i have copy the LootData.sqf into the SEM folder and edit this:

into the LootDate.sqf

// Loot Option title, and box to be used.  Use of array names is permitted. 
  ["BuildingBox", "Random"],
  [      // All weapons and quantity 
      [Rifle_ALL, 2]
  [// All magazines and quantity
         [Ammo_ALL, 7]
  [// All items and quantity
      	[Food_ALL, 7]
  [//Test Buildings
         [Building_ALL, 10] 
 ],//**********End of loot**********************
this into the SEM/VanCrash:

[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["BuildingBox" , [-5,0] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [0,0] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure
and this in the BaseLoot.sqf:

BuildingKits = ["KitStudWall","KitWoodFloor","KitWoodStairs","KitWoodRamp","KitFirePlace","KitTiPi","KitShelf","KitFoundation",
BuildingComponents = ["CinderBlocks","MortarBucket","ItemScraps","ItemCorrugated","ItemCorrugatedLg","PartPlankPack","WoodLog_EPOCH"];
CraftingTools = ["ChainSaw","ItemCoolerE","VehicleRepairLg","Hatchet","MultiGun","MeleeSledge"];
CraftingComponents = ["CircuitParts","VehicleRepair","ItemMixOil","emptyjar_epoch","jerrycan_epoch","EnergyPack","EnergyPackLg","Heal_EPOCH",
Building_ALL = BuildingKits+BuildingComponents+CraftingComponents;

but now, the mission spawn and the mission finish the mission diapeart and no Lootbox is spawned

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By default all the FuMS's themes use the GlobalLootData file located in the base directory of the Themes folder. (see the ThemeData.sqf for the theme near the top)


I recommend you just place your loot definition into the GlobalLootData.sqf.


If you check your HC's rpt, you will probably see an error telling you that "BuildingBox" loot definition is not found in GlobalLootData.

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  I recommend you launch it from a command line/xterm window until you know you have it connecting ok.


When you see it connecting to your server, and the server does not kick it, I would then go to setting up a separate batch file for the HC.


The HC is just like a player, so once it is running, it will automatically reconnect to the server when the server is restarted.  Most folks set up their scripts to simply shutdown/restart the HC with the server. (There have been reports of the HC eventually crashing if you go long periods without rebooting it).

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Since the update to 1.5f I've noticed that the AI with RPG's drop them and ammo 100% of the time.


Is there a way to clean them up immediately after the RPG carrying AI are killed?


Also having issues that the AI aren't clearing up from a mission failure/no attempt.



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Yes read the change log for exact locations of where to edit that!

Horbin is one of the best when it comes to documentation and so many comments that most of you don't know what to do!!!! Even ME at times, but my reference first is all his internal support files starting with the changelog.

Good luck

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