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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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There is an 'exclusions' section that can be added to the BaseServer.sqf.  This would be tedious for an admin to update as folks build bases.......


If you know the classname for the 'in place'  radar jammer, I will add code to not spawn within 'x' distance of any jammer. I have been meaning to get to this, but have not had time to confirm the 'classname' of the in-place jammer....and I keep getting distracted by other pretty lights ;)




wrt to random spawning, FuMS follows the following logic:

1) If the mission has a specified location, it spawns there.. ["TestMission01",[12345,63456]] (as defined in the ThemeData.sqf)

2) If there are 'locations' defined in the location section of the ThemeData.sqf, one of these is selected at random. (This is typically where you can set your own list of specific random points)

3) If there are no points in the locations section, FuMS uses the generic BiS_findsafePos function.  It takes its paramaters for this from the BaseServer.sqf.


logic added would only impact the 3rd option....if someone builds a base where stuff is 'known' to spawn (ie 1 and 2)....well either they deal with their new neighbors or move? :)

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Jammer placed classname is "PlotPole_EPOCH".  I agree that you don't want to be too accommodating or make things too easy.  But being at your base, feeling (somewhat) safe, moving around items and then to all the sudden be startled by nearly a dozen AI....now THAT would be a ship my pants moment.  lol!


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If i dont use a HC Setup and a normal one like most people ist it possible to use this on any way without a HC Setup?


If yes can anyone point me a Install Tutorial for this Release.......


In Install file there is nothing about if you dont run HC



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Server side FuMS will be available in the next update. FuMS will treat the server just like another HC with respect to functionality.


On vacation next week, so probably will not see that until April.


Also with the next update expect the following:

  CrazedClones - AI logic that makes ai behave in a mindless manner, upon seeing players they will pursue and attack them with their hands.  These AI will also be hated by normal AI so expect firefights!

  PlotPole Awareness - missions will be aware and respect configurable options around plot poles. To include - not spawning hostile missions near them, AND permitting spawning of patrols that are friendly to the owner of the plot pole.(in testing)

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  On 3/17/2015 at 1:53 PM, SpiRe said:

you have to add your PUID in serverside addon settings file. It will be scroll option then

Can you please elaborate on that a little SpiRe? Not being a server O/S guru, I struggle with window's services (especially with Firedaemon).
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  I the 'Themes' folder there is an AdminData.sqf.  Put  the PUID's (steam ID's) for your admins there. They will all be granted access to the Addaction.


WARNING:  Make sure these same folks have normal access under your other admin tools.  Just giving them access here may result in an 'addaction' ban by your anti-hack tools.

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   try this code.  When a 'random' location is generated, a search is made within 200m of the position. If any plot poles are found, a search is then done within 200m of the plot pole. If players are found, it is assumed they are either at their base...or raiding a base, so another attempt is made to find a good location for the encounter. If after 15 attempts a good spot can't be found, well, it is just going to be someone's bad day...but a log entry is made about it!


  Not sure of a 'good' way to test this, on my test server, all alone... so it is untested =), but the logic looks good.


in \FuMS\HC\MsnCtrl\ControlLoop.sqf

at line 211: remove:

             _pos = [FuMS_MapCenter, _minRange, FuMS_MapRange, _minRange, _waterMode, _terrainGradient, 
                    _shoreMode, FuMS_BlackList, FuMS_Defaultpos] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;               

and replace with:

 private ["_attempts","_folksHome","_playerList","_plotPoleList"];
                _attempts = 15;
                _playerList = [];
                _plotPoleList = [];
                while {_attempts > 0} do
                    _pos = [FuMS_MapCenter, _minRange, FuMS_MapRange, _minRange, _waterMode, _terrainGradient, 
                    _shoreMode, FuMS_BlackList, FuMS_Defaultpos] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;                
                    _plotPoleList = nearestObjects [_pos, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], 200];
                    if (count _plotPoleList != 0 ) then // find a plot pole, check for players at home or base raiding.
                        _folksHome = false;
                            _playerList = _x nearEntities ["Man",200];
                            if (count _playerList > 0) exitwith {_folksHome = true;}; // plot pole, with players home!
                        }foreach _plotPoleList;
                        if (!_folksHome) then {_attempts=-1;};//no one home at any of the plot poles, position is good!
                    else {_attempts=-1;}; // no plot poles, so position is good.                
                if (_attempts == 0) then
                    diag_log format ["##ControlLoop: Unable to find good position for %1/%2, spawning near players: %3!!", _missionTheme, _activeMission, _playerList];
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  On 3/17/2015 at 6:53 PM, horbin said:


  I the 'Themes' folder there is an AdminData.sqf.  Put  the PUID's (steam ID's) for your admins there. They will all be granted access to the Addaction.


WARNING:  Make sure these same folks have normal access under your other admin tools.  Just giving them access here may result in an 'addaction' ban by your anti-hack tools.

Thanks, horbin. I knew that. Somehow I didn't see the post just after Darth_Rogues. I thought SpiRe was responding to Darth's firedameon comment and referring to the Windows Process Id (PID).

Sorry for the confusion...

(I like how your code to Darth_Rogue checks to see if anyone's 'home'. Interesting take.)

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  On 3/18/2015 at 3:10 AM, Floyd said:

Thanks, horbin. I knew that. Somehow I didn't see the post just after Darth_Rogues. I thought SpiRe was responding to Darth's firedameon comment and referring to the Windows Process Id (PID).

Sorry for the confusion...

(I like how your code to Darth_Rogue checks to see if anyone's 'home'. Interesting take.)

The ID Darth is talking about is your Steam64id http://steamid.co/

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Horbin, since you have such a good grasp on AI I would like to make a request/suggestion.


Something I wanted to start working on but have many limitations in knowledge n is this...


A script where player goes to his jammer, and has an option to 




Then an AI guard spawns and patrols the Jammers area. (would cost Krypto and only last X amount of time, or until restart.


I was thinking about setting a variable on the player so the AI wont shoot him but will shoot everyone else,

including sappers and AI that might spawn nearby and spill into your area (as well as other players)


The problem is keeping variable after logging our or server restart....


Sound like something you might be able to write into FUMS?

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v1.5 preview: Should post tomorrow evening:  The big one being ServerSide FuMS support for those w/o Headless Client capability.


+CrazedClone AI Logic added
 based upon Gulozwood scripting.
 +MadScience Theme
  At server start 9 random towns are chosen as infected zones.
  When a player gets near the center of an infected town, the crazed clones materialize. crazed clones WILL attack AI too.
  +SafeBase Code added
  When an encounter is created at a random location, FuMS now checks for plot poles within 200m of the location. If any are found
  FuMS then searches for players within 200m of each plot pole. If players are found, a new position is generated. If after
  15 attempts a good position can not be found, the mission will spawn ignoring these plot pole, player checks.
 +AI controlled vehicle ammo now follows AI's unlimitedAmmo flag defined in GlobalSoldierData.sqf
 +BaseServer Option:
     Added option in Loot section to zero out vehicle ammo the 1st time players occupy/capture an AI controlled vehicle.
 +ServerSide FuMS enabled!
 Due to the large potential load that FuMS can place on a server, some of the themes packaged with FuMS have been set to HC only. The 
 following themes will spawn as part of the default config. If additional themes are desired the BaseServer.sqf will need to be modified
 by an admin:
      SEM, Small, Aquatic, MadScience - default to run on Server AND HC's
 HeloPatrols, TownRaid, Test - default to run on 1st HC's only
Note: ServerSide FuMS support is ENABLED by default. To turn OFF Serverside FuMS change line 14 of \FuMS\init.sqf to:
   FuMS_ServerFuMSEnable = false;
      OR ensure no theme is configured to run on the server (no values of -1 or 0 in BaseServer.sqf). 
 Default to ENABLED was set to support a larger range of players.
Note: For initial testing map notification for the MadScience theme is on, to allow admins to see how things will look, and to locate towns 
to do their own testing. It is recommended that when you move to a live server to set line 14 of \FuMS\Themes\MadScience\SpawnTrigger.sqf
to false to hide the 'infected' towns from players. This theme spawns in 9 random towns, so running it on both the server and the HC will make for a good party.
Note: Themes set with a -1 value in BaseServer.sqf will run on BOTH the server and all HC's that connect to the server. This will result
in dramatic scaling of the number of missions running. As an example, the Aquatic theme spawns 3 water encounters and maintains 3 up at all times.
This theme is configured to run on both the Server and HC's, so when an HC conncect, another 3 (total 6) aquatic encounters will be maintained.
If/when the HC disconnects, FuMS will reduce the number of aquatic missions back down to 3.
  Basically, themes with -1 set will run in duplicate, once on the server, once on the HC. (see BaseServer.sqf)
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