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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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I'm trying to create a convoy which travels through Altis but the vehicles spawn in at high altitude and fall to the floor and kill all the ai. Any idea where I'm going wrong?


// Horbin
// 2/14/15
// Be cautious when editing data.

// NOTE: For all Offset values, if three dimensions are used, the point will be treated as an absolute point on the game map.
// Ex: [15,20] is an offset 15m east, 20m north of the encounter center
// Ex: [12100,11000,0] is a specific point on the map.
// absolute 3d locations can be subsituted for any offset within this file!

_initData =
//-----Mission Area Setup-----
    "LandPatrol1",  // Mission Title NOSPACES!
    200                // encounter radius
//-----Notification Configuration-----
//--Map Marker Config.
    "",  // Name, set to "" for nothing
     "mil_dot", // icon type:                                     https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers for other options.
                     // mil_triangle, mil_objective, mil_box, group1, loc_Power, etc.
     "ELLIPSE", // "RECTANGLE". do not use "ICON", two markers are used in making each mission indicator.
     "ColorRed",//                                                  https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor
     "FDiagonal",// Cross, Vertical, Horizontal, etc      https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerBrush 
       200           // size of the marker.    
    // NOTIFICATION Messages and Map display Control.
	true,    // Notify players via Radio Message
    "ALL",   // radio channel. "ALL" = no radio required.
    0,         //range from encounter center AI radio's can be heard (0=unlimited.)
    false,  // Notify players via global message - hint screen on right of game display -
    false,   // Show encounter area on the map
    30,      // Win delay: Time in seconds after a WIN before mission cleanup is performed
    10       // Lose delay: Time in seconds after a lose before mission cleanup is performed
//NOTE: the above delay must finish before the mission is considered 'complete' by the mission manager control loop.
// These two delays will also affect how much time will elapse from mission completion until living AI cleanup.
   // Mission spawn message, DO NOT Remove these! They can be edited down to "" if desired.
     "CORE Directive",  // title line
     "Defense Alert!", 
     "High Command has dispatched a ground patrol to the airfield" //description/radio message.
    // Mission Success Message
    "Mission Success",  // title line
     "Notifying High Command that the patrol has been destroyed!"
   // Mission Failure Message
    "Mission Failure!",
    "Reconnaissance complete. All forces are to RTB."
//-----Loot Configuration-----    
// Refer to LootData.sqf for available loot types and contents.
   //Array of loot now supported using above syntax.
   // replace "Random" with your desired loot option from LootData.sqf, or leave random for random results!
   // AND don't forget you can use these loot options to fill vehicles with loot too!(see vehicle section below)
    "None" ,        // WIN Loot
    [0,0]                // Offset from mission center x,y, 3 coords [x,y,z] places loot at a specific map location!  
    "None" ,            // Lose Loot.
     [0,0]                // Offset from mission center.
//-----Building Configuration-----       
//BUILDINGS: persist = 0: building deleted at event completion, 1= building remains until server reset.

//-----Group Configuration-----  see Convoy section for AI in vehicles! 
//--- See SoldierData.sqf for AI type options.
//-----LAND Vehicle Configuration----- 

// Triggers and Event control.
//  There are 3 general states for a mission. Win, Lose, or Phase Change.
// In order to establish a WIN or LOSE, all Trigger specified below must be met within their specified state.
// Same evaluation is done with checking for Phase changes. 
// Phase Change Detail:
//	When a 'phase change occurs the appropriate additional mission will be launched.
//  Win/Lose logic for this encounter will suspend when phase change is launched. 
//  If triggers in this mission are still desired, uncomment the "NO TRIGGERS" comment IN THE MISSION being launched by this mission"
// See the Triggers.txt file under Docs!
[ // NOTE: side RESISTANCE for groups == side GUER for Triggers.
    [    //WIN Triggers and Controls
       ["BodyCount", 9] // when at least 10 AI are killed by players
	   // Note Reinforce trigger will not impact win/loss logic.
    [    //LOSE Triggers and Controls
    [    //Phase01 Triggers and Controls

    [    //Phase02 Triggers and Controls
    [    //Phase03 Triggers and Controls
    [    // NO TRIGGERS: Uncomment the line below to simply have this mission execute. Mission triggers from a mission that


// Phased Missions.
// Chaining of missions is unlimited.
// Above triggers will 'suspend' when below phase starts. Phase launched will use its own triggers as specified in its mission script.
// If it is desired to continue to use the above Triggers instead of the 'launched mission's' triggers do the following:
//   uncomment the "NO TRIGGERS' line from the mission being launched.
// The file needs to be located in the same folder as this mission launching them.

 [  // Division #1
   [         // Vehicle                                 Offset     Crew (only 1 type!)   CargoLoot (see Loot section below for more detail!)
     [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[0,0],[2,"Rifleman"],        "Truck01"      ], 
     [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[22,6],[2,"Rifleman"],     "Truck01"      ], 
	 [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[44,10],[2,"Rifleman"],     "Truck01"      ], 
     [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[64,14],[2,"Rifleman"],     "Truck01"  ] 
    // Pilots                                                          # and type  |         Patrol     |    spawn   | dest  | 'Patrol' options   
       [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [4, "Driver"]  ],   ["PatrolRoute",[0,20],[0,0],["COMBAT","NORMAL",["Cap Strigla","Molos", "Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Telos","Gravia","Athira","Syrta","Kore","Kavala"],true,true,false,0   ]]]
     // Troops : These are distributed across all vehicles in the division. These lines are identical to the lines in the group section.
     //  Troop behaviour and side options                    # and type of Troops     Patrol logic |  spawn     |dest |'Patrol' options
    [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[6,"Rifleman"]],["PatrolRoute",[0,10],[0,0],["COMBAT","NORMAL",["Cap Strigla","Molos", "Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Telos","Gravia","Athira","Syrta","Kore","Kavala"],true,true,false,0   ]]]
//******* Do not change this!                                       **********************************
MissionData = _initData;
HCHAL_ID publicVariableClient "MissionData";
// Horbin
// 1/10/15
// Inputs: Theme index into which to store this data.
// Outputs: none
 //  Options , Mission List, Points List
_themeData =
    [  // *******Options*********
        "HeloPatrol", // Needs to match the folder name!
        2,  //Mission Selection: 1=Random, 2=In order, 3=Random:once only until all missions run
             // 4=Static: All missions in 'Mission List' will be created at server start!
        60, // Respawn delay in seconds
		true, // Use global loot data
		true // Use global soldier data
    [  //***** Mission List *****
    // List of Missions. Value of '0' indicates random location ##NOT [0] ###, otherwise location indicated used for the encounter.
        // The below missions MUST be in the same folder as this file! 
		//["TestMission01",[10700,12200] ] // spawn at the specific location. If '0' take from locations below!
    //    ["BikeGang"],  // will spawn at any of the locations defined below!
	      //["TestMission01","Charkia"] // mission will only spawn in the town of Charkia
         // ["CloneArmy",[8440, 25120]]
		 ["LandPatrol1",[28070, 25575, 0]]
		 //["HeloPatrolNorth",[02500,21000]], // patrol will spawn near Oreokastro before starting patrol.
		 //["HeloPatrolEast",[27000,23900]],   // can change these city names to specific map locs or other city names
		 //["HeloPatrolSouth",[21000,06000]],// if it is desired for helos to, say come from 1 specific location.
    [   //***** Locations *****
	    //Location format ["keyword"] or [x,y,"optional name"]
		//  Where the 'optional name' is found, it will be used in place of the MissionName defined in the mission file.
		// Urban locations will always use their location instead of the mission name.
        // List of Encounter locations to be used if Global random locations are not desired
		// If keywords "Villages", "Cities", "Capitals" found as entries, the appropriate
		//  locations from the mission map will be added to the list.
		// Specific cities can also be included, if not all of a type are desired:
		// Ex: ["Charkia"], ["Neochori"]
		//["Villages"],["Cities"],["Capitals"];  //Encounter will only spawn in urban areas!
		//Encounter will spawn in all urban areas as well the other points provided.
         // Note these points are NOT offsets, but points specific to ALTIS !!
	[ //***** Radio Chatter *****
		[ // AI Radio Chatter configuration
             "ALL", // radio channel used by AI - "ALL"= messages heard w/o radio (other options 0-9)
    //0=Quartz, 1=Garnet, 2=Citrine, 3=Amethyst, 4=Topaz, 5=Sapphire, 6=Onyx, 7=Emerald, 8=Ruby, 9=Jade
			false, // silent Check-in =true: AI squads will NOT check-in with BaseOps when they spawn.
			true, // AI death messages enabled.
			1500, // Radio Range (for AI. BaseOps's high power radio has unlimited range)
			"AVALANCHE",    // AI callsign, groups will be numbered..ie Bear01, Bear02
			"HUMMER" // BaseOps call sign
		//**Do not remove or change order of these items. 
		// The 'chat text' can be changed to meet your theme's needs.
		// For the 'chat text', < and > are reserved characters. DO NOT use them for anything but
		//  for identifying one of the keywords!
		// Keywords: <DIST>, <DIR>, <MSNNAME>, <POS>, <#ALIVE>, <#DEAD>, <STATUS>
		[  // AI to Base Chatter 
			["CheckIn", "On station."],
			["Position", "Currently at <POS>."],
			["Detected", "Clones detected."],
			["Less50", ""],//<--this message initiates a call for reinforcements.
			["SitRep", "On station. <#ALIVE> souls, <#DEAD> dead. <STATUS>."],//<--this is the response to Base's '99' call.
			["Done", "Roger Out."],
			["Death", ""],
			["DetHostileAI", "Human Mercenaries have been spotted in the area."]
		[   // Base to AI chatter
			["CheckIn", "Base copies all."],
			["Position", "Say your current position."],
			["Detected", "Roger. Weapons Free. All clones hostile."],
			["Less50", ""],
			["SitRep", "99 pass SITREP."], //<-- This is broadcast every 30 minutes.  All groups will respond.
			["HELP", "Support is on its way!"],
			["Death", ""], 
			["DetHostileAI", "Roger. Weapons Free, Capture as many as you can."]
FuMS_THEMEDATA set [_this select 0, _themeData];
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   try removing the '0' fly in height.  


"Kore","Kavala"],true,true,false,0 ]]]  --> "Kore","Kavala"],true,true,false ]]]



current code is setting a flyinheight if that value is defined. Going make this a little more 'compatible' next update.

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I have not tested it yet, but spawn a helo, place 5-6 crewman in it, they 'should' fire.  I have seen this work out of the Offroad trucks.


[  "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_EPOCH"           ,[0,100],[6,"LMG"],     "None"      ]


AI on this line ONLY go into non-cargo locations. If you still need to fill the helo, place in more guys in the 'troops' section.






Interesting effect of having the troops in there, if the helo is 'downed' the 'troop' AI will proceed to the encounter center and start patrolling too! While the crew and will continue to follow the 'pathing' of the helo pilots.  This same mechanism works with the 'CONVOY' logic, so that after the helos land and drop off the troops, the troops begin their own separate patrol.  


In short, pack it full...they should shoot....Just make sure they have weapons that are permitted (ie I know LMG's work in the offroad, but I think some sniper rifles can't be used from the tailgate!)

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I'll check the cleanup on the PatrolRoute routine.  I think what is happening is the driver (the group leader) is deleting his vehicle, then himself, and the crew falls to their death.


Check the /Docs/AI_Logic.txt on the github if despawning wasn't your intention.


I'll correct the crew splat issue.

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See git hub https://github.com/horbin/FuMS-Release v1.3 is out.


Big items:

Admin control of Themes and missions from in game. Currently support turning on/off themes, and termination of currently running missions. More functionality to come.


Also, this update adds an Aquatic theme. This theme will work, "out of the box" all maps, but utilizing the map's defined 'Marine' locations.


Other MAJOR change to expect!

I have figured out a method to reduce the client side mission file, so expect 90% of the current 'HC only code' to get moved to the serverside PBO. Future versions will take advantage of bandwidth between server and HC to initialize the HC, further reducing load on the server upstream data while NOT impacting FPS!


Summary of updates on the git hub, and posted here for the curious....

+Headless Client Installation!
Install instructions now include basic instructions for setting up your Headless Client
+VCOM_Driving V1.01 - Genesis92x
Added to AI. See BaseServer.sqf for disabling it. 
+Stand alone vehicles:
In addition to adding vehicles in the 'convoy' section of a mission. Vehicles can now also be added in the 'buildings'
section. Vehicles placed in the 'buildings' section have additional flags to adjust their fuel, ammo, and damaged condition.
+AI only vehicles:
See BaseServer.sqf for details (near bottom): Admins can now add AI only vehicles. Players attempting to access vehicles on this list
will receive a 'curious' message and be removed from the vehicle.
+Admin Controls for Missions!
See \Docs\AdminControls.txt for specifics.  This version allows admins to directly control the launching of missions through
control of a theme's mission control loop. More options to come.
--known bug: sometimes the addaction menu will disappear. Re-logging returns it. Not sure what is the cause..Please post a solution 
if you know of one!
+Marine Locations:
"Marine" is now available as a location. Similar to "Villages", "Cities", and "Capitals", this new location will automatically
add all 'marine locations' on your map to a list for use in encounter location randomization.
See the new Aquatic theme for example of usage!
-Optimized vehicle spawning, improving reliability of helo patrol and paradrop AI_Logic.
-Modified HC's heartbeat to occur once per second instead of once every two seconds to eliminate false HC disconnects 
being detected by some servers.
* Moved configurable items out of SoldierData.sqf and BaseLootData.sqf and moved them to the more
appropriate location of BaseServer.sqf. READ the new BaseServer.sqf!
* Upon mission completion, AI engaged with players will remain until no longer engaged, effectively suspending cleanup
for those AI and their vehicles. After a mission completes, any AI that was engaged will remain in play until it
goes for 3 minutes without encountering players. AI Vehicles in this situation will remain for 3 minutes after
the driver dies to provide an opportunity for players to 'get into' and claim those vehicles.
Under normal circumstances, AI not engaged with players, and the AI's vehicles will be removed at mission completion.
***  Admins, Theme folder files requiring update:
** BaseServer.sqf
+Soldier Defaults section
+Loot Defaults section
+Map Definition: Admin controls enable flag
**   All ThemeData.sqf's  -->see \Test\ThemeData.sqf for template.
+Options section: ThemeAutoStart flag
+AI to Base section: added 8th chat interaction
+Base to AI section: added 8th chat interaction
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"+Admin Controls for Missions!

See \Docs\AdminControls.txt for specifics.  This version allows admins to directly control the launching of missions through
control of a theme's mission control loop. More options to come.
--known bug: sometimes the addaction menu will disappear. Re-logging returns it. Not sure what is the cause..Please post a solution 
if you know of one!"
Maybe I can help you with this, I am somewhat of an addaction guru now.  :P  I will read through your stuff later...
Have you considered making a dialog for the admin menu? And making it open by clicking a button?
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Try moving your addaction script from being launched during the init.sqf phase to the onPlayerRespawn.sqf phase. 


Player can often miss some code being lauched during init phase when its a fresh start or if they are first person on server after restart...


Checkout my code for my earplugs script... 




Add this to your addaction line...


player addaction [("<t color="#1376e5"">" + ("FuMS Admin") +"</t>"),"HC\Menus\AdminMenu.sqf","",5,false,true,"","[] call REQUIREMENT_FUNCTION];    




//code in here needs to be true  for addaction to be added to player.

private [_trigger];


_trigger = alive player;


//whatever "_trigger" equals, has to be true for the addaction to be on player"




Reminder : player addaction ... results in autoban from EPAH if player is not an admin in the EPAH list.

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Hey, I have a quirk going on... every so often, after a restart, the the mission system will not start up and I have to do a restart to get it to kick in... any ideas?


EDIT: I am also having a slight issue with the admin menu, it says Helo Patrols are OFF but I have them set to on in the baseserver.sqf...

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Hello, I have a little problem, maybe you guys know the solution, searched for 2hs now.

My HC just don't want to connect if I launch it on my dedibox. If I launch it on my own machine it connects (and gets kicked because I didn't add my IP). But on the Dedibox it just don't want to connect. The console only says "Dedicated Client Created...". Rpt of the HC is spamming: "Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script".

The weird thing is, that I had running one earlier and it worked fine, used it with FuMS 1.1.

startparameters :

HCserver.exe -client -connect= -port=4444 -mod=@Epoch 

I already tried:

  • added BattleyeLicense=1; in the Client Profile
  • added HeadlessClients and LocalClients in the Server.cfg.
  • used the Public IP of my Server
  • used the Server Profiles
  • about 10 other smaller fixes that came up in google.
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