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#SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test


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is there any way of changing the way they show on the map? I.E a circle round the area of effect? instead of a X


hey badger, look for this in the init.sqf

	_marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos];
	_marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos;
	_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy";  
	_marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName];  
	_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
	_marker setMarkerDirLocal -37;
	_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8];

hd_destroy the marker type. Play around in the editor to see others :) check the wiki for more. 




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is there any way of changing the way they show on the map? I.E a circle round the area of effect? instead of a X

Couldn't help myself - this is something I have done for player markers on some servers.


It creates a marker with an offset so the middle of the marker is not the desiredplace to attack. 

it means people have to search for the objectvie instead of being lead there.


_offsetX = ((random 300)+(random -300));

_offsetY = ((random 300)+(random -300));
_pos = [(_markerpos select 0) + _offsetX, (_makerpos select 1) + _offsetY, 0];  
_mkr = createmarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _pos];
_mkr setmarkershapeLocal "Ellipse";
_mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [500,500];
_mkr setMarkerBrushLocal "Border";
_mkr setmarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";

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hey badger, look for this in the init.sqf

	_marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos];
	_marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos;
	_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy";  
	_marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName];  
	_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
	_marker setMarkerDirLocal -37;
	_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8];

hd_destroy the marker type. Play around in the editor to see others :) check the wiki for more. 




Thanks for the info on that Kilo.


That was one of the first things i did when you started this thread.


Tons of markers to use people!

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I tried this mission system out on my test server and was disappointed. I was 600m out, hadn't fired a single shot and was behind trees but somehow the AI spotted me and killed me. Way too overpowered when you are in front of them. When I teleported myself a hundred meters or so behind them, I shot them all without them flinching. They were shot once and remained where they were as I took my time killing them. None of the other AI even turned to look at the direction that the shots came from. So, as long as they aren't facing you, you won't be killed by them and you are free to kill them as long as you are behind them.

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I tried this mission system out on my test server and was disappointed. I was 600m out, hadn't fired a single shot and was behind trees but somehow the AI spotted me and killed me. Way too overpowered when you are in front of them. When I teleported myself a hundred meters or so behind them, I shot them all without them flinching. They were shot once and remained where they were as I took my time killing them. None of the other AI even turned to look at the direction that the shots came from. So, as long as they aren't facing you, you won't be killed by them and you are free to kill them as long as you are behind them.

Simple Learn to use Sniper Rifles at a greater distance like 1000m or so

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I don't know if this is what you meant by "static ai missions" but the ai dont move. they just sit in the same spot when shot at or when shooting and they dont move at all. is it just me or is it meant to be that way?

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The AI being static is due to an Arma bug where the setOwner command breaks AI simulations, which means they can't move.  In this case, if you allow the AI to move, they will be cleaned up by the server because they have no owner set.  If you set the owner so they don't get cleaned up by the server, then the AI are static.  Vampire managed to overcome this somehow though, so it must be possible.  Not taking anything away from Kilo though.  My server loves this mission pack.  But having the AI move around would make it more fun for sure.  :)

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The AI being static is due to an Arma bug where the setOwner command breaks AI simulations, which means they can't move.  In this case, if you allow the AI to move, they will be cleaned up by the server because they have no owner set.  If you set the owner so they don't get cleaned up by the server, then the AI are static.  Vampire managed to overcome this somehow though, so it must be possible.  


I have my AI running on the server, but excluded from cleanup. I rather have them switching owner, but I can't do that unless setOwner gets fixed (which Skaro says has been broke since OFP).

Running them on the server also means that any update from Epoch could break all the previous versions of VEMF until I post a hotfix for the current version.


I don't think KiloSwiss is switching owner or else the AI would not move AT ALL. Most likely the AI just don't know about the player at that distance.

VEMF AI (current version) spawned in the open would patrol in a circle at that distance and then react to the player when one of the AI were killed.

When you kill an AI, your position is revealed to the rest of the AI in the group the unit was a member of, and the AI move towards your position if you are within a close distance.

In the future VEMF AI will respond better to more situations.

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About SEM AI behaviour:

At the moment the AI is disabled when the mission spawns and gets activatet when either one of the AI units takes damage (from a sniper) or a player is within 500m around the objective.

The AI locality is then moved to the nearest client via setOwner which breaks movement completely, then the client runs a script which checks for players in a radius of 1.2km and the AI then reacts (or should react), as soon as they have a clear line of sight.

The usage of setOwner was originally implemented, because clients did not take damage from serverside hostet AI.

Will it stay like this or will this eventually be changed?

Read the latest changelog and You will find a hint ;)

Greez KiloSwiss

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Kudos to both of you , Our Group is very impressed/happy , running both systems on our server . BTW Kilo , where is your donations link ? We don't mind buying the odd pizza ! Already a Patron of Vampire.



                                                        nvm , found them : $ £ , :)

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It looks like a lot of the NPC spawn in the ground, can just see their heads sticking up from the ground. Is this a comon problem or just on my server

Happens on mine as well, it's when they take cover you just see the heads sticking up.

Fine when they stand up though.

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AI sinking into ground is a ArmA mechanic to simulate far away targets being covered by grass that is not rendered at such high distances.

This was implemented to keep online gameplay fair so players with a slow PC and low details do not gain a advantage over others.

I hope You understand.

Greez KiloSwiss

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Nice work Kilo!

We enjoy your missions along with Vampires.

I am wondering if you would consider making half the AI spawn when the mission starts. Have them idle as they do now.

But when they catch a thread the other half spawn and do not idle,but rather come look for the player? If that player dies they go after whoever else is near.

This gives you the site defenders who stay put at the site. Plus a patrol that seeks and destroys.

Things will get wild!

Just a thought.

Thanks again for your work!

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The AI will do movement (including flanking maneuvers) in the next big update, but this week I have not a single minute to work on it.


A BattlEye kick is not an error but results in wrong filters/exceptions, which is a sign of a bad configuration, made by the Admin himself.

You have to follow the installation instructions step by step.

Greez KiloSwiss

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Mission system is not working on Chernarus server. battleye filter problem.

SetDamage Restriction #0
15.01.2015 19:08:01: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
15.01.2015 19:14:22: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
15.01.2015 19:30:34: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
15.01.2015 19:34:48: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820

Yes, these Missions are the only mod which is installed, Haven`t had any problems before that.

Also These Missions are working on Altis Map , problem with filters starts only in Chernarus.

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Works flawless on Chernarus on my test server, running vanilla EPOCH and SEM.

You can also do a little test:

Remove the setDamage part from the init.sqf

It did not help me with the setDamage restriction kick and in the end I had to do a DB wipe, it also seems that this issue only affects servers that got updatet from a previous version to without clearing the DB.

This information is all written in previous posts in this thread.

Greez KiloSwiss

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You really think that I did not read previous replies?

Before I write my problem, I`ll always try to go through all search...



  • I haven`t moved from old version. I made server when it already had v.
  • I have setup a fresh new DB anyways...
  • When my server was on Altis MAP, ur mission was working


Okey, I`ll try to remove the lines and see what is happens.

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You really think that I did not read previous replies?

Before I write my problem, I`ll always try to go through all search...



  • I haven`t moved from old version. I made server when it already had v.
  • I have setup a fresh new DB anyways...
  • When my server was on Altis MAP, ur mission was working


Okey, I`ll try to remove the lines and see what is happens.



To be clear I have the mission system running on my Chern server without issue.


@KiloSwiss: Great work!

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