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#SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test


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Work good now, but they are so stupid and easy, they dont walk, dont do anything.

Here is some video, how its look like.






they can´t actually move arround because of a bug in Arma3 ( http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21800). 

For me they shoot back when i am in range of 500m. But it´s easy to go with a M107 and kill  them from > 1km.

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hast du auch ein script wo die missi gelöscht wird ( z.b Wreck Flugzeug und der bunker?


do you have a script where will be deleted missi (eg Wreck aircraft and the bunker?




unpack sem.pbo


initMissions.sqf edit line 10


Beispiel: _missionCleanup = 30; // Minutes after a mission finished where all mission objects (including AI) will be deleted (0 or -1 equals never).


repack sem folder


mission stuff gets deleted after 30 mins.


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v0.7.1 tested and running without problems, thanks. 


Got one idea while i was going through the code, probably you wanna add this ? 


I came across the BIS_fnc_ANN function that could be used (http://www.kylania.com/ex/?tag=bis_fnc_aan) for announcing missions (looks cooler then the "hint" field) and doesn´t require to define any display stuff.


Here´s a working example:


in the server mission file (example bCamp.sqf)

SEM_globalNews = ["A bandit camp has been discovered!","You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!"];
publicVariable "SEM_globalNews";

init.sqf (Mission)

"SEM_globalNews" addPublicVariableEventHandler { 
	[parseText format ["%1",(_this select 1) select 0], parseText format ["                              %1", (_this select 1) select 1]] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;
	[30] execVM "scripts\newsEnd.sqf";  //Argument is the timeout for the news overlay


_timeout = _this select 0;
_i = 0;
while {true} do {
	_i = _i +1;
	if (_i==_timeout) exitWith {
		(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_AAN") closedisplay 1;
	sleep 1;

Requires to add !="AAN" to be added in Battleye scripts.txt line 1








The news banner triggers correctly but it stays there indefinitely and doesn't clear.

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Modifications and additions to this Mission file is fantastic.

I added all my static AI mission that broke with official files running great.


There are more wrecks and animations you can add to the missions.

You can find the additional wrecks by searching through the arma pbo's.


I have to admit with full servers every night and the missions running 1-2 minutes after the prior this has been kicking ass since 0.3!


Thanks Kilo for all your hard work both with this and other additions you have made for the community

It fixes the static AI damage as well eh? I removed those as well right after our servers went official, nice to know we have the option again. =p


Nice job with your altis server btw man. played on it the other day, DP has come a long way since back when we were running unofficial. =p sadly legion's altis had to come down for transfer and OVH has been screwing up pretty bad so who knows when it'll be back up. 

So im building up GG's A3 scene now. the woes of starting over. >.<



So anyone else see the mission system based on this one but just looks almost exactly like A2's DZMS ? It runs vehicle themed missions every 20 minutes or so with bonus missions like *snipers nest* and so forth popping up at the same time. I thought it was a new version of SEM at first, but im not sure who makes that one. It's pretty cool though. GFS servers have it running.

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It fixes the static AI damage as well eh? I removed those as well right after our servers went official, nice to know we have the option again. =p

No what I meant by that was I moved all my static AI missions into the Random AI mission setup.

Creating new missions and crate loot based off the examples he originally provided.

Hell at 0.3 was when I made them to replace the Home Depot/RedCross/Nato missions.


Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression on it.


Thanks for your kind words man.


Yeah its been a roller coaster. I ended up having some major O/S issues a month ago and had to wipe and reinstall it, it was the final fix to the issues but sucked I worked several doubles before I could get to fixing it.....



Well stop by late night sometime after I get outta work usually around 12-1am cst.

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Am going to place this live tonight...Kilo...Hats off to you m8. 1 Question...is the treasure hunt in the latest or do I still need to place it...and for all the questions regarding BE filters...Do they not read the whole thread thru before posting a BE error...SMDH I might not be a good scriptor but I can read and follow directions and I always read the entire post from beginning to end...I go in knowing what to expect...Rant over and tickled to get this in

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The news banner triggers correctly but it stays there indefinitely and doesn't clear.


did you put newsEnd.sqf in a folder called scripts into your Mission.pbo ? Or somewhere else and probably forgot to change the path ? 


Did you check the client rpt logfile for errors ?

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Bleh...was checking the wrong log file  :ph34r:

Error in expression <.Altis\scripts\newsEnd.sqf"
_timeout = _this select 0;>
 6:16:44   Error position: <,"_timeout");
_timeout = _this select 0;>
 6:16:44   Error Missing )
 6:16:44 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\newsEnd.sqf, line 1

My newsEnd.sqf is exactly as you have it here though.

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Bleh...was checking the wrong log file  :ph34r:

Error in expression <.Altis\scripts\newsEnd.sqf"
_timeout = _this select 0;>
 6:16:44   Error position: <,"_timeout");
_timeout = _this select 0;>
 6:16:44   Error Missing )
 6:16:44 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\newsEnd.sqf, line 1

My newsEnd.sqf is exactly as you have it here though.

sorry my fault. 


line one should be:



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I will not implement the AAN broadcast function for mission announcements.

Because running around in a post apocalyptic scenario, with nothing on other than Your underwear but receiving TV broadcasts at the same time is a bit odd.

But of course You are allowed to use this on Your server and share Your finds here in this thread, SEM is open for editing, sharing etc.



_timeout = _this select 0;
_start = time;
waitUntil{sleep 1; ((time - _start) >= _timeout)};
(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_AAN") closedisplay 1;

Greez KiloSwiss

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For the aan flash info add of the sem script where i must place that :
i know in the init mission but where 
"SEM_globalNews" addPublicVariableEventHandler { 
[parseText format ["%1",(_this select 1) select 0], parseText format ["                              %1", (_this select 1) select 1]] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;
[30] execVM "scripts\newsEnd.sqf";  //Argument is the timeout for the news overlay
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The news end.sqf belongs into the mission file (name.Island.pbo) but it's completele unneccessary.

Just use this in Your init.sqf

"SEM_globalNews" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	(_this select 1) spawn {	private["_start","_timeout"];
		[parseText format ["<t size='1'>NEW OBJECTIVE:</t><br/><t size='2'>%1</t>", _this select 0],
		parseText format ["                              %1", _this select 1]] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;
		_timeout = 30;
		_start = time;
		waitUntil{sleep 1; ((time - _start) >= _timeout)};
		(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_AAN") closedisplay 1;
Greez KiloSwiss
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