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Here's my Napf base! It's all built by me, using a hatchet!


It's still a work in progress, but is almost done so I thought I'd share some screenshots!
View of the roof
Stairs to the heliport:
View from where the heliport will be:
Future location of the heliport:
Inside the base:
Outside view:
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Unless the base was built by hand, in game, under threat of fire, with parts you earned or fought for it then should be stated as such. Frankly, while cool looking, they don't count.

Don't count as to what?  I think the underlying theme here is creativity.  Making something in the editor is way different than in-game, but it still requires a good deal of work and time.  Have you ever used the editor?  The thing can be a pain in the ass.  Try making a sky base, it's not easy at all. =P


I do know what you mean though, it can't be counted the same, and if someone is showing something they built in the editor, they should be stating it.  I don't build anything for personal use in the editor, that would be lame.

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au depart j'ai fait une maison de deux etages. elle avait de la gueule, j'etais content.
apres ca m'a gavé, j'en ai construit une 2 etages plus haute... ...tout autour.

ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte ca serait bien, j'en ai donc fait un. en bois, double hauteur.
apres j'ai voulu un helipad assez haut, j'etais content, il etait a 56 metres de haut.

ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte de 5 metres de haut en bois c'est bien mais pas costaud. j'y ai donc ajouté 19 portes de garage verrouillées en béton.
apres... bon c'est un peu parti en cacahuete dans ma tete.
j'ai continué a construire un truc de 4 ou 5 etages au sommet. la vue etait pas mal.
j'y ai ajouté 50 escaliers pour rigoler, ca m'a amené a 223 metres de haut, je surplombe tout petrovka.

apres une fois arrivé la-haut, en m'aidant du gps pour la hauteur depuis le niveau de la mer, j'ai constaté que j'etais un poil de cul de mouche au niveau de la montagne d'a coté. j'ai construit un petit atelier 2x1 en bois, et donc (logique) j'ai fait un pont pour y aller. 750 metres, le pont.
ensuite j'ai posé 2 escaliers, je posais le pied sur la montagne depuis ma base =)

j'ai tout fait solo, au debut a la hache, ensuite a la tronçonneuse quand j'en ai trouvé une. j'ai jamais eu d'aide, ni d'un joueur ni d'un admin (aucune caisse de matos ni rien), uniquement le farm et le craft. enfin si, y m'a filé une grosse citerne pour l'essence, et un puit pour l'eau. ca m'a pris... des mois pour la faire, genre 6 ou 7 mois. (faut dire que je bossais pas tous les jours dessus non plus!). c'est le serveur d'un pote russe. on etait bons potes, mais tout le modne s'est eparpillé au fil du temps, du coup le serveur est encore up, j'y ai encore ma base, mais il est vide. il est vide c'est bien et pas bien. bien parce que personne vient me defoncer ma base "pour rigoler" ou encore "pour le fun" ou encore "par jalousie" tout simplement. et c'est pas bien... ...bah oui si y a personne, comment je fais pour me la peter? :D c'est que j'en suis fier moi de ma petite basounette :D :D :D


j'ai fait deux petites video y a assez longtemps:

(base jump depuis ma base!!! :D)

(petite visite vite fait de ma base y a longtemps)
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  • 2 weeks later...

decided to build a pirate ship in DayZ Epoch



Whoa whoa whoa... have you moved that to a server? Anything I've ever put over water ends up all screwed up because it adjusts each piece according to the water directly below it, not by the sea level, and since the water is constantly waving and never in the same place, it causes everything to move when it loads in. Unless you know of a way to bypass that?
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Anything I've ever put over water ends up all screwed up because it adjusts each piece according to the water directly below it, not by the sea level, and since the water is constantly waving and never in the same place, it causes everything to move when it loads in. Unless you know of a way to bypass that?


i have never heard or THAT happening, it has always been like it is in the vid, ever since they updated it so that it all aligned horizontal

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i have never heard or THAT happening, it has always been like it is in the vid, ever since they updated it so that it all aligned horizontal

When did they... wtf. I'ma have to check this out. I spent a lot of time trying to make a bridge on the Panthera map only to realize that it just screws up once you load it into the server. Oh man, it's on.
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When did they... wtf. I'ma have to check this out. I spent a lot of time trying to make a bridge on the Panthera map only to realize that it just screws up once you load it into the server. Oh man, it's on.

You and the boat creator are talking two different things here, he created his in a server, you created yours in the editor!



BTW that boat is AWESOME!

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You and the boat creator are talking two different things here, he created his in a server, you created yours in the editor!

Oh wow, I didn't know you could build out of a boat. o_O Yeah, that's pretty frickin awesome.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's my Napf base! It's all built by me, using a hatchet!


It's still a work in progress, but is almost done so I thought I'd share some screenshots!


View of the roof



Stairs to the heliport:



View from where the heliport will be:



Future location of the heliport:



Inside the base:



Outside view:


now that's a nice base! Reeks of hand made wood ;)
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