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IgiLoad Script ( Load-up AI Box Creates, New Vehicle Verification ) [Updated]


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Script restriction #24 Help !

20.02.2015 20:03:15: - #24 "5315219"]) then {

player addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F";

player addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag";

player addWeapon "EpochRadio0";




This has nothing to do with Igiload.  This is the player respawn loadout script.  Ask there for help.

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Anyone have ideas on the parachute problem? I've been scratching my head real hard. Dropping quadbikes from 600m has resulted in parachutes that only last for about 1 or 2 seconds before disappearing randomly. The quadbikes then teleport to the ground. Player parachutes work perfectly. I noticed that dropping a hatchback resulted in a fully deployed parachute that did not disappear until the hatchback was very nearly on the ground.


IgiLoad never cleans up the parachute model in the script, so what does? Is it an Arma thing, or an Epoch thing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea ill be changing them from 3 "" to there normal 5 "" and add the filters i was just to lazy at the moment since i hadn't slept tonight ill work on it :)


3 will just log it


5 kicks and log 


so yea ill add filters soon



Elite bud did you ever sort out the filters as the setvarible logs etc are getting filled, or if anyone else knows what to add so they can be changed back to ""5



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Has anyone figured out a way of disabling the loading or lifting of locked vehicles?


Also, even though IL_CDamage = 1; it still repairs the vehicle when you unload it :)




I checked the code there is nothing about lock/unlock status. code is simply ignorant of lock status.

script creator's original forum thread doesn't list any fixes on this either (on the first page) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173109-IgiLoad-script-logistical-support


unless someone adds a "only unlocked vehicles" constraint, script will continue happily transporting all...

I think it needs to be added to addAction section and there's quite a few of them. 126 to be precise.

sounds like a lot of work...

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I checked the code there is nothing about lock/unlock status. code is simply ignorant of lock status.

script creator's original forum thread doesn't list any fixes on this either (on the first page) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173109-IgiLoad-script-logistical-support


unless someone adds a "only unlocked vehicles" constraint, script will continue happily transporting all...

I think it needs to be added to addAction section and there's quite a few of them. 126 to be precise.

sounds like a lot of work...


mgm - Try with this:

In "IL_Do_Load" replace this:


if !(_force) then
    _obj_lst = nearestObjects[ _spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist];

with this:

if !(_force) then
    //_obj_lst = nearestObjects[ _spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist];
    _obj_lst = [];
        if (!(_x isKindOf "AllVehicles") || (_x locked == 0)) then
            _obj_lst = _obj_lst + _x;
    } forEach (nearestObjects[ _spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist]);

This is not tested. AddAction is not good idea for this ;)

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mgm - Try with this:

In "IL_Do_Load" replace this:


This is not tested. AddAction is not good idea for this ;)


Hey man, good to see you here. It appears you registered just to assist with our problem - much appreciated!

At the moment I am not playing the game at all (caught the scripting fever :) ) but I will certainly try this when I'm back to enjoying the game.


igiLoad increased the immersion ten fold for me, thanks a lot for sharing your work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I have a strange error message. if (((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) && !(_x in I> 3:29:33 Error position: 3:29:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: il_supported_vehicles_all 3:29:33 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf, line 43 3:29:33 Error in expression < (IL_Veh_Array); can someone help me? Server: Arma 3 Epoch with Infistar Thanks in advance. Best regards Scaut))>

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Hello everyone, I have a strange error message. if (((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) && !(_x in I> 3:29:33 Error position: 3:29:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: il_supported_vehicles_all 3:29:33 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf, line 43 3:29:33 Error in expression < (IL_Veh_Array); can someone help me? Server: Arma 3 Epoch with Infistar Thanks in advance. Best regards Scaut))>


Hi ScauT :) Are you using PBO or mission from files to run it? Is it dedi or server? If you have PBO check inside is all you neen in PBO or something is not inside. From this what I know "__cur_mp.Altis" is temp directory (tmp PBO - virtual dir).

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Anyone had issues getting this to work on


Have copied the relevant files into my mission pbo, checked the BE filters and it's called from init.sqf, but no welcome message and no igiload options on the scrollwheel.


Cant see it loading in the RPT file though.

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OK, think I fixed it;


On the first line of IgiLoadInit.sqf , it waits until it sees bis_fnc_init in the client RPT, which no longer seems to appear.Then it waits for time to be >0.  If you change it to bis_fnc_missionflow it seems to work again. 


So, replace all of this;

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
//if (isDedicated) exitwith {};
//if (isServer) exitwith {};
//waitUntil { !(isNull player) };
waitUntil { time > 0 };

With this;

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_missionflow"};

And it seems to work.


DISCLAIMER - I'm far from an experienced coder, and have no idea if this is the 'correct' way to do this, but it seems to work fine now.


Hope that helps y'all :D

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Hey my RPT is spammed with this error  

sleep (random (IL_Check_Veh_Max>
 0:12:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _null
 0:12:25 File loot_addon\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf, line 16
 0:12:25 Error in expression <oad\IgiLoad.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _null};

Line 16 : waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
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Hey guys, I added @mas18, @masvehicles and Zupa's StatHub. After that Igiload doesn't start anymore!?


My init hasn't changed:


#include "A3EAI_Client\A3EAI_initclient.sqf";
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\cm_veh_fun.sqf";
// Tow script
[] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";
And the folder of Igiload is in the mission file!
No error / entry in rpt logs about Igiload either... A Big mystery to me... Anyone have an idea bout what could be wrong?
Untill this morning everything worked so good... |:(
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