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[RELEASE] Welcome Messages v2.1 | Intro Music | Easy Config


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Couldn't you just use the same coordinates as the original script?

[safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.8,0.50], //DEFAULT: 0.5,0.35
[safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7], //DEFAULT: 0.8,0.7


Yes, But i am adding few different Positions and let the user pick them themselves easily by a variable

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Anyone know the position to place the welcome msg in the bottom right of the screen .. for me at 1080p the msg is right in the middle of the screen 


This Script has The Credits on the middle of the screen for any user.

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Hey Guys, I am new :)  will this work for chernarus map (Thanks In Advance), i also don't see an Init.sqf file in the mission folder,  i presume i would have to create it ??.



Yes, it will work for the Chernarus map, just use the epoch.chernarus.pbo for it. Yes, you will need to create an init.sqf.

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Hey Guys, I am new :)  will this work for chernarus map (Thanks In Advance), i also don't see an Init.sqf file in the mission folder,  i presume i would have to create it ??.


I am getting a restriction 21-  anyone know if i just add this to it ? !=execVM "custom\welcome.sqf";" long shot but someone added it to line 20 :)

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I use the posted battleye settings but i still have this problem on my server:

04.01.2015 15:25:34: MyName (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2304) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #97 "neY, 1 * safezoneH + safezoneY], _tm, _FadeIn ] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
sleep (_tm+_FadeIn+4);
} forEach _ms;"

Here are the be settings i added:

7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext" !", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !", 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !"snil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName}" "sleep (_onScreenTime) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;"
7 exec !="<execute expression=" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\" !=execVM "scripts\Welcome.sqf";"

Can someone help me pls?

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Ok I installed this correctly i know i did for sure but im not seeing messages ingame when i spawn in. is ther a delay i have to edit? Also what can i use to format the files to .ogg the one i downloaded saved as a HTML

You can use http://media.io/ converter to convert your music to *.ogg. Another converter that will convert to *.ogg is Audacity, it can be found at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/


Also, I doubt this will fix your problem as you should have seen the messages within 10 seconds of joining, but there is a delay that you can change the time on.. 


In your welome.sqf that you created:

_Delay                = 10; // Wait in seconds before the credits start after player IS ingame
_FadeIn             = 2; //how long one role should stay on screen. Use value from 0 to 10 where 0 is almost instant transition to next role
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