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Hackers Already!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hackers, script bunnies and trader killers, oh my!


Don't worry, they're only doing it because they're bored with life and don't want to listen to their parents when they're told to do their homework.  They'll get bored with this too.  You know what keeps them from getting bored?  People getting upset.  See, their faces are so full of zits that no one in their Junior class will talk to them, so they want you to pay for it.  Everyone will pay in lost ARs and Kryptos in the fantasy world of an alpha mod of a barely finished and somewhat broken combat simulation game.


Just think, every time a h4ck3r pwnds you, you might just be saving a class full of kids' lives IRL.

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I can confirm that Stringer is one of the hackers, I was recording and Stringer and .marc were the only ones not being dragged by jets and getting killed

I am not so sure that this is necessarily true. Just because they were the only ones not being dragged doesn't make them the culprit. What I noticed when I was playing last night is that if you play in heavily wooded areas in the northwest you can go undetected by the jets. Some people purposely make themselves lost when they notice stuff like hackers using jets to swoop on players. Eventually I got launched in the air when I went to a big open area around a mountain top. I would just disable the jets for now. Seems like a small price to pay and would save people the headaches.

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yeah the normal tx01 server is being hacked bad right now.  Ugh, I'm done for a while, what's the point.  Until they get their anti-hack shit straight.


They were teleporting me into the air, I landed in a tree and didn't die, so they teleported me again toward the edge of the map over the ocean and I logged out while in mid-flight.  Can't test if we're being thrown around the map.  I'm sure devs are working on it though.


What do people get out of this?  Seriously.

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I hope this help is anti cheat code for arma 3 and works on my servers, Epoch can implement it



AUTHOR: Lystic
DATE: 06/19/14
FILE: Anticheat.sqf
COMMENT: Do not edit this file. Run this file from your mission init!


/* Configuration */

_Enabled = true; //Enable or disable the anticheat
_Admins = [""]; //Add your admin UID here
_Use_Life_fnc_MP = false; //If you are using altis life change this to true

//Add new cheat files & variables & menus to these lists
_DetectedFiles = ["JM3.sqf","JM3.png","wookie.sqf","wookie_wuat\start.sqf","lystoarma3\start.sqf","help.sqf","hack.sqf","cheat.sqf","JxMxE.sqf","JME.sqf","wookiev5.sqf","menu.sqf"];
_DetectedVariables = ["ESP","Wookie","Extasy","GOD","GodMode","JxMxE_Exec","Lystic","Hack","Script","Wookie_Exec","Bypass"];
_DetectedMenus = [3030];
/* End Configuration */

if(!_Enabled) exitWith {};

_toCompilableString = {
_code = _this select 0;
_string = "";
if(typename _code == "CODE") then {
_string = str(_code);
_arr = toArray(_string);
_arr set[0,32];
_arr set[count(_arr)-1,32];
_string = toString(_arr);
//Protect BIS_fnc_MP
BIS_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);
BIS_fnc_MPExec = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MPExec] call _toCompilableString);

//Protect AH_fnc_MP
if(_Use_Life_fnc_MP) then {
Life_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([Life_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);
AH_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([Life_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);
life_fnc_tazed = compileFinal ([life_fnc_tazed] call _toCompilableString);
} else {
AH_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);

if(isDedicated) then {
diag_log ": Initialized!";
Notify_Kick = compileFinal '
diag_log " Kicked User";
diag_log str(_this);
diag_log " End Kicked";
[_this,"Receive_Notify",true,false] call AH_fnc_MP;
Notify_Load = compileFinal '
diag_log format[" %1",_this];

[] spawn {
while{true} do {
_x hideObjectGlobal false;
} forEach playableUnits;
_time = time + 2;
waitUntil{time >= _time};

} else {
waitUntil{!isnull player};
waitUntil{alive player};
Receive_Notify = compileFinal "
hint format['%1 was kicked for %2. Notify an admin!',_this select 0,_this select 2];

if(getplayeruid player in _Admins) exitWith {
[[format["The Admin %1 has Joined",name player]],"Notify_Load",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

Kick = compileFinal "
endMission 'FAIL';
for '_i' from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
disableUserInput true;

[_DetectedFiles] spawn {
_name = name player;
_uid = getplayeruid player;
loadFile "";
_text = loadFile _x;
_numLetters = count(toArray(_text));
if(_numLetters > 0) exitWith {
[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Script: %1",_x]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;
call Kick;
} foreach (_this select 0);
[_DetectedVariables] spawn {
_name = name player;
_uid = getplayeruid player;
_x spawn {
waitUntil{!isNil _this};
[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Variable: %1",_this]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;
call Kick;
} forEach (_this select 0);
[_DetectedMenus] spawn {
_name = name player;
_uid = getplayeruid player;
_x spawn {
waitUntil{!isNUll (findDisplay _this)};
[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Menu: %1",_this]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;
call Kick;
} forEach (_this select 0);
[] spawn {
_name = name player;
_uid = getplayeruid player;
while{true} do {
if(unitRecoilCoefficient player < 1) exitWith {
[[_name,_uid,"Recoil Hack"],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;
call Kick;
_time = time + 5;
setTerrainGrid 25;
_nearObjects = vehicle player nearObjects 50;
vehicle player enableCollisionWith _x;
} forEach _nearObjects;
waitUntil{time >= _time};
[] spawn {
while{true} do {
onMapSingleClick '';
player allowDamage true;
vehicle player allowDamage true;
[] spawn {
while{true} do {
waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 49)};
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 2) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetText "OverWatch II";
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlSetText "1.6.2F";
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlShow false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 523) ctrlSetText "TS:";
waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 49)}
[[format["The Player %1 Has Initialized",name player]],"Notify_Load",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

_exists = loadFile "AdminMenu.sqf";
if(_exists != "") then {
call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "AdminMenu.sqf";

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GPDE02 16:50 GMT +1

Mass death,jets and case full of stuff at spawn (and idiots taking equipment from that -.-)

Devs,wtf you doing? Wake up,this gypsies are ruining the mod for two days.

Did you see where they said they were working on their own anti-hacking tool?  It helps to know how people are exploiting. ;)  I think we all need to realize that this shouldn't be our primary past-time.  If we look forward to playing every day, at this point, we're going to be disappointed.  It's a working progress.  If you can't play at this time, find something else to pass the time and come back later.

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This is sucking. Yesterday on GPDE01 and today also on GPDE02. On every server are this bug"hacking" players who kill you with the jet and you cant do anything. Flying through the air and dead. I will stop playing this mod, this is not funny.


Good luck and i hope you will fix this shit fast. Take the Jet out of the Mod so long it isnt solved. And ban the IPs of the Hackers if this is possible.

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I hope this help is anti cheat code for arma 3 and works on my servers, Epoch can implement it



AUTHOR: Lystic

DATE: 06/19/14


FILE: Anticheat.sqf

COMMENT: Do not edit this file. Run this file from your mission init!


/* Configuration */

_Enabled = true; //Enable or disable the anticheat

_Admins = [""]; //Add your admin UID here

_Use_Life_fnc_MP = false; //If you are using altis life change this to true

//Add new cheat files & variables & menus to these lists

_DetectedFiles = ["JM3.sqf","JM3.png","wookie.sqf","wookie_wuat\start.sqf","lystoarma3\start.sqf","help.sqf","hack.sqf","cheat.sqf","JxMxE.sqf","JME.sqf","wookiev5.sqf","menu.sqf"];

_DetectedVariables = ["ESP","Wookie","Extasy","GOD","GodMode","JxMxE_Exec","Lystic","Hack","Script","Wookie_Exec","Bypass"];

_DetectedMenus = [3030];

/* End Configuration */

if(!_Enabled) exitWith {};

_toCompilableString = {

_code = _this select 0;

_string = "";

if(typename _code == "CODE") then {

_string = str(_code);

_arr = toArray(_string);

_arr set[0,32];

_arr set[count(_arr)-1,32];

_string = toString(_arr);




//Protect BIS_fnc_MP

BIS_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);

BIS_fnc_MPExec = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MPExec] call _toCompilableString);

//Protect AH_fnc_MP

if(_Use_Life_fnc_MP) then {

Life_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([Life_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);

AH_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([Life_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);

life_fnc_tazed = compileFinal ([life_fnc_tazed] call _toCompilableString);

} else {

AH_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([bIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);


if(isDedicated) then {

diag_log ": Initialized!";

Notify_Kick = compileFinal '

diag_log " Kicked User";

diag_log str(_this);

diag_log " End Kicked";

[_this,"Receive_Notify",true,false] call AH_fnc_MP;


Notify_Load = compileFinal '

diag_log format[" %1",_this];


[] spawn {

while{true} do {


_x hideObjectGlobal false;

} forEach playableUnits;

_time = time + 2;

waitUntil{time >= _time};



} else {

waitUntil{!isnull player};

waitUntil{alive player};

Receive_Notify = compileFinal "

hint format['%1 was kicked for %2. Notify an admin!',_this select 0,_this select 2];


if(getplayeruid player in _Admins) exitWith {


[[format["The Admin %1 has Joined",name player]],"Notify_Load",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;


Kick = compileFinal "

endMission 'FAIL';

for '_i' from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};

disableUserInput true;


[_DetectedFiles] spawn {

_name = name player;

_uid = getplayeruid player;

loadFile "";


_text = loadFile _x;

_numLetters = count(toArray(_text));

if(_numLetters > 0) exitWith {

[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Script: %1",_x]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

call Kick;


} foreach (_this select 0);


[_DetectedVariables] spawn {

_name = name player;

_uid = getplayeruid player;


_x spawn {

waitUntil{!isNil _this};

[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Variable: %1",_this]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

call Kick;


} forEach (_this select 0);


[_DetectedMenus] spawn {

_name = name player;

_uid = getplayeruid player;


_x spawn {

waitUntil{!isNUll (findDisplay _this)};

[[_name,_uid,format["Bad Menu: %1",_this]],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

call Kick;


} forEach (_this select 0);



[] spawn {

_name = name player;

_uid = getplayeruid player;

while{true} do {

if(unitRecoilCoefficient player < 1) exitWith {

[[_name,_uid,"Recoil Hack"],"Notify_Kick",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;

call Kick;


_time = time + 5;

setTerrainGrid 25;

_nearObjects = vehicle player nearObjects 50;


vehicle player enableCollisionWith _x;

} forEach _nearObjects;

waitUntil{time >= _time};




[] spawn {

while{true} do {

onMapSingleClick '';

player allowDamage true;

vehicle player allowDamage true;



[] spawn {

while{true} do {

waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 49)};

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 2) ctrlEnable false;

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetText "OverWatch II";

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlEnable false;

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlSetText "1.6.2F";

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlEnable false;

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlShow false;

((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 523) ctrlSetText "TS:";

waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 49)}



[[format["The Player %1 Has Initialized",name player]],"Notify_Load",false,false] call AH_fnc_MP;


_exists = loadFile "AdminMenu.sqf";

if(_exists != "") then {

call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "AdminMenu.sqf";


Lystic..Are you serious? You do know he is the one that got the server files and leaked them on a certain website...And he writes hacks for Arma 3. 

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