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[Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0


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Updated to the latest version, now I'm getting this:

11:37:51   Error position: <clean_running_mission};
11:37:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: clean_running_mission
11:37:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\vehicle_patrol.sqf, line 88
11:37:51 Error in expression <aypointCompletionRadius 200;

Its spamming the rpt constantly. Any fixes?
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Updated to the latest version, now I'm getting this:


11:37:51   Error position: <clean_running_mission};
11:37:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: clean_running_mission
11:37:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\vehicle_patrol.sqf, line 88
11:37:51 Error in expression <aypointCompletionRadius 200;

Its spamming the rpt constantly. Any fixes?


if you have ai_mission_system set to false and are using vehicle patrols in custom spawns you will get this error, which is a bug that needs to be addressed

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I'm getting this also, any fixes?

12:57:09 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
12:57:09 Error in expression <yz_server\WAI\static\init.sqf";
if (wai_mission_system) then {
ExecVM "\z\ad>
12:57:09   Error position: <wai_mission_system) then {
ExecVM "\z\ad>
12:57:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: wai_mission_system
12:57:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf, line 44
if ((_mission) && (clean_running_mission)) then {
_veh setD>
13:00:48   Error position: <clean_running_mission)) then {
_veh setD>
13:00:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: clean_running_mission
13:00:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\vehicle_monitor.sqf, line 22
13:00:48 Error in expression <killedat", time];
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I'm getting this also, any fixes?


12:57:09 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
12:57:09 Error in expression <yz_server\WAI\static\init.sqf";
if (wai_mission_system) then {
ExecVM "\z\ad>
12:57:09   Error position: <wai_mission_system) then {
ExecVM "\z\ad>
12:57:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: wai_mission_system
12:57:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf, line 44


change ai_mission_system to wai_mission_system in config.sqf lol..


I'm thinking someone was sleepy with the last update  :lol:


Scratch that, you missed this in the last update :P

Edited by Jossy
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I have the problem that some missions still stay on the map while being cleared, thats very annoying since the players don't get a new mission.. any ideas?

being addressed in the next update


NOTE: If you want to stop this happening until the next update change

[1] call mission_type;


[0] call mission_type;

in destroyed_ural.sqf and medi_camp.sqf

Edited by Jossy
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Also, in DZMS, there is option not to say the mission was complete till a certan % of the AI were dead, using the code below.. is it possible to add this to wai ?

This.   Id be all over running the missions as well as static if we had this.


I really like to be able to know 100% of the AI are dead . 

Personally not a clue on how to impliment it tho. 


Thanks for all your hard work!! Its a huge improvement!

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I love this mission system, thank you for it!  I do have an inquiry on how to do something though.  I am also using DZMS and just installed Wicked AI last night.  The problem is the missions from the 2 systems overlap each other occasionally.  I know where the separation code is in DZMS to keeps it's own missions from overlapping each other, but how can I have the two mission systems, "talk" to each other so they don't overlap?  Would really like to keep both as I have a highly modified version of DZMS going.

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Hi All


I have read all the posts and i can not find my answer. i have installed wai 2.0.4 on my server but i can not get it to run.

i have dzai working find but wicked ai will not load. i have found this below in my RTP report, any idea what i am doing wrong.


8:24:34 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
 8:24:34 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
 8:24:34 "WAI: Initialising static missions"
 8:24:34 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\dayz_epoch_11.sqf not found
 8:24:34 "WAI: Initialising missions"
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Hi All


I have read all the posts and i can not find my answer. i have installed wai 2.0.4 on my server but i can not get it to run.

i have dzai working find but wicked ai will not load. i have found this below in my RTP report, any idea what i am doing wrong.


8:24:34 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
 8:24:34 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
 8:24:34 "WAI: Initialising static missions"
 8:24:34 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\dayz_epoch_11.sqf not found
 8:24:34 "WAI: Initialising missions"
i also have errors referring to coordinates markers.


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I am trying to turn Devil's Castle into a bandit base.  I've got everything pretty much set up but I also want to have a couple random vehicle spawns up there too.  How do I set up the static spawn script to spawn a couple random vehicles up there on every server restart?

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I am trying to turn Devil's Castle into a bandit base.  I've got everything pretty much set up but I also want to have a couple random vehicle spawns up there too.  How do I set up the static spawn script to spawn a couple random vehicles up there on every server restart?


This is the currently used vehicle format, just be aware it will be changing in the next major update

		[725.391,4526.06,0],				// Position to patrol
		[725.391,4526.06,0],				// Position to spawn at
		200,								// Radius of patrol
		10,									// Number of waypoints to give
		"HMMWV_Armored",					// Classname of vehicle (make sure it has driver and gunner)
		"Random"							// Skill level of units (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
	] spawn vehicle_patrol;
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I love this mission system, thank you for it!  I do have an inquiry on how to do something though.  I am also using DZMS and just installed Wicked AI last night.  The problem is the missions from the 2 systems overlap each other occasionally.  I know where the separation code is in DZMS to keeps it's own missions from overlapping each other, but how can I have the two mission systems, "talk" to each other so they don't overlap?  Would really like to keep both as I have a highly modified version of DZMS going.

Ok, better question.  Here is the code from DZMS that determines distance between missions:

//Lets check for minimum mission separation distance
			_disElite = (_pos distance DZMSEliteCoords);
			_disMaj = (_pos distance DZMSMajCoords);
			_disMin = (_pos distance DZMSMinCoords);
			_okDis = ((_disMaj > 1000) AND (_disElite > 1000) AND (_disMin > 1000));

And here is the bottom of init.sqf for WAI:

//Load config
	ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\config.sqf";

	waitUntil {configloaded};
		diag_log "WAI: AI Config File Loaded";

	if(use_blacklist) then {
		safepos				= [getMarkerPos "center",5,7000,30,0,0.5,0,blacklist];
	} else {
		safepos				= [getMarkerPos "center",0,5000,30,0,0.5,0];

	[] spawn ai_monitor;

	if(static_missions) then {
		ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\init.sqf";
	if (wai_mission_system) then {
		ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\init.sqf";


How could I incorporate the top DZMS code into WAI so that WAI missions don't spawn on top of DZMS misisons?  Once I figure that out I could probably reverse it so that DZMS checks with WAI before it spawns.  It has something to do with getting each missions system to see eachothers functions i guess?  DZMS needs to check for, "safepos" from WAI and WAI needs to check for, "_disElite, _disMajor and disMinor" from DZMS.

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Would this work?

#include /dzms/DZMSFunctions.sqf

//Load config
	ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\config.sqf";

	waitUntil {configloaded};
		diag_log "WAI: AI Config File Loaded";

	//Lets check for minimum mission separation distance
			_disElite = (_pos distance DZMSEliteCoords);
			_disMaj = (_pos distance DZMSMajCoords);
			_disMin = (_pos distance DZMSMinCoords);
			_okDis = ((_disMaj > 1000) AND (_disElite > 1000) AND (_disMin > 1000));
	if(use_blacklist) then {
		safepos				= [getMarkerPos "center",5,7000,30,0,0.5,0,blacklist];
	} else {
		safepos				= [getMarkerPos "center",0,5000,30,0,0.5,0];

	[] spawn ai_monitor;

	if(static_missions) then {
		ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\init.sqf";
	if (wai_mission_system) then {
		ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\init.sqf";


Obviously the include at the top of the file.

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I'm trying to get two boxes to spawn at a specific location on the map.  They are currently not spawning though.  Here is the lines in the default.sqf file defining them:

//Bandit Supply Base
_box = createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[6883.49,11440.7,0.001], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
[_box] call Construction_Supply_Box;
_box1 = createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[6878.31,11443.5,0.002], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
[_box3] call Extra_Large_Gun_Box;

And here is the error in my RPT file:

12:51:58 Error in expression <c = createVehicle [_class, [(_position2 select 0),(_position2 select 1),(_positi>
12:51:58   Error position: <select 0),(_position2 select 1),(_positi>
12:51:58   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
12:51:58 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\spawn_static.sqf, line 46

  And here is my spawn_static.sqf.  Mind you I haven't changed anything in this file:

if (isServer) then {

	private ["_mission","_aipack","_class","_position2","_static","_position","_unitnumber","_skill","_gun","_mags","_backpack","_skin","_gear","_aiweapon","_aigear","_aiskin","_skillarray","_unitGroup","_weapon","_magazine","_weaponandmag","_gearmagazines","_geartools","_unit"];

	_position 			= _this select 0;
	_class 				= _this select 1;
	_skill 				= _this select 2;
	_skin 				= _this select 3;

	if (ai_static_useweapon) then {
		_gun 			= _this select 4;
		_mags 			= _this select 5;
		_backpack 		= _this select 6;
		_gear 			= _this select 7;

	if ((count _this == 9) OR (count _this == 5)) then {
		if (count _this == 9) then {_mission = _this select 8;};
		if (count _this == 5) then {_mission = _this select 4;};
	} else {
		_mission = false;

	_position2 		= [];
	_aiweapon 		= [];
	_aigear 		= [];
	_aiskin 		= "";
	_aipack 		= "";

	_unitGroup 		= createGroup east;
	_unitnumber 	= count _position;

	if (!isServer) exitWith {};

		_position2 = _x;

		if (_skin == "Random") then {
			_aiskin = ai_skin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
		} else {
			_aiskin = _skin
		_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_aiskin, [0,0,0], [], 10, "PRIVATE"];
		_static = createVehicle [_class, [(_position2 select 0),(_position2 select 1),(_position2 select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_static setDir round(random 360);
		_static setPos [(_position2 select 0),(_position2 select 1),(_position2 select 2)];
		[_unit] joinSilent _unitGroup;
		_unit enableAI "TARGET";
		_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
		_unit enableAI "MOVE";
		_unit enableAI "ANIM";
		_unit enableAI "FSM";
		_unit setCombatMode ai_combatmode;
		_unit setBehaviour ai_behaviour;
		removeAllWeapons _unit;
		removeAllItems _unit;
		if (ai_static_useweapon) then {

			switch (_gun) do {
				case 0 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep_assault;};
				case 1 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep_machine;};
				case 2 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep_sniper;};
				case "Random" : {_aiweapon = ai_wep_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};

			_weaponandmag 		= _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
			_weapon 			= _weaponandmag select 0;

			_magazine = _weaponandmag select 1;
				switch (_gear) do {
				case 0 : {_aigear = ai_gear0;};
				case 1 : {_aigear = ai_gear1;};
				case "Random" : {_aigear = ai_gear_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};

			if (_backpack == "Random") then {
				_aipack = ai_packs call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
			} else {
				_aipack = _backpack

			_gearmagazines 		= _aigear select 0;
			_geartools 			= _aigear select 1;
			_unit 				addweapon _weapon;

			for "_i" from 1 to _mags do {
				_unit addMagazine _magazine;

			_unit addBackpack _aipack;

				_unit addMagazine _x
			} forEach _gearmagazines;

				_unit addweapon _x
			} forEach _geartools;
		if (ai_static_skills) then {

				_unit setSkill [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
			} forEach ai_static_array;

		} else {

			switch (_skill) do {
				case "easy"		: { _aicskill = ai_skill_easy; };
				case "medium" 	: { _aicskill = ai_skill_medium; };
				case "hard" 	: { _aicskill = ai_skill_hard; };
				case "extreme" 	: { _aicskill = ai_skill_extreme; };
				case "Random" 	: { _aicskill = ai_skill_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };
				default { _aicskill = ai_skill_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };

				_unit setSkill [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
			} foreach _aicskill;
		ai_emplacement_units = (ai_emplacement_units + 1);
		_unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this select 0, _this select 1, "static"] call on_kill;}];
		_static addEventHandler ["GetOut",{(_this select 0) setDamage 1;}];
		PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_static];
		if (sunOrMoon != 1) then {
			_unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
		_unit moveingunner _static;

		if (_mission) then {
			_unit setVariable ["missionclean", "static"];
			[_static, True] spawn vehicle_monitor;
		} else {
			[_static] spawn vehicle_monitor;

	} forEach _position;

	_unitGroup selectLeader ((units _unitGroup) select 0);

	diag_log format ["WAI: Spawned in %1 %2",_unitnumber,_class];


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Since I really like (read love) the WAI missions and support for them has gone in the latest patched, I decided to dust off some of the old files and start making these properly 1.0.5+ compatible. It started with a few minor bugfixes and some custom loadouts and then turned into a proper redo with awesome help of the - very much alive - mod community (and in particular nerdalertdk)!


Wicked AI was originally made by Markk311 (http://thewickedclowns.net/) and has since then been worked on by many different developers. I want to thank everyone for their efforts on this and want to stress that without them this project would never have existed.


Release 2.0.0

  • Namechange to **WICKED AI**
  • Major code overhaul and folder structure change
  • Better anti vehicle abuse protection
  • Different mission types
  • Nightvision AI
  • More settings for admins to better finetune
  • And much more
Upcoming in 2.1.0+
  • Bandit and hero missions
  • More missions
  • C130 will be back (and better then ever)
  • Multi mission support
  • Better markers
Version history
  • 20-08-2014 : Minor bugfixes (2.0.4)
  • 20-08-2014 : Minor bugfixes (2.0.3)
  • 19-08-2014 : Minor bugfixes (2.0.2)
  • 17-08-2014 : Minor bugfixes (2.0.1)
  • 17-08-2014 : Major update to (2.0.0)
  • 13-08-2014 : Added anti abuse options (1.9.3)
  • 12-08-2014 : Normalization update (1.9.2)
  • 12-08-2014 : Bugfix medi camp (1.9.1)
  • 09-08-2014 : Major dynamic update (1.9.0)
  • 03-08-2014 : Bugfix MV22 mission (1.8.2)
  • 02-08-2014 : Restructured and code cleaned (1.8.1)
Installation Instructions
  • Add the WAI folder to your dayz_server directory
  • Add ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf"; to the bottom of server_functions.sqf

This project has been published on Github and development will be ongoing there. Git(hub) helps keeping things in one place. Any issues with this mod can both be posted either there or in this topic (however we'd slightly prefer over there).


Wicked AI 2.0.3


sorry I do not understand it

you call it    WICKED AI 2.0.4 the download say 2.0.3 and your link 

what is true of it now?

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