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    hambeast reacted to TNT in Hfb closing down?   
    i also had really bad problems with them , my tickets would go unanswered for days (My biggest problem was shutting down the server some times it just would not start up again i started to be scared of stoping the server and adding new files because some times i was unable to start the server the start button would just be gone) , i even go insulted  by them lol , and the problem turned out to be on there side lol , iv showed them how to fix problems on there side they were missing files once ,they were good host , not sure what happen some time last year they just lost there game , i even had them charge me for a server i never got to use 2 times. once with a team speak server , i paid for the server and never got any info on how to log in , they just took my 5 bux same thing happen with a server i got , they charged me 20 bux and i never got the server opened a ticket just never got a response so i just moved on 
    wish i had saved some of the emails i got back from them would make alot of people giggle 
  2. Like
    hambeast reacted to cen in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    Our only hope is for AWOL to push out 1052 and force the update to 122548.
    I think they are holding out on 1052 because of commander to be honest.
  3. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from stonXer in [WIP] Test Plan   
    Just posting this here for future reference.  I came up with a very basic test plan for future testers to validate the mechanics of the game.  A check list of sorts to make sure things are working as they should to my best understanding.
    Please note this is a work in progress and when I fully flesh this out, it will be in a spreadsheet format.
    Arma3 Epoch Test Plan
  4. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from WagsFTW in Guide for Crafting   
    I wrote up a kind of... guide... in my test plan post in bug reports. The Dev team from what I gather is going to be way to busy coding/modeling/getting the good word out to come up with a guide for us so I think it would be appropriate for us to work together to come up with a guide to help us as well as other testers get a grasp on A3 epoch.
    Not saying we need to do this today but if anything it'll help us remember how to do stuff if we forget lol.
    As to the crafting, you must find a hatchet first, equip it in the pistol slot and reload it.  As of now, it gives you a "swing" object in your inventory, this is the magazine that holds the swings of the hatchet.  I thought it was a swing set at first and was a bit confused...
    Next, you must find a tree and whack it with the hatchet.  The tree will fall and drop 4 logs (does it vary?) which are in separate loot piles so you must loot each individually.
    Once the logs are in your inventory, you double click them to turn them into either lumber or a fireplace.  I found it easy last night to do 4 at a time and then unload the lumber into my car.
    Once you have lumber, you double click that and it gives you options to build: floor, stud wall, stairs, and teepee.
    When you craft one of these, it gives you a kit which you must double click in your inventory to build (I think? haven't build anything in a few days).  This will place the item at your feet.
    If you turn on build mode and wait a few seconds, you can hit space bar to pick the item up, just make sure you are standing behind it or it will throw you in the air and kill you.
    I suggest building a floor and leaving it in its place so it is perfectly flat, making placing walls easier since they have physics on and will not like to stay standing on an inclined floor.
    Then you can build a stud wall which is just a wall frame which needs to be upgraded by using the gear key like unlocking a car.  Upgrading takes lumber to my knowledge.  Upgrading walls takes them from "stud wall" -> "wood wall (like epoch)" -> "wood wall with door hole" -> "wood wall with working door"
    Stairs start as a multi level staircase, unsure if you can upgrade them but I don't think so at this time.
    Fireplace starts as well... fireplace, you can turn it on for some comfort at camp but I don't think it does anything yet.
  5. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from WagsFTW in Indoor Loot Spawning Weirdness   
    date found: 7/9/2014
    I don't remember where I was exactly but I was out looting buildings and I came across this building that had indoor loot spawned.  Some loot was outside and most of the indoor spawns are floating mid air.  Everything was lootable but one bed was blocking the entrance to an upstairs door.
    I don't know the classname of the building so I guess I'd like to request a feature to add a hotkey that will show the classname of the object under the cursortarget.
    I uploaded the screenshots to my private webserver as to keep them off public hosting.  Hope this is ok.
  6. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from MatthewK in [TUTORIAL] How to use Public Variables   
    FYI, this guide is for advanced arma coders.  This guide will assume you know how to pack/unpack PBO's, edit files, and are comrfortable with coding.  You must also have an understanding of locality as in client vs server side.
    A note on locality:  Your mpMissions folder is NOT only client side.  When I started coding I made this assumption and I was wrong.
    Lesson 1:  Event Handlers Basics
    Event handlers are the bread and butter of Arma2 MP coding.  They are little logic functions that the server sets aside until they are called by a public variable.  In my experience they have very low overhead so don't be afraid to make use of them.
    example 1: Change players skin
    Add this code to the bottom of your init.sqf (in your mpMission)
    // expects: [_playerUID,_CharacterID,_skinClassName] // this line says ONLY run on the ClientSide.  The server will see this and ignore it.  This means that when a client gets this command, they and only they will execute this. if (!isDedicated) then {   "PV_ChangePlayerSkin" addPublicVariableEventHandler {     // handle our packet.  _this select 0 returns the PV name, _this select 1 returns our input packet    _packet = _this select 1;  // should contain [_playerUID, _characterID, _skinClassName]    _playerUID = _packet select 0;    _characterID = _packet select 1;    _skinClassName = _packet select 2;       // set our player to the skin    [_playeruid,_characterID, _skinClassName] spawn player_humanityMorph;   }; }; Ok so now we got our event handler set up, if any client sends the PV "PV_ChangePlayerSkin" all clients connected will execute this event handler.  Here is how we send the command to all players.  This code can be called anywhere, on a client, or from the server itself.
      PV_ChangePlayerSkin = [_playerUID,_CharacterID,_skinClassName];   publicVariable "PV_ChangePlayerSkin"; But you may be asking, how do I set just a single player's skin instead of everyone on the server?   We do this with publicVariableClient.  I am unsure if you can call this command from clientside as I only use it serverside but here is how you do it regardless. // lets assume we want to set our cursorTarget's skin (the player we are looking at) _player = cursorTarget; _owner = owner _player; // owner command returns the client # we will need for the next step. _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player; _characterID = _player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; _skinClassName = "FR_GL"; // my personal skin PV_ChangePlayerSkin = [_playerUID, _characterID, _skinClassName]; _owner publicVariableClient "PV_ChangePlayerSkin"; // only send the PV to the specific client  
    Now when we send our public variable we only send it to the client we wish to.  There are a myriad of ways to get player objects loaded into memory but that will be covered later.
  7. Like
    hambeast reacted to Axle in Time Window   
    Sequisha vs those wanting to play.

  8. Like
    hambeast reacted to WagsFTW in Guide for Crafting   
    I was wondering if there could or would be a guide for crafting, for testing purposes. I would like to start building things to test how they work, see if I can find bugs etc, but I really have no idea what or how many items make a floor for example. AWOL told me that you can double click the "log" in your inventory, and see what is craftable that way, but I was looking for more or less the functionality of how to interact with the differnt components and rotating etc. If this is not something you want to release yet, no problem, I just thought it might be helpful.
  9. Like
    hambeast reacted to WagsFTW in [WIP] Test Plan   
    Nice work Hambeast! Very thorough and helpful!
  10. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from megabison in Suggestions & Questions   
    Agreed with the simple currency idea.  Although it would be pretty neat to see some sort of barter system implemented.  Ex: all objects have a value and I can trade you x logs for x vehicle parts etc.   Certain vendors would have likes and dislikes so wally the lumberjack might have a high supply of wood and lumber but what he really wants are tools to make his job easier so he places a higher value on hatchets, chainsaws, etc.  Since he is a lumberjack and this is his job, he would value the trade in value of wood and lumber lower and may even refuse to buy them if his stock is too high.
  11. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from vbawol in [WIP] Test Plan   
    Just posting this here for future reference.  I came up with a very basic test plan for future testers to validate the mechanics of the game.  A check list of sorts to make sure things are working as they should to my best understanding.
    Please note this is a work in progress and when I fully flesh this out, it will be in a spreadsheet format.
    Arma3 Epoch Test Plan
  12. Like
    hambeast reacted to vbawol in loot cycles   
    We may just need to better educate players, as adding a addaction to this type of looting would be very costly in terms of performance. Also, my goal is to avoid addactions like the plague so that the normal A3 actions are not cluttered.
  13. Like
    hambeast reacted to Winter189 in The Right Dedicated Box   
    I would say away from a VPS at all costs
  14. Like
    hambeast reacted to Sephyr in A3 Epoch Testers   
    Putting in my 5 cents / open beta-application from a gamer's and IT perspective.
    First off, thank you for all the hours of gameplay you provided with A2 Epoch and the community that is alive around it :)
    That also made me come on here to put in an application to help develop/test A3 Epoch so it may grow just as big as its predecessor if not bigger! :D
    All sucking up aside, what can i bring to the table?
    As a gamer:
    - Alpha/beta tested many games that were invite or open beta (Mostly MMO platforms like WoW, Eve Online, Aeon, GW, a couple of F2P ones plus a random assortment of other genres)
    - Familiar with game-mechanics regarding A3 (knowledge gotten from either A2 + mods/server-admin-ing  or taking part in the A3 alpha/beta)
    - Don't know if it counts, but throwing it in there; 20+ years of gaming experience! :D
    As an "IT guy" (I currently work at a position of managing an IT department regarding Business 2 Business applications)
    - Analytic point of view on software/hardware
    - Q&A + Testing new applications/updates
    - Knowledge of a divers range of software applications/OS's (Ranging from Adobe's CS suite and 3DsMax from a design standpoint to good old notepad++ for anything HTML/CSS/SQL and whatnot.)
    I got free time coming up, allowing me to put in time in testing, providing feedback if not assist with other tasks that arise in which i could contribute.
    In any case, i will follow the development with much interest and wish you all the best of luck!! :)
  15. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from insertcoins in [WIP] Epoch Headless Client EHC v1.1 RC   
    for me and a lot of the guys, a video is great but text is king.  It is much easier to copy/paste and follow along with a text instruction than a video.  But videos are always nice.
    Love to help test this out maybe sometime this weekend if I get time.  Kind of stretched as it is but good work none the less.
  16. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from WagsFTW in T-Shirts   
    you too bro. Feels good to be part of the cool kids club
  17. Like
    hambeast reacted to Fuchs in A3: Epoch DZMS   
    3MS :D
  18. Like
    hambeast reacted to Flosstradamus in A3: Epoch DZMS   
    AMS = Antagonist Mission System
  19. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from david in [WIP] Epoch Headless Client EHC v1.1 RC   
    for me and a lot of the guys, a video is great but text is king.  It is much easier to copy/paste and follow along with a text instruction than a video.  But videos are always nice.
    Love to help test this out maybe sometime this weekend if I get time.  Kind of stretched as it is but good work none the less.
  20. Like
    hambeast reacted to Halvhjearne in log use of hotwirekits   
    you need to publicvariable eventhandler for this, to make it simple you could just do something like this:
    if(isServer)then{ "PV_server_logevent" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log format["[PV_SERVERLOGGER]: %1",(_this select 1)];}; }; now you can fire logs to the server from the clients like this:
    PV_server_logevent = [name player,typeOf player,weapons player,items player,magazines player,worldName] publicVariableServer "PV_server_logevent"; will return a serverlog looking like this:
    [PV_SERVERLOGGER]: ["playername","playerskin",[players weapons],[players items],[players magazines],current worldname]
  21. Like
    hambeast reacted to david in [WIP] Epoch Headless Client EHC v1.1 RC   
    The purpose of EHC is to offload the servers management of zombies and building loot spawn to a headless client.

    This should enable the server to focus on server stuff, and the HC will take care of the zombie management.

    In theory, this could increase server performance while allowing more zombies to be spawned.

    This mod is not extensively tested - anyone who helps out testing and commenting feedback automatically qualifies for bro status. :)

    Installation instructions
    See github readme for details: https://github.com/DavidFrendin/epoch-hc/blob/master/readme.md

    This is still a work in progress and has yet to mature into a stable release.

    Any testing and feedback is greatly appreciated, but be mindful of the nature of this if you choose to install this mod.

    Goober - Original source
    David - Active developer
    TayTayTheKiller - Collaborator


    Github repository: https://github.com/DavidFrendin/epoch-hc
  22. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from Sequisha in T-Shirts   
    you too bro. Feels good to be part of the cool kids club
  23. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from Sequisha in T-Shirts   
    And the best dressed admin award goes to....

  24. Like
    hambeast reacted to WagsFTW in T-Shirts   
    Nice! Lookin' good Bro!
  25. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from WagsFTW in T-Shirts   
    And the best dressed admin award goes to....

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