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    nedfox reacted to machine6fd in Getting kicked off every epoch server.   
    1. Launch Arma 3
    2. Open configuration
    3. Enable the correct expansions "Epoch mod" , "All in arma" for chernarus
    4. Restart Arma 3
    5. Go to play
    6. Multiplayer
    7. Filter "epoch"
    8. Join
  2. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from machine6fd in What is the RedisQFork_2100.dat file?   
    It's the swap file. No problems deleting it, but it will come back to haunt you when you restart redis, so have your gun ready !
  3. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from machine6fd in Getting kicked off every epoch server.   
    Hello Dezz, the easiest option would be to have the mods activated (Start A3, select : play, configure, expansions) like Epoch Mod  and then look for Altis servers. When you can join those you're golden.
    If you want another map, you will need AIA pack, and since there's patches and hotfixes you might end up with wrong versions of those, "Welcome to Arma" comes to mind.. It's a hassle.
    A3Launcher gives you normally all you need; If you select a server, just make sure you're client is up to par with the server, and the launcher will tell you.. pay attention to the hints it gives you, follow through and you'll get there.
  4. Like
    nedfox reacted to machine6fd in Add a custom image to the spawn box   
    Add a custom image to the spawn box.. You can put what ever image you want in this and make it your own :)
    What mine looks like.

    Add this to your mission.sqm directly above "class Markers"
    class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={1024.3561,5.8548489,2013.7371}; // For Altis us {23600.611,2.8548489,17990.768} azimut=180.4026; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""image.jpg""]"; }; }; Save any image,jpg you want in your mission root folder. Make it square or it will stretch or warp. Mine is 800x800px but i'm sure more or less wont hurt, The user texture will not grow or shrink but the image will. 
    *EDIT* Removed set texture not needed per VEMP whom I trust knows what hes talking about :)
    *EDIT #2*
    Alternative method to adding the image to spawn box by: Halvhjearne
    1. Create a file called: Debugpic.sqf
    2. Paste this code inside.
    /* DebugPic script by Halv, idea from machine6fd's mission.sqm version */ //Change to your picture/path below _pic = "custom\problemsolving.jpg"; //======================== Do not touch anything below this point ========================\\ if(isServer)then{ diag_log "[DebugPic]: Waiting for 'Debug_static_F' to be build ..."; waitUntil{count(nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", ["Debug_static_F"], 30]) > 0}; _list = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", ["Debug_static_F"], 30]; _box = _list select 0; _rPos = _box modelToWorld [-0.226563,-9.76563,-5.04319]; _rDir = (getDir _box)+180; _obj = createVehicle ["UserTexture10m_F", _rPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj setDir _rDir; _obj setPos _rPos; _obj enableSimulation false; _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_pic]; diag_log format["[DebugPic]: build texture in %1 @ [%2,%3] with texture '%4'",worldName,_rPos,_rDir,_pic]; }; 3. save and upload to mission file.
    4. add image file "custom\problemsolving.jpg" or rename.
    Working on Altis, Chernarus, and Bornholm (confirmed)
    Original post can be found
  5. Like
    nedfox reacted to Ness in Player Markers?   
    Haha.. yeah sorry it seems I tired veteren instead of veteran.. Thanks. :)
  6. Like
    nedfox reacted to Havoc302 in Vehicles exploding at server start and when hopping in them.   
    1. Vehicles exploding on server load in. From what we can tell is caused by the server loading all vehicles in pointing North then rotating them into position (as reported by a few others on this forum). Potential fix is to turn all damage handling off before the server loads the vehicles directon from the database, so load it separately. wait a few seconds until it's definitely rotated then enable damage handling again.
    2. Vehicles exploding when people get in them. I can only assume this is related to the file that loads the vehicles on the server, where near the bottom enableVehicleSimulation is set to false. So the vehicle is loaded in by the server floating, often you can see it drop a little when you approach it showing that simulation has been enabled but sometimes it doesn't do it. So you get into a vehicle that's obviously been damaged at the loading of the server but simulation doesn't happen until you get in, then it explodes. Enabling vehicle simulation at server load coupled with the above rotating damage handling fix should see these issues completely resolved.
  7. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Home Sweet Home in [Idea] Hunt the admin script   
    Most fun would be an area marker tho.. Pinpointing is a bit over the top? But a red circle a few 100 meters in diameter would be lovely !
  8. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Home Sweet Home in Saving my server files   
    As darth said, having ICT skills makes things more easy, since you're used to reading manuals, and being logical when troubleshooting; many people here don't and run into heaps of problems since they can't be bothered to actually read manuals and follow step by step.
    You'll get there if you persist, so go for it.. Even when it's hard it's still a good training :P
  9. Like
    nedfox reacted to Slapnutts McGee in Can't acess lockbox   
    I had this problem until I noticed something.  You need to be actually looking at the latch on the lockbox to get into it (I didn't even see that part of the box at first).  When you place the box, hold Q so it rotates to face you, then place it (it'll do a little loop flip thing).  By default when you go to build one it's facing away from you which makes it very easy to hide the latch in something.  
  10. Like
    nedfox reacted to The__Eye in Increase vehicle lock time beyond reboots?   
    Nice Awol ... Maybe combine the Locked Vehicles within the  Jammer Distance for like 48 hours  ...  and all the others unlocked after restart .... Would that be Possible
  11. Like
    nedfox reacted to Matijs in Custom loot spawns.   
    Loot spawn is he asking for.
  12. Like
    nedfox reacted to Skaronator in Help with Marker and Triggers   
    createMarker name must be unique
  13. Like
    nedfox reacted to raymix in Adding more than 2 admin   
    A bit bored at work so thought I'd contribute to this topic a bit. Maybe it will help someone else in future.
    What you just encountered is what's called "nested arrays". It's quite simple and effective programming concept, frankly a bit hard to read if you don't have trained eye. Programmers can easily read trough brackets while scrolling, but they are just human beings and still make mistakes, typos, misses brackets etc... which is normal... and part of fun!
    I will start by going one step backwards - a variable.
    A variable can be anything - a defined string, code block or simple decimal digit... for example:
    a = 1;
    a is a variable with value of 1
    a = "apple";
    a is a variable with string value of "apple"
    a = {b=1;};
    a is a function (code block) that defines variable b when called.
    a = [1,2,3];
    a is a variable of multiple values. Each value can be accessed, changed or more values added/removed. But this is where the fun starts...
    a = [1,2,3];
    b = [x,y,z];
    a and b are independent arrays and have nothing to do with each other.
    a = [[b,c,d],[1,2,3]];
    over here we just nested 2 arrays within one large array
    a = [[["valueception"]]];
    although this makes no sense, it's still legit nested array (select 0 select 0 select 0). A string within array within array within array.
    a = [["a","b","c"],[[1,2,3],[x,y,z]]];
    I will end with this one - nested array within nested array. 123 and xyz are 2 arrays nested together under larger array, which in return is nested within even larger array also containing abc strings
    As you can see, it's all about position of brackets.
    Alright back to work for me now...
  14. Like
    nedfox reacted to Nic in AI Missions, AI is vunerable to VDM.   
    I played on an A2 Epoch server that spawned the AI with launchers, but deleted them off the body after the AI were killed, maybe that would work in this case. 
  15. Like
    nedfox reacted to Zupa in Custom spawns   
    Best way : -> 4th portal with random spawn ^^ everyonehappy ^^
  16. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Tywin in A plea to the Epoch developers   
    .50 cals? Rocket launchers?
    That's not vanilla Epoch.
  17. Like
    nedfox reacted to Matijs in Random Spawn Script   
    This might be not the way to do this, but I dont reallly care, because it works.
    This script was made for a server to be able to have random spawns. (Spawn points given by the administrator.)

    Make a script called spawnpoints.sqf:
    if (isNil "inSpawnPoint") then { inSpawnPoint = false; }; while {true} do { waitUntil { inSpawnPoint }; titleText [format["Entering Spawn Point."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4; waitUntil { player == vehicle player }; thePlayer = vehicle player; _spawnpointsarray = [ [1745,2107,0.1], [2737,1980,0.1], [3663,2130,0.1], [4109,2317,0.1], [4813,2086,0.1], [5825,2023,0.1], [6357,2082,0.1], [7198,2533,0.1], [7226,2187,0.1], [8045,2835,0.1], [8577,2320,0.1], [9286,1902,0.1], [9840,1786,0.1], [10466,1886,0.1], [10243,1576,0.1], [10857,2275,0.1], [11939,3402,0.1], [11105,3009,0.1], [13509,6166,0.1], [13081,7804,0.1], [12940,9326,0.1], [13170,10292,0.1] ]; systemChat "[DeadZ] Selecting spawn point..."; _selectspawnpoint = _spawnpointsarray select floor random count _spawnpointsarray; sleep 1; systemChat "[DeadZ] Spawn point selected. Spawning..."; sleep 1; thePlayer setPos _selectspawnpoint; waitUntil { !inSpawnPoint }; titleText [format["Exiting Spawn Point. Have fun."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4; }; In the init.sqf add this: if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "spawnpoints.sqf"; }; In your mission sqm, create a sensor called SPAWNPOINT like this: class Sensors { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={6325.6772,0,7807.7412}; //Spawnpoint coords (same as respawn_west & east) activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="SPAWNPOINT"; expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 50;"; expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;"; expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;"; class Effects { }; }; }; And it should spawn you automaticaly after 2 seconds randomly. Also you need to remove your portals, or place them -x in the ground.

    Tell me if you like it.
    This is very nooby, but it works, so no hate.

    EDIT: I think you can remove the sleep 1;, im not sure about this, I just added it in for safety, so the player is definetaly going to a new location.


  18. Like
    nedfox reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in A plea to the Epoch developers   
    Xtal, A3 Epoch is what the server owner makes it. He could choose to include all the helis, to add armed vehicles with 50 caliber machine guns and increase the loot, or he could do what I have, which is to remove the helis (except the mosquito, which is like the mozzie), limit vehicles to about 100 and leave the files alone, not adding in extras like unicorn pooping lock boxes, "starter kits", towing, 1000 vehicles and all that extra stuff. As we are able to modify more stuff, the loot tables specifically, I will be reducing the amount of military gear in the world and do whatever else makes it more of a survivalist atmosphere.
  19. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from AdmiralAK in Loose all krypto on death   
    Also, pressing "Z" makes you go prone.
  20. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Markokil321 in Max Players / A3 Launcher   
    use -autoinit in your server start batch file.
    whoops edit.
  21. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Markokil321 in Max Players / A3 Launcher   
    It's 64 when no mission loaded , and gives proper number when game is running. It might lag tho.
  22. Like
    nedfox reacted to Darth_Rogue in Saving my server files   
    Don't feel bad.  I'm a network admin myself and I had a moderate learning curve to climb when I started doing this.  Your tech knowledge gives you a good head start over someone without it, so you can take some comfort in that.  What really helped me was falling back on my basic troubleshooting skills....going through process of elimination and using logical steps to make forward progress.  Just be patient, do lots of research and feel free to seek help here when you hit a wall.  How far you want to dig into it is totally up to you.  Getting to the level of setting up and running a server is pretty easy.  Installing third-party addons is fairly straightforward as long as you can follow clear directions.  Editing scripts and custom making your own....that's a whole different ball game, and I'm just now starting to dive into that part of it.  It's fun, but challenging, and sometimes it makes my ADD scream.  lol  Welcome to the community and good luck!  :)
  23. Like
    nedfox got a reaction from Home Sweet Home in Saving my server files   
    There's many ways to Rome, so you wiill get tons of different answers.
    For restarts, look up templates posted in this forum for BEC scheduler.XML
    If you want to change settings, a lot can be done by editing the epochconfig.hpp etc
    Adding custom stuff in PBO files means you need PBO manager, maybe elitness (google arma elitness) to unscramble mission.sqm files etc.
    But, I have 12 years of experience with OFP/Arma, so for me editing stuff is so "natural" that I probably skip a lot of obvious things....
    To give you an example of the side chat :
    1] Get PBO manager
    2] Open mpmissions\yourmap.pbo
    3] Copy and paste the description.ext to a folder
    4] Open that file in an editor
    5] Change : disableChannels[]={0,1,2,6}   to disableChannels[]={0,2,6};
    6] Safe the file
    7] Cut and paste the file back in the PBO root which you still have opened in your pbo manager
    It autosafes; make sure the file is NOT in use while editing. (Don't bother about the signature warnings)
    TBH : If you have experience with servers and software but absolutely no experience with what cfg files do, or how programming works, the best you can do is TRY, GOOGLE and TRY MORE until you got it working.
  24. Like
    nedfox reacted to daftill in Sensors (triggers) in Epoch possible ?   
    try this
    class Sensors { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={9073.572,18.866203,8503.228}; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="dino"; expCond="() < 200;"; expActiv="titleText [""Dino area ahead"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", ,];"; class Effects { }; }; };
  25. Like
    nedfox reacted to Santa in Custom spawns   
    Allright, Christmas is over, but oh well.
    1. Extract a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo (Yes, you are allowed to do this)
    2. Open up config.cpp
    3. In the Chernarus class, find something like this

    telePos[] = {                 { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431 } }, // South West                 { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958 } }, // South East                 { "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East Now, This is the syntax { ClassNameOfTheTeleportPortal, { LocationOfPortal }, "", { LocationItTeleportsTo }}
    Soo if you want to change the spawn location , replace the LocationItTeleportsTo coordinates.
    This cannot be done without breaking ToS.
    The best you can do is changing the 3 coordinates to another area..
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