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    cen reacted to ToejaM in [RELEASE] Area Maintenance for Player Bases (Script)   
    As you made this Axe Cop, I have a question.
    My building area is roughly 200m (diameter), radius isnt really a problem as the cost of bigger bases forces players to either NEED the space for large groups to maintain it or they just build sensibly but what I'd like to do is prevent maintenance of objects above a certain height, is this possible?
  2. Like
    cen reacted to f3cuk in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Update on progress

    Hey guys, wanted to give you a heads up for the incoming update. It will be pretty big, me and nerdalertdk have been working on some cool features and enhancements. Chances are we are going to start a fresh topic for this. I'm hopefull we can do a proper release with the first new stuff before the weekend.
    For anyone interested what is happening, check out the github Testbranch.
  3. Like
    cen reacted to justchil in [Release] Skin Trader 0.6 (Buy any arma skin)   
    Removes gold if you have a bp and tells you that you can't buy the skin.
    That's a pretty easy fix (and dirty) but it works.  
    if (Global_Price call player_checkItems) then { if (!isNull (unitBackpack player)) then { cutText ["You cannot change your Skin while wearing a backpack", "PLAIN"]; }else{ _removed = Global_Price call player_removeItems; ....   Removing the gold before the backpack check is bad if you have a bp.
  4. Like
    cen got a reaction from epochu in Epoch Reputation System   
    Agreed. Not sure why they removed the humanity system.
  5. Like
    cen reacted to Uro in Cheap reliable Dedicated Server Hosts?   
    VDS sounds like something nasty you'd catch on a night out. :D
  6. Like
    cen got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in Proposed UI change   
    I prefer mine :D

  7. Like
    cen got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Here's mine:

  8. Like
    cen got a reaction from f3cuk in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Man that HUD looks amazing :D
  9. Like
    cen reacted to f3cuk in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    So i did quite a bit of work on this yesterday. I've started using proper version control and have decided to continue enhancing it. I'll try to get in contact with the original author to get his approval so that we can use the original name and possibly start a new topic. I'm not the most creative of minds so if you got any ideas on what would be cool to add, please let me know.
    Added possibility to blacklist certain area's (default left, top and stary are blacklisted, check heatmap below for results); Overhaul making missions more dynamic; Equipped more missions with dynamic loot; Updated the dynamic loot arrays with more items; Fixed armed military mission with M2 spawning inside eachoter; Fixed crashed blackhawk with loot crate spawning inside helicopter; Added difficulty levels to mission titles; Re-added custom spawns as per request; General code cleanup including removal of unused private vars; Fixed spawn_group.sqf generating errors. 1.8.x
    Customized loot; Tried to nerve the 50 cals a bit, making them less accurate; Improved weapons (removed all the non-sellable); Improved vehicles; Changed skill settings; Randomized clothes; Fixed some missions; Removed the C130 mission cause i cant seem to fix the glitching; Removed EMS cache cause its the same as Weapon cache; Dynamic loot on Weapon cache missions; Fixed the heli para backpack issue; Fixed the heli para spawning in after the mission has already been done.  
    Mission heatmap
    As you can see from the below image the blacklisting is working properly. No missions spawn on either the left, top or area near stary. Missions spawn all over the map where the ground is not too steep and there is actually some open area to spawn in.

  10. Like
    cen got a reaction from Kar in Get online players [PHP]   
    recommend not putting your rcon password out on the web :)
  11. Like
    cen got a reaction from SmokeyBR in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Here's mine:

  12. Like
    cen got a reaction from Dwarfer in BattlEye/RCON overide   
    change the name of your config.cfg
  13. Like
    cen reacted to hambeast in Epoch Inventory Auditing Tool   
    Aaaaand... got even more bored... Decided why the hell not add a graphing feature...
    Note: this only works if you have "useRedFlagList" set to false.  this is kind of slow because I gotta loop thru the whole master list to get the counts and then graph them out.  You'll be able to pick out the top(x) items you want to graph.  Anyone with more graphing experience who wants to help me make these prettier is welcome to help out.  also going to add logging of item quantities like
    This is generated by the program.  The top 10 items by quantity from my live napf server:

  14. Like
    cen got a reaction from hambeast in Epoch Inventory Auditing Tool   
    This is really awesome Ham!
  15. Like
    cen got a reaction from MGT in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
  16. Like
    cen got a reaction from Storm in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
  17. Like
    cen got a reaction from insertcoins in looking for config based trader files Overpoch   
    Feel free to grab mine, but you'll have to edit the categories to match your traders.
  18. Like
    cen reacted to outlander in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    I've gone through the instructions so I don't think I've missed anything (they are a little scattered though).

    Everything works fine except when it comes to vaults/safes.

    After a user places a safe, he is able to "open locked safe", however when they try to go and lock the safe they are given the error:

    "you cannot lock this safe, you do not know the combination"

    It does not give me the option to "re-enter combination"

    Also a user complained he couldn't lock the safe (owner) but I was able to re enter the code, and lock their safe (he was not given the option for re enter code)

    Anyone can point me in the right direction?



    I opted for the method outlined in post it worked perfectly.
  19. Like
    cen got a reaction from outlander in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    This is how epoch does it by default. I don't want safe owners getting lazy and never having to remember their safe/lockbox codes.
    I found a way to do it. Here is what I did:
    Removed player_lockVault.sqf Removed player_packVault.sqf Removed player_unlockVault.sqf In fn_selfActions.sqf I defined a new variable for _ownerID
    _ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"]; _ownerID2 = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; This new var uses CharacterID instead of ownerPUID.
    Then for all the vault actions I used the new var:
    //Allow owner to unlock vault if((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) && _ownerID2 != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (s_player_unlockvault < 0) then { if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockedStorage) then { if(_ownerID2 == dayz_combination || _ownerID2 == dayz_playerUID) then { _combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_OPEN",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""]; s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi]; } else { _combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UNLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""]; s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi]; }; s_player_unlockvault = 1; } else { if(_ownerID2 != dayz_combination && _ownerID2 != dayz_playerUID) then { _combi = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_RECOMBO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""]; s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi]; s_player_unlockvault = 1; }; }; }; } else { {player removeAction _x} count s_player_combi;s_player_combi = []; s_player_unlockvault = -1; }; //Allow owner to pack vault if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage && _ownerID2 != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (s_player_lockvault < 0) then { if(_ownerID2 == dayz_combination || _ownerID2 == dayz_playerUID) then { s_player_lockvault = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_LOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_lock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""]; }; }; if (s_player_packvault < 0 && (_ownerID2 == dayz_combination || _ownerID2 == dayz_playerUID)) then { s_player_packvault = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",(format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_PACK",_text])], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_packvault; s_player_packvault = -1; player removeAction s_player_lockvault; s_player_lockvault = -1; }; Now when someone dies, they are forced to re-enter the combination of the vault/lockbox.
  20. Like
    cen reacted to Defent in Web Control   
    FireDaemon does this 
  21. Like
    cen got a reaction from hambeast in Fire Daemon help   
    Let me know what happens when BEC fails to start or your server crashes :)
  22. Like
    cen got a reaction from pepstar34 in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    OMG learn to use spoiler tags fellas...
  23. Like
    cen got a reaction from Turtle II in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    OMG learn to use spoiler tags fellas...
  24. Like
    cen got a reaction from Uro in Fire Daemon help   
    Let me know what happens when BEC fails to start or your server crashes :)
  25. Like
    cen got a reaction from Zupa in [Howto] Refresh dynamic vehicles on restart   
    Safes reset to 0000 after 14 days on mine so it will catch those, but that's server-specific.
    FireDaemon runs anything you want as a service. Lots of benefits, one of which is being able to run pre-service operations.
    An example is on my servers every time a service starts (a dayz server for example) it runs through a few pre-service operations before the server starts.
    One of which is a set of .SQL queries:
    /* =================== DELETES =================== */ /* Delete destroyed objects */ DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE Damage = 1; /* Delete old login data */ DELETE FROM `player_login`; /* Delete untouched server spawned vehicles */ DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND `CharacterID` = '0' AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest'; /* Delete all vehicles not touched in 7 days */ DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest'; /* Delete empty storage objects */ DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') ) AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ'); /* Delete unused storage objects */ DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ'); /* Delete damaged bikes/motorcycles */ DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (classname = "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" OR classname = "MMT_CIV") AND (hitpoints LIKE "%[\"wheel_1_damper\",1]%" AND hitpoints LIKE "%[\"wheel_2_damper\",1]%"); /* =================== UPDATES =================== */ /* Unlock Purchased Untouched Vehicles */ UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 5 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest'; /* Set Damage On Objects via Age */ UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`= 0.2 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') ); /* Set Safe Combo to 0000 */ UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` = "VaultStorageLocked" AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL; /* Set Lock Box to RED 00 */ UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 10000 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` = "LockboxStorageLocked" AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL;
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