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    ExXoTicC got a reaction from KingRaymond795 in Idea for A3 Epoch - Backpack crafting   
    My Idea: You cant buy backpacks, you only can find them very very very rarely or craft them. In order to craft them you need to hunt animals and gather the sutff. Example:   1 Boar -> 2 Lether 1 Sheep -> 1 Wool   In order to make a Czech Backpack for example you will need like 8 lether and 3 wool. Would increase the crafting and the hunting part of the mod a lot and also people with bigger backpacks will even more care about there lifes. (Got this idea while playing Far Cry 3 today :P)   Opinions?
  2. Like
    ExXoTicC got a reaction from Richie in Idea for A3 Epoch - Backpack crafting   
    My Idea: You cant buy backpacks, you only can find them very very very rarely or craft them. In order to craft them you need to hunt animals and gather the sutff. Example:   1 Boar -> 2 Lether 1 Sheep -> 1 Wool   In order to make a Czech Backpack for example you will need like 8 lether and 3 wool. Would increase the crafting and the hunting part of the mod a lot and also people with bigger backpacks will even more care about there lifes. (Got this idea while playing Far Cry 3 today :P)   Opinions?
  3. Like
    Nothing to see here.
  4. Like
    ExXoTicC got a reaction from Baker in RELEASE THE PATCH 1.04 AND GET EVERYONE TO FIX THE PROBLEMS FOR YA   
    "Omg you motherfuckers!!! You make something for free, i dont have to pay a Cent for it why its not perfect!!!! OMGGG"... This is stupid Nutter... my god man.
  5. Like
    Seriously, you should stop talking, like.. right now.
  6. Like
    Would you atleast understand a f***ing piece of coding, and actually LOOK at the stuff you are working with, you would see that the complete Maintaincode thats working with the database has been altered and modified.

    This mod has been made from scratch, using the "DayZ Code" as its base. Go f*** yourself for calling bullshit on the devs.
  7. Like
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  9. Like
    My cat's breath smells like cat food.
  10. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to ExXoTicC in Show Off Your Base   
    Already a bit older and the base already changed a bit but thats basically it:

  11. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to wokkelwakker in Epoch Traders (Humanity Changes)   
    That should be possible. I haven't tested this, but i guess you can try it? :p
    There are a few things you have to know how to do:
    1. Adding new traders to the server. Here's a tutorial by mysticviperx:

    2. Making a custom compiles.sqf & fn_selfactions.sqf (Step 1-3):
    3. Editing fn_selfactions.sqf for your purpose.
    Find this in fn_selfactions.sqf:
                _low_high = "low";             _humanity_logic = false;             if((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then {                 _humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000);             };             if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hostile") then {                 _low_high = "high";                 _humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000);             };             if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {                 _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);             };             if(_humanity_logic) then {                 _cancel = player addAction [format["Your humanity is too %1 this trader refuses to talk to you.",_low_high], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_cancel.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];                 s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_cancel];             } else { Add one extra "if statement" below it, and lets call the new trader superhero + the 10k humanity so it will look like this:
    _low_high = "low"; _humanity_logic = false; if((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000); }; if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hostile") then { _low_high = "high"; _humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000); }; if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000); };              if((_traderMenu select 2) == "superhero") then {                  _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 10000);              }; if(_humanity_logic) then { _cancel = player addAction [format["Your humanity is too %1 this trader refuses to talk to you.",_low_high], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_cancel.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""]; s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_cancel]; } else { Lastly you should edit server_traders.sqf (assuming you already added a new trader!)
    Example of a newly added trader in server_Traders.sqf:
    // Super Hero Vendor menu_Tanny_PMC = [     [["Ammunition",478],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]],     [],     "hero" ]; change the "hero" to "superhero" (same as in fn_selfactions.sqf) like this:
    // Super Hero Vendor menu_Tanny_PMC = [ [["Ammunition",478],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]], [], "superhero" ]; This should work in theory :)
  12. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Torndeco in =BTC=_Logistic (DayZ Epoch Version)   
    Permission granted to redistribute modified version from original author. =BTC= Giallustio
    Please file bug reports here or @ github repo
    Features / Changes
    U can't lift vehicles with players
    U can't lift vehicles that are locked
    Different heli's can lift different vehicle classes (easy for admins to change)
    Vehicles dropped over 50 altitude deploy a chute
    Vehicles drop + will take damage from a fall
    U can drop vehicles onto buildings
    Custom =BTC= Lift Radar won't show vehicles without line of sight to heli
    U cant pickup vehicles without line of sight i.e inside a building
    U cant drop vehicles inside a building without line of sight from heli -> vehicle
    Only =BTC= Lift Code is in repo atm + there is no towing atm
    Install Instructions

    Copy mpmission/=BTC=_Logistics to your mission file

    Edit your mpmission/init.sqf
    Add to the end of the file

    // Lift
    _logistic = execVM "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Logistic_Init.sqf";

    Edit your mpmission/description.ext

    Add the contents of mpmission/description-addition.txt
    To stop Players from Lifting Locked Vehicles
    Follow the guide @
    "R3F_LOG_disabled" -> "BTC_Cannot_Lift"
    Works with infiSTAR anti-hack.
    Actions to whitelist
    BTC_SganciaActionId,BTC_liftActionId,BTC_liftHudId,BTC_liftActionId CMDMenus to whitelist
    'BTC_Hud' Untested with epoch anti-hack / battleye filters.
    Known Issue:
    Atm u can drop vehicles ontop of a building...
    But if the building is to tall u can't pick up the vehicle (code is basing height for pickup from ground)
    On my todo list to fix
  13. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to vbawol in Epoch Mod for Arma 3   
    Arma 3 Epoch Mod will be a total conversion mod coded from the ground up, and no longer based on DayZ. Many of the key ideas from DayZ Epoch will play a major role in Epoch Mod however everything else will change!
    More will be announced early this year.
  14. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Poncho in Around 14 hours of work - Tikhaya City   
    Well here it is guys, at least 14 hours of work, a bunch of coffee and a lot of dedication to making sure the addition is functional, attractive and offers balanced loot spawns to maximize the potential gameplay. It had been specifically designed for Epoch Chernarus in mind.
    What is it? 
    Well Tikhaya city (named so for its location above Bay Tikahaya on the SW corner of the map) is pretty much what it says on the tin, another city to add to the existing three; Chernogorsk, Electrovodsk and Berezino. It Contains:
    - Multiple lootable houses and pubs, 
    - Hospital, 
    - Fire station,
    - Large Railway station,
    - Railway car park with multiple salvageable vehicles,
    - Gas Station,
    - General store,
    - Church,
    - Large industrial area,  with more scattered around,
    - Farm houses scattered on the outskirts,
    - Hotel with 360 degree overview on the city,
    - Small military encampment.
    As mentioned the city is ideally positioned/built to accomodate for many different types of player game style to maximise potential gameplay, whether that be sniping into/out of the city. Close quarters combat in the narrow city streets, hit and run armed vehicle dashes to get supplies and get out quick and anything in between.
    Here is a link to the image album containing an overview of the city, and multiple screenshots showcasing the city at ground level so you can see the ridiculous amount of detail I pumped in to get this city perfect: 
    With code below:
    For instructions on installation check out my other thread ----> http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2328-for-all-aspiring-dayz-architects-how-to-make-custom-map-content/ and skip to the end bit about publishing content, editing the exec VM where necessary.
    This is a large edit and may be worth adding a custom map marker indicating the location of the city so people know it is there, and please credit any use of the addition. I have taken so much from you guys as you help out me and so many others over the development of this mod, so thanks again guys. Hope you enjoy!  
  15. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Axe Cop in Shorten the building time to less possible?   
    There should only be 1 init.sqf in the mission, with default epoch instance 11 (DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus) you have to change line 39:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
  16. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Axe Cop in Shorten the building time to less possible?   
    I haven't tested it but take a look at the file "@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf"
    I think you can remove the whole while-loop from line 268 "while {_isOk} do {" to line 320, tha should remove the animation and 3 steps.
    If you just want to shorten the time change "_limit = 3;" to 1 or 2 at line 258.
    As I said I didnt test it, but looks like it should work :D
  17. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Axe Cop in Shorten the building time to less possible?   
    Ok sorry I didnt tell you before but you have to extract dayz_code.pbo (it is like a zip archive for ArmA). Then you can open the file with a text editor :)
    Sometimes I assume people in this forum have basic knowledge of the ArmA concepts, because I can't repeat the same things in every post, sorry again but if you dont know that it is not that simple to change the file after you have exctraced it, since every player who joins your server will need the changed file so you have to add it to your mission.pbo (that file every player receives when connecting to your server).
    First things first, to extract PBO-file you need a tool like http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411 (or google ArmA PBO tools for other choices). Then you should be able to find the file xD
    And maybe search this forum or google on how to add changed files to your missions file again, it is explained in many other threads on this forum).
    If you still need help ask me. :)
  18. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Axe Cop in Shorten the building time to less possible?   
    I had a similar problem once, but I forgot to merge the ArmA 2 and ArmA 2: OA directories! :p
    First, you don't have to repack the dayz_code.pbo, it is only used to copy the files to your mission.pbo.
    I guess you changed the file and there are some error in it, but you need to change some paths to even load the changed file so it might be something else.
    I can't tell, if you want send me your mission and i'll do the chhanges and repack it for your, send me a PM (you can write german if you want haha). :p
  19. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Axe Cop in Shorten the building time to less possible?   
    Well as I said changing the file won't do anything, you need to add it to your mission.pbo AND change the path from the original file to your own.
    The path you have to change will be in the file "@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" around line 95:
    player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf"; change it to match your file location (just player_build.sqf if it is in the root of your mission.pbo, off course you also need to copy the changed comples.sqf to the mission.pbo as well and then change the path to the comples.sqf in your init.sqf ... and that will be it, i think ;)
    you need to change the compiles.sqf for many mods, so usually you already did that part.. :D
  20. Like
    ExXoTicC reacted to Robinajax in How much fits in a Storage Shed?   
    Chech the wiki on this site.. http://dayzepoch.com/wiki/index.php?title=StorageShed_DZ
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