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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. Send BE Filters !!


    The point that I'm sure lowrey wants to convey is that he can help the poster learn how to properly adjust and allow for certain otherwise restricted actions to pass the filters, so that they can learn properly what to do next time they want to edit the filters. 


    Always getting things handed to you on a silver platter is nice and all, but the knowledge that you (after learning this the normal way) can do it yourself is much more gratifying in the end. 

  2. I used Vert for a while with my wifes A2 server and never had any major issues. James also provides what I think is some of the best CS around. 10/10 would bang.


    James is by far providing the best CS out of all hosting companies I have dealt with. The fact that you can add them to Skype and bring things up there as well is a bigger plus (even if the response is to open a ticket for it, it means that someone is aware that something is up). 



    What is your guy's thoughts on Vert Hosting?


    I really know nothing about them. Is there support team any good? Good servers? If you guys could share some info on them I would apperciate that.


    Whenever I need to get a server for Arma 2 hosting, Vert is number 1 on my 1 company list.  :)  I'm certain the Arma 3 servers will be more than adequate for most Admins not running their own dedicated. 


  3. indeed, we can provide a simple sql that u need to execute that convert that field to allow more data.


    The only problem i'm seeing is that everyone has to update their scripts and their database entries already there.


    Small script for current servers that wants to use it, and then submit a pull request to alter the Epoch default SQL (or the 1.0.6_update.sql) for future DB's should be good.  basic one is probably a good idea. 


    Should be as simple as: 

    ALTER TABLE `Object_DATA` MODIFY `Worldspace` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]';
  4. One thing that worries me a bit is that the allowed space for the worldspace currently is by default limited to varchar(128). 

    When looking at your final example string, it is currently pushing the envelope: 



    Total count: 113


    Give some extra leeway for bigger maps, and vector buildings potential for (ie. non-scientific numbering) and peoples banks being huge, you might end up with this: 


    Total count: 132, leading to value being truncated.

    Now, the above is based on the positions saving up to 4 decimals and vectoring having up to 6... since I am at work, I cant really verify that this is currently something that Vector is doing... but just want to make sure that this is being considered. 


    Perhaps a pull request to increase the default worldspace varchar value in the default epoch.sql script to something higher, like 255?

  5. Check that you are in fact having an up and running epoch DB. 

    Your problems comes from the server trying to read info from the DB and are not able to get a response. 


    If it is up and running, make sure you are able to log in to it via the username and pass stated in the hiveext.ini


    I see that you are telling the server that your DB is connecting on port 3307. Normally, a default DB is connecting on 3306 - that might be your problem, unless you specifically set up the DB port as 3307? 

  6. I would still take a look at the Server RPT, as there are things in there that would worry me alot: 

    1.) Call to REsec are made, despite the use of InfiStar AH. 

    2.) AH is outdated. Should consider submitting for an updated version.

    3.) Graphics.sqf (?) is causing errors. 

    4.) Custom Loadout is breaking

    5.) You appear to be running admin tools concurrent with InfiStar... should consider only using one option, Admin Tools or AH.

    6.) Consider reducing the max number of Dynamic Vehicles to spawn in. You are currently trying to load in more than your dynamic list is having in total allowed vehicles.

    These errors would not have been related to the Firewall, open/closed ports or your modem. In all likelihood they are still there on your server.  

  7. Was this RPT from the latest restart that you logged in to? 


    If you just restart, it will go that far before it waits for the first player to connect. Server wont bother continuing to load up if there is no one to finish loading for. 


    Try to clear the log, restart the server, and try to log in via the method you first used. When you get to the waiting for host, wait for a minute, disconnect and post the new RPT. 

    If you can also post your hive log (if any), that would be helpful. 

  8. Sorry - was unclear....  


    Your current problem: 

    You have 5 players in your 40 slot server. You should see 5/40 indicated in DayzCommander, but you currently dont see it. 


    My Question: 

    When you have 5 players in your 40 slot server and you start Dayz Launcher (the new launcher that came out while we were waiting for DayZ Commander to get Steam updated), do you see 5/40 or do you also see there 0/40? 


    i shot another RPG, still got kicked. Log files show a different error.




    16.09.2014 18:52:56: [ElitZ]Dutch Vertigo ( aaebd460606d628c8203e96c3175a3c3 - #0 "R_PG7V_AT" 4:7 4:4 Soldier1_DZ [4349,10088,340] [-39,-99,42]
    16.09.2014 18:52:56: [ElitZ]Dutch Vertigo ( aaebd460606d628c8203e96c3175a3c3 - #17 "R_PG7V_AT" 4:7 4:4 Soldier1_DZ [4349,10088,340] [-39,-99,42]

    I don't see anymore triggers ?


    You have not yet updated the file, or you placed the updated file in the wrong location. Check your BE files again. 

  10. Example: 


    16.09.2014 15:44:46: [ElitZ]Dutch Vertigo ( aaebd460606d628c8203e96c3175a3c3 - #0 "R_PG7V_AT" 5:92 5:4 Soldier1_DZ [4323,10073,340] [-105,-46,-1]

    16.09.2014 15:44:46: [ElitZ]Dutch Vertigo ( aaebd460606d628c8203e96c3175a3c3 - #17 "R_PG7V_AT" 5:92 5:4 Soldier1_DZ [4323,10073,340] [-105,-46,-1]


    1.) Open your createvehicle.txt

    2.) Make sure you are not having wordwrapping on (and preferrably using notepad++), then find line #0 (which is the 2nd line in this file). 

    3.) This line is logging all  (signified by quotemarks "" ), except for the items with exclamation marks before it on that line. You might want to keep this, as this is logging that you created the vehicle (meaning the RPG shot)

    4.) Find the line #17, which is actually line 19 in the createvehicle.txt file that you linked in a post above. 

    5.) Note that the line say this: 

    5 "_AT" !="R_M136_AT"

    This indicates that anything that has _AT in the name, will be kicked, unless its full class name is R_M136_AT. Note that the != is code for "except" or "exclude this". 


    6.) Add an exception to the item you want to not get kicked for... in this case: !="R_PG7V_AT"   (note that the equal sign is not really needed... !"R_PG7V_AT"  works just as well) 

    7.) Double check that you dont have any more triggers for "R_PG7V_AT" to worry about....  

    8.) If you saved the file and tried it at step 7, you will have been kicked again... :)   looking at line 39, you see the following: 

    5 "R_PG"

    This indicates that anything that has R_PG in the name, will be kicked. As the shot is having "R_PG" in the name, you need to put the same exception into this line as well. 
    9.) Save the createvehicle.txt and upload it to your battleye folder where your other filters are.

    Go in, shoot again and see it work (or not, at which point you will have another message that you need to find the log for, decipher what line to make the exception for and so on.  ;)

    Happy BE filter editing! :P 

  11. What are the players actually getting kicked for? Find the actual kick message and find the associated log file, then find the trigger and make sure it is related to that line in the txt file before you decide what to do. 



    For RPG and Stingers, you still need to look in teh CreateVehicle.log and CreateVehicle.txt, as the launcher creates a flying vehicle that explodes on impact. 

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