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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. There are currently four different ways of connecting to a server: 


    1.) Via Arma 2 on Steam
    2.) Via DayZ Launcher
    3.) Via DayZ Commander
    4.) Via PlayWithSix


    All these options are prone to display the above behavior if they are connecting to the server without having all that is required. 


    This is a theory though - nothing based on anything more than observation and interrogation once the person joins TS (which is only very few people), where the majority are still trying to connect via DayZ Commander, having still Steam Beta replacement ticked in, or having the non-Steam release of DayZ Commander. 


    However, I may be wrong, and this might be something completely different...

  2. Hi Robert, 


    Based on your original post, you are having an issue where the server is stuck at waiting for host. 

    This is usually related to adding things wrong, or having missing files causing something to break. 


    If you recently upgraded to, then it is likely that you have missed something.

    If you recently added something to the dayz_server.pbo, then you might have broken something.

    if you recently changed something in your mission file, then you might have missed or broken something.

    If you recently added or changed something in your DB, then you might have broken it.


    All of the above are possible ways of obtaining a shiny "Waiting For Host" black screen.


    Now, to troubleshoot this, we need more info - this is not anything to belittle you or being mean - it is just to make sure we have more reference to go on in your particular issue.

    Good info to give:
    - Complete RPT log from last troubling restart (show with launch parameters and version info)

    - Server host (hosts have different flavors)

    - recent changes or additions.

    If your issue cant be resolved, then adding more details is a possibility, or sending your pbo's to a trusted person for review. 


    Sounds good so far?

    Now, if you really were talking about the issue of players starting to load in and getting stuck at the loadingscreen or just a black image hearing yourself walking around - that would be different and I think there is already a solution to that particular problem. 

  3. Simple Peace Of Code But Alot Of Help 


    Reason For :

    Catch People Who Duplicate


    Install :

    Open AH.sqf


    Find :

    _log2 = format['Blood: %1    Humanity: %2',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0])];

    Replace With :

    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 Humanity: %2 Money: %3 Bank: %4',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0]),(_unit getVariable["headShots",0]),(_unit getVariable["bank",0])];

    Image :



    If you are using Soul's hive version, should it not be like this: 

    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 Humanity: %2 Money: %3 Bank: %4',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0]),(_unit getVariable["CashMoney",0]),(_unit getVariable["bank",0])];

    Your example would be if you are still using Zupa's 1.1 version... yes? 


  4. Nope. That's what I've been telling them but it happened to me and I can confirm relogging doesn't work.


    So the question is then, what is going on? 


    1.) Give yourself Coins

    2.) Check your DB if the amount is corresponding to what you now hold. 

    3.) Change Skin

    4.) Check in your in-game debug and see if you have no coins. 

    5.) Check in your DB and see if you still have the same amount as you did 30 sec ago. 

    If you see that the DB displays different results, then you have a bug where it wipes the record for you. 

    If the DB shows the same between the skin change, then the issue is likely with the script calling/checking cells in the wrong table? 

  5. Help with getting coins from dead bodies. Function not working.


    I have everything working but taking coins from dead body. What could cause this. After I kill someone I can study body, see items, but nothing with take coins.


    Is there a way to make the coins go up to 1,000,000,000?


    Thanks for you help


    1.) You need to check that you did the fn_selfactions properly. If you follow the instructions, you should have a proper working "Take Wallet" option. 

    2.) Bank limit can be adjusted in one of the files, I forgot which one.... 

  6. This is EXACTLY what happens on both of my servers, one more than the other.  The servers will start with no objects, bases, vehicles, nothing.  Then I'll have to restart it or it restarts on it's own with all the original objects PLUS all the new vehicles the botched startup created.


    So is there a fix for this? Anyone know why servers start with no objects?


    Check that your server files are clean version. 

    Only time I hear of these issues now are when people are running dirty server files (WinMerged 1.0.4.x into or when the DB has died/had a hickup and did not communicate with the server.


  7. Take a look and see if you forgot to remove a comma in WAI's AIconfig file, where you defined all your weapon loadouts. 

    My example loadout, modified and working: 


    /// Weapon arrays for unit Loadouts ///
    /// Format is ["Gun","Ammo"] ///
    /// 0 ///
    ai_wep0 = [
    /// 1 ///
    ai_wep1 = [
    /// 2 ///
    ai_wep2 = [
    /// 3 ///
    ai_wep3 = [ 
    /// 4 ///
    ai_wep4 = [
    /// Arrays used in "Random" for weapons///
    ai_wep_random = [ai_wep0,ai_wep1,ai_wep2,ai_wep3,ai_wep4];


    If you have edited the loadout wrong, you will get those types of messages that you are seeing. 

  8. Your SQL file to run contains this:

    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for `character_data`
    -- ----------------------------
    ALTER TABLE character_data ADD CashMoney int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER last_updated;

    However... in my character_data table, I dont have a last_updated.

    Is that needed for everything to work?

    Currently it placed CashMoney at the end of the list of columns in my character_data table,

  9. At the bottom, your last #include is wrong.

    #include customloot/CfgBuildingLoot.hpp

    Move it up and write it correctly as: 

    respawn = "BASE";
    respawndelay = 5;
    onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
    OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
    OnLoadIntroTime = False;
    OnLoadMissionTime = False;
    disabledAI = true;
    enableItemsDropping = 0;
    #include "customloot\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

    If you find that you can log in, but no loot or Zeds spawn, change the include line to be"

    respawn = "BASE";
    respawndelay = 5;
    onLoadMission="DayZ_Epoch Napf";
    OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Napf";
    OnLoadIntroTime = False;
    OnLoadMissionTime = False;
    disabledAI = true;
    #include "loottable\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

    (And adjust the location in the mission folder of course)

  10. Well..  


    Can you post a copy of your description.ext ?

    The errors your server RPT log is showing are: 
    1.) Your mission.sqf has custom traders where the position is bad. It is a comma separated array, and you have typed a comma instead of a dot for one of the positions (decimal point is a dot). 

    2.) Your admintools\Activate.sqf might either not like the Steam ID, or you have forgotten to define the adminlist properly. 
    3.) Your server_monitor.sqf is complaining to you about bad data in your trader_data table. Likely due to Overwatch weapons not put in correctly, or you are trying to use Gem Currency without defining proper afile as _old. 

    4.) Your description.ext is complaining about the Header section, which is usually telling the server how many slots to show as open, or something like that. Post a copy of it and we can check what is wrong. 

    Fix the above and you should be able to start up properly. 

  11. Greetings, I know this is probably a longshot but i'm searching everything trying to get this to work!!!


    I noticed in my database that there were two users with the same name, I wondered if this could cause some problem with infistar.


    Also, the other day all the database entries for my 3 extra traders got deleted and I had to redo them all!!


    I'm not really bothered about the traders really, just wondering if this could cause a problem with infistar not working




    Screenshot below






    Many thanks





    No - what you are looking at are actual DB login accounts for all the databases in your DB server. 


  12. You can if you want to.

    Current build is 125548. 


    Without knowing more on what hte actual issue your players have, thats all that can be done. 


    I would guess that most people are still trying to use DZC to connect, which is likely causing issues for them. 

  13. what...? i have infistar it comes free with GTX servers, im looking for the config file referenced in the original post pastebin link


    Buying your own copy ensures that when you move on from GTX to something else, you still have InfiSTAR protecting your future server.  

  14. SP_refuel_action




    These actions are already whitelisted in InfiSTAR's tool - if you do not have them whitelisted, then you have a dangerously outdated copy and should email Chris to get an update.


    If you got it from a friend, or a free version from places like SurvivalServers, you should really consider buying a proper copy.

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