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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. I didnt do anything wrong... I took your loot tables and made everything have a spawn rate or 0.2 and it broke.


    On all lines that you edited, make sure you have the proper format.. did you miss a comma, did you miss a quote mark, did you miss a "}" ? 


    Usually, when things break after an edit it is because someone missed something in the files. 

    The files as they are works.  

  2. I don't have time to spend countless hours on scripting I work 12 hours a day..

    Also vert hosting does require something for loadouts 


    Vert hosting does what all other hosting company do: they provide the server for you.


    Loadouts is always about what you have in your  missions init file and if there is nothing in there for you to use, then you tailor it to fit.


    12 hour days are rough! I feel for ya.

  3. Does everything in BuidlingLoot, Loot, smallloot have to equal 1?

    No - number is a % chance where 0 = no chance and 1 = 100%


    Is there a limit to items I can add?

    Judging from the Overwatch items in the custom loot tables I use, I highly doubt it.


    Also does the default cfg loot tables come with all lootable building for all maps?

    I don't think it does, but if you are missing them, and know the building class-name, you should be able to add it with some trial and error.

  4. If you have a modded server and have altered the dynamic_spawn.sqf, check it for any missing commas. 


    Chances are you have vehicles in there that are:

    1.) Not properly comma separated

    2.) Not using an allowed classname

    3.) Classname spelled wrong


    Its always easy to forget and mess up on the Dynamic Spawn - and since it will in most cases not stop the server... well.... RPT takes one for the team. ;) 

  5. Try to use this: 

    SELECT item, qty, buy, sell 
       from Traders_DATA

    This should give you a list of all the items, how many the traders have and the respective Buy/Sell price. 

    Note that if you are using HeidiSQL, you can just click on the table "traders_data" and select (in the center-top frame) the "data" tab, which will show you all the content from the table. 

  6. Have you checked the logs? 


    When a server starts, there is always a log (arma2oaserver.RPT in most cases..  names may vary) that records all the action that happens. 

    Usually most issues can be detected through that log, or the hiveext.log (dealing mostly with DB interactions problems). 


    If you can provide a copy of the RPT log, we can suggest where you should look at to fix things. 

  7. Looking into my Hive log (which I completely missed all weekend), show three distinct issues:

    2014-08-24 19:21:49 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:201:296:[295,[11868,12613.2,0.0438232]]:[["ItemMap","ItemKnife","ItemEtool","ItemCompass","ItemCrowbar","Colt1911","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemHatchet_DZE","Mk_48_DZ"],["ItemMorphine","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","ItemPainkiller","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","ItemSodaCoke","100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"]]:["DZ_GunBag_EP1",[["SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT","DMR","VSS_vintorez","ItemToolbox"],[1,1,1,1]],[["ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS"],[1,1,2]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,8957.63,[],[0.0060121,0],0,[145.411,251.838]]:false:false:3:3:168:2:["Mk_48_DZ","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon",41,[]]:0:0::15:scalar:|
    2014-08-24 19:23:31 Database: [Error] Error 1062 (Duplicate entry '##################' for key 'PRIMARY') in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'INSERT INTO `Banking_DATA` (`PlayerUID`, `PlayerName`) VALUES (?, ?) VALUES("##################", "someplayernamehere")'
    2014-08-24 19:50:37 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:201:277:[317,[12890.7,12764,0]]:[]:[]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[615.536,236.644]]:false:false:0:0:0:0:["","",42,[]]:0:0::0:1.25e+006:|

    (Player details anonymized to ###)


    Now, I will assume that the reason for the three various errors are: 


    1.) scalar is not an option that should be in the string to be updated?

    2.) SQL is trying to add in Value (?,?) followed by another proper VALUES("##################", "someplayernamehere")
    3.) Possibly a protest where it cant enter scientific value to the DB?

    As for number 1 above, I don know why 
    As for number 2 above, I'll try and see if there are any reasons for it in a file I edited or not. 

    As for number 3 above, It is over the 999.999 value barrier - so the question is if saving to DB has the same limitation as saving to bank at the moment - cant exceed 999.999 in Child 201 calls? 

    Hope this shed some more light on the topic. :) 



  8. Hi everyone,


    I have recently had issues where players are experiencing negative amounts in their cashMoney column, when picking up money from corpses or selling/buying from traders.  Generally this is something that players say they do within the last 5 minutes before restart.


    I have already stressed to them that they should log out sooner, but I am still seeing this issue. 


    What I currently have is:



    - Zupa 1.1 + Soul version 1,



    - Universal Remove/Add Coins

    - Single Currency Base Maintenance

    - Single Currency Service Points


    I have already reinstalled all files and dll's to test if I missed something (not appearing to be the issue).


    Any ideas?

  9. CfgBuildingLoot = Deals with items or item types that spawns in buildings, and what Zombies will spawn from the buildings, and what possible loot the Zombies will have a chance to drop. 

    CfgBuildingPos = the exact positions inside the building that a loot point is possible to spawn at + Zombie spawn (without loot) that is needed for the building. Note that this is in addition to the CfgBuildingLoot.

    CfgLoot = the various arrays available that holds the main loot (weapons and such).

    CfgLootSmall = the various small loot content (think 23 mags and a flashlight) that is not weapons. 


    When the server decides to create a loot spawn, it will look in the Building Loot as to what the building is and the number of Zeds to spawn from it (and what loot those Zed has a chance of having).

    then it gets the positions that the loot will be placed on, and then for each point it decides to spawn, it checks the CfgLoot and see what it should add. 


    CfgLootSmall is used when the building calls for the use of it, and it is there so that the server knows how to create it. "addweaponcargo" calls are made for a category in the CfgLoot, while the same category in CfgLootSmall is likely to use "addmagazinecargo". Separation there means that the server will work properly and not freak out when it starts to read in the Custom loot info. :) 

    Probably are better examples out there than my block of text... but until something better comes along - there you go. :) 

  10. Usually this also happens when the AH requires an action to be whitelisted. 


    As an Admin, you are always going to bypass the whitelist and do whatever you want - if you want a particular script to also provide this option to players, you need to tell the AH to allow it (white list it). 


    As for refuel - it is already in the AH and should not need to be whitelisted... what version are you running (see line 5 in the AH.sqf)? 

  11. For Vilayer, you have all the files you need unpacked that you need to work with: mission file and dayz_server. 


    They are both located in the vilayercodecustom folder as such: 


    Server PBO = /Vilayercodecustom/dayz_epoch/

    Mission PBO = /Vilayercodecustom/missions/epoch.lingor/


    Server will rebuild the server and mission pbo every restart, if you have any changes in those folders. 


    For files you need to take from dayz_code (like compiles, variables, fn_selfaction, local_lockunlock, etc), you do best in locating this directly from _YOUR_ Arma 2 install folder on your computer...  

    usually found in steam/steamapps/common/Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/@Dayz_Epoch/  (or similar path) .

  12. sorry not sure if this is the right spot, i have 2 questions


    1 i have set  my time to UTC +10 which is sydney australia but it still comes as night in the server


    and 2


    ive been trying the admin features with admin tools i spawn in a perm vehicle and the key wont unlock or lock it


    Are  your server based in Sydney? 

    If so, you should not change the UTC.

    if you want it to always start at 3pm for instance, change the time type to Static, comment the Offset and uncomment the Hour and set it to be 15.


    What Admin tools are you referring to? 

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