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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. My signs show on my Cherno Server but aren't showing up on my Napf server. I can't figure out why they won't work on Napf. I have done all the combinations possible.


    Is the positions set up correctly? 


    In the default Chernarus list, there are no comments added for the positions, so your signs are being shown.




    Having a time getting the signs to show, anyone else have any tips?


    USE_CANBUILD = false;	// if you don't want to define your own positions
    USE_TraderCity = false;	// if you don't want to define your own positions (Epoch 1.0.5)
    USE_POSITIONS = true;	// to use own positions and radius
    USE_SIGNS = true; // use this to build signs around the SafeZone
    _infiSZ =
    	[[6325.6772,7807.7412],75,true],  	//"Trader City Stary"
    	[[4063.4226,11664.19],75,true],   	//"Trader City Bash"
    	[[11447.472,11364.504],75,true],  	//"Trader City Klen"
    	[[1606.6443,7803.5156],30,true],  	//"Bandit Camp"
    	[[12944.227,12766.889],30,true]  	//"Hero Camp"


    In your case, you have added comments to a closed array, likely confusing things. 

    Remove the // lines and you will see that it works. 

    If you still want to keep a list to make it easy to remember, simply copy the one you have before you removed the comment, and do like this: 


    [[6325.6772,7807.7412],75,true],  	//"Trader City Stary"
    [[4063.4226,11664.19],75,true],   	//"Trader City Bash"
    [[11447.472,11364.504],75,true],  	//"Trader City Klen"
    [[1606.6443,7803.5156],30,true],  	//"Bandit Camp"
    [[12944.227,12766.889],30,true]  	//"Hero Camp"
  2. @Inevitable Gaming:


    have you made sure you are running the steam patch (125548)? 


    These above issues are what we usually see when people either: 

    a.) Incorrectly merge files to

    b.) having the server run outdated and bad patches (aka 112555)

    c.) completely missed to include important variables in custom variable.sqf/compiles.sqf

    d.) all of the above.




    You have bad DB entries in your traders_data table.

    If you are running an Overpoch server, make sure to search for the following:

    SELECT * 
      from traders_data
     where buy like '%[5"%'
      or sell  like '%[2"%'
      or sell  like '%[3"%'

    If you simply have entered custom items, then you are likely to have messed up somewhere.

    Check your hive log and see if you have any "CHILD:399:" errors and follow the process here:


  3. Rule of thumb would be: 

    - If it is something on your back: addBackpackCargoGlobal

    - If it is something classified as weapon (including hatchet as the item in your hands): addWeaponCargoGlobal

    - If it is anything else that generally goes into your inventory (but never into weapon slots):  addMagazineCargoGlobal 


    You can also use the DB classification of 1,2,3 to determine if an item is Item (1, or addMagazineCargoGlobal ), Backpack/vehicle (2, or addBackpackCargoGlobal) or Weapon (3, or addWeaponCargoGlobal)

  4. You are using the AddWeaponCargoGlobal call for items.  Change it to AddMagazineCargoGlobal and try again. 


    Like this: 

    // AMMO
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 40];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 6];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 6];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["PG7V", 2];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", 16];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 16];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x99_AS50", 14];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 10];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", 8];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["USSR_5Rnd_408", 8];

    Also make extra sure you also have defined the box name "Sector_B_Weapons" properly.

  5. Starting to notice a trend in gray screen issues...   :huh:


    Can you tell me if these players have just logged in, rushes over there to buy a heli and then after 1 - 5 min after they logged in get unresponsive (cant control anything) just before getting the Grayscreen, forcing them to terminate Arma2 to close? 


    If so, try this: 

    1.) Once logged in, press and hold [Left Ctrl] and press [Numpad Minus]. 

    2.) Once you let go of the above combination, type: flush

    3.) You should get a black screen and "receiving data", and after a short loading time, you get the "No Bad Content Found" check. 

    If the above occurrence is what is happening, and teh steps are fixing it for your players, let me know.  Have a feeling we will need to repeat this alot in the next few weeks. 

  6. help me error "authentication timeout"


    You do know that asking in this way is not going to help you solve it quickly? 


    Please add info on the steps you take to get this error (we kind of figure you are loading in, but as player or Admin), so we can suggest ways to help. 


    Good info to share: 

    - Latest (full) RPT log in a pastebin

    - Host provider (cause fix might be flavored for the specifics of that host provider).

    Any recent changes you made to Server and mission files. 

  7. Hi I have a problem with the InfiStar Safezone – I want the safe Zone OFF at Hero and Bandit.


    I am almost 100% sure that they were off at some point – but now they are on……so maybe I am wrong.


    I have removed these two lines from safezone.cfg so I don’t understand why there is safe zones those to places …… please help





    If you have the latest version of the safezone script, then you have two ways of using it....  

    1.) Use the default tradercity info = no need to use the list of worldpositions

    2.) Use the custom location list = not going to listen to tradercity info and instead use your defined list of positions. 

    If you want to remove the Hero/Bandit protection, switch your defined variables at the top to be FALSE for the "Use Tradercity" options and then make sure you dont have the Hero/Bandit locations defined in the position list. 

  8. Possible areas you want to check for issues: 


    1.) Check that you are calling the correct mission file from your servers config.cfg  (possible bad spelling in config)
    2.) Check that you are having the correct $PREFIX$ or $PBOPREFIX$ in your dayz_server.pbo (possible bad unpack/repack)

  9. We appreciate your time and effort to get our issues sorted :D


    We're looking forward to the Arma 3 Epoch release as well, I've got my head wrapped round the coding to try and familiarize myself with A3 scripting lol.


    I would rest that head of yours - it's not likely to be something we will see anytime soon. Having seen the codebase for AltisLife, I wish I could send Pharmaceutical strength Advil through Internet....  cause that will hurt most people. :)

  10. In my experience, if you connect to a server and for a second see the lobby but then switches to a solid gray screen, then you have been banned by AH.


    What version of AH are you running? (Should be seen on line 5 in the AH.sqf)

  11. Thanks for the quick reply,

    We got the new versions from 5.1, this doesn't matter too much however as we had it working with AH 329 but when updating to 330c it caused the error.

    As for the dialogs where would I find how to set these.


    If you purchased it from InfiSTAR.de, contact InfiSTAR with your email/paypal that was used when purchasing and ask for the latest update, as it's up to 332z now. :)


    If you did not, I urge you to get it from the source, cause its always better to get updates from the man himself. :)

  12. When looking at Dedicated, the difference would be a server running 3.2 Ghz vs 3.7Ghz... Prices can sometimes be a factor when deciding, so if there is a potential gain with going 3.2 and customizing Ram for the purpose of running Ramdisk, that would be something for sure.


    Ultimately, I would love to see someone managing to set up a persistent cloud server running Epoch - but from what I can tell, you would have to run the Linux version if you want to do it now.

    A bit of a tangent there, but anyway..  :)

  13. When you updated, did you simply winmerge your version of the compiles and fn_selfaction files, or did you do it properly by taking the 5.1 version from the dayz_code.pbo?


    Also, can you tell us what version of AH you are running?  Your version number can be found on line 5 in the AH.sqf.

    Also check that your _CUD and _ALLOWED_Dialogs are set properly.

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