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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. I had not the chance since happened in times i was unable to join the server.

    No zombies and no loot.


    - are you running custom loot? 

    - what server host are you with? 

    - what Arma 2 version are you running (1.62? 1.63? 112555? 125548?)

    - what is the RPT log saying? 


  2. Can you provide more information beyond the RPT? 


    "some kinda debug" can be a few reasons, but it helps if we get more... 


    - Is the player able to get fully logged in (but in Debug) ? 

    - is the player able to hear things? 

    - Can player walk around in debug? 

    - Can Player communicate from debug? 

    - Was Player crashing a CH-53 when this all started? 

    - When in Debug, can he use the escape key? 

    - When in debug, can he access gear? 


  3. Got this issue to with self configured tables any ideas


    I assume you read the first page and then posted that you had issues as well? 

    Have you tried following the instructions I posted? If yes, do you have any particular errors or RPT logs to share? 

    Please note that the majority of posts in this thread was after the 1.0.5 release that changed things around for custom loot. 

  4. Since you are running Overpoch, my guess is that you took some loot files from the forum here and did not check if they were or

    (You can grab a working copy from my signature. )


    Either way, check if you have done the following: 


    In Description.ext: 

    disabledAI = true;
    #include "loottable\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

    Bold red text should be in there. This is the location of the custom loot for me. 

    Also make sure you have this in your Init,sqf: 

    DZE_MissionLootTable = true; //Custom Loot

    Let us know if you have any further issues. 

  5. I think the main problem that you are experiencing is that you are running still.


    I could be wrong, but I would imagine that the newer AH version dont support it anymore? Best way is to send an email to InfiStar (include the email address you used for your purchase) and ask if it is compatible with



    Or - maybe look at upgrading? Most of the scripts I was running was not affected by the upgrade... those dealing with trader city sensors were, and I had to give up the Krixes BB version I was using (too lazy to add it back in after), but over all - rather painless.

  6. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/actions/player_build.sqf#L11


    The code that looks for amount of objects around is hardcoded to 30 meters. You will have to bring this file over to your mission file and change it there.

    Alternatively if you are using some sort of snap building, change it there instead.


    In if using modular build setup, it will be reduced to a small function that can be easily changed within mission file separately from rest of the code, instead of reusing whole player_build file (just a heads up):



    What I don't understand is - why? 


    Awesome!  I actually never hit this limit, so I had no idea that it did exist. :) 


    Thanks everyone - did learn something new today. :D

  7. You are starting the server wrong,


    You have: 

    == C:\Users\boggi_000\Desktop\OVERPOCH SERVER\arma2oaserver.exe
    == "arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" 
    "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

    What it should be looking like is:

    == C:\Users\boggi_000\Desktop\OVERPOCH SERVER\arma2oaserver.exe
    == "arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" 
    "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus " -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

    Change so that the order is Overwatch, then epoch, followed by the Epoch server.

  8. My problem is I've tried both separately, and neither work. I just posted the screenshot with AGN becuase that's what I currently have installed. I'm running Epoch 1042 if that matters. 




    Yes, InfiStar's version is for I think... but the better question is: Why not update to 

  9. Thats for increasing the range of the plot pole - im interested in increasing the range of the built limit. I think I found it in player_build.sqf though.


    Edit nope sure didnt.


    That my friend will increase your building limit to 3000...which in turn will allow your players to place 3000 objects in a 30 meter area...not good considering default is something like 150.



    Ok, so now I am confused - based on your OP, then reply to me and then reply to Cen - I'm not sure we are understanding what you want to have done. 

    You ask about DZE_BuildingLimit, but then you move on to talk about range within plotpole. 


    If you want to enforce a maximum of 500 building objects in a 300m plotpole radius, you need the following: 


    DZE_BuildingLimit = 500; // Default = 300
    DZE_PlotPole = [300,75]; //[40,55] plot is 40m from pole and you cant place another pole within 55m
    DZE_requireplot = 1; //'0' means you dont need it to build. '1' means you have to place it down in order to build

    Then, if you are using Maintenance with a 300m plotpole, put the following in as well: 

    DZE_maintainRange = 300;

    If you are still saying that it is no good, then I am sorry - but you need to clarify a bit better on what it is that you want to do... cause I am slightly confused now. 

  10. If you are running InfiSTAR safezones, you dont need to run AGN. 

    His safezone script is written to run together with the AH as far as I know, so it should not have any issues. 


    1.) Just grab the content from http://pastebin.com/ht7djVGH and put it in a file and name it Safezone.sqf

    2.) put in the following in your init file: 

    [] execVM "Safezone.sqf";

    Of course, if you dont run a Chernarus map, and you want to have a visual indicator of the safe zone, you have to grab the correct positions - if not, then you can simply leave most options as they are. 

  11. Dansoe - if framed in a good way, a question for help will be met with assistance most of time here. Getting a list of scripts in a long list, where some of it is so basic that it is now a standard part of epoch itself is usually less inviting. 


    I have broken many a servers in my time learning what I know about Epoch. Each time I break it, I learn something new - and while it is not ideal to learn that way one a production server with players on it, it is the best way to absorb new info - it makes you stronger and less prone to panic when met with issues. 


    Now, I am hoping he have gotten a friendly soul to help him out - I am not saying he should not look. What I am saying is that while he waits, he might as well get the basic stuff in. 


    I work full time, and I get home and I do support and scripting for servers and people I help out. I like teaching what I know (be it right or wrong) - but I cant help everyone. 

    What everyone here keeps saying to people (in some cases less polite) is that if you pay for a server, why not learn something too? Updates are always plenty, and hired people are not always around. 

    I have no problem setting up a server for free from someone. I have a problem doing it when the person has expectations that are not going to be met, as I am not the kind of person to stick 40 scripts into a server and leaving it to choke. 

  12. "Indestructible" is not equal to "immune from server cleanup". 


    In your hiveext.ini, there is a setting that tells the server to clean up placed items in the world after they turn X days old. 

    Turning it up to 300 will make the server only delete objects older than 300 days. 

    You can turn off this feature by setting it to -1, but some hosts reports buggy result with it... so a higher number is likely preferred. 

  13. Quick question about DZE_BuildingLimit:


    How do you increase the range of it? Right now it's 30 meters default. How can you increase the range so you can only have so many objects in lets say 300 meters.


    Thanks in advance!



    What you want to add in your init.sqf is: 


    DZE_PlotPole = [50,75]; //[50,75] plot is 50m radius from pole and you cant place another pole within 75m of an existing pole radius

    You can find this and other variables here: http://epochmod.gamepedia.com/Init.sqf

  14. I actually got this error this Sunday as well... 


    I was installing the Gold Coin script (Zupa 1.1 + Storm v1) and I decided I did not want to have the Hud that came with it. 

    Turns out, doing that makes the server flip and I had to turn it back on. 


    If you dont have the Gold Coin script, I would look for any strange #Include calls in your description.ext. 

  15. So nobody have custom loot tables on Vilayer server? Anyone?  :unsure:


    Running custom loot on is easy.


    This thread is an old one, where there were confusion after the update, which contained changes to the way item chance are set in the custom loot files. 

    There are many threads about setting up custom loot for Epoch, for Overpoch and the likes... but if you are just interested in getting the files, setting it up and have it working from the start, you can grab my version here: https://github.com/forumtech/Overpoch-CustomLoot


    Note: I am not the author of these files, and will give credit to the author if I can figure out where I got them originally. This is just set up to make sure people looking for Overpoch Custom Loot Tables dont spend hours fixing something that should take 5 min max.

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