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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. this is a joke... right?

    if you have some players on the server... which is the main goal... isnt it? (makes no sense to build a server to keep it empty) your epoch objects will count much more then 3000...


    fact is... arma2 is coded very poorly on perfomance... and epoch (or any other mod) doesnt make it better

    they put the focus on things like "oh look how beatiful this looks... the waving trees in the wind..." where the fps are dropping to 10 instead of "check out my high fps @ 150"


    I never said that you should keep it under. I'm saying that once you have more than that, you will start to see server working harder and harder communicating all of this to the active players.

    Depending on your hardware, that could probably be higher. I have had servers that were running 15000+ objects with ok frame rate...



    I've never heard of JSRS impacting server performance, could you elaborate a bit on that?

    JSRS is scripted, so that when a bullet is fired, depending on the type, you will get a certain sound that needs to travel in a certain way. While all of this is local to your machine (since you have JSRS installed), network messages are sent to all players, informing them of the bullet event and what they should hear, if they happened to be in range.  For a few bullets, this is not going to do anything to a server... but if you have an intense PvP focused server that runs 4 hour restarts and have 30+ trigger happy people, you are likely to trigger ALOT of bullet events, no? :)


    Before people eviscerate me for being anti-JSRS, let me point out that I absolutely love JSRS sounds....  but the topic here was server FPS.

  2. My suggestions to improve server FPS:

    - Consider not running JSRS
    - Check that you dont have over 3000 Epoch objects spawning at server start

    - Reduce Dynamic Spawning of vehicles if you have 20+ people regularly on the server (players will push your car count over any limit if given a chance)

    - Check that you dont go overboard with map editions (less is more sometimes)

  3. I gave up mate, using epoch admin tools instead, real shame really cause I'm getting loads of hackers :(









    Are you by any chance having the ACE mod enabled in your Arma 2 OA Extension list? 

    Cause it looks like the things you are getting banned for (and you are getting banned by InfiSTAR for this) is scripts associated to the Ace_Main.pbo. 

    If it is as simple as disabling @ACE to let you get in and fully use your server and the InfiSTAR tool, well.. there you go - get rid of Ace. :) 

  4. Some important things to remember when running BEC:


    1.) Restart warnings should be using time format 2, as it is specific to real world, ie 6am = 06:00:00

    2.) "Advertising" messages that you want to show every 20 min or so (advertising TS/Website/etc) should be in time format 1, as it is specific to how long Bec has been running, ie every 25 min = 002500

    3.) When using time format 2, you need to know what timezone your server is in, as it will read the time from the actual server.

    4.) BEC is started as a separate service from Arma 2 - there are always going to be slight delays when timing things, so give yourself a 30 sec margin in messages.

    5.) Use the to be safe.

  5. You need to define the enable radio way before the other variables...  like this:

    dayZ_instance =	24;				//The instance
    dayzHiveRequest = [];
    initialized = false;
    dayz_previousID = 0;
    //disable greeting menu 
    player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
    //disable radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen
    enableRadio true;
    // May prevent "how are you civillian?" messages from NPC
    enableSentences false;
    ... /snip/ ....
    //============== CUSTOMIZE DEATHMESSAGES HERE ===================================
    DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = false; //message of the kill will be broadcast as a Global message as written by victim
    DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;
    DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = false;
    //============== /CUSTOMIZE DEATHMESSAGES HERE ==================================
  6. Also I wonder if its possible to use AGN's Anti backpack steal as Infistar is somewhat buggy.

    Its still possible for players to take items out of other players backpacks if they are fast enough.

    Also i have a lot of players in stary making this really hard for users to open their backpack.


    I dont know if you should run two parallel safezone scripts. 


    Fast enough getting in to your backpack? You cant even open the backpack dialogue if a player is too close.   :)  If you are running a recent version of the safezones script from Infistar, I would be very curious on how you manage to open the gear with a player within 3 meters from you - provided  you have the antibackpack system turned on. 

  7. Besides from the installation instructions - due you know how this differs from the old one ? Anything new ?

    I don’t read code :huh:  – so I don’t have a clue what to look for :( 


    Well I can see this is new: USE_SPEEDLIMIT = true;


    Looks like it is the default object used for the signposts and the installation instructions. 

  8. You already have a topic created here for this exact reason, posted a few hours ago - please focus on that thread. 



    Moderators - can we please have this one deleted, as it is a duplicate?  :) 

  9. -50dkp


    Moar Dots! 

    ...  Now sotp Dots! 



    i am trying to join a epoch server with commander and every thing is updated and installed :/

    Check that you dont have the "Replace Steam Beta" option checked in the Settings. 

  10. Help us, help you! :) 



    Are you trying to join an Overpoch server? 
    Are you trying to join via Dayz Launcher / DayZ Commander? 
    Are you trying to join via Steam directly? 

    Are you having the latest Steam Patches? 


    While we are mind readers (yes, I totally heard what you just thought! You are so naughty!), actually getting information we can use in order to help you is the next best thing. 

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