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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. If anyone were to offer to help for free, would you automatically assume that your problems will be over and every problem in your server will be fixed? 


    If that is the expectation, then I'm certain there are only a few people willing to spend the hours it is going to take to look up the problem, identify the issue, solve it and test it to ensure it was that issue. 

    In these situations, I advice the people I support to start fresh - add the scripts one at a time and work through the addons one by one. 


    I understand that not having the source of the addons will cause headaches, but there is always a location to start by learning it from scratch. 


    If you want me to spend one of my evenings looking at your pbo's and try to solve your major issues, let me know by sending a PM here. 

    If you are still running Beta 112555, I wont be able to do much though. 




    clearly this isnt scripting help area or we woulden't haft constantly pay for some help... agian i have given few scripts that most likely are causing issues and wanted someone look....just 5-10mins of time skim thru and see if anythings out of place as we are not exp scripters we dont exactly know what's going be screwed up...



    few scripts i can think of might be a issue



    fast build

    plot pole to uid

    plotpole veh godmode

    locked vehs give godmode

    heli crashes


    The problem with naming possible scripts here is that you are assuming these are the cause of the problem. You might be right, and you might be wrong - at this point you need someone to look at the complete files.  

    Since you are reporting a problem, and the RPT log is not clearly showing the issue, the only other option is to get someone to review the complete mission file or complete server file or both.

    Without knowing what you have, how your custom configs are called, what you have in your server_monitor and server_function, what custom changes in the init.sqf you have made, we wont be able to help you. 

    RPT log is great to show the overall errors and allows us to direct and pinpoint where you are to find the solution for your problems. If it is no longer stating any specific errors, then you need to clearly show what the problem is, or give the IP to make someone (with patch 112555) log in and experience the issue. 

    After that, the person might be able to troubleshoot things by looking at the pbo's. 

    For your information, people is extremely helpful here - eager even... but what we cant do is take loose questions and give specific answer to it without more info. I will always ask for RPT logs, host and more details (search for any of my replies in this forum section and you'll see), because I need those info to look closer at the problem.




    no ty insert we gave up after a loss of about 90.00 trusting someone and them not finishing after given money..they pretty much stoped/ignored us seems and said we didnt pm them lol..swear. anyhow thx.


    This is a brilliant example of why you should never send out a call for someone to script for you, especially for cash compensation. 
    Anyone worth having will either do it to help you learn, or do it because they like playing on your server. 


    If people were more interested in learning how to install, troubleshoot and tweak code, there would be fewer situations like this one,..

  4. In your mission folder, look for the "mission.sqm" and look at hte beginning of the file...


    It should start similar to this:


    class Mission

    Now, the following errors appear because you have the buildings in the server, but the mission.sqm is not listing them as something needed:

    21:05:37 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    21:05:37 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    21:05:38 Cannot create non-ai vehicle WeaponHolder_MeleeMachete,
    21:05:38 Cannot create non-ai vehicle WeaponHolder_MeleeMachete,
    21:05:40 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

    You can solve them by adding the following to the mission.sqm list of needed stuff:

    class Mission

    Hope that helps.


    As for how easy or hard it is to copy paste - it is well worth it to learn.... it may take some time, but it would mean that mean spirited server-wiping advice from people here might not be needed so much in the future.


    Asking for help in the right way was what your husband did - An RPT log is almost always my first request when trying to figure out things for other people - I dont care how awesome they are at scripting... If a server has issues, most of the time it can be seen in the RPT log.

    Would have been happy taking a look at the files for you, but it appears that you are getting help now, so I wont be needed. :)

  5. how does that exactly help us? does that not reset entire crap?


    and yes it does. do not post if you can not offer help ty....


    First lesson I always teach people that want help with something on their server is how to roll back to a good version.


    With Vilayer, this is extra easy, as all you need to do is take a backup of your existing code in the \Vilayercustomcode\ folder and then press the restore code button.

    (There are other ways if you already have existing working good versions, but this is a different story)

    Yes, while it _IS_ going to reset the Server and mission pbo's, it will also return you to a good working condition.


    He is here, asking for help, and while there are people here that can help, a first lesson in how to quickly fix something that sounds like a serious issue with a broken server (Sorry Halv for reading my thoughts into your response) would in me trigger an immediate response.


    Now.. on with the program...

    Atreides.... trusting issues is not going to prevent you from posting an RPT log... please provide that so we can look into things.


  6. You are either running on DayZ.ST or you have one of the options in your AHconfig set to bounce back anyone that teleports - review your settings in there.


    If you are running DayZ.ST, they have a custom Anti-TP script that is usually (or so far as I have seen) installed in the default pbo's. Might want to check if you want to keep that one around.

  7. When you modified the mission file, did you take a version of the missions init.sqf that was from Chernarus? 



    In the init file, there is the following setting at the top: 

    dayZ_instance = 13;	//The instance
    dayzHiveRequest = [];
    initialized = false;
    dayz_previousID = 0;

    Depending on the instance given, the server will be looking for mission related content matching that instance number (in this case Taviana = 13) from the dayz_server\Missions\ folder. 

    Check and see if adding your mission to that list, and then making sure it has the proper instance version set in the init. sqf should solve the problem. 

  8. How to update a server to the latest beta patch would completely depend on your server host. 


    Personally, I would avoid updating to 112555 until Epoch releases 1.0.5, which at that point will be running a higher version number as far as I understand... 

  9. These are issues caused by the latest beta patch, which is what you are running, based on the following line from your RPT : 

    1. Version 1.63.112555
    To solve them, you need to either: 
    1.) Wait until a new Beta version comes out; or
    2.) Try to solve the issues by making sure each variable is defined at the top of the script, which might not be possible, depending on the script; or 
    3.) Roll back to version 1.62.103718 which is the latest supported by Epoch. 

    Option 3 is going to likely split your community into those that can play and those that refuse to roll back to play on your server.

    Sorry.  :( 
  10. This is a post that I like for the following reasons: 

    - You post a problem
    - You provide examples
    - You noticed yourself after posting what was the likely culprit (a perspective change is sometimes all someone needs)
    - You Edited post to indicate you thought you had found the reason
    - You Edited post again to confirm that it was in fact the case. 

    Very few posts are a waste of posts if they follow your example above... Thanks for keeping us in the loop.  :) 

  11. So if you roll back to the previous AH release, you are all fine? 


    I would check the corresponding "Allowed Actions" and "Allowed CMDmenu" setting that is declared True or False. 

    I know the old versions needed _BMC to be false if you wanted to use the Allowed CMD menu, and _CSA = True of you wanted to use the Allowed Action to whitelist custom variables. 

    I think any further issues needs to be brought up to InfiStar (if you got it from him). 

  12. As a fan of the KISS method in troubleshooting, I will ask the obvious questions: 


    - Did you properly start the script in init.sqf (or wherever you are initializing this)? 

    - Did you properly close the list of allowed vehicles in the R3F vehicle list? 
    - Do you have too many commas or not enough semi-colons in all your edited locations? 
    - Did you add global variables to the AH whitelist? 

    Long night tend to mean you have overlooked something obvious - I know I tend to suffer things like that when I change code after many hours in front of a screen.  :) 

  13. Have you tried to look at the errors shown in the RPT log? 

    Thats always a first step - after that is to give us more information on what you added (and why) and what you have tried to do in order to fix it (rolling back is a good suggestion, but clearly did not work). 

  14. This is unlikely related to 112555, as I have gotten it on other servers that is not updated. 


    It is far more common to be related to something you put into the Server or Mission file than anything else... I would start to look there. 

  15. The issue is related to Server network communication, where the server is trying to send info to a player, but is failing. 

    A player is always assigned a Channel when they join a server, so that the server can stream information to the connected client. 

    In some cases, be it custom scripts or the receiving client, is unable to receive the info, and the server logs it into the RPT log. 


    It has been reported in various forums and chats that there are two reasons for this type of errors occurring - 1.) Custom Script overloading slower clients; or 2.) Server files having gotten Steam corrupt. 

    I suggest that you review what you have put in recently and try to figure out if any addons are the cause. Could be in the Server file, mission file or simply a badly configured config causing it. 

  16. Overwatch has the backpack in it's loot list. 


    What happens is that when someone deploys it, server is informing everyone of it, as it is a vehicle that everyone gets told about. 
    The moment that happens, the person gets kicked for the filter restriction. 


    Suggestion will be to alter the filters, or remove the raven backpack from your loot list. 

  17. Check your HiveExt.ini file for the following: 

    ;Negative values will disable this feature 
    ;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart 
    ;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted 
    CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 7

    Change the number you see for either -1 or a very high number.  Some people claim that -1 is not that great on ViLayer, so you are likely better off putting it to 365. 

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