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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. on the authentication i wait till it hits 100 

    i just have the server files from the epoch website

    and its just vanilla epoch no safezones no nothing


    So you are saying that you simply try to run a server on your own computer?


    I'm sorry if I am sounding increasingly frustrated in my answer, but I keep asking you for important information in order to help you.

    I cannot suggest anything if I dont have anything to go on.

  2. i have nothing in the server right now 

    i can get into the lobby but not into the game

    and im not sure about the rpt file 

    and i dont know about the problems i set it up the same as his


    - But what do you have?

    - I can tell you where the RPT file is, if your hosting with HFB or ViLayer.... which is it?



    it keeps saying waiting for server to start authentication


    - How long do you wait before giving up?

  3. Removing ammo from the new vehicles we added to the trader using the script from J3T (http://opendayz.net/threads/release-remove-weapons-ammunition-thermal-from-vehicle-epoch-version.18044/)


    The install instructions for that script states to do the change in the following files:





    Note that it does not state to put it in server_publishVehicle.sqf


    Is it possible that you put it in where it should not be found? :)

  4. "Sounds like you are doing it wrong. "



    ^ That right there was an answer corresponding to the level of details in your question.



    It is helpful if you add the following information:


    - Server host you are having problems on vs your Friends that work.

    - What do you have in the server already (beside the scripts you trying to add now)

    - What errors are you getting in your RPT file?

    - Are you able to log in to the lobby but never past it? 

    More details please. 

  5. Try adding this to your missions init.sqf:


    DZE_PlotPole = [100,150];



    This will give you a plot pole radius of 100 meters , and the restriction of not able to place a new plot pole within 150 meters from an existing one.


    If you dont define one in the init.sqf, you will by default have:


    DZE_PlotPole = [30,45];

  6. Did you check all the semi-colons everywhere?


    May sound stupid, but missing important semi-colons tends to be one of the more common errors people do when installing scripts. :)


    If nothing can be found, send me a message and I'll help you take a look at it.

  7. i have WAI installed but i dont know how to add helicopters and airborne units? can someone help??



    You need to edit your customSpawns.sqf file located in your dayz_server.pbo under the WAI folder.


    In there, scroll down to the section correspomnding to what you want:


    If you want Paratroopers to be dropped in ==> Search for Paradropped unit custom spawn Eg

    If you want Heli Patrol to be spawned and travel to a fixed point ==> search for Custom Chopper Patrol spawn Eg


    It is fairly easy to figure out how to go about things in the custom file - just remember to check your commas and to pick Heli classes that have enough seats for the amount of AI you set.

  8. I would suggest using the Building snapping with admin insta-build etc. It does support that feature.



    I agree with FragZ - without more details regarding your script (beyond what you have posted), it will be difficult to really help, while you can simply follow (or cherry pick what you need) from

  9. Hey Guys ^^ i have a new question, i install the new Antihack version and see no my Welcome Credits what is that? you have the Problem too?


    Thanks for help.



    Make sure you have not accidentally broken it while changing anything in the missions init.sqf.

    I have servers running with the C version and they have no problems.


    With that script, make sure that if you add any extra lines, you need to make sure that you get the corresponding messages in the bottom section correctly synched as well.

    Two most common ways to break the server_WelcomeCredits.sqf is to include '&' in the text to display or forgetting to make the matching addition in the _roleX,_roleXnames list...


    If you added any lines, make sure you have comma separated the 'forEach' statement properly.

  10. More information would definitely help in this case...


    - Are you the server admin?

    - If Yes, do you have access to logs?

    - What addons do you have?

    - How much custom work have you done?

    - What company host your server?


    People are around to help, but none of us are mind readers. :)  Cant help without more info.

  11. At first I missed it too, but when I looked closely at the error message, my Google-Fu found: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Common_Scripting_Errors


    While some of the error messages are not exactly spelled out with heaps of details, it pointed me to the fact that a data type was not as expected, which made me look again at all the data you had. Server report file for the win.


    I strongly advice that you use Notepad++ with SQF highlighting, as it makes simple mistakes like the above one much more visible. Links to it can be found in various places in the forum - I'm sure someone has the link handy.

  12. I have tried this thread and it works.


    However it only gives an example of how to do only one spawn location.


    So here is the breck down of my help quary....

    in the .sqf of cust_markers_chernarus.sqf I made one and it worked, but when I made the second one did not.

    Please what have I done wrong?

        _this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [13379.6,3467.14,0.0017457]];
        _this setTriggerArea [600, 600, 0, false];
        _this setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];
        _this setTriggerTimeout [10, 15, 20, true];
        _this setTriggerText "SkalistyNE";
        _this setTriggerStatements ["{isPlayer _x} count thisList > 0;", "0 = [4,1,20,thisTrigger,['SkalistyNE'],3] call fnc_spawnBandits;", "0 = [thisTrigger] spawn fnc_despawnBandits;"];
        _trigger_500 = _this;
    	_this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [13204.7,3322.42,0.000764847]];
        _this setTriggerArea [600, 600, 0, false];
        _this setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];
        _this setTriggerTimeout [10, 15, 20, true];
        _this setTriggerText "SkalistyN";
        _this setTriggerStatements ["{isPlayer _x} count thisList > 0;", "0 = [3,1,20,thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spawnBandits;", "0 = [thisTrigger] spawn fnc_despawnBandits;"];
        _trigger_501 = _this;

    In this .sqf cust_spawns_chernarus.sqf I did like this:

    _this = createMarker ["SkalistyNE", [13379.6,3467.14,0.0017457]];
    _this setMarkerType "Empty";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _marker_320 = _this;
    _this = createMarker ["SkalistyN", [13204.7,3322.42,0.000764847]];
    _this setMarkerType "Empty";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _marker_321 = _this;  

     The first sets worked fine 4 AI appeared and one backup was random.


    My server report file indicates this error:

    Error in expression <0 = [3,1,20,thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    15:31:05   Error position: <thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    15:31:05   Error Generic error in expression


    The second set of AI DO NOT appear, but the first appear fine.


    What did I do wrong?

    Can't I add multiple custom spawn locations?

    "Little help Mr. Wizzard"


    Thank you for any help.

    Error in expression <0 = [3,1,20,thError in expression <0 = [3,1,20,thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    15:31:05 Error position: <thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>isTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    15:31:05 Error position: <thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    Error in expression <0 = [3,1,20,thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

    15:31:05 Error position: <thisTrigger,['SkalistyN],3] call fnc_spa>

  13. So if I wanted to put a specific point for the teleport, i would just change the following from:

    _newPos = [_pos, 200, 400, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;


    _newPos = [[8189.45,9045.18,0.001], 10, 200, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    where the [8189.45,9045.18,0.001] is the coordinates for the new position, where we send the following info to BIS_fnc_findSafePos:


    [8189.45,9045.18,0.001] = target position,

    with a minimum distance of 10,

    maximum distance of 200,

    with a distance of 10 from nearest object,

    and it cant be in water (as 0),

    and the terrain can be as steep as 2000

    with all of this being shoremode (as 0).




  14. BE KICK: at waypointstatements.log -- Condition RemoteExec Restriction #0 ["true", ""] [17:31 group, 1] 


    How to fix this? Also using infistar antihack do i need to add anything there for whitelist this script?



    For Antihacks, I believe you need to add the following to the Action whitelist:


    **** This post has been updated with a new action (s_player_clearEvacChopper) to whitelist as well. ****

    **** Updated: Feb 9, 2014. ****

  15. I had issues with this as well, where organized groups on my server would experience loss.


    Go to your instance folder (the one in your main directory) then BattlEye, and open up the file called BEServer.cfg,


    Inside you will have about 10 lines (or just 2 lines, with your Rcon pass and Ping limit) that will look something like this:

    RConPassword xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MaxPing 250
    MaxSetPosPerInterval 2 1
    MaxCreateVehiclePerInterval 72 1
    MaxSetDamagePerInterval 36 1
    MaxAddBackpackCargoPerInterval 12 1
    MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 96 1
    MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 24 1
    MaxDeleteVehiclePerInterval 48 1
    MaxAttachToPerInterval 4 1

    Change the 96 in MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 96 1 to 270

    and change the 55 in MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 24 1 to 55


    So it should look like this now

    RConPassword xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MaxPing 250 
    MaxCreateVehiclePerInterval 72 1
    MaxSetPosPerInterval 2 1
    MaxSetDamagePerInterval 36 1
    MaxAddBackpackCargoPerInterval 12 1
    MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 270 1
    MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 55 1
    MaxDeleteVehiclePerInterval 48 1
    MaxAttachToPerInterval 4 1

    The above info is credited to http://www.404games.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/3014-locked-safe-emptied-of-items-pls-help/



    Note that I would recommend that you increase the first set of numbers on the following lines if you use Blur Anti-hacks on your server:






    The above fix have virtually removed the issue of vanishing content. This appears to have been either a Battleye update that brought the additional settings to the server, or Epoch update that increased the number of updates (first set of numbers) per interval (second set, in seconds) to the logs.

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