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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. 		_Parachute = "ParachuteBigWest" createVehicle position _Object;
    		_Parachute setPos (getPos _Object);
    		_GreenSmoke = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _Object;
    		_GreenSmoke setPos (getPos _Object);
    		_DropFlare = "HandRoadFlare" createVehicle position _Object;
    		_DropFlare setPos (getPos _Object);
    		_Object attachTo [_Parachute,[0,0,-1.5]];

    I cannot get why this is not working....it is creating a parachute, and it is creating a green smoke....but it is not creating a road flare to be dropped with the package as well...



    Is "HandRoadFlare" the active class that show the burning flare? Thought it would change class name once it's active, kind of like a bullet or missile change once they go from being an item, in a magazine, to something in flight.

  2. Thank you Glenn - I am working on a cargo script similiar to one I found on CCGs. It allows you to bundle all of the gear from inside a helicopter to a cargo drop, adds a parachute, as well as a smoke grenade. The only script I've seen come close to this is BTK's cargo drop but it's only used for vehicles and static objects. I am looking to create a script that will allow magazines to be used in the cargo drop for say - you're at a mission and you need more ammo/med supplies/weapons your buddies can air drop some supplies in for ya.



    Hmm..  so you are essentially looking to:


    Scroll wheel command (Create Heli Drop Package): 

    • Check Heli inventory
    • Remove Heli Inventory
    • Create Box attached under Heli
    • Fill box with Heli Inventory

    Scroll wheel command (Drop Package)

    • Check if package is attached to heli
    • Detach from Heli
    • Attach chute if height > 50
    • Deploy Green smoke


    Or something like that? :)   Sounds cool! 

  3. yea they're just for warnings, the server uses some other function (i honestly dont know what it's just a control panel tool) for the actual restarts. But wouldn't these messages still display?

    The restarts are every 4 hours but they're set to a server time restart, so for example it restarts at 6:17 EST and again at 10:17 EST etc etc. It doesn't matter if I manually restart the server at 6:00 EST it will still do the scheduled restart at 6:17 EST


    You are using Scheduled Task in your control panel - that explains it.


    The XML gets confused that you want to loop something that is set on a static time with clearly defined days. According to the time rules, there is no way to loop it until it hits the same time again, and thus gives up on you. Change it to "0" in hte loop and it should work.


    Note that you can use both types of times in the script, if you want looped text stating rules or the likes....


    My example 4 hour restart script, with server shutdown commands and 4 rotating texts defined in the beginning:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
    This file is only provided as an example file and is not practical to use in real life.
    Make sure you take a copy of this file rename it and keep the orginale intact for orginale refrance.
    And Start using your new file Now!!
    Web Doc : http://www.ibattle.org/install-and-configure/setting-up-the-scheduler/
    BE Commands supported by the scheduler system are:
    say -1 some text
    maxping 500
    #mission filename (without the .pbo extension)
    Schedules are createad by adding a job with id.
    The first schedule should always start with id="0"
    	<job id="0">
    	<job id="1">
    The job tag has 6 sub tags.
    starting with:
    This tag may have one of tow input format.
    Format 1:
    Contains 3 segments where each segment is a size of 2 in range of 00 - 99
    Hour Min  Sec
    [nn] [nn] [nn]
    Max value is 999999
    This will make the schedule execute 90 secounds after bec has started up.
    Note that:
    Will also make the schedule execute 90 secounds after bec has started up.
    as 90 sec is the same as 1 min and 30 sec
    Format 2:
    Contains 2 segments where each segment is a size of 2 in range of 00 - (23&59) and each segment is seperated by ':'
    Hour   Min    Sec
    [nn] : [nn] : [nn]
    This will make the schedule execute precice at 23:05:30
    To execute a schedule at midnight use:
    To execute a schedule at noon use:
    This tag uses the same format as the <time> tag format 1, it also only work when the <time> tag format is 1!
    The day of the week the schedule should run on.
    Days are seperated by ',' 
    <day>n</day> or <day>n,n+</day>
    Monday starts with 1!
    All days
    Monday and Friday only.
    Set if the command is to loop or not..
    Set the command that is to be executed.
    Set 0 if its a internal command and 1 if its a external *.bat or *.cmd script.
    <!-- Schedular to be shown all days in the week. -->
    	<!-- show text ingame every 15 min -->
    	<job id="0">
    		<cmd>say -1 This text Appears Looped Every 15 Min.</cmd>	
    	<!-- show text ingame every 17min 30 sec  min -->
    	<job id="1">
    		<cmd>say -1 This text Appears Looped Every 17m30s.</cmd>	
    	<!-- show text ingame every 20 min -->
    	<job id="2">
    		<cmd>say -1 This text Appears Looped Every 20 Min.</cmd>
    	<!-- show text ingame every 25 min -->
    	<job id="3">
    		<cmd>say -1 This text Appears Looped Every 15 Min .</cmd>
    	<!-- *** RESTARTS *** -->
    		<!-- 30 min to the 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="4">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="5">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="6">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	<!-- 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="7">
    		<!-- 30 min to the 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="8">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="9">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="10">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	<!-- 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="11">
    		<!-- 30 min to the 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="12">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="13">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="14">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	<!-- 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="15">
    		<!-- 30 min to the 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="16">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="17">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="18">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	    <!-- 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="19">
    		<!-- 30 min to the 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="20">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="21">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="22">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	    <!-- 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="23">
    		<!-- 30 min to the 24:00 restart -->
    	<job id="24">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 30 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 15 min to the 24:00 restart -->
    	<job id="25">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 min.</cmd>
    		<!-- 5 min to the 24:00 restart -->
    	<job id="26">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min. No further warnings will be given.</cmd>
    	    <!-- 24:00 restart -->
    	<job id="27">


  4. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
    ...  (Edited for Post Length) ....

    out of curiosity, why doesn't this one work?



    First for the obvious - it don't have a restart command, so it is only used for warnings.


    Second is that you are using <loop>1</loop> for jobs that have a specific time set.

    If you are using time as a factor from when BEC started (<time>000130</time> = after 1min 30 sec), then you can use the loop. 

    You are using time as a factor from server clock (<time>00:01:30</time> = at 1 min 30 sec after midnight), then loop is irrelevant.



    Also, as a suggestion, set the time for the jobs in sequence from lowest hour to highest. The job that matches the time will still be the one that is shown, but it will be easier for you to edit the specific time of the day, instead of having to remember that you wrap around the day in the middle of the script.

  5. How would I check items in a vehicle gear so I would be able to bundle said items up into a package?


    Not sure where you are going with the bundling thing into a package, but you will likely want to check the "getMagazineCargo"  command.


    Syntax: result = getMagazineCargo object


    Parameters: object: Object - object to check


    Return Value:  Array of arrays. [["5MagsType1","10MagsType2"],[5,10]]


    (Gratuitously copied from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMagazineCargo )

  6. Hey guys I want to host my own server for DayZ Epoch. I barely know anything about scripting for ArmA and I would like some help. If anyone would be interested please message me or reply to this thread. I haven't ordered the server ethier yet so I am open to suggestions. I was planning on going with DayZ.st because of their friendliness to DayZ. Vilayer is out of the question because of their customer service. I was also looking at HFB Servers.



    No-offence, if you dont know how to script best is to not get a server......  Try doing some scripting at home and get the hang of things. No point in putting money for something that you dont know.


    Actually - I would agree and disagree with Namindu's comment here.


    If you want to learn about adding, updating and modifying scripts, you should definitely go for a small DayZ server package somewhere.

    Read tutorials, add scripts, break server, learn from your mistake, get stuck on waiting for host and authenticating... all these things are vehicles of learning.


    If you plan on creating your own scripts and cool features, you should probably look for a tutorial on how to set up a test server on your own computer, for trial and error testing.


    Ultimately it's up to you to do what you like, not for forum people to say yay or nay to your dreams of a coding empire.  :)

  7. In your dayz_server.pbo, find:


    Look on line 36 & 37 and see if you have the following lines commented:

    fnc_plyrHit   =                    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_plyrHit.sqf";
    server_deaths =                 compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDeaths.sqf";

    If you have it commented (meaning // infront of it), then you will not write the PHIT or the PDEATH  to the log, since those files are responsible for communicating hits and kills.

  8. How can I change the number of slots in a vault for example from 200 to 600, or something?


    Please note that Vaults were reduced in size recently (Weaponslots reduced from 50 to 25) in order to combat a problem where the server would simply remove _ALL_ items of either Weapon/Tool or Item type.

    Increasing this size means you will run the risk of having this issue returned, if I understand the changelog from that patch correctly.

  9. Seeing as the server_monitor.sqf issues seems to be related to the "// preLoad of the server traders menu data into cache" I would try to change the PartOreGold to ItemBriefcase100oz and see.


    Also, I would look at the reason for having an afile label as "trade_any_vehicle_old", since i don't think that is defined for the traders (could be wrong on that one though).

  10. Wow, just added missions into the server. Didnt realize how simple it was..haha thanks for all the help guys! btw, I'm using a mix between using the Vilayer file manager and an FTP server, so thanks to both of you for the help!


    Anytime.  As you may notice, people here are always happy to help people discover the wonders of scripting Epoch servers here. :)


    Hello! help please! I have a hard anti-cheat from infistar! did last update and all players start to kick because: has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #110
    log file here: 
    03.05.2014 18:49:29: Pecmen ( 8a28ea872f5b5779cd1dc94f511412a8 - #110 "[_twrCl], _rng];
    _nrGen = (position _x) nearEntities [_genCls,_rngGen];
    _gnCnt = count _nrGen;
    03.05.2014 18:55:36: Pecmen ( 8a28ea872f5b5779cd1dc94f511412a8 - #110 "[_twrCl], _rng];
    _nrGen = (position _x) nearEntities [_genCls,_rngGen];
    _gnCnt = count _nrGen;
    06.05.2014 02:41:29: Pecmen ( 8a28ea872f5b5779cd1dc94f511412a8 - #110 "[_twrCl], _rng];
    _nrGen = (position _x) nearEntities [_genCls,_rngGen];
    _gnCnt = count _nrGen;
    you need to change or add? only helps to delete the file Scripts.txt
    Thanks in advance!



    When you added the AH to your server, did you also update the Battleye filters?


    If not, take a look at what line #108-110 is saying in your Battleye script.txt file and see if the log you posted can be matched to anything in those lines. If yes, then you need to choose if you want to keep kicking for it or not by editing the "5" to a "1", or put in an exception for the offending part.


    You should always use the filters that you get with the new AH version, and add in your custom filters where needed.


    Alternatively, check your AHconfig.sqf and see if you have any settings related to boxes, telling server to kick for it.

  12. What do you mean by that? I'm actually looking into installing some scripts right now and am having a hard time finding any resources to guide me.


    First, I suggest the use of FTP for transfering files when working on a ViLayer server - just to avoid the use of their FileManager..  ugh.


    In your ViLayer server, find this folder: 




    In it, you will find two key folders:


    /missions/ which leads to /epoch.[mapname]/



    The mission folder is where you want to put all your mission related files and scripts..  as an example:

    /vilayercodecustom/missions/epoch.chernarus/init.sqf   (if you need to add anything in your missions init.sqf if you run Epoich Chernarus.

    The dayz_epoch folder is where you want to go when you are told to do changes in your dayz_server.pbo.... as an example, adding WAI to the folder:



    In ViLayer, each restart will come with a check to see if the current mission and server files match the content in the customfolder.  If it does not, it will rebuild the server pbo and the mission file and use the new code.

  13. The only PBO's that you are needing to edit, are dayz_server.pbo & whatever name the mission file has.


    If you need anything changed in a file from dayz_code.pbo, then you need to extract it and put it in your mission folder, and make sure you change anything that tries to call the old location.

  14. I have a issue, I recently switched from Cherno to NAPF, I started the server up, everything worked fine. Until i went to install Infistars antihack then when I join the server I get this error:


    "Script init\variables.sqf not found"  (Also I'm 98% sure i installed it right, I even tried to do it again.)



    My init does not have variables.sqf in it please help! thanks!


    My host: www.survivalservers.com if that matters :)



    You have tried to install, or purchased a script from SurvivalServers, that requires init\variables.sqf.  This is likely something you changed in your mission init.sqf.


    This has nothing to do with your AH installation - this is a mission related issue most likely.

  15. Remove the ; at the beginning if the line you set to -1 in the hiveext.INI. as well


    Also, if you are on HFB, verify that the file is not replaced whenever you are reinstalling bec, or altering your main config in any way... more than once I have had my file default to the commented " = 6 ".

  16. 18:29:35   Error foreach: Type String, expected Array
    18:29:35 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 208


    Can you post your server_monitor.sqf?  Something is happening on 208 for you...

  17. Hey guys


    I am currently having a issue with safes, where when unlocking or locking a safe. It turns to the right then moves it up 3ft.

    There is no logs in either client/server relating to this and makes purely no sense.


    The issue at this moment is random and not found the trigger to the reason.

    I have found that locking the safe or unlocking it to the opposite state moves it back.




    Does everyone see the same thing?  If you were to lock/unlock a safe, and you had a friend a few meters away.. would he see what you see?

  18. Learn to do it yourself. There are plenty of tutorials out there



    Suggest theese: http://opendayz.net/threads/resources-dayz-server-additions.9003/


    You know, your answer to another plea for help can be used against you... if one was so inclined. :)


    It would be better if you posted some more, indicated the server host you are with (or if running dedicated), what else you are having installed and what issues YOU have encountered after you yourself tried to get it to work.

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