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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. I followed the directions and installed it, packing it back up to the PBO file then importing it back into my servers /dayz_overpoch_server/addons/ folder. Also added my PID into the AHconfig.sqf file.


    Sorry, I'm new to the forum  :unsure:


    Your problem here is that you are putting it in the wrong file. 

    You are running an Overpoch server, not an Epwatch one.  Epoch is still the main ruler of the server, and as such, should be the only one that have a Dayz_server.pbo file.

    Check what mods you are calling to start, and in what order. As long as you install it in the Epoch Dayz_server\compiles\server_functions.sqf  and Epoch is the only dayz_server.pbo that is active and running. 

  2. It is up to everyone to decide for themselves. 


    There are pro's and con's to the move. right now the community seem split between staying on 103718 where we know how things work, or move to 112555, where some changes are nice, but breaks functionality it seems for some things. 


    Advice can be given for both, but you as server admin needs to decide if you want to go for the upgraded crowd or not. 

  3. Not at all sure about this code, since I dont have a test server to try it out on yet...  but here is a try.


    IN: dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf


    Find this:

    _object_damage = {
            _hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints;
            _damage = damage _object;
            _array = [];
                _hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit;
                _selection = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
                if (_hit > 0) then {_array set [count _array,[_selection,_hit]]};
                _object setHit ["_selection", _hit]
            } forEach _hitpoints;
            _key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_array,_damage];
            //diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
            _key call server_hiveWrite;
        _object setVariable ["needUpdate",false,true];
        if ( _damage >= 1 ) then { _object spawn { sleep 15; deleteVehicle _this; }; };

    Change it to look like this:

    _object_damage = {
    		_hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints;
    		_damage = damage _object;
    		_attacker = player;
    		_array = [];
    			_hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit;
    			_selection = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
    			if (_hit > 0) then {_array set [count _array,[_selection,_hit]]};
    			_object setHit ["_selection", _hit]
    			diag_log format["A Vehicle got hit in %2 by %3 (%4) at vehicle position %5", _selection, _attacker,(getPlayerUID _attacker), (mapGridPosition (getPos _object))];
    		} forEach _hitpoints;
    		_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_array,_damage];
    		//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    		_key call server_hiveWrite;
    	_object setVariable ["needUpdate",false,true];

    Now - I dont know if it is correct, or in the right place...  and likely you will get spammed by all the vehicle damage that will take place on the server.

    Hopefully someone will correct my code before you see it. :)

  4. What is the actual line you put in, and where?


    In order to help better, always include things like:

    - RPT log (even if you think it dont show anything)

    - Your Server Host (for hosting flavor)

    - List of Installed addons (check!)

    - What script/mapaddon you try to put in
    - Example file or link to a git/pasteit so people can take a look.



  5. Ryjalon - Are you running Antihack from InfiStar?

    If so, you cannot see the menu to deploy your bike, cause you most likely have not yet set the allowed CMDMenus to include "#USER:DamiSpawn".

    The original script you posted involves answering questions in the command menu, which will be blocked by default by the antihack, unless told to ignore it.

  6. Single Quotes + Heidi = annoying. :) 


    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES 
  7. Hey Glen, its not working. I am getting an error:

    /* SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''["ItemRadio",1]', 50, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 0, ' at line 1 */

    I am playing on Epoch Chernaurs on a Vilayer server.

    Sometime si hate MySQL Syntax soo much. :) 

    Try this: 


    INSERT INTO 'traders_data' ('item', 'qty', 'buy', 'sell', 'order', 'tid', 'afile') VALUES
  8. 112555 update appears on DayZ Commander, all players download it


    You have two options as a server owner


    1. Stay on 103718 and watch your player numbers drop because everyone has latest patch and can't figure out how to downgrade

    2. Upgrade to 112555 and watch your server performance drop




    Maybe do like Overpoch is doing with the call to action for the -mod= settings to be added... Instead change the call to action to say: "DONT PATCH TO 112555" or "DOWNGRADE BETA TO 103718" ? 

    Personally, I'd rather see drop in players and have a working, since 1.0.5 is around the corner and players need to upgrade anyway then. 

    I'm sure the same can be argued the other way around as well - might as well bite the bullet, get performance drop and wait out the patch....  

  9. First, you do have the ability with ViLayer to alter the Dayz_Server.pbo. 

    In the ViLayerCodeCustom folder, the following is what you need: 


    dayz_epoch = Server File
    Mission/epoch.[mapname] = Mission file

    Do any change you want in there, and on next restart, ViLayer will rebuild the Dayz_server.pbo to use your latest changes, and do the same for the mission file. 

  10. Find this line in teh fn_bases.sqf:

    if ((0 == count (nearestObjects [_basePos, [], _lootMaxRadius])) AND {(0 == { ((_x select 0) distance _basePos) < _placeMinDistance } count _campList)}) then {
    _campList set [count _campList, [_basePos,_amount,_radius]];
    diag_log(format["%1 found a nice spot at %2 (%3)", __FILE__, _basePos call fa_coor2str,_x select 1]);

    And comment out line 148 so it looks like this:

    if ((0 == count (nearestObjects [_basePos, [], _lootMaxRadius])) AND {(0 == { ((_x select 0) distance _basePos) < _placeMinDistance } count _campList)}) then {
    _campList set [count _campList, [_basePos,_amount,_radius]];
    //diag_log(format["%1 found a nice spot at %2 (%3)", __FILE__, _basePos call fa_coor2str,_x select 1]);

    That should not break anything except the reporting the position to the log...

  11. For this error:


    21:16:46 Error in expression <tionServer';
    [] spawn {
        _spawnPos = dayz_spawnPos;
        AdminLst = (["38061062",>
    21:16:47   Error position: <dayz_spawnPos;
        AdminLst = (["38061062",>
    21:16:47   Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_spawnpos

    .... you clearly have an admin list that is supposed to do something.
    It looks like you are trying to use _spawnPos before you have defined what dayz_spawnPos is.


    dayz_spawnPos is defined in the variables.sqf, that is likely being called after whatever script you are trying to use.


    Can you post the /compiles/fn_bases.sqf scripts that you are using?


    Hey, sorry I am not sure about that addon, man. These messages are used with scheduler.xml that comes with BEC, that's pretty much all there is. The XML is called from:



    Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

    It is quite straight forward procedure.

    However since you mention Vilayer now, someone reported that #shutdown option for restart (in the code I posted) could cause problems with database, since Vilayer also shuts down mysql together with server. Maybe that's why they provide third party solution like the addon you mentioned? I have honestly no idea what that addon looks like and what it does.



    I have actually thought a bit on the post you are referring to - and while I agree that ViLayer shuts down server as it starts/stops, it also does shut down the Bec server.

    As Nothing related to Bec is stored in the DB, there is nothing that should be causing issues at all with the #shutdown command.


    Issues that usually plagues Bec (stops at random, server misses restart and keeps on going for 3h 670min) can all be related to the Bec server dying for some reason, or the user changing something that makes Bec unhappy.

    Sure, it probably has it's own internal issues and bugs, but the same XML running on an HFB server is easily moved over to a ViLayer server and will run smooth.

    Now, some will argue that this is bad practice, and that an Arma server needs a full scheduled hard stop and restart, therefore using Scheduled tasks are supreme... well..  I respect their opinion and that they want to do so - both versions work. If you plan on leaving server running for weeks without touching it, then scheduled restarts outside of Bec is probably a good idea.

  13. So, would I be OK to use this 105 version of server_functions or, should I go to 105 totally....?



    Dont forget that 1.0.5 is still in Beta and is undergoing testing right now. I would not use development code or code currently in QA for a production server with live players on it.

  14. I have compared and there are over 90 differences including the AH line. But your link above is for version 1.0.5....? First off I didn't know that released yet. Commander doesn't have it as a latest version, wont' my players and I have a problem connecting afterwards?


    I recently (6/7 weeks ago) did a full pbo rebuild from scratch as I had moved from ST to Vert and found out that even though I started the server with ST on 1042, most of the files were from an older version of Epoch.....this pbo rebuild solved lots of errors and seriously increased performance.


    I grabbed those latest files out of the server install zip on the epochmod wiki..


    So, would I be OK to use this 105 version of server_functions or, should I go to 105 totally....?


    Oh and btw, the DZMS errors are now fixed too. Thank you very much!!  :lol:



    OOPS!  :D  I am so used to look at the code on that github that I never remember it is not production code. :)

    Grab the Server Files from the front page here at Epochmod.com and use those. Sorry again! :)

  15. Regardless of which map you are on, this will be the SQL code you need:

    INSERT INTO traders_data ('item', 'qty', 'buy', 'sell', 'order', 'tid', 'afile') VALUES
    ('["ItemRadio",3]', 50, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 0, 510, 'trade_items'),
    ('["ItemRadio",3]', 50, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 0, 532, 'trade_items'),
    ('["ItemRadio",3]', 50, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 0, 663, 'trade_items');

    which map?


    Since 1.0.4 (I think?), the traders have unified the category codes. Unless you have changed it to something else, or want a special category for it, these are the Toolbelt Items category ID's.

  16. I got this one:

    17:51:52 Error in expression <fps = {};
    		'respawn_west' setMarkerPos _spawnPos;
    			if !(isNil _x) then 
    17:51:52   Error position: <_spawnPos;
    			if !(isNil _x) then 
    17:51:52   Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawnpos

     Confused on this one, likely caused by my spawnselector?  http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6332-howto-add-chernarus-spawnselection/?hl=%2Bspawn+%2Bselect#entry40800


    It would help if I could see the full error. The line after your last line  would have told you waht line this error got generated from and on what file. Rather than assume, I will let you post the error.... or, you can take a look at this post from another Graphical Spawn selector and install that, which I think is probably going to fix your issue anyway. 


    Let me know what happens. :)

    UPDATE: AS pointed out by ReDBaroN, the link was wrong..  Updated to the correct serverfiles.

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