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Posts posted by Glenn


    Hi Glen, I made the changes by taking the exrta [] out as you instructed to fix the server_functions error but, am still getting this in the rpt:

    19:49:47 Error in expression <x getVariable ["permaLoot",false];
    if (!_keep) then {
    _created = _x getVariable >
    19:49:47   Error position: <_keep) then {
    _created = _x getVariable >
    19:49:47   Error Undefined variable in expression: _keep
    19:49:47 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 837
    Any more ideas? .....
    Death message problem has gone away though and am waiting for my next restart to upload the fixes for DZMS... :)



    Can you compare your file with the github version? 

    1.) Grab it here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/Server%20Files/%40DayZ_Epoch_Server/addons

    2.) Un-PBO it

    3.) Compare the /init/server_functions.sqf with your version above. 

    4.) If only difference is the AH line, then there is something else that needs to be reviewed. 

  2. This worked a treat for me too! thanks very much! i think you'll see lots more of this as people upgrade their arma2 to 112555!


    Don't suppose you could help me with the DZMS errors I'm getting since upgrading as well.......? 


    23:18:20 Error in expression <{

    _findRun = false;


    if (_isTavi AND (_tavHeight <= 185)) then {

    _findRun = fa>

    23:18:20 Error position: <_tavHeight <= 185)) then {

    _findRun = fa>

    23:18:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _tavheight

    23:18:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 107

    and then under that, these are spammed a lot:

    23:18:28 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]

    } forEach _aicskill;

    _unit addEventHandler ["Kil>

    23:18:28 Error position: <_aicskill;

    _unit addEventHandler ["Kil>

    23:18:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill

    23:18:28 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101



    For these, I can see that the author has added two fixes in the github repository. 

    I suggest you go and grab the files again to make sure you get rid of the error: 


  3. Still looking. Where are the animationfiles called from?

    Does the zombie_agent use a variable or something?


    To control Zed behavior, your compiles.sqf is calling the following files: 





    Find those, and you should be able to alter their behavior by calling these in a custom way.

  4. How to kick player from server with script ?


    It is by far easier to do so via RCON tools, like Dart or others. 


    These require that you put in the server IP and port number, plus state the RCON password set by the server host.  

    Once running, you can generally warn, kick and ban people from your server. 

    You can find a post (plus download info) on Dart here.


    There are other RCON tools - you can always look for others that might suit you better. 

  5. I think i got it fixed. By adding the <delay>000000</delay> under <time>. I dont know how to make the BEC do the restart, i think i will need a Bat. file for that,.

    Anyway, i got it to work after some hours :)



    To make BEC restart, insert a job id like this:

    	<job id="7">

    The example above is a restart command issued at 3am, every day.


    Just change the Job ID & Time and you are good.


    Yeah atm, im willing to try anything like i said, wai was removed and its still crashing although now its regains connection most times and continues, and theres been alot lees of them, guess il just keep looking , lots of this still though, so theres still errors that need fixing before deciding whether its WAI or not.


    20:38:10 Error in expression <x getVariable ["permaLoot",false];
    if (!_keep) then {
    _created = _x getVariable >
    20:38:10   Error position: <_keep) then {
    _created = _x getVariable >
    20:38:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _keep
    20:38:10 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 837



    I will assume that you have looked for and found that the server_function.sqf is correctly defining the variable "_keep" in the script? 

    I know..  I know... you probably did, but nothing has been mentioned about it yet, so I thought I'd point it out. 

  7. Would it be the following: 


    In your missions init.sqf: 



    waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")}; if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then { [] execVM "custom\server_WelcomeCredits.sqf"; };

    After the: 

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	//Conduct map operations
    	0 fadeSound 0;
    	waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
    	dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
    	//Run the player monitor
    	_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
    	_playerMonitor = 	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";	
    	//anti Hack
    	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
    	//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";

    Note that I am not sure if the server_WelcomeCredits.sqf can run outside of the "if (!isDedicated) then {", but you should really be doing the check in the mission before you load the credits. 

    If thats not possible, using this in the server_WelcomeCredits.sqf is likely better: 


    // FILENAME: server_WelcomeCredits.sqf
    // =====
    // SCRIPT NAME: Server Intro Credits Script by IT07
    // SCRIPT VERSION: v1.3.7 BETA
    // Credits for original script: Bohemia Interactive http://bistudio.com
    // ========== SCRIPT CONFIG ============
    _onScreenTime = 6; //how long one role should stay on screen. Use value from 0 to 10 where 0 is almost instant transition to next role 
    //NOTE: Above value is not in seconds. It is percentage. Default: 6
    // If you want more or less credits on the screen, you have to add/remove roles.
    // Watch out though, you need to make sure BOTH role lists match eachother in terms of amount.
    // Just take a good look at the _role1 and the rest and you will see what I mean.
    // Find line 49 and look for: color='#f2cb0b'
    //  #f2cb0b is the HTML color code for the text. As well as #FFFFFF in the row below it.
    // Find the color code you want here: http://html-color-codes.info
    // =====
    // ==== SCRIPT START ====
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"}; //remove this line completely to make it work in ArmA 3. Yes you read that correctly.
    waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")}; if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then {
    sleep 10; //Wait in seconds before the credits start after player IS ingame
    _role1 = "Welcome to";
    _role1names = ["Your server name"];
    _role2 = "Admins";
    _role2names = ["ChuckNorris", "Eddie Morphine"];
    _role3 = "Server mod";
    _role3names = ["DayZ Epoch Chernarus"];
    _role4 = "Server antihack<br />by"; //The "by" in this row will be shown one row below "Server antihack". Can be applied to any role
    _role4names = ["infiSTAR.de", "Blurgaming"];
    _role5 = "Server Mods";
    _role5names = ["Dynamic Spawns", "Self-bb", "Custom traders", "More mods"];
    _role6 = "Website";
    _role6names = ["yourwebsite.com"];
    _role7 = "Twitter";
    _role7names = ["@yourtwittername"];
    _role8 = "Email Support";
    _role8names = ["[email protected]"];
    _role9 = "Special Thanks";
    _role9names = ["DayZ.ST", "Blurgaming.com", "infiSTAR.de", "HFBservers.com", "ArmAholic.com", "OpendayZ.net", "DayZmod.com"];
    sleep 2;
    _memberFunction = _x select 0;
    _memberNames = _x select 1;
    _finalText = format ["<t size='0.40' color='#f2cb0b' align='right'>%1<br /></t>", _memberFunction];
    _finalText = _finalText + "<t size='0.70' color='#FFFFFF' align='right'>";
    {_finalText = _finalText + format ["%1<br />", _x]} forEach _memberNames;
    _finalText = _finalText + "</t>";
    _onScreenTime + (((count _memberNames) - 1) * 0.5);
    [safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.8,0.50], //DEFAULT: 0.5,0.35
    [safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7], //DEFAULT: 0.8,0.7
    ] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
    sleep (_onScreenTime);
    } forEach [
    //The list below should have exactly the same amount of roles as the list above
    [_role1, _role1names],
    [_role2, _role2names],
    [_role3, _role3names],
    [_role4, _role4names],
    [_role5, _role5names],
    [_role6, _role6names],
    [_role7, _role7names],
    [_role8, _role8names],
    [_role9, _role9names] //make SURE the last one here does NOT have a , at the end

  8. Questions: 


    What server host are you using? 

    Are you sure you are using the server files? 


    From the RPT log, your server is not waiting for the initialization of the server and starts going off prematurely. I would check the server_monitor.sqf first and go from there. 

    You can compare your files with the original server files available from the Epochmod.com frontpage. 


    If you have WinMerge, your job will be fairly easy and quick. Unless a script have been added that modifies something in that file, you should always go with the proper server file.

  9. First - are all of you using the same host? If so, that could be a good clue as to what might e the nature of the problem. 


    Second - I strongly suggest that you all check your server_monitor.sqf that it matches with the server files. This type of issue I would normally see when the server is taking too long at restart, gets a hiccup and thinks it's ready to rock when it's barely started. 


    The version comes with a check for the server to not start doing anything until all the needed items have been started. It is likely this "premature launch" is what is the source of all your problems. 

  10. Is it possible to make it so when a player owning a plot pole dies. the plotpole is no longer active


    I'm sure all things are possible - question is if it is something that should be done. 


    This would probably cause people to carpet bomb a base in the hopes of killing the owner, so that you could easily block entrances or place down your own pole to claim it. 

    While it would be cool for a "Capture the Base" type of event, I would be pissed if I had spent 5 days building up my base by chopping wood and finding Cinder, only to have a happy sniper kill me and take it over. 


    Just food for thought. :) 


  11. Have you tried Safezone commander, or looked in the Server Mod section on the forum here? 


    There are some that are not requiring markers added to mission.sqm or provides billboards around the perimeter. 

    It might not be on the first 2 pages though, and your mileage may vary on the state of them, but they exists. 

  12. Once again thank you for your detailed reply again pal. One last question I have is that after restart players have been saying there buildables are shifting. Surely this isn't down to maintaining or decay? A player built a wall on top of a wall and after restart it was just inside the wall beneath it.


    It has to do with how the editor saves the coordinates. In my experience, when people place something down, the database gets told that the object is down and at what precise coordinates.

    What happens though is that the DB gets told to store [dir[X,Y,Z]], and it will still hold all the items in local memory until the server restarts (cause why place it locally, save it to DB, forget about it locally and then reload it from DB to get it right?). 

    Problem comes when the server restarts and reads all the coordinates.  In most servers, you can only store a number with so much details ... so if you have a position that is having a coordinate as "0.000954234", the DB might have saved it as 0.0009e-543 (example only, not accurate). 

    So when the DB sends this to the hive, the hive will try to make sense of the "e" and get it for the most part right. But that last bit of "guessing" is where the shifting occurs - the DB got told a very specific number, but could not handle it. It works, but not as accurate. 

  13. Your main problem is that you are not using a version.


    There are alot of variables missing that is needed from your mission/fixes/variables.sqf file, so I have to assume that the rest of the package is likely to be  outdated.


    Suggest that you start from scratch and readd everything you want to have in a server to a fresh install.

  14. To my understanding, the root files wont work on Vilayer and Dayz.st, although I have never used the Dayz.st service. 


    For Dayz.st you are most likely requiring to send in a ticket for them to put it in. 

  15. Is it possible that you can config the list of items that are indestructible without installing cpc?


    if so anyone know the file path :P


    All items are destructible unless you use the CPC method, which is really minimal in impact and takes about 30 sec to put in. 

    What it does is create an array of items that you define, and in one check you just make sure that if damage is being checked for one of the items in the indestructable array, then they wont take damage. 

  16. i switched it to battleye and how do i change my rcon pas


    - Log in to your ACP,

    - Look at the Config section

    - Find the "MasterConfiguration\BattlEye\BEServer.cfg"

    - Click the [Text Editor] to edit it.

    - Set your preferred password after the "RconPassword "  (or use what you see in there).

  17. - What scripts?

    - What issues did you experience?
    - What provider do you have?

    - Do you use AH?

    - Do you have custom variables.sqf?

    - What is the RPT saying?

    When asking for help, provide more info... that way, it will be much easier for us to help.

  18. Hey i found a better safezone script: click me and i have two bugs.

    • You can not farm the wood. (Chainsaw and Hatchet)
    • Admintool is buggy.

    see you the error?


    Info: i write this in my safezone.sqf and my startparameter is: [] ExecVM "custom\safezone.sqf";


    When you say "can not farm the wood", do you mean that players will immediately timber a tree and not get wood or lumber? That is an issue with that version of the AH. Contact Blur or INfiStar and get the latest update.

    I cant help you with "Admintool is buggy", as you have not described any actual problems related to the admin tools. 


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