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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. What is the filter listed in script.txt on line 23? 


    That is the filter you need to add an exception for, according to the script.log? 


    You have already all the things you need to fix your kicks - all you need to do is see what you are doing wrong at this point. 

    What are you trying to put in? 

  2. EH = event handler, which is probably then related to scripts you have on your server that is not configured properly. For admins it might look ok, but everyone else gets banned. Let us know if you are running any non-vanilla scripts and if turning it off will solve your problem.

  3. didnt even know that you can use jacks on flipped helis... How even to use them, heli is just too big... I usually just ram them with a car... sometimes tragic, sometimes success.


    For the Huron, I put it almost next to a rotor blade, pushed it up three time, then moved it so it was getting to the tip of the blade, pushed it up as far as I could again.  After that, Heli was floating about 1,5 meters above ground, nothing touching anything. 


    Got in, Heli reacted and reset to follow ground level and fell down properly. 

  4. Jack:

    • Deploy it using the doubleclick and "Build"
    • Once in the world, scroll on the Jack object to "Raise" or "Lower"
    • A Piston will in fact Raise or Lower as you command it.
    • You can Raise it three times.
    • Objects will be pushed up without physics, and will be subject to physics again once you get in.
    • Works on Helis that have fallen over and are resting on its blades.  
    • You can pick up the Jack by using the build menu "Remove" on it.  once the circle is finished, you scroll on the Jack and "Pick Up" to move. :) 


    Food Cooler:

    • Using the craft system, double click on any cooked meat, and you should get the craft option of the Food Cooler (or it might be the cooler itself, can never remember)
    • Takes Cooked Meat, Canned Corn and an Empty Cooler
    • Sum is a total of 5000 food when consumed. 
  5. thx for response...i missed to post that i got my issue already solved so i kinda wasted ur time. apologize


    Never a waste, when the topic might happen to others and responses might help them. :) 

    If you get an issue fixed, don't hesitate to post the fix in the thread, so others can potentially solve similar issues they have. 

  6. Check your logs and make sure you are not getting spammed with "Pending Network message XXXXXX". 


    If you are, it is likely that something is preventing the server from normal communication, and after X amount of minutes think that the player is not responding and kicks them. 

  7. Any reason for adding -maxMem=3071 ? 


    First, the maxMem maximum value is 2047 - anything higher will default down to 2047. (Source)

    Second, you are likely getting lag, because you are limiting the server from using more than 2 gig of memory - once it fills that up, any new incoming request for update/communication and so on. Remove the maxMem and see if that helps you. 

  8. Pretty much all big trucks and helicopters can be looted even if they are locked. Done it many times (to my own, of course). Another glitch (which happens only once though) when you run up to ANY vehicle and press inventory key. And are able to loot it. Also tested many times. Actually it is one of the first bugs I found out since started playing Epoch..


    Mind reproducing a few of the situations and post an issue about it in the Epoch Issue Tracker on Github? The more people that post issues (In a way that clearly states the ISSUE, provides reproduction steps and inform about what the server is running besides just Epoch). 

    (Emphasis and Bold is what I deem important in any issue reporting, be it for Epoch or professionally. So if you do enter something, please make sure anyone reading it will get all teh info - that way developers can better troubleshoot and fix things.)  :) 

  9. 1.) What does it mean an vehicle is LOCKED?
    - Only the original player that LOCKED can UNLOCK it back again? (FALSE)
    - Server Restart clears the link between vehicle and player? (FALSE)
    - Group members can UNLOCK an vehicle that their group member locked? (TRUE)
    - Can be locked only when in state UNLOCKED and NOONE is sitting inside. (FALSE?)



    - Server restart used to reset the link. Now it is all depending on the lock time, as specified by Server Admin. THe Time remaining until unlock is tracked and saved in the DB and thus will persist through restart. 
    - I believe you are able to lock someone into the car, although I have never tried. 

    2.) What does it mean an vehicle  is UNLOCKED?
    - If found UNLOCKED any player can LOCK? (TRUE)



    3.) Is there a way of stealing/changing ownership of an LOCKED vehicle?
    - Killing the owner (he is standing next to it) - does that do anything? (FALSE)
    - Anything else... ?



    - Killing the owner after he locked it will only give the satisfaction of killing him (and looting his body/crypto).
    4.) LOOTING an vehicle can be done only when in UNLOCKED state, right?
     - Yes, only when unlocked. If it is locked and you still can take things out of the vehicle, then you are either finding an exploit (report to server Admin) or having super severe lag. 

    2.) I see a LOCKED vehicle and I would really love to use it (I cant UNLOCK it - there was no restart since locking) what can I do to take ownership?
    - hide and wait for the owner to come and kill him right after he unlocks
    - wait for server restart and return afterwards?
    - anything else?



    By default, you cant unlock it until unlock timer have run out - camp the shit out of the vehicle and kill anyone that comes near. 
    Alternatively (if not a supersized vehicle), call in a friend with a lifting Heli, hook it and fly it to a remote location you control and wait for unlock time to arrive. 

    3.) It is 3AM and I see an empty base with a chopper on top. Obviously there has been an restart, If I come there with my friend and a chopper, am I able to steal it?



    Depends on the Unlock time for vehicles - as it persists through restarts now, it all depends on Timer and how loch ago it was locked. 
  10. 1.) How many MAPS are there to choose from? And what are the differences?
    - content?
    - size?
    - quality?
    - events?
    - which one is the best and why?
    - which one is best for what type of gaming?



    - For Arma 3: Altis and that other map is supported by default.
    - For Arma 2: If using the All in Arma Terrain Pack, almost all are supported, with different level of success. Then there is Bornholm and some in-development maps. 
    - Best resource for information about the maps will be in the Forum. 

    2.) Are there any differences between servers?
    - destructible / indestructible walls?
    - toughness of objects?
    - what is hardcore mod?
    - some settings about how easy someone dies?
    - LOOT/SPAWN/VEHICLE settings?



    There are numerous differences between servers, code wise and hardware wise. 
    Server name will ususally include the things that the server wants to promote to new players, be it indestructability or not. 
    Hardcore tends to be the hardest difficulty on everything, with loot being rare and AI being super marks men (and more). 
    LOOT/SPAWN/VEHICLE is also depending on the server owners preference. 

    3.) What to look for when looking a server to play on?
    - what is important to you? what is your preference and why?



    This is in individual preference question - I would remove it. 
    4.) Im into PVP, base building and raiding, get rich fast or die trying. What servers to look for?



    Servers that allows you to log in and are not specifically stating PVE in the server name. Everything else is just an excuse to cry when dying.   :)
    5.) Is there any list of servers with their settings to find the best suited for everyone’s wishes?



     The Server List here is always useful: http://epochmod.com/servers.php
     Then you have the Arma 3 In game Server list and then the Epoch Server list in the forum (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/59-a3-epoch-servers/)
     Best way to find a suitable server is to connect to one and play a bit. 

    The questions before that are just to lead the newcomers to the topic. Believe me, would be the wiki that good, and I would not have any questions after a week of playing, I would not spend this time creating this topic.. So if you can, please help me answer the questions. If you dont know the answers try checking the wiki and if you wont find it there I have proven my point.


    Thank you


    Very good counter-argument. :)  See above for some starter answers. 

    1.) Essential for BASE BUILDing is the Frequency JAMMER, it reserves a certain area wher only the owner of the FREQUENCY JAMMER is able to build, correct?



    Default is 75 meter radius around plotpole (subject to Server Owners changes). 
    In this area, only Owner and anyone in a group with the Owner can build, upgrade, move or remove Epoch buildables. 
    You are not allowed to place down a Jammer closer than 3x the stated Radius to anotehr Jammer. This means it has to be atleast 225 meters away in the Default setting. 
    2.) The FREQUENCY JAMMER can be destroyed, correct?



    Yes - but prepare to spend ALOT of Satchel Charges at the moment (20+)

    3.) What happens if an FREQUENCY JAMMER is destroyed?
    - can I move with the walls? and get in without any trouble?
    - can I place my own near and "take over" the base? Use it as my own?



    - If Jammer is destroyed, anyone can move or remove Epoch buildables.
    - You can build a new Jammer, and therefore take over the base, or if you placed it down in a bad location, you can remove it and then place down the Jammer again. All epoch buildables in the area will be yours, even if you did not build them. 
    4.) Can WALLS be destroyed?



    - Yes, with enough satchel Charges, bullets and Chainsaw gas. (Subject to Server Owner setting it to be destructible or not)

    5.) What is the toughest building material and what the weakest?
    - when thinking over which part to strike, where to start? Cinder? Steel? Wood?



    - Wood is the easiest to destroy - Cinderblocks the hardest.

    6.) What is the best way to destroy a wall?
    - satchel charge? how many for which wall?
    - mine? grenade? any weapons?



    - Fastest is with Satchels - prepare to spend 4 - 20 satchels depending on the object. 

    1. I have a chopper and find a nice base, noone in sight, I land inside, place a satchel charge, blow off the frequency jammer, place my own and voila the place is mine. Possible?



     - Very possible. Please be aware of any specific Server Rules that prohibits this behavior, just in case. 
  13. As the OP's original questions were answered and there is no real "threat" to Epoch to discuss, any chance that this topic can be archived? 


    Annoying to watch the new topic thread have "Epoch Losing Support" as the most recent thread on my phone, when it clearly is not losing support. :D 

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