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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. awesome, I think I can structure the code. I just have no idea where to put it or if i even need the "player" part in it.


    Here is where the log telling you what # the kick was for comes in... thats where you need to update your exception. If #1 is "player" or "removeAction" or something else is something that should be easy to find out. :) 

  2. Ok so the mod works, I think ( http://gyazo.com/aa78f21efe6f5f3d7e3030e7ee76eb40). I can join some servers, but when I try to join an Overpoch server (  http://epochmod.com/servers-info.php?addy= it just either sends me back to the server list or main menu, without warning.


    If you are getting that color scheme when you start up your Arma 3, then you don't have Epoch enabled. Starting Arma 3 should make things look like this at least: http://prntscr.com/6p7m3g


    Just having Epoch will only get you into Vanilla Epoch servers. the idea with my steps was to make sure you got the most important thing working - Epoch. Since you did not say you try to log in to a Vanilla type Epoch server (one that runs absolutely nothing extra that you need to download), you cant really assume that your installation of the mod works. :)


    Once you get the Epoch theme look when you start Arma 3 up, then go ahead and try connecting to Epoch servers and then add whatever it is that the servers needs.

  3. I suggest the following for further troubleshooting:


    1. In Steam, verify your Steam Cache by going to the Steam Library, right click Arma3, select Properties, select the Local Files tab and "Verify Integrity of Game Cache".

    2. In Steam, add "-nolauncher" (without the quotes) by going to the Steam Library, right click Arma3, select Properties and in the General tab, select the button "Set Launch Options" to enter it.

    3. Launch Arma 3 as it is and see if you get the Epoch experience when it starts. (If you get the Arma 3 look, we know you dont have it enabled properly).

    4. In Arma 3, go to Configuration & Extensions and verify that you have the right Mods enabled.

    5. Using the Arma 3 IN-GAME search, connect to a server of your choice. If you still get kicked for the same isssue, then disable Emod and try again.


    If all this fails, I would start over by deleting all the Mod folders and re-download everything manually, enabling each mod one by one using the option described above.


    If you cant connect using the In-Game server list, then you have enough problems without worrying about Launchers or Bat files.

  4. Actually got the server up and running - all scripts filters etc.


    But I am still getting an admin kick everytime I log in - anyone know why or having the same problem?


    What is it you are getting kicked for? I think that you will have an easier time getting answered if you provide a little more information. :) 

  5. Your problem is in this location: 

    7 exec !="<execute expression=" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\""

    You don't have the exceptions for "soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\scripts\clock.sqf" and likely more stuff..  fix the exceptions for clock to get to the next error. 

  6. I feel like "we"(the people who wants more weapons and attack vehicles on our EPOCH server) won this discussion, since you are targetting the way we are writing now.



    Ok - before the thread is closed, let me point out that I had not posted in the thread before, and I did not feel like I am winning or losing any argument I am not making in this discussion. :)

    (Edit: ok - actually realised that by liking certain posts, I did essentially take a position in the discussion. part about the post was correct though. ;) )





    Have a nice day, catch in another topic....Hopefully in another mood(y). (You see what i did there?)


    HA! :D  Moody get the perfect ending award. Regardless of any other outcome, in anything, that post is a winner.  :lol:

  7. No hate coming, just gonna ignore what you say. Each serverowner is given the ability to do changes he/she wants within the confines of the license agreed to. If you want to help, then thanks. If not, move over to your SEM mission;)



    Fixed your comment (my edits in bold). You are welcomed. 


    Just to give you a frame of reference - entitled is the wrong word to use there...  why?


    This is why: 


    adjective: entitled
    1. believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
      "his pompous, entitled attitude"



    I know its a dumb thing to comment a post on, and I am sure lots of people are going to go ballistic when I post this - that is not the intent with this. 


    What I am trying to make people see is that everyone keep using the wrong terms in their arguments or reasons why they do things.

    Please stop the use of a word that you truly have no business using in these arguments ("entitled" is the word I'm referring to, in case that was missed). 


    As a Server Admin, you are having the following special privileges granted according to the Epoch license and the Common Sense thought:

    - to pay your host bill (be it hosted or dedicated or running in a corner of your room) 

    - to set up a kick-ass Epoch server and invite others to play on it

    - to tinker with scripts (including the awesome #SEM and the host of other equally awesome scripts and extra content out there), within the confines of the licence, to put on your kick-ass server

    - to brag to your friends when you hit more than 5 active players (I'm sure everyone have done that once or twice)

    - to shut down your server when you are tired of paying for it (or you lose power in your room). 

    - to ask permission from BI and Epoch devs to monetize the server to help alleviate the cost (cause you are running a kick-ass dedicated server).



    And yes, in conclusion to this wall of text - I am nitpicking... its what I do in QA. :)



    Its not the direct danger of the zombs i am missing. First its the immersion - zombs were somehow believable, filled  the world with a atmosphere of a global breakout.  (1)




    Let me put it this way - ai are never a real threat (desync, path finding etc) - but they should provide a game balancing way for both sides. (attacker, camper,defensive) (2)




    Camper have to have a disadvantage - zombs provided that and they attack shooters. . Sappers.. are a one hit wonder at its best... hope they would bite instead of exploding.  I hope u understand my point - i struggle to explain it  (3)


    I edited out most of the comment in the quote to highlight these three things that I think are a part of the concern you have (besides basebuilding) (Bold numbers = my edit for referencing).


    As a reply with my own opinion: 


    (1) = While this was the case in Arma 2, the global breakout is shown differently in Arma 3. This is likely where the backstory can be iterated on better. For the Arma 3 narrative, the outbreak is done. World is much more empty and the zeds likely got bored, wiped out by survivors or harvested in some way shape or form. (Note: Backstory clarification needed) 


    (2) = AI in Arma 3 are much smarter than in Arma 2 as far as I can see. If you are playing on a server with missions or town invasion, you better be a good shot, as they will move as a squad, flank around, use doors and go house to house in urban environment. Pathing might at times be better - but it is much better in Arma 3. 


    (3) = This is a really good and valid point. there should be a disadvantage to being in a spot for a long time. In order to discourage camping sites and have another Chernarus "Sniper Hill", maybe Devs could add a "AntagonistSpawnOnCampingBehavior = 0.05" which would spawn something if you exhibited Camping Behavior in some way.. like laying still in the same spot prone for 5 minutes will consider you a Camper... ? 

    Your post is really not that hard to understand - when simplifying and clearly speaking to why you have the concern you do, you get a dialogue going and feedback that could result in change... like now I would love to see a spawn on Camping behavior. :) 

  9. Things that have been fixed you say? We will see about that when its released to the masses (0.3) and not just an undermanned server or 3.


    @B4ND1T - Might I suggest that you download the 0.3 and test yourself? Instead of calling it undermanned server, rally some friends and test it out. If everyone reading this thread pulled 3 friends in for a 0.3 testing session, the server would likely be full. :) 



    People will come here to vent about what things are bad within a game, it is a forum, it serves that purpose, I know if i wanted to vent then im certainly not going to come on spend weeks to get ot know ppl to then forget what my vent was originally about. He's came on vented then left. (or hung about like a bad fart).


    @B4ND1T - People will come to a community forum for many reason - but to vent in the form of screaming about how one does not like (or hate) things is not going to fall under constructive feedback in any way. As people responded with comments as to how things have been fixed, it did not deter or change the behavior. 

    If a person insists on being rude in my house, and I cant please or placate him in any way, I would show him the door in a polite manner. 


    Now, the post above mine, I can see that Bacider _HAVE_ finally offered some constructive feedback of what he likes and dont like and what he see's the mod needs. Good on you, Bacinder! :) 


    @Bacinder - If you do decide to spend some time and read earlier announcement posts, you might get some backstory and some reasoning as to why there are no Zombies, why there is antagonists, and why it is in a way more dangerous in Arma 3 Epoch than in Arma 2 Epoch. Personally I have never had any dread from hoard of Zeds, but the sound of a drone initializing and flying off in the air will cause evasive action to be needed. 


    I think educating players on the finer points of difference between Arma 2 and Arma 3 epoch is definitely going to be needed - any Infographic wizards out there?  :) 

  10. Questionare/poll was pointless then if you already have a plan.


    To my knowledge, the poll was not from the Dev team. 

    Problem with making a decent poll these days is that you either need to spend money to get a bigger sample to be properly collected, collated and summarized.  

    If you dont want to pay, there is the way of Google Forms, which the OP used - which gets the job done. 


    The most difficult task in making a poll or survey though is to not ask leading questions, and to keep the possibility of having all kind of answers (positive, neutral, negative) be collected without bias.

    If question is too negative or too positive, it will bias the answers, or lead the person to answer in a way that might be contrary to their opinion.


    I think the result showed a series of opinions from the community, but these were based on the line of questions that imho were not neutral enough.

    Would the outcome have been different had the questions asked been formed in a neutral way? Maybe, maybe not.


    In the end, people still have to remember the following facts:


    - Only a few here are the Developers and know what they want to do with things.

    - No one is entitled to anything - this is the Devs boat to rock if they want to.

    - IT IS NOT A COMPLETED MOD. (As in whining about things will be less effective than providing feedback in the feedback section, which is up to Devs to figure out what they want to change or not).


    To close this off - thanks Tobias for the effort of putting the form in the field, regardless. :)  

  11. If you dont have the following link already memorized, make sure it is the first in your top site list for learning Arma scripting fairly quickly: 





    Of course, the following things are also excellent resources to learn from:   

    - BI's scripting wiki (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3

    - BI's scripting forum (http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING)

    - BI's scripting tutorial (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Introduction_to_Scripting


    Good luck! :)


    Edit: Made things more clear to folllow

  12. For Epoch without any addons or AH blocking this, I have always simply hovered over and gotten the Hook option - did not know about the right ctrl + b option until a few days ago. 


    I would likely guess that if you dont get the lift option properly (without load assistance), then you likely are not meant to be able to lift it. 


    I can be wrong in all this though - but since you dont specify what you want to lift, with what you are attempting to lift and if you have tried it without the assistance thing, we will never know. 

    (Dont have a Heli capable of lifting yet on the server i play) 

  13. Based on feedback from a survey specialist, the writing of this survey is taking longer than expected. 


    Also, I would love to get feedback from a Developer before I post it, in case there are specific questions that should or should not be in the Survey (or if you want to take what I have so far and run it yourself). :D 

  14. What are your preferred load outs and Why?



    What scope is your favourite, what gun, what bag/vest etc.

    Do you take A multi-gun or first aid kits? How much magazines or ammo? What about food and drink?

    Silencer? Tracers? Do you take a car? a Chopper? How many people do you roll out with? What are your essentials.


    Imagine you're out to do a Ai mission or visiting a high-traffic PVP zone. What do you take with you and why?


    Should help admins better cater for their user's and the devs better understand players preferences.


    Also gives new players an idea of what works and what doesnt


    I would go a step further than what you have done here, if you have the time... 


    Put a Survey up via SurveyMonkey or something where you ask all your questions, segmented out with questions like: 


    "When you go for a mission, what [insert Backpack | Vest | Primary | Secondary| # of Ammo each | Misc ] do you prefer to use"

    Then if you have for each, a radio button selection for Backpacks, Vest and so on - you'll eventually get to the average type equipment that people like to use.

    It could be fun seeing what they do for mission, for looting, for material harvesting etc.


    Can also add the map type that they play most frequently on and so on, getting a better idea of the more popular (and why) maps without having to sort the MP list and all that.  

    Actually - now that I am thinking about it, I kind of want to get this Survey made... :D

    Note: I will be making a big one - it will likely be about 3 hours before it comes up, but it will be awesome (consulting my company's resident survey specialist after this post). 



    I did add the smoke launcher to the required files and I'm still getting kicked. All it says in RPT is "playerDisconnected:Playername" and in the log it says Script Restriction #9.



    If you could take the time to actually post the log of the restriction kick that you are getting, together with the actual change you put in your filter, that would be helpful if you want to get some troubleshooting going.

  16. I have already read through it. Multiple times. Hence how I got all the CAS weapons and Pawnee weapons working just fine. The only problem is the smoke on the Ifrit. Thanks for being worthless.


    Did you read it on the forum here only, or did you read it in the original poster forum location? 


    I, on purpose, only posted the first post of two (or was it three) that gives the _COMPLETE_ info. If you only read the info on epochmod.com, then you missed out. 



    In a game where you have to spend half an hour running, multiple times daily, Fatigue is annoying. This is not just my preference but the preference of a dozen people that I'm playing with. And I know it's possible having played on a few other servers that did it.


    And I did add the smoke launcher to the required files and I'm still getting kicked. All it says in RPT is "playerDisconnected:Playername" and in the log it says Script Restriction #9.

    Fatigue is a nuisance when you run out of Stamina. Stamina can be increased by Eating and Drinking certain Epoch Food and Drink. After eating and drinking 2-3 times, you wont have this issue unless you die often. Then it becomes one of the prices you pay for getting yourself dead.


    Removing it because 12 people thinks the mechanic should not be there, sounds like effort to create an easy-mode game...

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