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Posts posted by viper179

  1. class Default
            fridgePos[] = {};
            shelfPos[] = {};
            pelicanPos[] = {};
            wardrobePos[] = {};
            bedPos[] = {};
            couchPos[] = {};
            cookerPos[] = {};
            tablePos[] = {};
            lockerPos[] = {};
            toolRackPos[] = {};
            shoeboxPos[] = {};
            lootBias = 85;

            limit = 3;<<<<<< now awol what does limit 3 mean , is that the max amount of diff chairs stuff etc that will spawn in a house or can we say change this to like 6 or 7

  2. There are a few ways to go about it i am working on a fix for the player dupe at the moment but i will be testing it server side with my own public variable that will be hidden server side so people cant connect and steal my pbo  , just to make sure its fixed before anything else goes wrong with the database saves. I mean i join the   -1-[GER][ENG]EPOCH/ALTIS/MISSIONS/BLACK MARKET/HIGH FPS/  server and bam what do you no my same pbo with all my pics and everything the same as mine, even my own server ip and ts name hahaha i mean you dont even now how to edit a pbo wow, but hey its cool if you like it just would have been nice for you to ask first i mean we are here to help out not be a jerk but i will select a few of the servers to test this out once i get a better fix for it. And also i dont think  -1-[GER][ENG]EPOCH/ALTIS/MISSIONS/BLACK MARKET/HIGH FPS/  is monitized from bohemia like we are at epoch pro so thats another no no right there.

  3. Try this and see but whats going on here is that when i give you the right fix you get past the 2 that were giving you the kick and will keep getting them until you fix each kick that you get.

    Also if your using the new be filters aka first line says \\new 2 then say you get a kick for script restriction 10, you will look for #12 script restriction <<<<new 2 on first line means plus 2 in the filters.

    !=\"eCollisionWith player;player moveInDriver _chute;\n_chute setVelocity [0,0,0];\nwaitUntil{vehicle player isEqualTo _chute};\nif (a\"

  4. Just a quick update to all so you are not just waiting around. I have been running it live on the server found a few more issues with it so before me and ghost can push it live will be fixing some of the minor issues because i no all of you love the killfeed as me and ghost do so we are trying to hurry as fast as we can and to make sure that what we push out to every one is almost bug free.

  5. As brian has stated i am also running the newest version of epoch also and still having random players come to me in teamspeak about this issue, i dont think its from epoch at all, it has been going on since the 1.54 update. Just for shits and giggles i had loaded up on one of my test servers the old version of arma 3 1.52 and  epoch and had no issues so i hope this gets fixed asap getting really annoying lol.

  6. Hey halv hope you had a good new year so far bud, ok real quick i have set up a extra hs trader by the water at central spawn zone, i have used this >>>>>hintSilent str getPosATl player; it all works great trader goes to the spot i use cords for and i used compass to get trader dir. I am using this so it would spawn the boats in the water instead of on land like it always does but even with this one by the water they still spawn on land, what am i missing here to have boats etc spawn in the water. Thanks for your time

  7. Each server is on a diff dedicated box , including my test server all 3 have different ip each with there own local redis set up on each of the machines. Each have there instance id set properly , just trying to figure out also some players are having the authentication failed issues non stop , only way to fix it is to either A. delete them from the database or go in and remove there weapon from the redis seems to happen on loading player inventory then they get authentication failed. Never had a issue before with the same redis setup and save times , should player save data times be increased.

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