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Posts posted by viper179

  1. Ok well im just wondering i have tested on my servers and my test server just running vanilla epoch, no mods scripts or infi, my gear will disappear but i will have a dan and side pack again even though i have not died loged out in the same postion, but when i go to check the redis player info everything that i actually was suppose to have on is showing in the database but in game nothing any ideas on this, i have checked the epoch server.log for any errors but its clean as a whisle.

  2. just enable simulation to false and try to make sure when you park what ever car or chopper you have to face it north because there is 2 times it simulates once when the server restarts and of course when it trys to move back as you have left it thats when things go boom but i have fixed that issue to a point just make it false and have you car always face north never fails on me and always works. And also take a look inside your epoch server.ini log if you have some errors there post them and i will help you fix them. Certain ones mean certain things so i need to see them or just come to my teamspeak @ ts.epchpro.com ask for viper i will help any one that needs it in the epoch community or what ever community your in because in the end we are all as one arma 3 makes us hate each other with updates lol

  3. Ok to be honest this finding mags half full or with 1 round in the mag makes no sense what so ever to be honest is there a way to get rid of this code call server side, its really annoying when you find nothing but half empty mags , i dont think this is a good thing just saying.

  4. Ok to all in the epoch community, i am still having issues with infi getting version 227 working same as the last 2 updates from infi, like i said in my post above i have done everything to the tee and i can see in the rpt logs infi starting up but my f1 menu for admin access never comes in and yes i have made sure the uid is correct like 10 times know. I really dont no why its not releasing the f1 menu in game

  5. I have changed it to 1 the glitching bug is not there at all i have tested it on the test server with out the admin menu and on the live server players in a group with it set to 4 could not acces the shelf right next to the safe they had to unlock it first to gain access, brought another player not in there group had that group lock there safe other player could not see in the safe but could access the shelf with it set to 1 setting it to 4 every time locks out any shelfs or loot within 4 meters of the safe on both sides also.

  6. get the owner of that server to edit his init inside his mission pbo with this

    if(!isDedicated && hasInterface)then{

    waitUntil{vehicle player == player};
    waituntil{!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
    waitUntil{alive vehicle player};
    waitUntil{typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"};
    player enableFatigue false;
    player enableStamina false;
    player setCustomAimCoef 0.15;

  7. Still doesnt work , with he mans one either unless i did something wrong, i have it in the init and if a shelf is right next to a safe you cant access it if the safe is locked once you unlock the safe the shelf is able to be access


    UPDATE<> ok i fixed it this call in the code needs to be changed <> } forEach (nearestObjects[player,['Safe_EPOCH','Lockbox_EPOCH'],4]);< The 4 needs to be changed to 1

  8. Yes you need to create a pv server side that will autoupdate what you place in the zeus menu while live on the server, or just go into the editor while using zeus place down what you want save then create something like zeussave.sqf then copy and place all your buildings cars etc into that. call it in your init of your mission pbo, with something like execVM "zeussave.sqf"; or where ever you place that file. Make sure to follow  the file directory or it will not work. Cheers

  9. 5 hours ago, Axle said:

    I noticed you popped into TS, I'm not afk if you need assistance.

    Hey bud we keep missing each other on your ts im on mine when you can ts.epchpro.com just send me a poke and i will move you down bud

  10. Ok so i got the epoch admin menu working but players when they parachute in using halv spawn in they can free fall pull there chute open touch the ground and run about 50 feet then they are magically back in the air aka being reverted what do i do about this there is no be kicks i have those fixed.

    Ok so i fixed it on my end with the help of a secret person lol works great just getting alot of EH HANDLE DAMAGE 1234 ETC IN THE HACK LOG

  11. Ok i have done that to the tee, i see this in the rpt server side http://prntscr.com/9cl72w

    and this http://prntscr.com/9cl7xy

    in game the loading player info on the bottom left comes up but the admin menu never comes in aka the welcome admin press f1 to acces the admin menu message , what am im doing wrong please help need update since infistar is the best anti hack and admin menu there is plus the new update fixes the issue with lock boxes and safes. was there anything extra that needed to be added server side or what i am lost with no way understand because i can see infi in the rpt logs but i never get the menu and i have made sure the uid are correct 10 times .

  12. Ok so i have updated infi like 20 times since i started the epoch server never had any issues until ver 226c, can some one please tell me what was added back in. I mean i see it loading in the rpt files but the loading player info that infi has in the bottom left corner does come up but never gives me the f1 menu.  Is there any remote.exe commands that were added into the desc.ext or server side because for the life of me it will not load at all. Any info would be great. was there any remote.exe commands added in the config server side also.

  13. With a pc with those specs you should be able to hit 60ish with no issue, im running a 2700k oc to 4.7ghz <> 1600mhz mem 16gb corsair dominator ram, 2 titians in sli , game is on a ssd i never go below 60fps no matter where i am thats including kavala.

    i would say that you have a drivers issue and since your running a i7 with HT <> use the param in the advanced tab and enable ht helps out alot.

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