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Posts posted by viper179

  1. Im just wondering if any one else is having this same issue as me, i can use the eden editor just fine place stuff down also i am using it on the epoch.tanoa map pbo.  i have placed down some atms around the map and load it on the live server, but for some reason some will be there and others will not, same thing when i place down buildings or jazz up the entrance its like some walls just are not there once i go live with it but then in the eden editor its in the same spot as i placed it. Any ideas would be great

  2. Yes the reason for the limit aka oh my god i cant by a car or heli lol, is because there is a max setting in the epoch config that allows you to adjust how many cars and helis will be full save ones, so say i set it 20 is the max thinking ok cool now 20 will only spawn and i will have tons of room to buy a heli or car, wrong it will always say that until the amount of helis and cars is below the max setting in the epoch config. And your more than welcome to come play on my servers bud. 

  3. That would be your call on the traders if you would like to use them, they work great and what not just be ready to fix some of the code when epoch updates every now and then. Since halv is no longer messing around with arma 3, the code is as is because of that but really have not change all that much to be honest .  And if you set the traders to 0 make sure to use the hs traders, but if you set them to 0 with no other type of trader there will be no traders lol.

  4. On 6/26/2016 at 6:22 PM, TAGau said:

    The lag I'm concerned about is in the Epochconfig.hpp is recommends not going any higher than the default traders NPC of 20. But having this script in adds more so wouldn't it lag the sever? Since asking my previous question I droped the traders in the epochive\epochconfig.hpp from 20 NPCs to 10 NPCs

    The hs traders should not cause no lag as they were made to be performance savoy aka the epoch traders have to load all gear every restart and also in the database too. So with epoch traders all that inventory each one has from all players that have visited them have to load for the server , then on each player as they join. There is nothing wrong with the epoch traders but with the hs trader system all inventory is virtual so it does not have to load all the time and on all players.

  5. Hey bud try this and remember if your using the new be filters its plus 2 to what ever kick number it gives you so 49 would be 51 


    != \" (!isNil \"_code\") then {private _handler = _display displayAddEventHandler [_key, _code];\n_x set [0, _handler];

  6. also im seeing this inthe rpt dont no if it has been handled yet just letting you no about it.

     Error in expression <veBuildQueue pushBackUnique _x;
    } forEach _objects;
     4:47:32   Error position: <forEach _objects;
     4:47:32   Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array
     4:47:32 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_vehicle\EPOCH_server_save_vehicles.sqf, line 32

  7. hey i got a question kinda stumped here i get this kick for script restriction # 29 which would be #31 >>>>>>      ";player enableCollisionWith _x;           if(false)then{removeAllActions _x;};           if(_type == 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F')then   "

    and i put this for the be filter but i still get kicked even though i no im doing this right any help >>>>>>>>>>>     !=\";player enableCollisionWith _x;           if(false)then{removeAllActions _x;};           if(_type == 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F')then   \"

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