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Posts posted by viper179

  1. OK well the only 2 issues im having are know when you go to pay your jammer fee it pays it for you but its kicking any player to the lobby, it stills pay there maintain fee. Its something with infi and the idd in the allowed idds but i cant find the correct one for the jammer. And it seems with the update also that even if you lock your safes or lockboxes any player can still access them.

  2. Yeh Have done what dp has but, the server is on a new redisk setup, new files refreshed, and well alot is new. But just really a pain in the a$$ to keep doing this over and over. I would have said something sooner but i have been in the epoch mod devs teamspeak around 15 to 20 times and you never get any help what so ever. Just saying from one of the big epoch servers out there, players keep the mod active but also i am very busy all the time between my company and my servers and i still give my players the time of day because imput is life and showing you care just a little goes along way. But anyways keep up the great work and epoch is way better than exile just to smash the chit chat going around.

  3. Well kilo not to be rude but he was asking for help and the only way he can learn is if some one shows him a little to get started in the right direction my good sir but also you need to take in consideration that not every one on here can script they just need the help in the right direction and speaking of that lets see you finish some of the things you start from now on lol

  4. Yes please unless you want alot of custom stuff scripted in dont offer to pay man alot of this stuff is pretty easy and when you get better at it your like damn did i just do that lol but if you need help dont go to the devs for it unless its halv who is a freaking scripting god but also if you really want some help just ask on here man i will help you for free man and i will show you how to do it and then some if you would like man. God Bless

  5. Well i did try out the new epoch version but it was not nice and very non playable i was running the 1.48 also so we reverted back to and the only thing i can tell is there is a little lag  which wasnt there before the 1.48 update but it seems to me that both sides are messed up and to be honest once again very few things were changed again turn vehicle simulation to true to test it out ha<<<<<<<<< thats what a test server is for plus your rpt before you send out this bug date oh i mean update, i have tried to come to yall about the issue and offer some help i have found alot of script errors from the epoch pbo and have just tried to be nice about it but when you guys just ignore the community , now i no yall all have jobs, yall all have a family , and your doing this for free i thank you for that but if your ever going to get this mod done and completed and not release a update that is a total system melt down i think you guys really need more help then what you have just my 2 cents.

  6. My Wifes TS is not the place for you to come get help. These forums are here for your help. My wifes community isn't. It sucks that my admins banned you for joining her community TS and having your server name advertised as your user name. I've already sent you a msg here with a proper TS to join if you have issue that requires our help.

    Ok issue

    #1 you cant loot garbage piles now or the containers

    #2 had no idea thats your wifes ts.

    #3 went to you on your teamspeak and got nothing but pokes from you saying go here to post etc etc

    #4 frames are bad with the version.

    #5 I didnt come to your wifes ts for help i came to talk with you since this is a community but i really see how its becoming!!

  7. Well since im banned from mells house teamspeak for some damn reason i have tried with both enabled and disabled it is running like trash with the new i have reverted back to the version with the arma 1.48 updated running and no issues even with the 1.48 update so there is something else wrong awol and tell axle that was very rude of him to do what he did.

  8. Ok unless i didnt hear you right i thought you wanted to remove all cars and even if you set it to have one type of car with 100 it will spawn all 100 no mater what, if your just trying to not have so many on there just use the list that you have for now and set each one to spawn in only 1 per type. something like this below




  9. Ah, good to know, thank you sir.


    How would you go about configuring things to have no server spawned vehicles to force players to buy from traders?  I would prefer to have players grind it out.  Many thanks.

    Well inside the epochconfig.hpp you would just remove them all making sure to keep the code intact aka no cars would spawn in period but you might run players off if you do that also just a heads up i learned the hard way. :D

  10. Bump


    Also if you feel as though you have been banned in the wrong or anything along those lines please come into teamspeak and let me no >>>Viper , there has been alot of hackers coming in and we are finding alot of stuff as we go so if i have banned you and you feel that im wrong please come see me i will be more than happy to talk with you and if im wrong i will unban you and you will be comp for any mistake that i may have made.

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