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Posts posted by viper179

  1. so i updated my hs blackmarket and now only vanilla items show, even though the pricelist is updated with my new items from mas, red hammer pistols and others i have.


    i have both CfgPricing.hpp

    and HSPricing.hpp in the folder, exact same code, i havent updated them in days, but all of the sudden since i updated the other files from your script it stopped working.


    any help would be great.

    Same issue go into the tradermenu.sqf and change it from cfg pricing to HSPPricing  u will see what I mean halv is a good.man 

  2. Ok have found one issue with it for some weird reason people are ejected out of there chopper just out of the blue i have seen it happen 3 times yesterday dont no what it could be they all say they were just flying along and bam all are ejected to there deaths with no chute did remove it just to see and has not happen since, i put it back in and with in a hour it happen again just a heads up.

  3. I was banned from <Removed by Richie> coz we were doing an event and after 60 minutes of being on defending team an admin spawns in a jet and bombs pygros military base. I calldd him an idiot then I got banned. Check your uids before calling me a hacker you lying piece of Shit. 

    Oh ok well then I'm a piece of Shit because infistar is a noob then I guess and the jet run was part of the whole admin event if you would have listen in the first place we allowed 1 player to call in air support and you are a hacker and that is your uid in the ban list so go cry some where else and say like the other hackers  I'm not a hacker blah blah blah I don't hack yet your in there 

  4. Well hello to all and yes i did find this in my ban list just to throw it out there to as in i can agree with brian some on his post but as the dirty donkey man put it i would not have this to go on>>>>>>>>>


    <Removed by Richie>


    so We here at Epoch Pro dont get are feelings hurt at all this is a game and thats it, Now yes its fun and just like dirty donkey we love to play and have fun but we also have a antihack and admin menu for a reason because if not then the server would be no fun because of hackers and script kiddys all the time but we welcome anyone on the server to play but its not no ones fault when you try to cheat at a game that 95% of people that play just have fun and dont be a Douchebaggery<<<<<<  player. But any ways Mustang is a great person and both me and him have alot to offer to the epoch community i mean both are servers are not some fly by night lets make a server, it has taken alot of blood,money and the overall epoch players to make it what it is today so on that note thank you all and thank you Epoch Devs for this mod i really like it and cant wait to see it grow bigger.  Yours Truly  Viper AKA EPOCH PRO HEAD ADMIN.

  5. Ok final update, this has been working like a boss had one of my players tell me that it ejected all of them from the chopper with out any one hitting the halo jump button i have tried to duplicate it but hasnt happen so i think there is no issues what so ever man great work halv and keep up the great work man every one on here needs to say thank you for all you have done and all your time. <<<<<<<FROM ALL OF US OVER AT EPOCH PRO THANK YOU HALV!!!!    AND ALSO JUST SO OTHER PEOPLE CAN TRY IT YOU CAN GO INTO THE SQF AND ADJUST THE HEIGHT AT WHICH YOU GET THE OPTION ITS THE ONE WITH ARROWS POINTING AT IT BUT DONT USE THIS UNLESS YOU REMOVE THE ARROWS OR IT WILL NOT WORK. JUST TAKE THE 120 AND ADJUST IT TO WHAT YOU LIKE BUT DONT GO BELOW 100 FEET.




    if((getPosATL _vehicle) select 2 > 120<<&& !(_vehicle isKindOf "Parachute_base"))then{

  6. Hey whats up halv man haven't talk to you in a little sorry man been on vacation but im back now , I have been testing out this on the server and boy its final I love you <<<<lol but for real though works great and no issues what so ever so far but great work man and I am glad to have you on the team man and hope all goes good.

  7. Hey tried it out and it does work to a point, only issue is when it changes from local back to player it sometimes causes the chopper to get damage when they take the pilot seat and also have checked it out on my test server just to make sure none of my other scripts are playing with it and was doing the same there with just your script running, but great job and maybe we can use this in the next epoch dev update if need be, and as always have fun and a great day thank you .

  8. Well even if it's hosted you can still add your execVM in your init.sqf etc I had a hosted server and still added custom scripts in now I will say we are on a beast of a dedicated box now and it's a lot better since I have are own box but if you need help you are more than welcome to come out my server and you will see what I'm talking about , #1 epoch pro server plus come by teamspeak later on today I will help you out also man ts.epchpro.com

  9. Well i would say screw adding more content its just going to cause more issues more lag and well less performance, Its just my 2 cents but get epoch optimized spend the time to make it run like it should and get rid of the physics on all the building supplies that should be the most important thing right now instead of adding in a rock monster waste of time but we all have are say, but still fun to play

  10. ok got a question the min bandwidth on my server  i have done speedtest which show a average of 450Mbps upload what should i set min at with that download is 968 Mbps also i have taken out the sem ai missions since its old

  11. Oh ok glad to see you got it fixed wish you would have said this>>>>>>>When I exit to the server connect screen, All the other slots say "AI player" on them<<<<<<< i would have told you the same thing but always check the desc for stupid things like that can always be one little thing in there and bam your scratching your head like wtf did i do lol.

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