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    Randomness got a reaction from FJack in Show Off Your Base   
    Spawning mats in Epoch is just killing the game, makes it too much Minecrafty. It makes you a lot more proud if you have a big ass finished base and really worked hard on getting all the stuff for it. 
  2. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from insertcoins in autopilot   
    If you're talking about autolanding, that function is just made to land ur plane inside trees.
  3. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from armyeagle in Add a taser ?   
    I am still wondering today , why the F this isnt in epoch already. I mean you can wear a sergei, get a police car, make a prison, but you cannot make a target pass out from a distance without making him lose a bunch of blood. Of course there are some cheap alternatives, but to be honest, in epoch theres everything to be a police officer except for a ranged knockout weapon. After which i would like to add this question:
    Is it possible to add poison darts for cz 550 or something like that, which will tranquilize players, possibly putting them to sleep for a minute if they dont use antibiotics (or something like that, im just thinking out loud). That would be fun (kidnapping for the win).
    Another feature that would be needed is putting a dragged person inside the car and make him  unable to get out the first minute (so basicly enough time to get a driver and lock the car.
    :YAY: For kidnappings
  4. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from loki in [RELEASE] Dome access RPT logger   
    Sorry i forgot to add that apparantly:
    This is in my MPMission init:
    if (!isDedicated) then { //Customized functions //Check if a Player is online by its PlayerUID fnc_isPlayerOnline = { private ["_uid", "_isOnline"]; _uid = _this; _isOnline = false; { if (isPlayer _x and {_uid == getPlayerUID _x}) exitWith { diag_log format ["[Dome] Found owner with uid = %1,", getPlayerUID _x]; _isOnline = true; }; } foreach playableUnits; _isOnline }; };
  5. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from justchil in 4 types of Side Missions (Events)   
    I did fix this a few posts later i think? 
    if ((count dayz_players) < 5) exitwith { diag_log ["Not enough players online, cancelling event"];}; Directly from the mission file i have now.
    ALternatively you could replace 5 with something like dze_event_minPlayer , and then define this value in your epoch settings in the init, so you would be able to edit this number without having to unpack & pack the pbo all the time
  6. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from ToClose in [RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)   
    A question towards anyone from the Epoch crew: will this be implemented into the next epoch? I can be patient and wait for it if so, otherwise i'll have to get this installed as soon as possible (and i would like to say, this feature should definately be part of epoch!)
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    Randomness got a reaction from xBowBii in [RELEASE] Dome access RPT logger   
    Access Logging Dome Script
    Note: You will need to know what your doing to install this.
    Credit to Axe Cop and infistar for helping me figure some stuff out 
    Does NOT kill players that enter the dome! Allows the server admin to "protect" bases while the base owners are offline, by logging dome access to the server report file. Prevents building/logging out inside the dome for players who are not whitelisted when the owners of the dome are offline. Does none of this when the owners are online (on our server, they have to defend their own turf).  
    The actual Dome Script (ie: MPMission / scripts / dome.sqf):
    private ["_owners","_name","_ownerOnline","_baseOwner"]; //List of owners _baseOwner = "Randomness"; //Define a name for this area _owners = ["314515521"]; //Array of owners of this area _ownerOnline = false; _name = name player; // Check if the player IS one of the owners if ((getPlayerUID player) in _owners) exitWith { titleText [format ["Welcome, %1", _name], "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; // welcomes you with your name }; // Check if one of the owners is online { diag_log format ["[Dome] Currently Processing admin with puid: %1", _x];         if (_x call fnc_isPlayerOnline) exitWith {             _ownerOnline = true; diag_log format ["[Dome] base owner with puid: %1 is online", _x];         }; } foreach _owners; if (!_ownerOnline) exitWith {    // What happens if unauthorized players get into the dome titleText ["Approaching donator base! Do not harm this base while the owners are offline! Activity is logged!", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; //Disabling building and logging out for dome visitors canbuild = false;         //Activating logging function         dome_WriteLog = [_name, _baseOwner];         publicVariableServer "dome_WriteLog"; };     if (_ownerOnline) exitWith { canbuild = false;         titleText ["Woof Woof! Watch out, the guard dogs spotted you!", "PLAIN DOWN", 4];     }; A trigger for this dome in mission.sqm:
    Note: of course all these coordinates and stuff require some editing
    class Item6         {             position[]={13960.541,1.148,7940.4688};             a=120;             b=120;             activationBy="WEST";             repeating=1;             interruptable=1;             age="UNKNOWN";             name="sensor_1";             expCond="(player distance sensor_1) < 120;"; expActiv="dome_1 = [] execVM ""scripts\dome.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="terminate dome_nnnl; titleText [""You have left the dome"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 4]; canbuild=true;";             class Effects             {             };         }; Inside the MPMission init.sqf or somewhere where its run serverside:
    if (isServer) then { "dome_WriteLog" addPublicVariableEventHandler {         _data = _this select 1;         diag_log format ["[DOME] Player %1 accessed %2 base at %3",_data select 0, _data select 1, time];     }; }; Instance / Battleye / publicVariable.txt
    In the line containing 5 "" , at the end add !="dome_WriteLog"
    (optional) for Infistar antiHack, inside AH.sqf:
                    } forEach ['allUnits','entities','allMissionObjects','vehicles','playableUnits']; replace with:
                    } forEach ['allUnits','entities','allMissionObjects','vehicles']; Enjoy
  9. Like
    Randomness reacted to Sandbird in Custom SQL Calls   
    Cant someone please make a 998, 999 version of the hiveext.dll for 1042 ?
    Or at least (to the developers) allow us to have some custom tables in the HiveExt.ini, besides the freaking object_data and players_data....
    I dont understand why devs have this stubborn view on 999 queries. Every other dayz mod has them, whats so special about epoch that with 999 all hell will break lose. Is it that unstable or hackable...wtf ?
    And besides isnt it up the server admin to mess it up ?
    At least release 2 hiveext.dlls.....one with 999 and one without....People have been begging for this for months now.
    You dont see a lot of people requesting it...cause lets face it....80% of the people here are not writing scripts.
  10. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from insertcoins in How do you admin your server?   
    I have never had a nuker only nuke a certain area of the map
  11. Like
    Randomness reacted to bigAPE in Show Off Your Base   
    Unless the base was built by hand, in game, under threat of fire, with parts you earned or fought for it then should be stated as such. Frankly, while cool looking, they don't count.
  12. Like
    Randomness reacted to gopostal in Dayz Scripters Wanted   
    The tough part of this is the amount of time it takes to write out such long and winding explanations. When someone comes to me needing help it comes with a couple of stipulations: we meet on teamspeak, you don't make fun of how I speak (I had stg 4 throat cancer), and you bring an honest desire to learn. In return I'll explain things at your level until you get it or quit on me. People took the time to teach me, the least I can do is pass it on.
    @ the OP: It's really not that hard to learn a few simple script inclusions. Start small, do your homework, test and retest until you figure out why it didn't work at first. Nothing beats that thrill of seeing your server running like a Swiss watch and knowing it was you that did it.
    The previous poster that mentioned doing the "dirty work" is spot on. Running an Arma (especially DayZ) server is a labor of love and on a higher level than even a hobby. It takes effort though and that's what most lack. I came to DayZ server admin about 2 months ago and I've managed to learn everything needed to run both my servers (PvP and PvE) on highly modified mission files and they both perform very well. I found everything I needed to do this online and applied liberal common sense when needed.
  13. Like
    Randomness reacted to GZA in Map   
    It's working fine ;) Converted the map, but the city names are not included with this method. 
    Here is the map:
    http://dayz.zombieapo.eu:82/sauerland.jpg (10000x10000, 23,7MB)
    http://dayz.zombieapo.eu:82/sauerland.png (25600x25600, 64,3 MB)
  14. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from insertcoins in Info for hosting server   
    If you like playing DayZ, dont host a server, thats my advice.
  15. Like
    Randomness reacted to Glenn in [OLD] JAEM - Just another Evac-Chopper Mod v1.4 (Updated 06/14/2014) ** OUT OF DATE **   
    I was in the middle of refreshing all my addons when I noticed that there is a third action that will require whitelisting.
    The original post have been updated.
  16. Like
    Randomness reacted to falconsan in Trader cities in the default Sauerland   
    At the moment, the traders will be in the missionfiles. "Never touch a running system" :)
    I will finish some importend things at the map first, 
  17. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from Judge Bread in Changing map   
    Nowhere in these configs or files its readign its saying to load Sauerland as map. However it seems to be defined in the mission.sqm file (thanks Judge Bread)
  18. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from Trinii in [OLD] JAEM - Just another Evac-Chopper Mod v1.4 (Updated 06/14/2014) ** OUT OF DATE **   
    This script causes a black screen for a minute on Sauerland (i dont know why)
  19. Like
    Randomness reacted to Achmed in Trader cities in the default Sauerland   
    i agree :)
  20. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from TuBz in wishes and suggestions   
    Maybe some more deer stands to fill up the empty voids a bit?
  21. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from DrunkenKitty in 4 types of Side Missions (Events)   
  22. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from amandabif in Trader Prices & Panthera Black Market   
    I just noticed that we will be jumping straight to 1.0.4 so i wanted to share some of the stuff we noticed on our servers:
    First off, kamaz selling price is higher than the buying price (yep infinite money right here), you can buy it for 1 gold and sell it for 5. 
    Secondly, i don't know if this is on purpose, but a lot of stuff you can buy at the hero can be sold with profit at the bandit. I changed that on our servers so the buying price on the hero is the same as the selling price on the bandit (vodniks would offer a 40 gold profit). Maybe this is on purpose so I'll leave that up to you guys.
    Last, panthera doesn't have a black market at the moment in vanilla epoch. I added one on our server, but it might be an idea to include one in the vanilla epoch? 
    Edit: Also PKP now makes backpacks disappear?
  23. Like
    Randomness reacted to Zarbon in Show Off Your Base   
    It's.. so.. beautiful..
    Inside 1st floor: http://i.imgur.com/zSeucQK.jpg
    Inside 2nd floor: http://i.imgur.com/tjfIZ5q.jpg
    It's still a WIP and is far from finished. :)

  24. Like
    Randomness got a reaction from Axle in Show Off Your Base   
    Vewy old screenshot,  tower is a lot bigger, and theres a bunch more stuff on the outside of the base :P
    Permanent bases, no maintenance, supply drops, tradable mortar / cinder / metal panels (this one just in the past 3 days), increased building limit etc.
    I'll see if someone from our clanny can make some fresher screenshots or a video :P 
  25. Like
    Randomness reacted to MatthewK in Creating a sensor.   
    Better creating it with a script, then you can change the variable on the fly. 
    Really easy to do, I use them for my snowman loot drops..
    Waits until the player is within a 10 meter radius then blasts out some festive tunes lol :)
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