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    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in 125548 on DayZ Commander   
    Just talked to DotJosh today and he asked if we were good to use the latest arma oa patch with epoch. I gave him the go ahead so we should see DZC updated soon.
  2. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from MatthewK in 125548 on DayZ Commander   
    Vert all the way. They have the patches ready to install, literally at the click of a button within about 36 hours, normally less...
    Then, for arma, all you do is change your required build, add steam ports, change version number all in config.cfg and off you go!
    Little bit trickier for 105/1051 depending on the mods you're running but, for a vanilla install, same as above.
    Don't quit chap. Hang in there. Just change host to someone who's actually going to listen and be proactive at sorting your problems out. I had a terrible experience with my previous host, who Ill only mention in PM and I really feel your pain.
    take it easy on your admins too dude, it's not their fault, they're probably mostly youngsters like mine and I'm sure that they're very helpful in other ways in game.
  3. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to MGT in 1.0.5 rpt bug with mission loot table   
    Toggle close dialogues in ahconfig
  4. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to icomrade in 1.0.5 rpt bug with mission loot table   
    It may be more time friendly to just use the old files and modify the compiles.sqf and variables.sqf entries to point to them.
    In order to update your loot table you simply need to look at both of the arrays and add another element to each itemType entry, the value is the chance value (number) from itemChange.
    So what you provided would work out to be this.
    itemType[] = {{"ItemWatch", "generic",0.04}, {"ItemCompass", "generic",0.03}, {"ItemMap", "weapon",0.02}, {"pistols", "cfglootweapon",0.1}, {"ItemFlashlight", "generic",0.01}, {"ItemKnife", "generic",0.04}, {"ItemMatchbox_DZE", "generic",0.01}, {"", "generic",0.036}, {"backpacks", "backpack",0.04}, {"tents", "single",0.01}, {"", "military",0.02}, {"", "trash",0.17}, {"Binocular", "weapon",0.02}, {"PartPlywoodPack", "magazine",0.02}, {"clothes", "single",0.01}, {"specialclothes", "single",0.01}, {"WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar", "object",0.03}, {"shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon",0.06}};
  5. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Pro_Speedy in =BTC=_Logistic (DayZ Epoch Version)   
    That would be great! 
    Thanks alot
  6. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from mgm in Tracking player name changes...   
    mgm, bang on! It's a fantastic addition to any server imo.
    Just hopefully could be made even better if the functions in my post above could be added....

    Sorry, missed the other question you asked, hence my edit....
    It doesn't appear to taxing my server at all. It only logs where players change their names so, in 2 weeks I have been running it, the table stands at 24 rows with the 4 columns above.
  7. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to itsatrap in Tracking player name changes...   
    First Create the DB
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_alias` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `PlayerNames` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uid` (`uid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=4 ; Then add this trigger
    DELIMITER ; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `updateName`; DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `updateName` AFTER UPDATE ON player_data FOR EACH ROW BEGIN #IF (NEW.PlayerName IS NULL OR NEW.PlayerName = '' OR NEW.PlayerName = OLD.PlayerName) THEN IF (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT uid FROM player_alias WHERE `uid` = NEW.PlayerUID)) THEN UPDATE player_alias SET PlayerNames = CONCAT_WS(',',PlayerNames,NEW.PlayerName) WHERE uid = NEW.PlayerUID; ELSE INSERT INTO player_alias (uid, PlayerNames) VALUES (NEW.PlayerUID,NEW.PlayerName); END IF; END// DELIMITER ;
  8. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to General Lee in Wait to Update to Arma2OA Build 112555??   
    i have downloaded the new patch ( 112555 ) on both dayz commander and my vilayer server with all kinds of mods and it is working just fine guys. if u are using vilayer, just update the live sync update, and then click yes for the update beta 112555. dont update the map.
  9. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to insertcoins in Wait to Update to Arma2OA Build 112555??   
    sounds amazing, I could handle errors just like I handle my bills!
  10. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to MGT in Wait to Update to Arma2OA Build 112555??   
    After adding -nologs my RPT log is clear of errors, has natural shine and bounce and vibrant colors - would recommend 10/10.
  11. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to MGT in Wait to Update to Arma2OA Build 112555??   
    1.63112555 Working ok for me tbh, a few errors with deletevehicles but not enough to seriously effect performance imo.
  12. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Glenn in RPT Log error (Server_functions)   
    It would help if I could see the full error. The line after your last line  would have told you waht line this error got generated from and on what file. Rather than assume, I will let you post the error.... or, you can take a look at this post from another Graphical Spawn selector and install that, which I think is probably going to fix your issue anyway. 
    Let me know what happens. :)

    UPDATE: AS pointed out by ReDBaroN, the link was wrong..  Updated to the correct serverfiles.
  13. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Glenn in RPT Log error (Server_functions)   
    For these, I can see that the author has added two fixes in the github repository. 

    I suggest you go and grab the files again to make sure you get rid of the error: 
  14. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Fuchs in RPT Log error (Server_functions)   
    Hi Fuchs, that one is fixed if you follow this:

  15. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Glenn in RPT Log error (Server_functions)   
    Can you try and replace your AH line with this:
    [] spawn {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\AH.sqf";}; The only difference will be the second  [ ] being removed...
    For this, make sure that you actually put the following lines in your missions init.sqf:
    If the only thing you changed is the /*  */ marks around the first and second "if(DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then {", you need to make sure you also have the following set in the beginning of your missions init.sqf:
    //death messages DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = false; DZE_DeathMsgSide = true; DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true; Adjust for the settings you want to have....
  16. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in Epoch Mod for Arma 3   
    Arma 3 Epoch Mod will be a total conversion mod coded from the ground up, and no longer based on DayZ. Many of the key ideas from DayZ Epoch will play a major role in Epoch Mod however everything else will change!
    More will be announced early this year.
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