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  1. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from zulu in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    Thanks a lot for your donation, this is the first donation after i updated Andre Convoy, released Andre Aerial Patrol and Most Wanted.
    My to-do:
    - Release Time Control with FSM: 90% done. (specially for BetterDeadThanZed).
    - Update Andre Convoy with the LetArmaDoItAll version: 90% done.
    - Updated Most Wanted: 90% done.
  2. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Thug in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    SOOOOOO, I finally put this in and tried it out.  Wait Wait Wait for it.   Love it, so do the players. This is like candy and I love candy. lol
  3. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Dew in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    Thanks a lot for your donation, this is the first donation after i updated Andre Convoy, released Andre Aerial Patrol and Most Wanted.
    My to-do:
    - Release Time Control with FSM: 90% done. (specially for BetterDeadThanZed).
    - Update Andre Convoy with the LetArmaDoItAll version: 90% done.
    - Updated Most Wanted: 90% done.
  4. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from pr0dukt in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    Thanks a lot for your donation, this is the first donation after i updated Andre Convoy, released Andre Aerial Patrol and Most Wanted.
    My to-do:
    - Release Time Control with FSM: 90% done. (specially for BetterDeadThanZed).
    - Update Andre Convoy with the LetArmaDoItAll version: 90% done.
    - Updated Most Wanted: 90% done.
  5. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Nekuan in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    Seems like players are getting killed for entering the spawned vehicles.
    Guess I gotta add those to the DZE_safeVehicle array?

    Edit: Yup, working fine now thanks for the release!
  6. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Seelanpro in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    MOSTWA is Andre Most Wanted Script
    It choose a player based on a criteria and make hin the fugitive.
    The fugitive need to avoid to beign killed by the other players and by the enviroment.
    A temporary mozzie and 4 briefcases will appears arround hin.
    So the 4 briefcases will be on his body for the other players to pick up.
    The fugitive have Time Rewards that are rewards he gain for mantain hinself alive for x time. The actual time rewards are:
    1 - Receive weapon and ammo. 2 - Receive a motorbike. 3 - Receive cure itens. 4 - See smoke on enemies.
    The hunters will see a mark on the map revealing the fugitive position with a configurable precision. The mark update speed depends if the fugitive is on foot, on a land vehicle or in an air vehicle.
    Was on 25 of october of 2015 with those changes:
    - Loging players are not anymore selected as fugitive.
    - Fugitives that fly over 300 meter for some time cancel the event.
    - Stay on a plot or on a safe now also cancel the event and not just cancel the fugitive reward.
    - Fugitives are unique, a player can't be selected more than one time in each restart.
    - If the fugitive is flying over 45 meters, he does not receive the time rewards.
    Files updated: andre_most_wanted.sqf
    If you enjoy it, i ask for a donation. Thankyou!
    1 - Unpack dayz_server.pbo. Put the code bellow in a text file and save it on the root of your unpacked files with the name andre_most_wanted.sqf. Repack dayz_server.pbo. To unpack / repack dayz_server.pbo you can use PBO Manager.
    //=============================== // ANDRE MOST WANTED SCRIPT ===== //=============================== // By Donnovan ================== //=============================== //==================== // CONFIGURATION ===== //==================== //MAP SIZE TO PREVENT THE LOGING IN PLAYERS TO BE SELECTED AS FUGITIVE _mapSize = 15360; //READY FOR CHERNARUS //THE TIME THE FUGITIVE NEED TO RESIST ALIVE TO WIN *IN MINUTES* _aliveTimeToWin = 20; //THE TIME CYCLE THE FUGITIVE MARK WILL BE UPDATED *IN SECONDS* _updateMark = 100; //MAXIMUN TIME THE FUGITIVE IS ALLOWED TO BE IN A PLOT OR SAFEZONE RADIUS TO RECEIVE HIS REWARD IN CASE OF WIN (a percentage of _aliveTimeToWin) _maxTimeNearPlot = 0.15; //TIME CYCLE *IN SECONDS* TO CHECK FOR PLOTS NEAR THE FUGITIVE AND SAFEZONES _onPlotCheckFrequency = 20; //THE RADIUS OF THE POSITION HINT (FUGITIVE WILL BE SOMEWHERE INSIDE THE CIRCLE) *IN METERS* _circleSize = 150; //MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS TO RUN _minPlayersToRun = 15; //TIME TO WAIT BEFORE TRY TO RUN AGAIN *IN MINUTES* _runTimeInter = 50; //FIRST RUN DELAY *IN MINUTES* _firstRunDelay = 30; //FUGITIVE TIME REWARDS: [time in minutes to exec reward (in sequence),reward message,reward code where _this is the fugitive] _fugitiveRewards = [ [4,"The Fugitive received a MK 48 and Ammo.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal ['Mk_48_DZ',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['100Rnd_762x51_M240',5];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received a motorbike.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_veh = createVehicle ['TT650_Ins',_posFGround,[],8,'NONE'];_veh setVariable ['ObjectID','0',true];_veh setVariable ['ObjectUID',str round random 9999999,true];_this reveal [_veh,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received cure itens.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBloodBag',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBandage',2];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemSeaBassCooked',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemWaterbottle',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemPainkiller',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemORP',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemMorphine',1];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive sees the enemy.",{donn_seeSmoke = [];{if (_this distance _x < 300 && !((vehicle _x) isKindOf 'Air')) then {_posK = position _x;for '_i' from 1 to 4 do {_smoke = createVehicle [['SmokeShell','SmokeShellYellow','SmokeShellRed','SmokeShellGreen','SmokeShellPurple','SmokeShellBlue','SmokeShellOrange'] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[_posK select 0,_posK select 1,40+_i*10],[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];donn_seeSmoke = donn_seeSmoke + [_smoke];};};} forEach (playableUnits-[_this]);}], [1/12,"",{{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach donn_seeSmoke;}] ]; //SAFE ZONES (READY FOR CHERNARUS) _safezones = [ [6325,7807,0], [4063,11664,0], [11447,11364,0], [1606,7803,0], [12944,12766,0], [12060,12640,0] ]; _safezonesRad = 160; //ADMINS STEAM ID (TO PREVENT THE SCRIPT TO SELECT ADMINS AS FUGITIVE) _admins = ["00000000000000000","11111111111111111"]; //===================== // FUNCTIONS ========== //===================== _lockedFugitives = []; //THE TWO LINES BELLOW ARE EPOCH SPECIFIC waitUntil {!isNil "DZE_safeVehicle"}; DZE_safeVehicle = DZE_safeVehicle + ["TT650_Ins"]; donn_fugitiveChoose = { _fugitive = objNull; _maxSumDist = -1; { _p = _x; _pP = position _x; _pPX = _pP select 0; _pPY = _pP select 1; if (_pPx > 0 && _pPY < _mapSize) then { if (damage _p < 0.2 && vehicle _p == _p) then { if (count (_p nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",(DZE_PlotPole select 0)*1.25]) == 0) then { _pUID = getPlayerUID _p; if !(_pUID in _admins || _pUID in _lockedFugitives) then { _sumDist = 0; {_sumDist = _sumDist + (_p distance _x);} forEach playableUnits; if (_sumDist > _maxSumDist) then {_fugitive = _p;_maxSumDist = _sumDist;}; }; }; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; _fugitive }; //===================== // THE SCRIPT ========= //===================== _aliveTimeToWin = round (_aliveTimeToWin*60); _runTimeInter = round (_runTimeInter*60); _firstRunDelay = round (_firstRunDelay*60); _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter+_firstRunDelay; while {true} do { waitUntil {uiSleep 15;count playableUnits >= _minPlayersToRun && (time-_lastTimeConclude) >= _runTimeInter}; _fugitive = call donn_fugitiveChoose; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Begin!"; _fugitiveName = name _fugitive; _fugitiveID = getPlayerUID _fugitive; _aliveTimeStart = time; _aliveTimePassed = 0; _timeCell = 2; _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); _slepBIndex = 0; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; _sleepCMark = round(_onPlotCheckFrequency/_timeCell); _sleepDMark = round (10/_timeCell); //_sleepA = _sleepAMark; _sleepA = 0; _sleepB = 0; _sleepC = 0; _sleepD = 0; _txt = ((name _fugitive)+" have a price on his head, kill hin to receive a reward.\n"+(name _fugitive)+", stay alive " +(str(round(_aliveTimeToWin/60)))+" minutes to receive the prize.\n\n"); _timeInPlot = 0; while {alive _fugitive && !isNull _fugitive && _aliveTimePassed < _aliveTimeToWin && _timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot} do { if (_sleepA >= _sleepAMark) then { _txt = _txt + ((name _fugitive)+" mark updated on map.\n"+(str (round(((_aliveTimeToWin-_aliveTimePassed)/60)*10)/10))+" minutes to stop the hunt.\n\n"); _sleepA = 0; _fPos = position _fugitive; _error = (_circleSize*2)/sqrt(2); _fPosBlur = [(_fPos select 0)-_error/2+(random _error),(_fPos select 1)-_error/2+(random _error),0]; if (_aliveTimePassed > 0) then {deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE";deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT";}; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [_circleSize,_circleSize]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive!"; }; if (_sleepB == _sleepBMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; _isFlying = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 45; if (count _nearPlotPole == 0 && !_inSafe && !_isFlying) then { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward! " + (_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 1); _code = _fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 2; _fugitive call _code; } else { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward!? In safe, on plot or flying. No reward..."; }; _sleepB = 0; _slepBIndex = _slepBIndex + 1; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; }; if (_sleepC == _sleepCMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; _isHigh = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 300; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; if (count _nearPlotPole > 0 || _inSafe || _isHigh) then {_timeInPlot = _timeInPlot+_sleepCMark*_timeCell}; _sleepC = 0; }; if (_sleepD == _sleepDMark) then { if (vehicle _fugitive == _fugitive) then { _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); } else { if (vehicle _fugitive isKindOf "Air") then { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.25); } else { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.5); }; }; _sleepD = 0; }; if (_txt != "" && _txt != "Time Reward! ") then {[nil,nil,rTitleText,_txt,"PLAIN",7.5] call RE;}; uiSleep _timeCell; _txt = ""; _sleepA = _sleepA + 1; _sleepB = _sleepB + 1; _sleepC = _sleepC + 1; _sleepD = _sleepD + 1; _aliveTimePassed = (time - _aliveTimeStart); }; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { _lockedFugitives = _lockedFugitives + [_fugitiveID]; if (alive _fugitive) then { if (_timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot) then { [nil,nil,rTitleText,(_fugitiveName+", time over! The prize is yours!\nColect your reward near you."),"PLAIN",7.5] call RE; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _veh = createVehicle ["CSJ_GyroC",_posToHolder,[],2,'NONE']; _veh setVariable ["ObjectID","0",true]; _veh setVariable ["ObjectUID",str round random 9999999,true]; _fugitive reveal _veh; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; _fugitive reveal _holder; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive Win!"; _lastTimeConclude = time; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("Hunt time over! "+(name _fugitive)+", you was too much near plot poles or safezones\n or high on sky. No pain no gain. No reward."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive not Fair..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,((name _fugitive)+", perished! Collect the prize on his body!\nMark is on map fo 45 seconds..."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [100,100]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive Body..."; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive perished."; uiSleep 240; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; _lastTimeConclude = time-240; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("The hunt for "+_fugitiveName+" head is over... "+_fugitiveName+" disconnected."),"PLAIN",5] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Fugitive disconnected..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Cant find an elegible fugitive..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; }; 2 - Unpack your mission file, open init.sqf and put the code line bellow at the end of it:
    if (isServer) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf";}; 3 - Take a look at the script, and set the configuration vars to what you want or leave it alone and use the default settings.
  7. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Tang0 in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    1st part of script is put on your server side - i called mine Aerial.sqf, i put mine in a folder i call Addons - then open init/server_functions.sqf and add
    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Addons\Aerial.sqf";
    at the bottom
    2nd In your mission folder put the second script in a file - i called mine heliconvoy_loadout.sqf and i have a folder for my scripts called Scripts i put that file in there
    in your init.sqf file add this to bottom
    execVM "Scripts\ heliconvoy_loadout.sqf";
    3rd in the root of your mission folder add the third script in a file and name it -  andre_heliConvoy_itens.sqf
    thats basically all i done , though remember i have custom folders for putting my scripts into so bare this in mind
  8. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Zoranth in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    MOSTWA is Andre Most Wanted Script
    It choose a player based on a criteria and make hin the fugitive.
    The fugitive need to avoid to beign killed by the other players and by the enviroment.
    A temporary mozzie and 4 briefcases will appears arround hin.
    So the 4 briefcases will be on his body for the other players to pick up.
    The fugitive have Time Rewards that are rewards he gain for mantain hinself alive for x time. The actual time rewards are:
    1 - Receive weapon and ammo. 2 - Receive a motorbike. 3 - Receive cure itens. 4 - See smoke on enemies.
    The hunters will see a mark on the map revealing the fugitive position with a configurable precision. The mark update speed depends if the fugitive is on foot, on a land vehicle or in an air vehicle.
    Was on 25 of october of 2015 with those changes:
    - Loging players are not anymore selected as fugitive.
    - Fugitives that fly over 300 meter for some time cancel the event.
    - Stay on a plot or on a safe now also cancel the event and not just cancel the fugitive reward.
    - Fugitives are unique, a player can't be selected more than one time in each restart.
    - If the fugitive is flying over 45 meters, he does not receive the time rewards.
    Files updated: andre_most_wanted.sqf
    If you enjoy it, i ask for a donation. Thankyou!
    1 - Unpack dayz_server.pbo. Put the code bellow in a text file and save it on the root of your unpacked files with the name andre_most_wanted.sqf. Repack dayz_server.pbo. To unpack / repack dayz_server.pbo you can use PBO Manager.
    //=============================== // ANDRE MOST WANTED SCRIPT ===== //=============================== // By Donnovan ================== //=============================== //==================== // CONFIGURATION ===== //==================== //MAP SIZE TO PREVENT THE LOGING IN PLAYERS TO BE SELECTED AS FUGITIVE _mapSize = 15360; //READY FOR CHERNARUS //THE TIME THE FUGITIVE NEED TO RESIST ALIVE TO WIN *IN MINUTES* _aliveTimeToWin = 20; //THE TIME CYCLE THE FUGITIVE MARK WILL BE UPDATED *IN SECONDS* _updateMark = 100; //MAXIMUN TIME THE FUGITIVE IS ALLOWED TO BE IN A PLOT OR SAFEZONE RADIUS TO RECEIVE HIS REWARD IN CASE OF WIN (a percentage of _aliveTimeToWin) _maxTimeNearPlot = 0.15; //TIME CYCLE *IN SECONDS* TO CHECK FOR PLOTS NEAR THE FUGITIVE AND SAFEZONES _onPlotCheckFrequency = 20; //THE RADIUS OF THE POSITION HINT (FUGITIVE WILL BE SOMEWHERE INSIDE THE CIRCLE) *IN METERS* _circleSize = 150; //MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS TO RUN _minPlayersToRun = 15; //TIME TO WAIT BEFORE TRY TO RUN AGAIN *IN MINUTES* _runTimeInter = 50; //FIRST RUN DELAY *IN MINUTES* _firstRunDelay = 30; //FUGITIVE TIME REWARDS: [time in minutes to exec reward (in sequence),reward message,reward code where _this is the fugitive] _fugitiveRewards = [ [4,"The Fugitive received a MK 48 and Ammo.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal ['Mk_48_DZ',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['100Rnd_762x51_M240',5];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received a motorbike.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_veh = createVehicle ['TT650_Ins',_posFGround,[],8,'NONE'];_veh setVariable ['ObjectID','0',true];_veh setVariable ['ObjectUID',str round random 9999999,true];_this reveal [_veh,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received cure itens.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBloodBag',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBandage',2];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemSeaBassCooked',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemWaterbottle',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemPainkiller',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemORP',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemMorphine',1];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive sees the enemy.",{donn_seeSmoke = [];{if (_this distance _x < 300 && !((vehicle _x) isKindOf 'Air')) then {_posK = position _x;for '_i' from 1 to 4 do {_smoke = createVehicle [['SmokeShell','SmokeShellYellow','SmokeShellRed','SmokeShellGreen','SmokeShellPurple','SmokeShellBlue','SmokeShellOrange'] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[_posK select 0,_posK select 1,40+_i*10],[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];donn_seeSmoke = donn_seeSmoke + [_smoke];};};} forEach (playableUnits-[_this]);}], [1/12,"",{{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach donn_seeSmoke;}] ]; //SAFE ZONES (READY FOR CHERNARUS) _safezones = [ [6325,7807,0], [4063,11664,0], [11447,11364,0], [1606,7803,0], [12944,12766,0], [12060,12640,0] ]; _safezonesRad = 160; //ADMINS STEAM ID (TO PREVENT THE SCRIPT TO SELECT ADMINS AS FUGITIVE) _admins = ["00000000000000000","11111111111111111"]; //===================== // FUNCTIONS ========== //===================== _lockedFugitives = []; //THE TWO LINES BELLOW ARE EPOCH SPECIFIC waitUntil {!isNil "DZE_safeVehicle"}; DZE_safeVehicle = DZE_safeVehicle + ["TT650_Ins"]; donn_fugitiveChoose = { _fugitive = objNull; _maxSumDist = -1; { _p = _x; _pP = position _x; _pPX = _pP select 0; _pPY = _pP select 1; if (_pPx > 0 && _pPY < _mapSize) then { if (damage _p < 0.2 && vehicle _p == _p) then { if (count (_p nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",(DZE_PlotPole select 0)*1.25]) == 0) then { _pUID = getPlayerUID _p; if !(_pUID in _admins || _pUID in _lockedFugitives) then { _sumDist = 0; {_sumDist = _sumDist + (_p distance _x);} forEach playableUnits; if (_sumDist > _maxSumDist) then {_fugitive = _p;_maxSumDist = _sumDist;}; }; }; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; _fugitive }; //===================== // THE SCRIPT ========= //===================== _aliveTimeToWin = round (_aliveTimeToWin*60); _runTimeInter = round (_runTimeInter*60); _firstRunDelay = round (_firstRunDelay*60); _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter+_firstRunDelay; while {true} do { waitUntil {uiSleep 15;count playableUnits >= _minPlayersToRun && (time-_lastTimeConclude) >= _runTimeInter}; _fugitive = call donn_fugitiveChoose; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Begin!"; _fugitiveName = name _fugitive; _fugitiveID = getPlayerUID _fugitive; _aliveTimeStart = time; _aliveTimePassed = 0; _timeCell = 2; _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); _slepBIndex = 0; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; _sleepCMark = round(_onPlotCheckFrequency/_timeCell); _sleepDMark = round (10/_timeCell); //_sleepA = _sleepAMark; _sleepA = 0; _sleepB = 0; _sleepC = 0; _sleepD = 0; _txt = ((name _fugitive)+" have a price on his head, kill hin to receive a reward.\n"+(name _fugitive)+", stay alive " +(str(round(_aliveTimeToWin/60)))+" minutes to receive the prize.\n\n"); _timeInPlot = 0; while {alive _fugitive && !isNull _fugitive && _aliveTimePassed < _aliveTimeToWin && _timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot} do { if (_sleepA >= _sleepAMark) then { _txt = _txt + ((name _fugitive)+" mark updated on map.\n"+(str (round(((_aliveTimeToWin-_aliveTimePassed)/60)*10)/10))+" minutes to stop the hunt.\n\n"); _sleepA = 0; _fPos = position _fugitive; _error = (_circleSize*2)/sqrt(2); _fPosBlur = [(_fPos select 0)-_error/2+(random _error),(_fPos select 1)-_error/2+(random _error),0]; if (_aliveTimePassed > 0) then {deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE";deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT";}; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [_circleSize,_circleSize]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive!"; }; if (_sleepB == _sleepBMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; _isFlying = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 45; if (count _nearPlotPole == 0 && !_inSafe && !_isFlying) then { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward! " + (_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 1); _code = _fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 2; _fugitive call _code; } else { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward!? In safe, on plot or flying. No reward..."; }; _sleepB = 0; _slepBIndex = _slepBIndex + 1; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; }; if (_sleepC == _sleepCMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; _isHigh = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 300; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; if (count _nearPlotPole > 0 || _inSafe || _isHigh) then {_timeInPlot = _timeInPlot+_sleepCMark*_timeCell}; _sleepC = 0; }; if (_sleepD == _sleepDMark) then { if (vehicle _fugitive == _fugitive) then { _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); } else { if (vehicle _fugitive isKindOf "Air") then { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.25); } else { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.5); }; }; _sleepD = 0; }; if (_txt != "" && _txt != "Time Reward! ") then {[nil,nil,rTitleText,_txt,"PLAIN",7.5] call RE;}; uiSleep _timeCell; _txt = ""; _sleepA = _sleepA + 1; _sleepB = _sleepB + 1; _sleepC = _sleepC + 1; _sleepD = _sleepD + 1; _aliveTimePassed = (time - _aliveTimeStart); }; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { _lockedFugitives = _lockedFugitives + [_fugitiveID]; if (alive _fugitive) then { if (_timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot) then { [nil,nil,rTitleText,(_fugitiveName+", time over! The prize is yours!\nColect your reward near you."),"PLAIN",7.5] call RE; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _veh = createVehicle ["CSJ_GyroC",_posToHolder,[],2,'NONE']; _veh setVariable ["ObjectID","0",true]; _veh setVariable ["ObjectUID",str round random 9999999,true]; _fugitive reveal _veh; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; _fugitive reveal _holder; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive Win!"; _lastTimeConclude = time; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("Hunt time over! "+(name _fugitive)+", you was too much near plot poles or safezones\n or high on sky. No pain no gain. No reward."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive not Fair..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,((name _fugitive)+", perished! Collect the prize on his body!\nMark is on map fo 45 seconds..."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [100,100]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive Body..."; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive perished."; uiSleep 240; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; _lastTimeConclude = time-240; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("The hunt for "+_fugitiveName+" head is over... "+_fugitiveName+" disconnected."),"PLAIN",5] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Fugitive disconnected..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Cant find an elegible fugitive..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; }; 2 - Unpack your mission file, open init.sqf and put the code line bellow at the end of it:
    if (isServer) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf";}; 3 - Take a look at the script, and set the configuration vars to what you want or leave it alone and use the default settings.
  9. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script   
    MOSTWA is Andre Most Wanted Script
    It choose a player based on a criteria and make hin the fugitive.
    The fugitive need to avoid to beign killed by the other players and by the enviroment.
    A temporary mozzie and 4 briefcases will appears arround hin.
    So the 4 briefcases will be on his body for the other players to pick up.
    The fugitive have Time Rewards that are rewards he gain for mantain hinself alive for x time. The actual time rewards are:
    1 - Receive weapon and ammo. 2 - Receive a motorbike. 3 - Receive cure itens. 4 - See smoke on enemies.
    The hunters will see a mark on the map revealing the fugitive position with a configurable precision. The mark update speed depends if the fugitive is on foot, on a land vehicle or in an air vehicle.
    Was on 25 of october of 2015 with those changes:
    - Loging players are not anymore selected as fugitive.
    - Fugitives that fly over 300 meter for some time cancel the event.
    - Stay on a plot or on a safe now also cancel the event and not just cancel the fugitive reward.
    - Fugitives are unique, a player can't be selected more than one time in each restart.
    - If the fugitive is flying over 45 meters, he does not receive the time rewards.
    Files updated: andre_most_wanted.sqf
    If you enjoy it, i ask for a donation. Thankyou!
    1 - Unpack dayz_server.pbo. Put the code bellow in a text file and save it on the root of your unpacked files with the name andre_most_wanted.sqf. Repack dayz_server.pbo. To unpack / repack dayz_server.pbo you can use PBO Manager.
    //=============================== // ANDRE MOST WANTED SCRIPT ===== //=============================== // By Donnovan ================== //=============================== //==================== // CONFIGURATION ===== //==================== //MAP SIZE TO PREVENT THE LOGING IN PLAYERS TO BE SELECTED AS FUGITIVE _mapSize = 15360; //READY FOR CHERNARUS //THE TIME THE FUGITIVE NEED TO RESIST ALIVE TO WIN *IN MINUTES* _aliveTimeToWin = 20; //THE TIME CYCLE THE FUGITIVE MARK WILL BE UPDATED *IN SECONDS* _updateMark = 100; //MAXIMUN TIME THE FUGITIVE IS ALLOWED TO BE IN A PLOT OR SAFEZONE RADIUS TO RECEIVE HIS REWARD IN CASE OF WIN (a percentage of _aliveTimeToWin) _maxTimeNearPlot = 0.15; //TIME CYCLE *IN SECONDS* TO CHECK FOR PLOTS NEAR THE FUGITIVE AND SAFEZONES _onPlotCheckFrequency = 20; //THE RADIUS OF THE POSITION HINT (FUGITIVE WILL BE SOMEWHERE INSIDE THE CIRCLE) *IN METERS* _circleSize = 150; //MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS TO RUN _minPlayersToRun = 15; //TIME TO WAIT BEFORE TRY TO RUN AGAIN *IN MINUTES* _runTimeInter = 50; //FIRST RUN DELAY *IN MINUTES* _firstRunDelay = 30; //FUGITIVE TIME REWARDS: [time in minutes to exec reward (in sequence),reward message,reward code where _this is the fugitive] _fugitiveRewards = [ [4,"The Fugitive received a MK 48 and Ammo.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal ['Mk_48_DZ',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['100Rnd_762x51_M240',5];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received a motorbike.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_veh = createVehicle ['TT650_Ins',_posFGround,[],8,'NONE'];_veh setVariable ['ObjectID','0',true];_veh setVariable ['ObjectUID',str round random 9999999,true];_this reveal [_veh,4];}], [4,"The fugitive received cure itens.",{_posF = position _this;_posFGround = [_posF select 0,_posF select 1,0];_holder = createVehicle ['Weaponholder',_posFGround,[],0,'NONE'];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBloodBag',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemBandage',2];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemSeaBassCooked',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemWaterbottle',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemPainkiller',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemORP',1];_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ItemMorphine',1];_this reveal [_holder,4];}], [4,"The fugitive sees the enemy.",{donn_seeSmoke = [];{if (_this distance _x < 300 && !((vehicle _x) isKindOf 'Air')) then {_posK = position _x;for '_i' from 1 to 4 do {_smoke = createVehicle [['SmokeShell','SmokeShellYellow','SmokeShellRed','SmokeShellGreen','SmokeShellPurple','SmokeShellBlue','SmokeShellOrange'] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[_posK select 0,_posK select 1,40+_i*10],[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];donn_seeSmoke = donn_seeSmoke + [_smoke];};};} forEach (playableUnits-[_this]);}], [1/12,"",{{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach donn_seeSmoke;}] ]; //SAFE ZONES (READY FOR CHERNARUS) _safezones = [ [6325,7807,0], [4063,11664,0], [11447,11364,0], [1606,7803,0], [12944,12766,0], [12060,12640,0] ]; _safezonesRad = 160; //ADMINS STEAM ID (TO PREVENT THE SCRIPT TO SELECT ADMINS AS FUGITIVE) _admins = ["00000000000000000","11111111111111111"]; //===================== // FUNCTIONS ========== //===================== _lockedFugitives = []; //THE TWO LINES BELLOW ARE EPOCH SPECIFIC waitUntil {!isNil "DZE_safeVehicle"}; DZE_safeVehicle = DZE_safeVehicle + ["TT650_Ins"]; donn_fugitiveChoose = { _fugitive = objNull; _maxSumDist = -1; { _p = _x; _pP = position _x; _pPX = _pP select 0; _pPY = _pP select 1; if (_pPx > 0 && _pPY < _mapSize) then { if (damage _p < 0.2 && vehicle _p == _p) then { if (count (_p nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",(DZE_PlotPole select 0)*1.25]) == 0) then { _pUID = getPlayerUID _p; if !(_pUID in _admins || _pUID in _lockedFugitives) then { _sumDist = 0; {_sumDist = _sumDist + (_p distance _x);} forEach playableUnits; if (_sumDist > _maxSumDist) then {_fugitive = _p;_maxSumDist = _sumDist;}; }; }; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; _fugitive }; //===================== // THE SCRIPT ========= //===================== _aliveTimeToWin = round (_aliveTimeToWin*60); _runTimeInter = round (_runTimeInter*60); _firstRunDelay = round (_firstRunDelay*60); _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter+_firstRunDelay; while {true} do { waitUntil {uiSleep 15;count playableUnits >= _minPlayersToRun && (time-_lastTimeConclude) >= _runTimeInter}; _fugitive = call donn_fugitiveChoose; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Begin!"; _fugitiveName = name _fugitive; _fugitiveID = getPlayerUID _fugitive; _aliveTimeStart = time; _aliveTimePassed = 0; _timeCell = 2; _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); _slepBIndex = 0; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; _sleepCMark = round(_onPlotCheckFrequency/_timeCell); _sleepDMark = round (10/_timeCell); //_sleepA = _sleepAMark; _sleepA = 0; _sleepB = 0; _sleepC = 0; _sleepD = 0; _txt = ((name _fugitive)+" have a price on his head, kill hin to receive a reward.\n"+(name _fugitive)+", stay alive " +(str(round(_aliveTimeToWin/60)))+" minutes to receive the prize.\n\n"); _timeInPlot = 0; while {alive _fugitive && !isNull _fugitive && _aliveTimePassed < _aliveTimeToWin && _timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot} do { if (_sleepA >= _sleepAMark) then { _txt = _txt + ((name _fugitive)+" mark updated on map.\n"+(str (round(((_aliveTimeToWin-_aliveTimePassed)/60)*10)/10))+" minutes to stop the hunt.\n\n"); _sleepA = 0; _fPos = position _fugitive; _error = (_circleSize*2)/sqrt(2); _fPosBlur = [(_fPos select 0)-_error/2+(random _error),(_fPos select 1)-_error/2+(random _error),0]; if (_aliveTimePassed > 0) then {deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE";deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT";}; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [_circleSize,_circleSize]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",_fPosBlur]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive!"; }; if (_sleepB == _sleepBMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; _isFlying = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 45; if (count _nearPlotPole == 0 && !_inSafe && !_isFlying) then { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward! " + (_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 1); _code = _fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 2; _fugitive call _code; } else { _txt = _txt + "Time Reward!? In safe, on plot or flying. No reward..."; }; _sleepB = 0; _slepBIndex = _slepBIndex + 1; _sleepBMark = -1; if !(_slepBIndex == count _fugitiveRewards) then { _sleepBMark = round(((_fugitiveRewards select _slepBIndex select 0)*60)/_timeCell); }; }; if (_sleepC == _sleepCMark) then { _nearPlotPole = _fugitive nearObjects ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ",DZE_PlotPole select 0]; _inSafe = false; _isHigh = ((getPosATL _fugitive) select 2) > 300; {if (_fugitive distance _x < _safezonesRad) exitWith {_inSafe = true;};} forEach _safezones; if (count _nearPlotPole > 0 || _inSafe || _isHigh) then {_timeInPlot = _timeInPlot+_sleepCMark*_timeCell}; _sleepC = 0; }; if (_sleepD == _sleepDMark) then { if (vehicle _fugitive == _fugitive) then { _sleepAMark = round(_updateMark/_timeCell); } else { if (vehicle _fugitive isKindOf "Air") then { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.25); } else { _sleepAMark = round ((_updateMark/_timeCell)*0.5); }; }; _sleepD = 0; }; if (_txt != "" && _txt != "Time Reward! ") then {[nil,nil,rTitleText,_txt,"PLAIN",7.5] call RE;}; uiSleep _timeCell; _txt = ""; _sleepA = _sleepA + 1; _sleepB = _sleepB + 1; _sleepC = _sleepC + 1; _sleepD = _sleepD + 1; _aliveTimePassed = (time - _aliveTimeStart); }; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; if (!isNull _fugitive) then { _lockedFugitives = _lockedFugitives + [_fugitiveID]; if (alive _fugitive) then { if (_timeInPlot <= _aliveTimeToWin*_maxTimeNearPlot) then { [nil,nil,rTitleText,(_fugitiveName+", time over! The prize is yours!\nColect your reward near you."),"PLAIN",7.5] call RE; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _veh = createVehicle ["CSJ_GyroC",_posToHolder,[],2,'NONE']; _veh setVariable ["ObjectID","0",true]; _veh setVariable ["ObjectUID",str round random 9999999,true]; _fugitive reveal _veh; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; _fugitive reveal _holder; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive Win!"; _lastTimeConclude = time; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("Hunt time over! "+(name _fugitive)+", you was too much near plot poles or safezones\n or high on sky. No pain no gain. No reward."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive not Fair..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,((name _fugitive)+", perished! Collect the prize on his body!\nMark is on map fo 45 seconds..."),"PLAIN",10] call RE; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "DONN_FUGITIVE" setMarkerSize [100,100]; createMarker ["DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT",position _fugitive]; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerType "Vehicle"; "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT" setMarkerText "Fugitive Body..."; _posToHolder = position _fugitive;_posToHolder set [2,0]; _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_posToHolder,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefCase100oz",4]; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive perished."; uiSleep 240; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE"; deleteMarker "DONN_FUGITIVE_DOT"; _lastTimeConclude = time-240; }; } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,("The hunt for "+_fugitiveName+" head is over... "+_fugitiveName+" disconnected."),"PLAIN",5] call RE; diag_log "[MOSTWA] Fugitive disconnected..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; } else { diag_log "[MOSTWA] Cant find an elegible fugitive..."; _lastTimeConclude = time-_runTimeInter*0.75; }; }; 2 - Unpack your mission file, open init.sqf and put the code line bellow at the end of it:
    if (isServer) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf";}; 3 - Take a look at the script, and set the configuration vars to what you want or leave it alone and use the default settings.
  10. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from xandinfjg in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    If the heli is armed, they will go away, turn back and shot you, if its not armed it will release soldiers on the ground to hunt you. The soldiers can be deployed 600 meters from you, for example, and they will do the way back to your last know position.
    The amount of attack the helis do also depends of your agressivity and the risk you represent for then, not all helis will go after you if you is alone.
    Sometimes you may have killed all the turreters of a heli, and left it with only the pilot. This heli don't have much to do other than fly arround to know your position. Btw, you can hide from it, and it will forgive you after some time.
    All that is normal Arma 2 AI behavior, nothing of that was scripted by me, what i do is spawn the heli and the crew, set the way points and force the soldiers to reenbark the heli if the enemy is lost or killed. The behaviour to attack only if they are shot is also my creation.
  11. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Sporny in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    Okay, another question: When/where spawns the Patrol? Or is it possible to make it visible on the map for testing
  12. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Linux in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    If it worked and you enjoy it, i ask for a donation. Thankyou!
    OBS: The money rewards will only work if you have the coins script.
    1 - Put the script bellow on server side.
    2 - Exec it with execVM.
    if (isServer) then { _gridN = 15; _mapSize = 15360; //CHERNARUS donn_hwps = []; for "_i" from 1 to (_gridN - 1) do { _wpx = (_i/_gridN)*_mapSize; for "_y" from 1 to (_gridN - 1) do { _wpy = (_y/_gridN)*_mapSize; if !(surfaceIsWater [_wpx,_wpy]) then {donn_hwps = donn_hwps + [[_wpx,_wpy,0]];}; }; }; donn_heliConvy = [ /*0*/["UH1H_DZ",0,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"],3], /*1*/["UH1H_DZ",4,[],4], /*2*/["Mi17_TK_EP1",5,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"],5], /*3*/["CH_47F_EP1_DZE",6,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","4000Rnd_762x51_M134","4000Rnd_762x51_M134"],6], /*4*/["AH6J_EP1_DZ",1,[],2] //ARMED (PILOT) ]; //HELI MAIN CONFIG BEGIN _heliFormation =[[0,0,2],[2,2],[4,4,4,4,4],[3],[3],[1,1]]; _heliAltitude =[[60,60,115],[100,100],[50,50,50,50,50],[100],[100],[115,115]]; _heliSpeed =["NORMAL","NORMAL","FULL","LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"]; //HELI MAIN CONFIG END _spawn = [100,100,400]; donn_heli_HD = { _heliHurt = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; if !(canMove _heliHurt) then { if (_heliHurt getVariable "dncmv") then { _heliHurt setVariable ["dncmv",false,false]; { if (random 100 > 50) then {_x action ["Eject",_heliHurt];} else {_x setPos getPos _heliHurt;}; } forEach crew _heliHurt; }; }; _damage }; donn_heli_unit_HD = { _hurtedOne = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; _ofender = _this select 3; _grp = group _hurtedOne; if (combatMode _grp != "RED" && isPlayer _ofender) then { {_x enableAi "TARGET";} forEach units _grp; {_x enableAi "AUTOTARGET";} forEach units _grp; _grp reveal [_ofender,1.5]; _grp setCombatMode "RED";_grp setBehaviour "COMBAT"; }; _damage }; donn_heli_unitKill = { _unit = _this select 0; _role = assignedVehicleRole _unit; if ((assignedVehicleRole _unit) select 0 == "Driver") then { _vehEject = assignedVehicle _unit; { if (random 100 > 40) then {_x action ["Eject",_vehEject];} else {_x setPos getPos _vehEject}; } forEach crew _vehEject; }; if ({alive _x} count units group _unit == 0) then {donn_heliGrps = donn_heliGrps - [group _unit];}; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney",12500 + (round random 5) * 1000,true]; }; donn_makeAeroRoute = { _origin = _this select 0; _heli_group = _this select 1; _speed = _this select 2; _posBefore = _origin; _posNow = _origin; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_posNow,0,0]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _posNext = [0,0,0]; for "_c" from 1 to 5 do { _distToBefore = 0; _distToNext = 0; _found = false; for "_x" from 1 to 200 do { _posNext = donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _distToNext = _posNow distance _posNext; _distToBefore = _posNext distance _posBefore; if (_distToNext > 3000 && _distToBefore > 4000) exitWith {}; uiSleep 0.001; }; if (!_found) then {_posNext = donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;}; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_posNext,0,_c]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _posNow = _posNext; }; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_origin,0,6]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; }; donn_heliGrps = []; [] spawn { while {{!isNull _x} count donn_heliGrps > 0} do { { _grp = _x; _forceIn = true; { if (_grp knowsAbout _x >= 1.5) then {_grp reveal [_x,4];_forceIn = false;}; } forEach playableUnits; if (_forceIn) then { if (combatMode _grp != "BLUE") then { {_x disableAi "TARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _grp; {_x disableAi "AUTOTARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _grp; _grp setCombatMode "BLUE";_grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; }; { if (vehicle _x == _x) then {[_x] orderGetIn true;uiSleep 0.001;}; } forEach units _grp; }; } forEach donn_heliGrps; uiSleep 10; }; diag_log "[COMBOIOS AEREOS] FIM."; }; for "_cs" from 1 to (count _heliFormation) do { diag_log ("[HELI CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! " + str _cs); _heli_group = createGroup EAST; donn_heliGrps = donn_heliGrps + [_heli_group]; _convoy = _heliFormation select (_cs-1); _convoyH = _heliAltitude select (_cs-1); _convoyS = _heliSpeed select (_cs-1); _qtd = count _convoy; _helis = []; {_helis = _helis + [donn_heliConvy select _x];} forEach _convoy; for "_n" from 1 to _qtd do { private ["_firstDriver"]; _heli = _helis select (_n-1); _flyHeight = _convoyH select (_n-1); _motor = createVehicle [_heli select 0,_spawn,[],50,"FLY"]; {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach crew _motor; _motor removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _motor addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_heli_HD}]; _motor setVariable ["dncmv",true,false]; _motor setVariable ["dnishp",true,true]; _motor setVariable ["dnishpq",_heli select 3,true]; _motor setFuel 1; _motor setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _motor flyInHeight _flyHeight; _ammos = _heli select 2; {_ammo = _x;for "_a" from 1 to 8 do {_motor addMagazineTurret [_ammo,[_forEachIndex]];};} forEach _ammos; _driverCount = 1; _turreterCount = count _ammos; _cargorsCount = _heli select 1; _crewCount = _driverCount + _turreterCount + _cargorsCount; _gunnerPos = 0; for "_y" from 1 to _crewCount do { _unit = _heli_group createUnit ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1",[50,50,0],[],50,"PRIVATE"]; _unit removeAllEventHandlers "killed"; _unit removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _unit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this call donn_heli_unitKill;}]; _unit addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_heli_unit_HD}]; [_unit] joinSilent _heli_group; _unit setSkill 0.85; removeAllWeapons _unit; {_unit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _unit; _unit addWeapon "RPK_74"; _unit selectWeapon "RPK_74"; for "_pa" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addMagazine "75Rnd_545x39_RPK";}; if (_y == 1) then { _unit assignAsDriver _motor; _unit moveInDriver _motor; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65]; }; if (_y > 1 && _y <= 1 + _turreterCount) then { _unit assignAsGunner _motor; _unit moveInTurret [_motor,[_gunnerPos]]; _gunnerPos = _gunnerPos + 1; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",1]; }; if (_y > 1 + _turreterCount) then { _unit assignAsCargo _motor; _unit moveInCargo _motor; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65]; }; }; {_x disableAi "TARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _heli_group; {_x disableAi "AUTOTARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _heli_group; _heli_group setCombatMode "BLUE";_heli_group setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _sphere = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1",[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _sphere attachTo [_motor,[0,0,3]]; }; [donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,_heli_group,_convoyS] call donn_makeAeroRoute; uiSleep (60*20); }; }; 3 - Run the script bellow in client side, with execVM.
    s_colect_heli = -1; while {true} do { _donn_cursorTarget = cursorTarget; _objVar = _donn_cursorTarget getVariable ["dnishpq",0]; _isHeliLoot = false; if (!isNil "_objVar") then { if (_objVar > 0) then { if (player distance _donn_cursorTarget < ((sizeOf typeOf _donn_cursorTarget)/2 + 4)) then { _isHeliLoot = true; }; }; }; if (_isHeliLoot) then { if (s_colect_heli < 0) then { _heliTxt = "Collect tragedy itens..."; if (alive _donn_cursorTarget) then {_heliTxt = "Collect heli itens!";}; s_colect_heli = player addaction[("<t color=""#6666bb"">" + _heliTxt + "</t>"),"andre_heliConvoy_itens.sqf",_donn_cursorTarget,5,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_colect_heli; s_colect_heli = -1; }; uiSleep 1.5; }; 4 - Put the script bellow in the root of your mission file, with the name andre_heliConvoy_itens.sqf.
    _motor = _this select 3; _qLoot = _motor getVariable "dnishpq"; _loot1 = [ [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Mk_48_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","100Rnd_762x51_M240",[1,2,3]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","M249_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","200Rnd_556x45_M249",[1,2,3]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","G36C",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",[2,3,4]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","DMR_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","20Rnd_762x51_DMR",[3,4,5]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","AK_47_M",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","30Rnd_762x39_AK47",[2,3,4]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","NVGoggles",[2,3,4]]], [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","ItemEtool",[2,3,4]]], [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Binocular_Vector",[2,3,4]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBloodBag",[6,8,10]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","PartEngine",[2,3,4]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBandage",[10,15,20]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","HandGrenade_West",[3,5,7]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBriefcase100oz",[1,1,2]]] ]; if (_qLoot > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to _qLoot do { _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],1.5,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; { call compile format [ "_holder %1 ['%2',%3];", _x select 0, _x select 1, (_x select 2) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom ]; } forEach (_loot1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); }; _motor setVariable ["dnishpq",0,true]; }; Thankyou to Tang0 for more details in the install instructions:

  13. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Tang0 in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    runs fine on my server - fast and smooth, helis attack well when fired upon, loot spawns fine from heli wreck when mouse wheel is scrolled etc , now to start tweeking loot etc :)
  14. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Sporny in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    1. Maybe you can translate it to english
    2. Maybe a "better" install manual!? where should what "start" with execVM (which file)?
  15. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from raymix in Andre Aerial Patrol - [Coconut Release] - Any Map   
    If it worked and you enjoy it, i ask for a donation. Thankyou!
    OBS: The money rewards will only work if you have the coins script.
    1 - Put the script bellow on server side.
    2 - Exec it with execVM.
    if (isServer) then { _gridN = 15; _mapSize = 15360; //CHERNARUS donn_hwps = []; for "_i" from 1 to (_gridN - 1) do { _wpx = (_i/_gridN)*_mapSize; for "_y" from 1 to (_gridN - 1) do { _wpy = (_y/_gridN)*_mapSize; if !(surfaceIsWater [_wpx,_wpy]) then {donn_hwps = donn_hwps + [[_wpx,_wpy,0]];}; }; }; donn_heliConvy = [ /*0*/["UH1H_DZ",0,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"],3], /*1*/["UH1H_DZ",4,[],4], /*2*/["Mi17_TK_EP1",5,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"],5], /*3*/["CH_47F_EP1_DZE",6,["100Rnd_762x51_M240","4000Rnd_762x51_M134","4000Rnd_762x51_M134"],6], /*4*/["AH6J_EP1_DZ",1,[],2] //ARMED (PILOT) ]; //HELI MAIN CONFIG BEGIN _heliFormation =[[0,0,2],[2,2],[4,4,4,4,4],[3],[3],[1,1]]; _heliAltitude =[[60,60,115],[100,100],[50,50,50,50,50],[100],[100],[115,115]]; _heliSpeed =["NORMAL","NORMAL","FULL","LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"]; //HELI MAIN CONFIG END _spawn = [100,100,400]; donn_heli_HD = { _heliHurt = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; if !(canMove _heliHurt) then { if (_heliHurt getVariable "dncmv") then { _heliHurt setVariable ["dncmv",false,false]; { if (random 100 > 50) then {_x action ["Eject",_heliHurt];} else {_x setPos getPos _heliHurt;}; } forEach crew _heliHurt; }; }; _damage }; donn_heli_unit_HD = { _hurtedOne = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; _ofender = _this select 3; _grp = group _hurtedOne; if (combatMode _grp != "RED" && isPlayer _ofender) then { {_x enableAi "TARGET";} forEach units _grp; {_x enableAi "AUTOTARGET";} forEach units _grp; _grp reveal [_ofender,1.5]; _grp setCombatMode "RED";_grp setBehaviour "COMBAT"; }; _damage }; donn_heli_unitKill = { _unit = _this select 0; _role = assignedVehicleRole _unit; if ((assignedVehicleRole _unit) select 0 == "Driver") then { _vehEject = assignedVehicle _unit; { if (random 100 > 40) then {_x action ["Eject",_vehEject];} else {_x setPos getPos _vehEject}; } forEach crew _vehEject; }; if ({alive _x} count units group _unit == 0) then {donn_heliGrps = donn_heliGrps - [group _unit];}; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney",12500 + (round random 5) * 1000,true]; }; donn_makeAeroRoute = { _origin = _this select 0; _heli_group = _this select 1; _speed = _this select 2; _posBefore = _origin; _posNow = _origin; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_posNow,0,0]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _posNext = [0,0,0]; for "_c" from 1 to 5 do { _distToBefore = 0; _distToNext = 0; _found = false; for "_x" from 1 to 200 do { _posNext = donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _distToNext = _posNow distance _posNext; _distToBefore = _posNext distance _posBefore; if (_distToNext > 3000 && _distToBefore > 4000) exitWith {}; uiSleep 0.001; }; if (!_found) then {_posNext = donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;}; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_posNext,0,_c]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _posNow = _posNext; }; _wp = _heli_group addWaypoint [_origin,0,6]; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 65; _wp setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; }; donn_heliGrps = []; [] spawn { while {{!isNull _x} count donn_heliGrps > 0} do { { _grp = _x; _forceIn = true; { if (_grp knowsAbout _x >= 1.5) then {_grp reveal [_x,4];_forceIn = false;}; } forEach playableUnits; if (_forceIn) then { if (combatMode _grp != "BLUE") then { {_x disableAi "TARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _grp; {_x disableAi "AUTOTARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _grp; _grp setCombatMode "BLUE";_grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; }; { if (vehicle _x == _x) then {[_x] orderGetIn true;uiSleep 0.001;}; } forEach units _grp; }; } forEach donn_heliGrps; uiSleep 10; }; diag_log "[COMBOIOS AEREOS] FIM."; }; for "_cs" from 1 to (count _heliFormation) do { diag_log ("[HELI CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! " + str _cs); _heli_group = createGroup EAST; donn_heliGrps = donn_heliGrps + [_heli_group]; _convoy = _heliFormation select (_cs-1); _convoyH = _heliAltitude select (_cs-1); _convoyS = _heliSpeed select (_cs-1); _qtd = count _convoy; _helis = []; {_helis = _helis + [donn_heliConvy select _x];} forEach _convoy; for "_n" from 1 to _qtd do { private ["_firstDriver"]; _heli = _helis select (_n-1); _flyHeight = _convoyH select (_n-1); _motor = createVehicle [_heli select 0,_spawn,[],50,"FLY"]; {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach crew _motor; _motor removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _motor addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_heli_HD}]; _motor setVariable ["dncmv",true,false]; _motor setVariable ["dnishp",true,true]; _motor setVariable ["dnishpq",_heli select 3,true]; _motor setFuel 1; _motor setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _motor flyInHeight _flyHeight; _ammos = _heli select 2; {_ammo = _x;for "_a" from 1 to 8 do {_motor addMagazineTurret [_ammo,[_forEachIndex]];};} forEach _ammos; _driverCount = 1; _turreterCount = count _ammos; _cargorsCount = _heli select 1; _crewCount = _driverCount + _turreterCount + _cargorsCount; _gunnerPos = 0; for "_y" from 1 to _crewCount do { _unit = _heli_group createUnit ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1",[50,50,0],[],50,"PRIVATE"]; _unit removeAllEventHandlers "killed"; _unit removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _unit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this call donn_heli_unitKill;}]; _unit addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_heli_unit_HD}]; [_unit] joinSilent _heli_group; _unit setSkill 0.85; removeAllWeapons _unit; {_unit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _unit; _unit addWeapon "RPK_74"; _unit selectWeapon "RPK_74"; for "_pa" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addMagazine "75Rnd_545x39_RPK";}; if (_y == 1) then { _unit assignAsDriver _motor; _unit moveInDriver _motor; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65]; }; if (_y > 1 && _y <= 1 + _turreterCount) then { _unit assignAsGunner _motor; _unit moveInTurret [_motor,[_gunnerPos]]; _gunnerPos = _gunnerPos + 1; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",1]; }; if (_y > 1 + _turreterCount) then { _unit assignAsCargo _motor; _unit moveInCargo _motor; _unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65]; }; }; {_x disableAi "TARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _heli_group; {_x disableAi "AUTOTARGET";uiSleep 0.001;} forEach units _heli_group; _heli_group setCombatMode "BLUE";_heli_group setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _sphere = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1",[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _sphere attachTo [_motor,[0,0,3]]; }; [donn_hwps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,_heli_group,_convoyS] call donn_makeAeroRoute; uiSleep (60*20); }; }; 3 - Run the script bellow in client side, with execVM.
    s_colect_heli = -1; while {true} do { _donn_cursorTarget = cursorTarget; _objVar = _donn_cursorTarget getVariable ["dnishpq",0]; _isHeliLoot = false; if (!isNil "_objVar") then { if (_objVar > 0) then { if (player distance _donn_cursorTarget < ((sizeOf typeOf _donn_cursorTarget)/2 + 4)) then { _isHeliLoot = true; }; }; }; if (_isHeliLoot) then { if (s_colect_heli < 0) then { _heliTxt = "Collect tragedy itens..."; if (alive _donn_cursorTarget) then {_heliTxt = "Collect heli itens!";}; s_colect_heli = player addaction[("<t color=""#6666bb"">" + _heliTxt + "</t>"),"andre_heliConvoy_itens.sqf",_donn_cursorTarget,5,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_colect_heli; s_colect_heli = -1; }; uiSleep 1.5; }; 4 - Put the script bellow in the root of your mission file, with the name andre_heliConvoy_itens.sqf.
    _motor = _this select 3; _qLoot = _motor getVariable "dnishpq"; _loot1 = [ [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Mk_48_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","100Rnd_762x51_M240",[1,2,3]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","M249_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","200Rnd_556x45_M249",[1,2,3]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","G36C",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",[2,3,4]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","DMR_DZ",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","20Rnd_762x51_DMR",[3,4,5]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","AK_47_M",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","30Rnd_762x39_AK47",[2,3,4]]], //Maried Loot [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","NVGoggles",[2,3,4]]], [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","ItemEtool",[2,3,4]]], [["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Binocular_Vector",[2,3,4]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBloodBag",[6,8,10]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","PartEngine",[2,3,4]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBandage",[10,15,20]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","HandGrenade_West",[3,5,7]]], [["addMagazineCargoGlobal","ItemBriefcase100oz",[1,1,2]]] ]; if (_qLoot > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to _qLoot do { _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],1.5,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; { call compile format [ "_holder %1 ['%2',%3];", _x select 0, _x select 1, (_x select 2) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom ]; } forEach (_loot1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); }; _motor setVariable ["dnishpq",0,true]; }; Thankyou to Tang0 for more details in the install instructions:

  16. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Tang0 in [Release] Casca Vehicles Convoy for any Map   
    is so want to test that on my server lol
  17. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from MatthewK in [Release] Heli Guard on DDOS   
    If this is not of your interest. Sorry. I believe you can ignore. Thankyou.
    Park your heli if all the crew is sudenly disconected.
    If the heli is above a open camp, it will be parked on this camp.
    So the heli will be parked on the nearest open area.
    1 - Download the script on this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tseh7u8ct6gy49/andre_ddos_heli_guard.sqf?dl=0
    2 - Put the script on the root of your mission folder.
    3 - Open the file init.sqf.
    4 - Put this line at the end of your init.sqf: execVM "andre_ddos_heli_guard.sqf";
    On publicvariable.txt add this at the end of the line that begins with 5 "" (usually first or second line):
    MAKE A TEST 1 - Fly on a Heli as a pilot. 2 - Press Alt + F4 to close the Arma 2 OA client. 3 - Re-join the server. 4 - Look for your Heli. It will be parked.
  18. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from mimmosan in [Release] Casca Vehicles Convoy for any Map   
    V1a ON 01 of September of 2015
    New Skill Settings:
    _generalSkill = 0.6; //All skills, except ain skill, for all AI _driverManAin = 0.8; //Ain of the driver, from 0 to 1 _cargoMansAin = 0.5; //Ain of the cargo ocupants, from 0 to 1 _turretMansAin = 0.3; //Ain ot the turret operators, from 0 to 1 New Icon settings:
    _showMapIcons = true; //Show spawn, convoy and AI icons on map? _showMapIconsOnlyWhenNotInWar = true; //Hide convoy icons when they enter in war, so the fight is not spoted. _showCrewNumber = true; //Show crew number on the vehicle icon on map? (runner bombers don't count as vehicle crew)   Special reward in coins (Zupa coins) or gold (normal Epoch): _useCoinsReward = false; //Special kill (main char kill or combo kill) reward in gold or coins? Use false to gold / true to coins. _coinRewards = [650,4000,650]; //Special Reward Array: _xxxxxRewards = [kill reward,son of general kill reward,extra for each combo kill]; _goldRewards = [["ItemSilverBar",0],["ItemGoldBar10oz",1],["ItemGoldBar",1]]; //Special Reward Array: _xxxxxRewards = [kill reward,son of general kill reward,extra for each combo kill]; Combo kill is when you kill more 2 AI in the space of 15 seconds. The level of the combo increase if you keep killing in less than 15 seconds (Combo Level 1, Combo Level 2, Combo Leve 3, and so on). While the combo kill reward in coins goes direct to the player wallet, in gold, it goes in the AI dead body.   Humanity Gain Settings: donn_humanityGainForKill = 65; //How much humnity to gain for each AI kill?   //Bellow this value you is in the Bandit Way so donn_humanityGainForKill will subtract to your humanity //Above this value you is in the Hero Way so donn_humanityGainForKill will add to your humanity donn_humanityZeroScale = 2500;   Other Settings: _donn_delete_body_time = 2400; //Time in seconds to delete a dead AI body donn_aiCarVulnerable = false;  //false or 0 is INVUNERABLE true or 1 is VULNERABLE  
    Bidirectional Humanity: Fixed bandit (or on the bandit way) players getting positive humanity from AI kill.
    Coin rewards: Fixed coins rewards not happening due to a typo.
    Manual fix if you have V1a: Inside andre_convoy.sqf change the configuration setting from _coinsRewards = [650,4000,650]; to _coinRewards = [650,4000,650];
    If it works for you consider a donation. Thankyou.



    Unzip this file into your mission folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wd4dyodm7prnu4d/arma2_epoch_andre_convoy_takelong_v1b.7z?dl=0
    Look at init(example).sqf to see how to run Andre Convoy, and reproduce it in your init.sqf.
    No BE filters tweak needed.
    If your infiStar have this option:
    /*  EXPERIMENTAL CU FIX   */ _CUF = true; /* true or false */ /* *experimental* - will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */ You need to turn it off setting _CUF to false, or AI will not work.
  19. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Zoranth in [Release] Heli Guard on DDOS   
    If this is not of your interest. Sorry. I believe you can ignore. Thankyou.
    Park your heli if all the crew is sudenly disconected.
    If the heli is above a open camp, it will be parked on this camp.
    So the heli will be parked on the nearest open area.
    1 - Download the script on this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tseh7u8ct6gy49/andre_ddos_heli_guard.sqf?dl=0
    2 - Put the script on the root of your mission folder.
    3 - Open the file init.sqf.
    4 - Put this line at the end of your init.sqf: execVM "andre_ddos_heli_guard.sqf";
    On publicvariable.txt add this at the end of the line that begins with 5 "" (usually first or second line):
    MAKE A TEST 1 - Fly on a Heli as a pilot. 2 - Press Alt + F4 to close the Arma 2 OA client. 3 - Re-join the server. 4 - Look for your Heli. It will be parked.
  20. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Tang0 in [Release] Heli Guard on DDOS   
    gona give this a try
  21. Like
    Donnovan reacted to JerryAtricks in [Release] Heli Guard on DDOS   
    Donnovan, your script works perfectly. Thanks!
    F507DMT, I tried your additions but the heli isn't locking. 
  22. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from Cavadus in [Release] Andre Convoy Patrol   
    If you like my work, please consider a donation:



    ANDRE CONVOY: VERSION BOMBA V2a (28 of May of 2015)
    Unzip this file in your mission folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgthgs2r44utiv9/andre_convoy_bomba_arma3_epoch_v2a.7z?dl=0
    Configure the map you is using in andre_convoy.sqf on line 70.
    See in init(example).sqf a example on how to run the script and reproduce it in your init.sqf.

    On scripts.txt add !"execVM \"andre_convoy.sqf\"" at the end of the line that iniciate with 7 exec.

    If the script works for you as you intended, i kindly ask for a donation. Thankyou.

    - Suicide bomber engage on player.
    - You can set bomberman frequency.
    - Bomberman don't detonate if near allies.
    - Shot the head, arms and legs of a bomberman will not make hin explode.
    - Vehicles became acessible and vulnerable when all crew die and a player enters it.
    - Reduced the number of "[] spwan {}".
    - Added configuration to reduce or increase loot quantity.
    - You can turn on/off vehicle crew number on map icons.
    - Functions created to make the main code cleaner.
    - Optimization on: code consistency & performance.
    - Better became better, in general.
    - Fix: you don't need to kill all convoy to liberate a vehicle, you just need to kill the vehicle crew.
    - Fix: Convoy units does not shot the bomberman anymore.
    - Code to  embark/disembark simplified and realiable, minimum complications.
    - Runner Bomber, if alive at the end of the battle, make a salute and explode if friends are not near.
    - Fix: players consecutive disembark does not trigger bomberman spawn anymore.
  23. Like
    Donnovan reacted to Halvhjearne in rcon mobile tool   
    Query Commander works quite well on android, just log in via rcon.
    to write text to the players, you will need to add say -1 infront of anything you want to write, or it will not be send, like this:
    say -1 Hello the number (-1) represents all players.
    to write a personal message to a certain player, you need to write the player id number, so if you want to send a personal message only to player nr 1 (first player is number 0), you would do something like this:
    say 1 Hello player 1
  24. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from theduke in [Release] Casca Vehicles Convoy for any Map   
    To set the vehicles invulnerable until all crew is dead, use this setting:
    donn_aiCarVulnerable = false; //false or 0 is INVUNERABLE true or 1 is VULNERABLE Set it to true.
    Its possible to spawn again and again, with no end and pick a random convoy, but require some code. Btw, with 45 minutes spawn interval, you can spawn just a few convoys in a 4 hours restart.
  25. Like
    Donnovan got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in [Release] Andre Convoy Patrol   
    If you like my work, please consider a donation:



    ANDRE CONVOY: VERSION BOMBA V2a (28 of May of 2015)
    Unzip this file in your mission folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgthgs2r44utiv9/andre_convoy_bomba_arma3_epoch_v2a.7z?dl=0
    Configure the map you is using in andre_convoy.sqf on line 70.
    See in init(example).sqf a example on how to run the script and reproduce it in your init.sqf.

    On scripts.txt add !"execVM \"andre_convoy.sqf\"" at the end of the line that iniciate with 7 exec.

    If the script works for you as you intended, i kindly ask for a donation. Thankyou.

    - Suicide bomber engage on player.
    - You can set bomberman frequency.
    - Bomberman don't detonate if near allies.
    - Shot the head, arms and legs of a bomberman will not make hin explode.
    - Vehicles became acessible and vulnerable when all crew die and a player enters it.
    - Reduced the number of "[] spwan {}".
    - Added configuration to reduce or increase loot quantity.
    - You can turn on/off vehicle crew number on map icons.
    - Functions created to make the main code cleaner.
    - Optimization on: code consistency & performance.
    - Better became better, in general.
    - Fix: you don't need to kill all convoy to liberate a vehicle, you just need to kill the vehicle crew.
    - Fix: Convoy units does not shot the bomberman anymore.
    - Code to  embark/disembark simplified and realiable, minimum complications.
    - Runner Bomber, if alive at the end of the battle, make a salute and explode if friends are not near.
    - Fix: players consecutive disembark does not trigger bomberman spawn anymore.
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