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    Kenturrac got a reaction from Shizo_Phrenix in Pavlovo prison   
    Made my day! There is a copyright on basically everthing. It nothing that you have to claim in a goverment department or whatever you could think of.
    If you are the author/creator of something, you have a copyright on that something. In this case: This "friggin map addition" is a Intellectual Property (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property).
    You really should do your homework. Send a PM or a mail to the creator and ask him if he can reupload it. Or for fuck sake create your own prison. :D
    No copyright... these people in the internet... :rolleyes:
  2. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Splin in Perks for donating..   
    GOLD! Sequisha, how about liking that post ;)
    Actually I am currently out of the whole scripting, hosting and Epoch business at all and you guys would smile about threads like this, if you would take a step back from it. Its really not worth arguing about and its also not really an important topic at all. At some point BI put out a statement about whats allowed and what not. They probably had a reason for it, but we also learned that they really dont care about it or did anyone of you hear about any actions against any server owner? (Origins is still out there, right?)
    So how about you all look at it as mature human beings and accept that hosting a server can be a business. Some people like to make money with it. Its not about getting rich. I mean look at CCG. Maca owns basically everthing that is left of the A2 Epoch community, but he will not make a living out of it and if he would, he is probably not driving a Ferrari.
    On the other side, he will probably also never get the A3 Epoch files since the Devs dont agree with his actings. So I guess both sides win and the players just lose out of the endless war between these two factions. I mean, I doubt that any player really cares about it. Its not like they have to spent money or they will automatically lose against a player that donated. I guess player would love to see their beloved server running on a better hardware that was only affordable because of donation. I mean, lets face it. If the player gets something in return, its more likely he will donate.
    Having said everything of that, I dont like perks. Not because I dont want that anyone gets money for the time he spend maintaining or because I think its not fair. I just think its spoils and alters the intended gameplay of this Mod. Most servers offer settings that already ruined most of the gameplay that attracted over 1million people at one point and perks these days are often just another step in the same wrong direction.
    Just burry that topic. Respect the player and threat him as that. Both sides. Hosters: Dont put insane perks out for money that alter the gameplay for players who didnt spend money. Epoch-Devs: If the player wants to spend money, let him, if he doesnt want to play on a server with perks on it, he can decide and leave. I really dont get why we are talking about this stuff. It's like every single one of you thinks he is smarter than the player. Dont play mom.
    Besides all of that: Please, dont be stupid. Nothing of this is pay2win. Its all part of a common F2P model. If you want more education in what is F2P and what is P2W, just ask. I can enlighten you.
  3. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to dayzlauncher in Perks for donating..   
    Can we have a view from the Epoch devs on what they think of "reserve slot" and humanity donation perks? This is what it is all about.
    Epoch dev claim to completely against donation perks of any kind yet clearly communities which offer perks are hosting ARMA3 Epoch now...
  4. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to MGT in Perks for donating..   
    I'll just leave this here

  5. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from cen in Perks for donating..   
    Isnt that against the DayZ ToS? You know, share alike and so on.
  6. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to YarwoodUK in Perks for donating..   
    Just to clear things up.
    ZOMBIES.NU accept donations towards the mod for that they developed - dayzero - you won't find server files for it anywhere nor will you find another ARMA 2 DayZ mod that has equal performance. As a reward for donating, players are offered a reserved slot and an in-game neckwarmer/bandit skin. That's NOTHING compared to actual in-game items that provide an advantage over other players. That's not a monthly subscription. You don't have to pay to have a teamspeak channel from us.

    No way at all do the DayZero donators get any perks on ARMA 3 Epoch nor will they ever do so.
    I solely fund the ARMA 3 Epoch server and will continue to do so.

    If Fisk and I (the only two admins from the ZNU team that have an interest in A3 Epoch) have to split off from Zombies.NU name and create our own new community for ARMA 3 Epoch so that we are not affiliated with the donation scheme then we have no problem doing so, other than choosing a good new name ;)

    Stop comparing molehills to mountains. They really are not on the same level at all. It's no secret that the Zombies.NU DayZeroC servers have not been earning enough donations to pay for the servers and has been funded by the owner for the past 12months (probably longer). Can the same be said?
  7. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Peep in Perks for donating..   
    GOLD! Sequisha, how about liking that post ;)
    Actually I am currently out of the whole scripting, hosting and Epoch business at all and you guys would smile about threads like this, if you would take a step back from it. Its really not worth arguing about and its also not really an important topic at all. At some point BI put out a statement about whats allowed and what not. They probably had a reason for it, but we also learned that they really dont care about it or did anyone of you hear about any actions against any server owner? (Origins is still out there, right?)
    So how about you all look at it as mature human beings and accept that hosting a server can be a business. Some people like to make money with it. Its not about getting rich. I mean look at CCG. Maca owns basically everthing that is left of the A2 Epoch community, but he will not make a living out of it and if he would, he is probably not driving a Ferrari.
    On the other side, he will probably also never get the A3 Epoch files since the Devs dont agree with his actings. So I guess both sides win and the players just lose out of the endless war between these two factions. I mean, I doubt that any player really cares about it. Its not like they have to spent money or they will automatically lose against a player that donated. I guess player would love to see their beloved server running on a better hardware that was only affordable because of donation. I mean, lets face it. If the player gets something in return, its more likely he will donate.
    Having said everything of that, I dont like perks. Not because I dont want that anyone gets money for the time he spend maintaining or because I think its not fair. I just think its spoils and alters the intended gameplay of this Mod. Most servers offer settings that already ruined most of the gameplay that attracted over 1million people at one point and perks these days are often just another step in the same wrong direction.
    Just burry that topic. Respect the player and threat him as that. Both sides. Hosters: Dont put insane perks out for money that alter the gameplay for players who didnt spend money. Epoch-Devs: If the player wants to spend money, let him, if he doesnt want to play on a server with perks on it, he can decide and leave. I really dont get why we are talking about this stuff. It's like every single one of you thinks he is smarter than the player. Dont play mom.
    Besides all of that: Please, dont be stupid. Nothing of this is pay2win. Its all part of a common F2P model. If you want more education in what is F2P and what is P2W, just ask. I can enlighten you.
  8. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to cen in Perks for donating..   
    This times one million.
    I have ZERO issues with epoch devs stating that they want rules followed, it's their right to make any rules they want for their mod.
    The issue I have is that the rules seem to only apply to some and not all.
    Pick a side, either no perks, or allow perks, but don't say no perks then have your first official servers offer up donator perks.
    I don't care what toejam does with his servers, if he doesn't want to offer perks, that's awesome, but so far he's the only host (Dave is ok in my book as well) that has went along with those rules.
    So either let others that have perks host servers, or remove BMRF and Zombies.nu from your "official" servers so it's fair.

    Their all access pass includes reserved slots, which is against BI tos :)
  9. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Splin in Hardcore Server!!   
    Try a hardcore server will all the regular setting and just add FP only. Leave it running for some time. Watch it. The biggest change is FP which many people like. I get turned off by all the other things that get turned off like markers and gameplay readabilites. As long as that stays like this, I would never join a a official hardcore server. And there is nothing that I want more than playing on a FP server.
    The history of hardcore server is quite long in games like DayZ. Start it slowly. Play a safe round for now. Test the limits and how changes respond to the playerbase. I said it in another thread. All these changes that came with the FP server are overambitious. Its simply not fun to look for a trader that takes 1m² on a 270km² map. That simply kills the whole random trader feature for me.
  10. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Swydo in arma3 epoch missions   
    Or he is in the right forum section and is talking about the traders and so on.
  11. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from soulmasta76 in Low number of players.   
    As one who has a key but didnt play so far I want to tell you why. Cause playing alone is not fun. So I have to wait until my 3 other mates also get keys. So yeah, a lot of people have key, try it once and drop it until they can play with their mates. Never met one in A2 Epoch who wasnt part of a squad and playing a MP game alone is just boring as you can imagine. :D
    So I really really really wanna play and I have a key, but I will not spoil any experience before I can share it. And guess what, I assume I am not the only one.
  12. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from carl101 in Got key, but entered it on a no arma 3 account   
    They call it natural selection. You just got nominated for the Darwin award. Gratz!
  13. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Capwned in BETA keys - Not a beg thread!   
    So if I am a player who loves to play and I dont watch other people playing cause my time is limited and I love to play, I cant play Epoch. That just sounds wrong. :( I mean its not like I have to be there at a specific time. That giveaway takes place over multiple hours.
    So that Mod connected us cause we love to play it and now its about watching other players play instead of playing on our own. I leave that here. Its just something to think about. :D
  14. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from Nakama Mind in How's coming along?   
    Without an official statement I wouldnt expect any update of Arma 2 Epoch over the next weeks. I think they really try to finish up 0.1 of Arma 3 Epoch. I remember seeing that "release date" moving multiple times when we were awaiting 1.0.5. Not sure if they set this date or if its kinda procedual generated. Before 1.0.5. multiple RC where made to test the shit out of the patch. Nothing of that happened yet. I also remember one of them saying that they might skip and directly jumping to 1.0.6. I think I heard that in one of their streams.
  15. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to cring0 in Death of Epoch?   
    Heh, yeah I saw the same thing, and of course it was populated.
    However, don't you have to keep the server title short now in order for Steam to parse the information.. or some such?

    Funny, I've had a server up since last year, one of the first things in the line was HIGH FPS LOW DESYNC and apparently no one was interested.  But GUNS TANKS MULTIPLE AI SYSTEMS CUSTOM CRAP EVERYWHERE TANKING YOUR FPS AND CAUSING YOU TO TAKE 5 MINUTES JUST TO LOAD IN seems to be the attraction.

  16. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to Tricks in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    I just want to thank everyone that helped in this thread. I appreciate it very much, I love this community!
  17. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to Kar in Creating a clean shortcut for Epoch   
    Got this .bat file from Among the dead community,

    ::Author: Snow [AGS] @echo off echo =============================== echo ATD Server Join Batch echo -------------------------------- echo Author: Snow [AGS] echo =============================== echo JOINING SERVER IN ..... timeout 3 ::=============================================================================================================================================== ::Configuration| Edit these to the proper file paths ============================================================================================================================================== ::---> =============================================================================================================================================== :: YOUR Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Directory set arma2oapath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead :: YOUR Arma 2 Directory set arma2path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 :: Server IP set IP= :: Server Port set PORT=2500 :: Required Mods [ Ex. @DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Namalsk ] set MODS=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; ::---> =============================================================================================================================================== ::=============================================================================================================================================== :: DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELLOW THIS LINE OR YOU WILL BREAK THIS FILE ============================================================================================================================================== ::=============================================================================================================================================== start "" "%arma2oapath%\ArmA2OA_BE.exe" 0 0 -skipintro -mod=%MODS% -noSplash -noFilePatching -world=empty -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% "-mod=%arma2path%;expansion;" @exit
  18. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from insertcoins in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    Where is the harm done if you fix all stuff with 1 update in 48h or fix it with 5 in the same time? Does it really make a difference? I mean its not breaking the DZC. I think you wasting your air raging in here about basically nothing. Give him some time and be happy that he is working on it.
  19. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from TayTayTheKiller in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    Where is the harm done if you fix all stuff with 1 update in 48h or fix it with 5 in the same time? Does it really make a difference? I mean its not breaking the DZC. I think you wasting your air raging in here about basically nothing. Give him some time and be happy that he is working on it.
  20. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from BobJones in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    And see, that is where it is awesome to have alternatives. At some point DZL might be broken for a but and a user can just use the DZC again. I just dont see any problem in having two launcher. Win win for the customer and I guess the launchers also just become better by competition. :D
  21. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to Uro in Launcher Situation   
    Please take your forum troll outside to the park and feed him there, not here.
  22. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to vbawol in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    I can confirm as of today DotJosh is still working on updating DZC.
  23. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from insertcoins in BattlEye message   
    Pls dont start another thread on the update, DZC, DZL story. Use the threads that are there.

    Mods, pls close this one!
  24. Like
    Kenturrac reacted to MGT in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    We're not normally this busy at this time (see sig) so I sent this message out in rcon
    RCon admin #0: (Global) a nice warm welcome to all those that picked some numbers out of the sky for their cd key tonight
  25. Like
    Kenturrac got a reaction from NigeyS in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    So yeah, looks good. How about we come back to this one when we actually switch to the steam version.
    Right now there is no reason for spreading this to the player base or using it instead of DZC, but there is also no reason to not test the shit out of it now.
    I would also suggest to keep the talk about "DZC is better or worse" to the other 100 threads about it. Keep that one clean, stay on topic and report feedback, if you have.
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