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    Scorpi reacted to slayer in IgiLoad Script ( Load-up AI Box Creates, New Vehicle Verification ) [Updated]   
    Сheck out new release:
    Epoch devs can also look at my work, It would be great if epoch client and epoch server will have checkVehicleAccess functions out of the box.
  2. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
  3. Like
    Scorpi reacted to slayer in IgiLoad Script ( Load-up AI Box Creates, New Vehicle Verification ) [Updated]   
    New version!
    Please note:
    Mod is incompatible with Taru pods utilization mod from Halvhjearne.
    Recommended config for your blackmarket trader:
        //class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};     //class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F {price = 1000; tax = 0.25;};
  4. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Scaris in Sapper-Free Bases   
    At the bottom of your init.sqf, add the following:
    [] execVM "custom\sapper_SafeArea.sqf"; Now, create a folder in the same directory as your mission's init.sqf called "custom".  Within that folder, create a new file called "sapper_SafeArea,sqf" with the following contents:
    //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Epoch Base Safe Area //--------------------------------------------------------------------- while {true} do {     sleep 2;     _nearPole = nearestObject [position player, "PlotPole_EPOCH"];     if !(isNull _nearPole) then {         {             deleteVehicle _x;         } forEach ((getPosATL _nearPole) nearEntities [["Epoch_SapperB_F","Epoch_Sapper_F"], 150]);     }; }; Cheers
  5. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in [UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07   
    very cool script :rolleyes:
  6. Like
    Scorpi reacted to IT07 in [UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07   
    EPOCH VGS by IT07
    Here it is :D
    Detailed info is in the README.md on GitHub

    Updated code: https://github.com/ravmustang/Game_code/tree/VGS-Overhaul/ArmA_3/A3_EPOCH_virtualGarage
  7. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from lesvieuxcrevards in [UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07   
    This video is not available in Germany
    F**k GEMA
  8. Like
    Scorpi reacted to Halvhjearne in Taru pods utilization mod / script   
    so i realized that some server owners has been checking out my github and noticed the Taru pods mod/script i made.
    however, unfortunatly not as many has had the courtesy of actually reporting back to me about functionality/bugs, so i decided to just release it here for everyone to enjoy and i can see what everyone has to say about it.
    What is this?
    this script was inspired by this mod:
    one of my players asked me to add this mod, but i feelt that this could be done without having to add an extra mod to every client, so i created this:
    this is a script that will allow players to attach the taru pods to the base taru that does not have a pod attached by default, if the pod is dropped above 25m height, the pod will be dropped in a parachute, else the pod is just dropped.

    (more pics soon)
    i also made possibility to sell pods at the traders without getting in as driver (claim action) that i will be uploading to my github soon.
    to attach a pod:
    Land "on" the pod with a wheel on each side as close as possible make sure wheels are touching ground scroll and use the attach scroll action to attach a pod scroll to detach/para drop it again.
    to make sure the pod saves new position after being moved, then either enter the pod or change inventory in it.
    pods should now save when dropped.
    so here goes:
    to install this, add to the bottom of your init.sqf:
    execVM "addons\taru_pods\taru_init.sqf"; (or wherever you decide to install it, folder is not important)
    if you have antihack, you will need to disable attach and scroll actions checks (more info on this will come soon).
    you will also need to add the pods to traders / epochconfog.hpp
    the pod classnames are:
    "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F" "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F"
  9. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Dear IT07,
    Thank you for the efforts and the time to search the mistakes. We really enjoy your missions scripts and the missions also. ;) Keep up your good work.
  10. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    It works beautifully.
  11. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
  12. Like
    Scorpi reacted to vbawol in Epoch Released   
    Epoch Mod Client Files have been released on Steam Workshop and the rest of the download links on epochmod.com will be updated soon.
    Server files released on github.com/EpochModTeam
    Change logs - Also see what server files have changed here.
    Report bugs
  13. Like
    Scorpi reacted to DirtySanchez in [RELEASE]DP Quick and Dirty Stats   
    this was my original post on my website:

    We have had it running for a few weeks and it seems to be working well.
    Heals is a WIP and is reliant on finding code for healing by a multigun.
    Otherwise its in good working order and successfully tracks Kills / Deaths / Revives as well as a Hero/Bandit Rank Tracker

    There are many different things you can do with this system.

    My server already is running:
    Custom Hero / Bandit AI missions that rank change accordingly
    Custom Bandit AI roaming around in towns.
    Custom Bandit / Hero ONLY Traders with separate pricing file

    Hope all that use it enjoy it while we wait for a possible system like this integrated into Epoch.

    Since this thread on July 16th I have optimized it a lot, removing all the different variables to handle the rank change down to one variable and one handler.
    I do have to tweak the rank change system a little bit.

  14. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from vbawol in BI fix attempt for 1.48   
    After 4 hours active testing i considered that it is playable. We had 30-50fps.
  15. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from fullaholes in BI fix attempt for 1.48   
    After 4 hours active testing i considered that it is playable. We had 30-50fps.
  16. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from DirtySanchez in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   
  17. Like
    Scorpi reacted to DirtySanchez in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   
    Hey everybody,
    Here is another goodie from me to YOU!
    Real Health System v0.3
    This was started because a couple of community members at EpochMod.Com/Forums got together and took a basic idea and ran with it.
    Their initial work on Hunger and Thirst gave me the inspiration to make it even more involved and more realistic.
    From there I took it that next step and started looking at the other debug values that Epoch gives us and wham, ideas started pouring out!
    I still have many ideas left to add and tweak but this is a good start for the entire community to use in the meantime.
    So, all variables involved here kinda work with each other as well as work with the current health system in place made by Epoch.
    That's the current list of all variables that come into play.
    Any modifications to this script must be shared back to me(to add to the current script) for the rest of the community to enjoy.
    Please consider donating to Donkey Punch to keep not only the scripts coming but this community alive!
    Whats in it so far
    too wet, lower temperaturetoo soiled, increase toxicitytoo toxic, lower immunitytoo low of immunity, raise temp - tox lower staminabloddpressure too high, lower stamina, raise temp, increase damage headwound too great, raise temp, lower immunity, raise tox, erase stamina, increase damage Update, just got to understanding bleeding will add it into at least one current and any future ideas that require it.
  18. Like
    Scorpi reacted to vbawol in 1.48 with is fu**ing up client FPS   
    Depending on how many vehicles you have on your server the cause maybe the lack of our vehicle simulation handler as it increases client fps at the cost of server fps and load. This system was disabled so we can test how the Arma 3 netcode has changed with recent patches. This was also to investigate the odd reports of vehicles blowing up as we suspect a bug with the engine regarding vehicle simulation. Please note that if you have a server full of players and most vehicles are simulated this system may just cause extra overhead but providing your not having server fps issues then try by re-enabling the  vehicle simulation handler as mentioned in the changelogs:
    [Changed] Disabled Vehicle Simulation Handler by default as it does not seem to be needed anymore. re-enable vehicle simulation handler with simulationHandler = true in epochconfig.hpp.
  19. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Panduhh in So 1.48 going out today?   
    1.48 Update Release
  20. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Flupo in So 1.48 going out today?   
    1.48 Update Release
  21. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Panduhh in So 1.48 going out today?   
    Update 1.48 was delayed. We hope to go live tomorrow. The RCs were updated (access code: Arma3Update148RC) for the game and server apps. :blink:
  22. Like
    Scorpi reacted to IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Changelog: https://github.com/IT07/A3_VEMF_Reloaded/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
    Huge fixes and code improvements in this version. If you wonder what the .16 means: it is the amount of tests ran on that particular version before release.
    A test means code changes, a full PBO-repack and a test server restart.
  23. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Ok. Thanks for Update!
  24. Like
    Scorpi reacted to Richie in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    v0.0602 [NEW] BETA version of HeliPatrol mission :)
    [NEW] Config options are now in config.cpp not in configuration.sqf!
    [NEW] Location invasion missions will now spawn within 5Km of random player
    [iMPROVED] Server Load
    [iMPROVED] Overall code structure
    [iMPROVED] Spawn ALT of loot crate. Is now higher for all you lazy players
    [REMOVED] fn_getMapCenter. New system makes mission system COMPATIBLE WITH ALL ARMA 3 MAPS
    [REMOVED] Useless food and drinks from AI inventory. More chance for FAK
    [REMOVED] Several debugging lines. Who needs debugging when it works?
    [REMOVED] All sorts of useless code and files
  25. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Demi in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Tested, works great. :D
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