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  1. Like
    horbin got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    ya, you should be able to go into the globalsoldierdata.sqf and simply remove the award values.
                ["RESPECT", -1000],
                ["RESCUEGROUP", 500],
                ["RESCUETABS", 250]
    change to 
    If that won't work, look in \FuMS\HC\AI\AIKilled.sqf. or ...\PayPlayer.sqf.    In there you should find the code that calls the FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_PayPlayer routine. You can comment that out.
  2. Like
    horbin got a reaction from He-Man in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    FuMS\HC\AI\SpawnSoldier.sqf - remove line 167, replace with the following:
    if (TypeName (_gear select 0) == "STRING") then { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (_gear select 0);} else { if ([_gear select 0] call FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_AddIt) then{ _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (WeaponAttachments_Optics call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);}; //scopes }; \FuMS\HC\Val\VerifySoldier.sqf change line 99 to:
    if (TypeName _x != "SCALAR" and TypeName _x !="STRING") exitWith {_abort=true; _msg=format ["%1should be an array of 3 numbers between 0-1.0. The 1st number may also be a string. found %1",_dat3];}; With the above changes, you can now designate a specific scope in each AI type's definition located in the GlobalSoldierData.sqf.  Just replace the number with the name of the scope you want.
    Ex:    [ 1, .3. 0]   change to ["optic_tws", .3. 0]
    There is no option to 'turn off' the AI clean-up protection if the AI is detecting a player.  If you want to remove this behavior, comment out the following lines in \FuMS\HC\MsnCtrol\LogicBomb\RemoveDecayObjects.sqf
    Line 51, 152
    (both of these lines should now look like   // _enemy = _x findNearestEnemy _x; )
    Hope that helps!
  3. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Monk in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    NP, those where pretty easy additions.
    With the krypto think in place I now have a mechanism to track factions for players.  Right now it will only persist through a single server restart, but with the Faction piece, I can start to build some missions in which certain Themes become 'friendly' to certain players, or only spawn when someone obtains a certain faction level.  Next major update should hopefully have it in place.
  4. Like
    horbin got a reaction from He-Man in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
      Blacklists are already part.
      Blacklist zones are defined in \FuMS\HC\Util\GetWorldInfo.sqf
      If you hard-code locations the missions will spawn there, but when FuMS is left to pick a random location it will avoid those points as well as attempt to NOT overlap missions or place a mission on top of a base that is occupied by a player.
    Airdrop support for vehicles and loot is coming in the next updated.
    See \FuMS\HC\Triggers\ZuppaCaptureInit.sqf
    if(isPlayer _x && alive _x and _x == vehicle _x)then Line 117 add   'and _x == vehicle _x'  to the test statement. This should only allow players to influence a cap point while not in a vehicle.
  5. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Motorui in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
      I'll take a look.
    Changes in the Raptor mod, may be forcing the 'side' of the raptors to something other than "RESISTANCE".
    Easy fix may be to switch to a 'bodycount' trigger in the missions vs the LowUnitCount' trigger.
  6. Like
    horbin got a reaction from happydayz in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    NP, those where pretty easy additions.
    With the krypto think in place I now have a mechanism to track factions for players.  Right now it will only persist through a single server restart, but with the Faction piece, I can start to build some missions in which certain Themes become 'friendly' to certain players, or only spawn when someone obtains a certain faction level.  Next major update should hopefully have it in place.
  7. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Korwiin in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    NP, those where pretty easy additions.
    With the krypto think in place I now have a mechanism to track factions for players.  Right now it will only persist through a single server restart, but with the Faction piece, I can start to build some missions in which certain Themes become 'friendly' to certain players, or only spawn when someone obtains a certain faction level.  Next major update should hopefully have it in place.
  8. Like
    horbin got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    NP, those where pretty easy additions.
    With the krypto think in place I now have a mechanism to track factions for players.  Right now it will only persist through a single server restart, but with the Faction piece, I can start to build some missions in which certain Themes become 'friendly' to certain players, or only spawn when someone obtains a certain faction level.  Next major update should hopefully have it in place.
  9. Like
    horbin got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    V2.1 is out.  Overhaul of logic bomb will permit much more flexibility in mission design.  Integration of UAV/UGV's, and new Captive AI logic and theme.
    Fixed slow helo's. All helo's now spawn and fly at proper speeds.
    Vehicle stuck logic enhanced.
    Fixed data entry error in the 'Aquatic' theme that was causing frogmen to be on side 'EAST' instead of 'RESISTANCE' (no wonder they wouldn't shoot at you!!!!!!!)
    *UAV and UGV mission support UAV's and UGV's use all the same logic as 'drivers'. See MissionFile.htm, AI_Logic section for options. Valid UAV and UGV objects are defined for FuMS in the BaseServer.sqf file. See BaseServer.htm for details.
    *Theme Global Loot Data Fixed bug causing a parsing error when choosing to use a theme's local loot data file.
    *Rebuild of Logic Bomb See MissionFile.htm for details. Missions now operate on a trigger/action mechanic. Mission phasing has been removed. Missions now create children missions as part of the new 'logic' structure. Settings for the new 'mission launch' actions are detailed in MissionFile.htm. Mission spawning no longer 'suspends' triggers in the active mission, and admin's can now control how assets created in spawned missions contribute to the parent mission. Also see Test theme TestMission01.sqf for multiple examples.
    *New Triggers
    "OK" - Use of this trigger will result in the associated action occurring immediately upon mission start. "CAPTIVE" - Evaluates 'true' when the specified number of AI have been rescued. *New Mission Actions:
    "Lose" - causes 'lose' messages and loot events "Win" - causes 'win' messages and loot events "END" - terminates the mission and cleans up mission resources. Operates independent of win/lose. win/lose no longer clean up the mission. "CHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds) ] "STEPCHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds)] Child and StepChild spawn new missions that will share and inherit resources. See MissionFile.htm.
    MissionFile.htm updated. -Details on new Mission Logic -Details on how XPOS works with respect to 2D, 3D coordinates and 'named' locations.
    *New AI Logic: "CAPTIVE" - makes a unit 'neutral' with AI regardless of its 'side'. Adds an action menu to the AI with the following options:
    Flee: If within 200m of a rescue spot captive will run to that location. Otherwise it selects a random rescue spot from the list provided. Unit sets CARELESS behavior and sprints to its destination. Stay: Unit will stop at its location and assume the stance of the player issuing the order. Follow: Unit will follow the player, mimicking his stance. If the player gets more than 250m away from the unit, the unit will resort to a 'Stay' behavior using the stance of the player at the time the unit loses him. Board: Unit will board nearest non-ai controlled vehicle. Escape Point: Unit will temporarily display its 'escape point' on the map. Note: The captives are a little 'shell shocked' and will sometimes take a few seconds to respond to commands, but they will always acknowledge they heard the command via 'system chat'. Note: Captives that start a mission as 'cargo' in an AI vehicle will remain in the vehicle until it is disabled. Note: Captives assigned to follow an AI group will stop following that group when the group leader dies. Note: Captives remain 'neutral' to hostile AI until directed to Flee. *New "CAPTIVE" Theme
    Theme demonstrates new Captive logic. This theme creates a mission in a random location that contains 10 prisoners being guarded by a small squad of Humans, and an unarmed UGV. The goal is to get into the camp and rescue at least 7 of the captured clone prisoners. Beware, if too many of the guards are killed, reinforcements will be called upon! Talk to an captive to find his 'evac location', take advantage of nearby transportation, and if you succeed expect to find loot at one of the Evac sites! *New SoldierData Flag
    All AI defined in SoldierData files may also be provided with a true/false flag to set their captivity. This flag has no relation to the new 'Captive' AI logic and missions. This flag is a method to define custom AI that, by default, are 'setcaptive', thus hostile AI will not fire upon them. See GlobalSoldierData.htm section 8 for more details. Issues:
    Loot set to be placed in vehicles is not working consistently.
  10. Like
    horbin got a reaction from second_coming in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    V2.1 is out.  Overhaul of logic bomb will permit much more flexibility in mission design.  Integration of UAV/UGV's, and new Captive AI logic and theme.
    Fixed slow helo's. All helo's now spawn and fly at proper speeds.
    Vehicle stuck logic enhanced.
    Fixed data entry error in the 'Aquatic' theme that was causing frogmen to be on side 'EAST' instead of 'RESISTANCE' (no wonder they wouldn't shoot at you!!!!!!!)
    *UAV and UGV mission support UAV's and UGV's use all the same logic as 'drivers'. See MissionFile.htm, AI_Logic section for options. Valid UAV and UGV objects are defined for FuMS in the BaseServer.sqf file. See BaseServer.htm for details.
    *Theme Global Loot Data Fixed bug causing a parsing error when choosing to use a theme's local loot data file.
    *Rebuild of Logic Bomb See MissionFile.htm for details. Missions now operate on a trigger/action mechanic. Mission phasing has been removed. Missions now create children missions as part of the new 'logic' structure. Settings for the new 'mission launch' actions are detailed in MissionFile.htm. Mission spawning no longer 'suspends' triggers in the active mission, and admin's can now control how assets created in spawned missions contribute to the parent mission. Also see Test theme TestMission01.sqf for multiple examples.
    *New Triggers
    "OK" - Use of this trigger will result in the associated action occurring immediately upon mission start. "CAPTIVE" - Evaluates 'true' when the specified number of AI have been rescued. *New Mission Actions:
    "Lose" - causes 'lose' messages and loot events "Win" - causes 'win' messages and loot events "END" - terminates the mission and cleans up mission resources. Operates independent of win/lose. win/lose no longer clean up the mission. "CHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds) ] "STEPCHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds)] Child and StepChild spawn new missions that will share and inherit resources. See MissionFile.htm.
    MissionFile.htm updated. -Details on new Mission Logic -Details on how XPOS works with respect to 2D, 3D coordinates and 'named' locations.
    *New AI Logic: "CAPTIVE" - makes a unit 'neutral' with AI regardless of its 'side'. Adds an action menu to the AI with the following options:
    Flee: If within 200m of a rescue spot captive will run to that location. Otherwise it selects a random rescue spot from the list provided. Unit sets CARELESS behavior and sprints to its destination. Stay: Unit will stop at its location and assume the stance of the player issuing the order. Follow: Unit will follow the player, mimicking his stance. If the player gets more than 250m away from the unit, the unit will resort to a 'Stay' behavior using the stance of the player at the time the unit loses him. Board: Unit will board nearest non-ai controlled vehicle. Escape Point: Unit will temporarily display its 'escape point' on the map. Note: The captives are a little 'shell shocked' and will sometimes take a few seconds to respond to commands, but they will always acknowledge they heard the command via 'system chat'. Note: Captives that start a mission as 'cargo' in an AI vehicle will remain in the vehicle until it is disabled. Note: Captives assigned to follow an AI group will stop following that group when the group leader dies. Note: Captives remain 'neutral' to hostile AI until directed to Flee. *New "CAPTIVE" Theme
    Theme demonstrates new Captive logic. This theme creates a mission in a random location that contains 10 prisoners being guarded by a small squad of Humans, and an unarmed UGV. The goal is to get into the camp and rescue at least 7 of the captured clone prisoners. Beware, if too many of the guards are killed, reinforcements will be called upon! Talk to an captive to find his 'evac location', take advantage of nearby transportation, and if you succeed expect to find loot at one of the Evac sites! *New SoldierData Flag
    All AI defined in SoldierData files may also be provided with a true/false flag to set their captivity. This flag has no relation to the new 'Captive' AI logic and missions. This flag is a method to define custom AI that, by default, are 'setcaptive', thus hostile AI will not fire upon them. See GlobalSoldierData.htm section 8 for more details. Issues:
    Loot set to be placed in vehicles is not working consistently.
  11. Like
    horbin got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    V2.1 is out.  Overhaul of logic bomb will permit much more flexibility in mission design.  Integration of UAV/UGV's, and new Captive AI logic and theme.
    Fixed slow helo's. All helo's now spawn and fly at proper speeds.
    Vehicle stuck logic enhanced.
    Fixed data entry error in the 'Aquatic' theme that was causing frogmen to be on side 'EAST' instead of 'RESISTANCE' (no wonder they wouldn't shoot at you!!!!!!!)
    *UAV and UGV mission support UAV's and UGV's use all the same logic as 'drivers'. See MissionFile.htm, AI_Logic section for options. Valid UAV and UGV objects are defined for FuMS in the BaseServer.sqf file. See BaseServer.htm for details.
    *Theme Global Loot Data Fixed bug causing a parsing error when choosing to use a theme's local loot data file.
    *Rebuild of Logic Bomb See MissionFile.htm for details. Missions now operate on a trigger/action mechanic. Mission phasing has been removed. Missions now create children missions as part of the new 'logic' structure. Settings for the new 'mission launch' actions are detailed in MissionFile.htm. Mission spawning no longer 'suspends' triggers in the active mission, and admin's can now control how assets created in spawned missions contribute to the parent mission. Also see Test theme TestMission01.sqf for multiple examples.
    *New Triggers
    "OK" - Use of this trigger will result in the associated action occurring immediately upon mission start. "CAPTIVE" - Evaluates 'true' when the specified number of AI have been rescued. *New Mission Actions:
    "Lose" - causes 'lose' messages and loot events "Win" - causes 'win' messages and loot events "END" - terminates the mission and cleans up mission resources. Operates independent of win/lose. win/lose no longer clean up the mission. "CHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds) ] "STEPCHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds)] Child and StepChild spawn new missions that will share and inherit resources. See MissionFile.htm.
    MissionFile.htm updated. -Details on new Mission Logic -Details on how XPOS works with respect to 2D, 3D coordinates and 'named' locations.
    *New AI Logic: "CAPTIVE" - makes a unit 'neutral' with AI regardless of its 'side'. Adds an action menu to the AI with the following options:
    Flee: If within 200m of a rescue spot captive will run to that location. Otherwise it selects a random rescue spot from the list provided. Unit sets CARELESS behavior and sprints to its destination. Stay: Unit will stop at its location and assume the stance of the player issuing the order. Follow: Unit will follow the player, mimicking his stance. If the player gets more than 250m away from the unit, the unit will resort to a 'Stay' behavior using the stance of the player at the time the unit loses him. Board: Unit will board nearest non-ai controlled vehicle. Escape Point: Unit will temporarily display its 'escape point' on the map. Note: The captives are a little 'shell shocked' and will sometimes take a few seconds to respond to commands, but they will always acknowledge they heard the command via 'system chat'. Note: Captives that start a mission as 'cargo' in an AI vehicle will remain in the vehicle until it is disabled. Note: Captives assigned to follow an AI group will stop following that group when the group leader dies. Note: Captives remain 'neutral' to hostile AI until directed to Flee. *New "CAPTIVE" Theme
    Theme demonstrates new Captive logic. This theme creates a mission in a random location that contains 10 prisoners being guarded by a small squad of Humans, and an unarmed UGV. The goal is to get into the camp and rescue at least 7 of the captured clone prisoners. Beware, if too many of the guards are killed, reinforcements will be called upon! Talk to an captive to find his 'evac location', take advantage of nearby transportation, and if you succeed expect to find loot at one of the Evac sites! *New SoldierData Flag
    All AI defined in SoldierData files may also be provided with a true/false flag to set their captivity. This flag has no relation to the new 'Captive' AI logic and missions. This flag is a method to define custom AI that, by default, are 'setcaptive', thus hostile AI will not fire upon them. See GlobalSoldierData.htm section 8 for more details. Issues:
    Loot set to be placed in vehicles is not working consistently.
  12. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Darth_Rogue in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    V2.1 is out.  Overhaul of logic bomb will permit much more flexibility in mission design.  Integration of UAV/UGV's, and new Captive AI logic and theme.
    Fixed slow helo's. All helo's now spawn and fly at proper speeds.
    Vehicle stuck logic enhanced.
    Fixed data entry error in the 'Aquatic' theme that was causing frogmen to be on side 'EAST' instead of 'RESISTANCE' (no wonder they wouldn't shoot at you!!!!!!!)
    *UAV and UGV mission support UAV's and UGV's use all the same logic as 'drivers'. See MissionFile.htm, AI_Logic section for options. Valid UAV and UGV objects are defined for FuMS in the BaseServer.sqf file. See BaseServer.htm for details.
    *Theme Global Loot Data Fixed bug causing a parsing error when choosing to use a theme's local loot data file.
    *Rebuild of Logic Bomb See MissionFile.htm for details. Missions now operate on a trigger/action mechanic. Mission phasing has been removed. Missions now create children missions as part of the new 'logic' structure. Settings for the new 'mission launch' actions are detailed in MissionFile.htm. Mission spawning no longer 'suspends' triggers in the active mission, and admin's can now control how assets created in spawned missions contribute to the parent mission. Also see Test theme TestMission01.sqf for multiple examples.
    *New Triggers
    "OK" - Use of this trigger will result in the associated action occurring immediately upon mission start. "CAPTIVE" - Evaluates 'true' when the specified number of AI have been rescued. *New Mission Actions:
    "Lose" - causes 'lose' messages and loot events "Win" - causes 'win' messages and loot events "END" - terminates the mission and cleans up mission resources. Operates independent of win/lose. win/lose no longer clean up the mission. "CHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds) ] "STEPCHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds)] Child and StepChild spawn new missions that will share and inherit resources. See MissionFile.htm.
    MissionFile.htm updated. -Details on new Mission Logic -Details on how XPOS works with respect to 2D, 3D coordinates and 'named' locations.
    *New AI Logic: "CAPTIVE" - makes a unit 'neutral' with AI regardless of its 'side'. Adds an action menu to the AI with the following options:
    Flee: If within 200m of a rescue spot captive will run to that location. Otherwise it selects a random rescue spot from the list provided. Unit sets CARELESS behavior and sprints to its destination. Stay: Unit will stop at its location and assume the stance of the player issuing the order. Follow: Unit will follow the player, mimicking his stance. If the player gets more than 250m away from the unit, the unit will resort to a 'Stay' behavior using the stance of the player at the time the unit loses him. Board: Unit will board nearest non-ai controlled vehicle. Escape Point: Unit will temporarily display its 'escape point' on the map. Note: The captives are a little 'shell shocked' and will sometimes take a few seconds to respond to commands, but they will always acknowledge they heard the command via 'system chat'. Note: Captives that start a mission as 'cargo' in an AI vehicle will remain in the vehicle until it is disabled. Note: Captives assigned to follow an AI group will stop following that group when the group leader dies. Note: Captives remain 'neutral' to hostile AI until directed to Flee. *New "CAPTIVE" Theme
    Theme demonstrates new Captive logic. This theme creates a mission in a random location that contains 10 prisoners being guarded by a small squad of Humans, and an unarmed UGV. The goal is to get into the camp and rescue at least 7 of the captured clone prisoners. Beware, if too many of the guards are killed, reinforcements will be called upon! Talk to an captive to find his 'evac location', take advantage of nearby transportation, and if you succeed expect to find loot at one of the Evac sites! *New SoldierData Flag
    All AI defined in SoldierData files may also be provided with a true/false flag to set their captivity. This flag has no relation to the new 'Captive' AI logic and missions. This flag is a method to define custom AI that, by default, are 'setcaptive', thus hostile AI will not fire upon them. See GlobalSoldierData.htm section 8 for more details. Issues:
    Loot set to be placed in vehicles is not working consistently.
  13. Like
    horbin got a reaction from He-Man in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    V2.1 is out.  Overhaul of logic bomb will permit much more flexibility in mission design.  Integration of UAV/UGV's, and new Captive AI logic and theme.
    Fixed slow helo's. All helo's now spawn and fly at proper speeds.
    Vehicle stuck logic enhanced.
    Fixed data entry error in the 'Aquatic' theme that was causing frogmen to be on side 'EAST' instead of 'RESISTANCE' (no wonder they wouldn't shoot at you!!!!!!!)
    *UAV and UGV mission support UAV's and UGV's use all the same logic as 'drivers'. See MissionFile.htm, AI_Logic section for options. Valid UAV and UGV objects are defined for FuMS in the BaseServer.sqf file. See BaseServer.htm for details.
    *Theme Global Loot Data Fixed bug causing a parsing error when choosing to use a theme's local loot data file.
    *Rebuild of Logic Bomb See MissionFile.htm for details. Missions now operate on a trigger/action mechanic. Mission phasing has been removed. Missions now create children missions as part of the new 'logic' structure. Settings for the new 'mission launch' actions are detailed in MissionFile.htm. Mission spawning no longer 'suspends' triggers in the active mission, and admin's can now control how assets created in spawned missions contribute to the parent mission. Also see Test theme TestMission01.sqf for multiple examples.
    *New Triggers
    "OK" - Use of this trigger will result in the associated action occurring immediately upon mission start. "CAPTIVE" - Evaluates 'true' when the specified number of AI have been rescued. *New Mission Actions:
    "Lose" - causes 'lose' messages and loot events "Win" - causes 'win' messages and loot events "END" - terminates the mission and cleans up mission resources. Operates independent of win/lose. win/lose no longer clean up the mission. "CHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds) ] "STEPCHILD",["",[location],Times, Frequency(seconds)] Child and StepChild spawn new missions that will share and inherit resources. See MissionFile.htm.
    MissionFile.htm updated. -Details on new Mission Logic -Details on how XPOS works with respect to 2D, 3D coordinates and 'named' locations.
    *New AI Logic: "CAPTIVE" - makes a unit 'neutral' with AI regardless of its 'side'. Adds an action menu to the AI with the following options:
    Flee: If within 200m of a rescue spot captive will run to that location. Otherwise it selects a random rescue spot from the list provided. Unit sets CARELESS behavior and sprints to its destination. Stay: Unit will stop at its location and assume the stance of the player issuing the order. Follow: Unit will follow the player, mimicking his stance. If the player gets more than 250m away from the unit, the unit will resort to a 'Stay' behavior using the stance of the player at the time the unit loses him. Board: Unit will board nearest non-ai controlled vehicle. Escape Point: Unit will temporarily display its 'escape point' on the map. Note: The captives are a little 'shell shocked' and will sometimes take a few seconds to respond to commands, but they will always acknowledge they heard the command via 'system chat'. Note: Captives that start a mission as 'cargo' in an AI vehicle will remain in the vehicle until it is disabled. Note: Captives assigned to follow an AI group will stop following that group when the group leader dies. Note: Captives remain 'neutral' to hostile AI until directed to Flee. *New "CAPTIVE" Theme
    Theme demonstrates new Captive logic. This theme creates a mission in a random location that contains 10 prisoners being guarded by a small squad of Humans, and an unarmed UGV. The goal is to get into the camp and rescue at least 7 of the captured clone prisoners. Beware, if too many of the guards are killed, reinforcements will be called upon! Talk to an captive to find his 'evac location', take advantage of nearby transportation, and if you succeed expect to find loot at one of the Evac sites! *New SoldierData Flag
    All AI defined in SoldierData files may also be provided with a true/false flag to set their captivity. This flag has no relation to the new 'Captive' AI logic and missions. This flag is a method to define custom AI that, by default, are 'setcaptive', thus hostile AI will not fire upon them. See GlobalSoldierData.htm section 8 for more details. Issues:
    Loot set to be placed in vehicles is not working consistently.
  14. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Panduhh in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    FSB,   check the 'side' in the mission file.  A few updates ago I accidentally changed them all to "EAST" (ie friendly with players).   This will be fixed in the next update :)  But for now you can change them to "RESISTANCE" and they will bring the pain.
  15. Like
    horbin got a reaction from DaCoon in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    Gonna look at it next week.  Took 10mins to check the code, doesn't look to be too difficult.  Sounds may need a little extra coding.
    If I get this working, it will replace the 'crazed clones' for sure! :)
    FYI.  UAV/UGV's and Hostage Rescue coming with next update!
  16. Like
    horbin got a reaction from FSB_RU in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    FSB,   check the 'side' in the mission file.  A few updates ago I accidentally changed them all to "EAST" (ie friendly with players).   This will be fixed in the next update :)  But for now you can change them to "RESISTANCE" and they will bring the pain.
  17. Like
    horbin got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    FSB,   check the 'side' in the mission file.  A few updates ago I accidentally changed them all to "EAST" (ie friendly with players).   This will be fixed in the next update :)  But for now you can change them to "RESISTANCE" and they will bring the pain.
  18. Like
    horbin got a reaction from happydayz in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    Gonna look at it next week.  Took 10mins to check the code, doesn't look to be too difficult.  Sounds may need a little extra coding.
    If I get this working, it will replace the 'crazed clones' for sure! :)
    FYI.  UAV/UGV's and Hostage Rescue coming with next update!
  19. Like
    horbin got a reaction from Panduhh in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    See the link above for details.. you will not be disappointed.
    Configuration Help: https://github.com/horbin/FuMS-HC-Server/tree/master/Docs
      and click on the index.htm link!
    All theme/mission options documented in GitHub's Docs folder.
    Fully admin configurable mission/theme sets. Unlimited mission/theme sets.
    All missions maintained server side. 
    HC files maintained server side: No need to manage more than 1 copy per server.
    Water, Land, Air AI, vehicles, and UAV, UGV's.
    Random, fixed locations, static / random patrol routing
    Mission Objectives: Capture the Flag, Free Captives, Kill AI, destroy specific buildings/vehicles
    Missions support M3Editor built installations
    Custom AI types (snipers, gunners, pilots, civilians, etc)
    Custom loot based upon themes and missions.
    Branching Mission system. Missions can create child missions depending on parameters set by admin.
    Admin spawn-able, killable missions
    Custom AI support:
        Dinosaur-raptor mod
        crazed clones (zombies)
  20. Like
    horbin got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    See the link above for details.. you will not be disappointed.
    Configuration Help: https://github.com/horbin/FuMS-HC-Server/tree/master/Docs
      and click on the index.htm link!
    All theme/mission options documented in GitHub's Docs folder.
    Fully admin configurable mission/theme sets. Unlimited mission/theme sets.
    All missions maintained server side. 
    HC files maintained server side: No need to manage more than 1 copy per server.
    Water, Land, Air AI, vehicles, and UAV, UGV's.
    Random, fixed locations, static / random patrol routing
    Mission Objectives: Capture the Flag, Free Captives, Kill AI, destroy specific buildings/vehicles
    Missions support M3Editor built installations
    Custom AI types (snipers, gunners, pilots, civilians, etc)
    Custom loot based upon themes and missions.
    Branching Mission system. Missions can create child missions depending on parameters set by admin.
    Admin spawn-able, killable missions
    Custom AI support:
        Dinosaur-raptor mod
        crazed clones (zombies)
  21. Like
    horbin got a reaction from He-Man in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
      That mission, along with the other two 'Help' versions are reinforcement missions. They are designed to be called by other missions through the 'reinforce' trigger.  The missions themselves have no triggers, this may be why you are seeing some abnormal behavior.  These missions are designed to basically 'Add' units to an existing mission and not called up as a 'primary' mission.
    Of note, if you experience the helo patrols moving slow sometimes, or a helo 'mysteriously' missing....this bug is fixed in the next update :)
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    horbin got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
      Great to hear!
    And if you have any questions on how FuMS is handling objects or data, send me a PM on what you are trying to do or looking for and I can point ya in the right direction.  Some of the code is a 'little twisty' :)
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    horbin got a reaction from happydayz in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    Thanks guys. Got it in the master for the next distro.
    Making BIG changes to the mission logic model. Expect some significant improvement in control over mission branching, custom scripting, and mission asset inheritance.
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    horbin got a reaction from Richie in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    You want to move that 'testmission' onto some land and go check it out!
    Just make sure you are in god mode :)
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    horbin got a reaction from He-Man in Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a   
    yea, its broke atm. I just took a look at it. Will make repairs here soon :)
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