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[How To/Update] Build Snap with Right Click custom build, admin fast build + upgrade Version 1.6.5 IMPORTANT UPDATE: extra_rc

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To get this to work with Basically you have to do a full redirect of all the old Snap_build files. For instance mine are.



//Extra Buildables
player_build =               compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf";
player_buildcontrols =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_buildcontrols.sqf";
snap_object =               compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\snap_object.sqf";


Can you explain further? where are you putting this redirect and when you say old snap_build files are ou talking about the 1.6 files or are you just coining a phrase?  I'm finding that I have no snap at all anymore on anything when implementing this 1.6.5 on but I do get snap with the 1.6.0 files.




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Use the base building 1.3 (2.0) with GUI menus. Works fine for 1.0,5 just takes time and you have to pretty well shut off all battleye filters by making them all say 


1 ""


Thats all I have to offer for the moment. 

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You sure sunny jim??


[How To/Update] Build Snap with Right Click custom build, admin fast build + upgrade Version 1.6.5 IMPORTANT UPDATE: extra_rc


Is the title...


You sure you're not wanting this then: 



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You sure sunny jim??


[How To/Update] Build Snap with Right Click custom build, admin fast build + upgrade Version 1.6.5 IMPORTANT UPDATE: extra_rc


Is the title...


You sure you're not wanting this then: 



This thread was about custom crafting and fast admin and was an expansion of another custom build thread here in the forums. The snap part was only there, (mentioned in OP as an update to his original post), in case you already use snap building and wanted the custom crafting to work with it. That's why he could care less about an alternate snapping system that doesn't have a work around for custom crafting or even an alternate custom crafting system as this way is very customizable. As of right now, I have installed on my test server and the custom crafting works fine but I'm not using snapping with the custom crafting. Nekuan, what are you having trouble with and what version of Epoch are you using?


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I'm running 

Mainproblem is simply the fact that I'd had to use the old player_buiild.sqf which I really don't want to if not absolutely necessary. Also I AM using snap pro currently as i didn't wanna use the old files which, of course, uses player_build.sqf as well :D

If base building 1.3 really is the only alternative I will be using the player_build.sqf just to get my custom building back, even if that means I have to drop Snap Pro


@PryMary: Correct, the title is "Update snapping with Right click custom build".

But Interior Design might actually be something I could use as an alternative so thank you for that ;)

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I doubt you'll run into any trouble using the old file. The new one IS updated with changes from foreach to count and has a few other minor changes but the functionality is the same. I would just keep using it for now. I'm also still using it with I just never added otter's snapping to my custom units but it is in that playerbuild file for everything else. Raymix has put in a pull request to merge his snap pro into epoch itself and I have no idea if vbawol is going to add it but if he does I would expect that file to change again. I have read that snap pro broke custom building for a few people in that thread. Is it working for you? 

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I ended up not snapping my custom buildables and use infistar for one step crafting so I used the idea that this thread was based off of

and just have the right click script point to my own modified custom_buildables.sqf. If you want to keep them separate it will make using any snap addon for normal buildables a little more stress free and updates to player_build won't have any effect on your RC stuff.

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Ah I see.. Well, I prefer that over going back from Snap Building Pro to the Otternas' Snapping and using the old player_build.sqf from this thread but I don't think this is a proper solution as it bloats my missionfile =/
Will still go with it though so thank you very much :D
Is this still accurate? 


Also: How could I change it so it removes the item you used for building something? 

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you can keep the old player_build.sqf in your mission pbo. and use the building snapping pro

just keep the old player_build.sqf there and only call it from extra_rc 

everything else built with that. 


the only issue i've found is that you are no longer able to use Q/E or PgUp/PgDn with the right click buildables. 

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Ah I see.. Well, I prefer that over going back from Snap Building Pro to the Otternas' Snapping and using the old player_build.sqf from this thread but I don't think this is a proper solution as it bloats my missionfile =/

Will still go with it though so thank you very much :D

Is this still accurate? 


Also: How could I change it so it removes the item you used for building something? 

I have written up a comprehensive guide for this and will post it as soon as I hear back from vbawol. The files we are using/modifying are his and wanted his permission to release them with my changes before I post them up. Will link that new thread to this one if he's cool with it.

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  • 1 month later...

Much confused . . .Does this work?

Simple yes or no is cool! I tried getting it going but I couldn't get it working just wondering if I should keep messing around with it or stop wasting my time. :)


It works very well on my Epoch or Origins-Epoch hybrid servers.


As this was originally developed for 1.0.4, depending on what other mods you run you will want to look around for the appropriately modified player_build.sqf for 1.0.5.


I run the merged file from Rimblock, Pry and Kamikazee which combines modifications to player_build  needed for PlotPole4Life, SnapBuildPro and this right click build. Kamikazee just posted an update which fixes a few of the undefined variables errors.

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It works very well on my Epoch or Origins-Epoch hybrid servers.


As this was originally developed for 1.0.4, depending on what other mods you run you will want to look around for the appropriately modified player_build.sqf for 1.0.5.


I run the merged file from Rimblock, Pry and Kamikazee which combines modifications to player_build  needed for PlotPole4Life, SnapBuildPro and this right click build. Kamikazee just posted an update which fixes a few of the undefined variables errors.

Mind linking it, assuming you are running :P

I tried a few and I can't seem to get it working. Right click menu shows up btw. OH and I added all the neccesary changes to my variables.sqf.

Nothing happens when I click the custom right click option I.e build ramp, build hut etc...

Only thing I could think of being the problem was the playerbuild.sqf

Much appreciated if you can link a copy!!!!!

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I am happy to share my player_build.sqf with you. Shoot me a private message and I can send it along via dropbox link.


When you say nothing happens when you right click, do you mean that you do not get a drop down menu similar to what you would get if you right click on a hatchet or bandage ? If so then do you have maca's ui_selectSlot.sqf and have you made sure it is called either in a custom compiles.sqf or through added lines of code in your main compiles.sqf ?
 Also, do you have this at the bottom of your description.ext?


#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"


It sounds like you are very close - just one little thing missing at this point.

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Mind linking it, assuming you are running :P

I tried a few and I can't seem to get it working. Right click menu shows up btw. OH and I added all the neccesary changes to my variables.sqf.

Nothing happens when I click the custom right click option I.e build ramp, build hut etc...

Only thing I could think of being the problem was the playerbuild.sqf

Much appreciated if you can link a copy!!!!!



The link is below.



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I am happy to share my player_build.sqf with you. Shoot me a private message and I can send it along via dropbox link.


When you say nothing happens when you right click, do you mean that you do not get a drop down menu similar to what you would get if you right click on a hatchet or bandage ? If so then do you have maca's ui_selectSlot.sqf and have you made sure it is called either in a custom compiles.sqf or through added lines of code in your main compiles.sqf ?

 Also, do you have this at the bottom of your description.ext?


#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"


It sounds like you are very close - just one little thing missing at this point.

Sorry this thread got buried for a while there in my content. Thanks for the link I will try this out again later today after I get home!

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