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[Official Release] EMS 0.3


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Thank you Vampire!

I will test that out and see how it works.


Also so is there a way to get the hillbilly mission to play a sound file?

Cause thats the only reason why I was using that :P


You would have to add it as a sound to your description.ext and then add that code into the hillbilly mission. There's no easy copy-paste way to do it.

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Might I explain it better please?


In DZMSFunctions.sqf I added this:


if (DZMSWorldName == "sauerland") then {
_centerPos = [15748, 12306, 0];
missions are activated but not marked on the map
Sorry for my english



Check your RPT for errors. You also have to add sauerland to the array above.

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Everything seems to work pretty well after my initial install of this on my test server.


I'm not fond of the mission loot. I keep getting stuff like 1 plywood pack and 8 etools...weird combinations like that. I'd like to see some weighting done, and easier customization of what rewards spawn in what quantities. For instance, i'd like a minor mission to reward 4 guns, 4 ammo, a backpack, and a few random things...stuff like that.


I'd also like to be able to define additional units for my missions. I tried this on my own by making a skillevel 4 and weps 4 and adding a line to the array in aispawn.sqf but I missed something, because doing this caused no AI to spawn at all. My primary use for this is to make sure that every mission spawns 1 or 2 guys with anti-vehicle weapons to help keep people from just roflpwning missions with vehicles.

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Check your RPT for errors. You also have to add sauerland to the array above.


this my rpt:


20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: sauerland Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
Also add sauerland in this line:
if (DZMSWorldName in ["chernarus","utes","zargabad","fallujah","takistan","tavi","lingor","namalsk","mbg_celle2","oring","panthera2","isladuala","smd_sahrani_a2","trinity","sauerland"]) then
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this my rpt:


20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: sauerland Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
20:54:08 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
Also add sauerland in this line:
if (DZMSWorldName in ["chernarus","utes","zargabad","fallujah","takistan","tavi","lingor","namalsk","mbg_celle2","oring","panthera2","isladuala","smd_sahrani_a2","trinity","sauerland"]) then


Solved! Thanks! :D

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Hi there,


we are having some issues with the missions (see error message below) - any help is appreciated!


Running Epoch Taviana - EMS 0.3




Custom Made Login by us (with a modified player_monitor.fsm, its up to date!)
Tow and Lift (R3F Version)
Take Clothes
Deploy Bike
Scroll_menu with infos etc
Snap Building


our Epoch Variables :  
// DayZ Epoch config
spawnShoremode = 0; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea = 2500; // Default = 1500
MaxVehicleLimit = 700; // Default = 50
MaxDynamicDebris = 0; // Default = 100
dayz_MapArea = 20000; // Default = 10000
EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",0,"crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",15,"supply_drop"]];
dayz_fullMoonNights = true;
dayz_minpos = -26000;  
dayz_maxpos = 26000;
dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 10;
dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30;
dayz_sellDistance_air = 40;
dayz_fullMoonNights = true;
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;
dayz_paraSpawn = true;
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
dayz_maxAnimals = 5; // Default: 8
dayz_tameDogs = true;
DZE_GodModeBase = true;
DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false;
DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 0; // Default: 0
DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100; // Default: 100
DZE_BuildingLimit = 1000;
DZE_BuildOnRoads = true; // Default: False
DefaultMagazines = ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","ItemBandage"];  
DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight","Makarov","ItemMap","ItemToolBox"];  
DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";  
DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;
DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 0; // Default: 0
DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 0; // Default: 0



Error Messages:


 0:23:53   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: dzmsmindone
 0:23:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 36
 0:23:53 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];
waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = nil;
 0:23:53   Error position: <DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = nil;


waitUntil {DZMSMajDone};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
 0:31:51   Error position: <DZMSMajDone};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
 0:31:51   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: dzmsmajdone
 0:31:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 36
 0:31:51 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];

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If you did that, I think DZMSAddMajMarker or DZMSAddMinMarker will start complaining about an undefined variable, or a null text element.

You need to remove it from those two scripts, and from DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf.




That is for the old mission system. DZMS and EMS have all the variables and logic completely recoded, so you can't just drop that in your mission.pbo anymore.




In Minor SM10.sqf find this line:

_vehicle call DZMSProtectObj;

and change it to

[_vehicle] call DZMSProtectObj;

Also apparantly Fuchs doesn't have that mission announce itself, and has it trying to save the MI8 wreck to the database....


Would someone be willing to explain how to do this?

New to self scripting. Could message me in a pm so I dont keep spamming this topic.


Also the new EMS is awesome! good work!

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Since my question got avoided in the other thread I'll ask it here too. Clearly, these mission systems have tons of bugs and seem to be all over the place from a development standpoint. Why, is so much effort being put into these various systems that, from what I have read, only get so far before they get sidetracked into something else by someone else and rarely ever getting to a point where it works really well. Why are we not, as a community, developing quality mission scripts for the built in mission system which works great by the way. I don't see anyone developing for the built in system... why?


With a few additional function scripts it's super flexible and reliable. I don't get it... Anyone care to answer this for me?



It wasn't answered because it is irrelevant. The Epoch event system is not a mission system although people have been using it to spawn in a loot crate with basic AI grafted to it. The Event system is based on a specific timetable with random chances of things happening and while you can have "events" come off at the same time it has created problems in the past. What you are essentially asking is to re-write a new mission system based off a scheduler which is all the Event system is. 


Fuchs recently updated to Vampires systems because essentially that was the direction we were heading in anyway and Vampire was kind enough to let us use it. The missions have bugs at the moment because Fuchs quickly updated the files to suit. But why update to Vampires and not X,Y,Z. Vampires system is essentially the same as the original CMS which EMS is based on it made sense. 


We are doing this on our spare time, so sometimes we can't update as quickly as we would like otherwise I would have been helping Fuchs test the mission updates prior to release. If the "entitled" user base is not happy with the state of things, don't use it. If it doesn't do things the way you would like, don't use it. Otherwise thank you to everyone else who helps iron out problems, helps on the forum and uses the script. 

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Hi there,


we are having some issues with the missions (see error message below) - any help is appreciated!


Running Epoch Taviana - EMS 0.3


Error Messages:


 0:23:53   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: dzmsmindone

 0:23:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 36

 0:23:53 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];

waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


 0:23:53   Error position: <DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;



waitUntil {DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


 0:31:51   Error position: <DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


 0:31:51   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: dzmsmajdone

 0:31:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 36

 0:31:51 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];


What is the first error you recieved? That one is farther down that whatever the first error you recieved was.

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Ok so another question..

The old EMS had missions that spawned over the whole map randomly...

I have noticed that with this new one they keep spawning EXTREMELY close to eachother if not right ontop of a old spot.

They are also spawning right in the same area.


I am running NAPF,



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Ok so another question..

The old EMS had missions that spawned over the whole map randomly...

I have noticed that with this new one they keep spawning EXTREMELY close to eachother if not right ontop of a old spot.

They are also spawning right in the same area.


I am running NAPF,




DZMS has since loosened the requirements for spawn locations, but this version of EMS hasn't modified that area. Both of these though are much better at location checking that normal findSafePos. I'm assuming Fuchs intends to add a distance check, as I do with DZMS.

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Hello, I am the Scripter of Unbea7's Server. Heres our Full RPT Log (i deleted the most part of it, there were 34 MB of this Erorrs)

Maybe it could be because of our language-setting in the basic.cfg. Ill try to set english as our language.


You have two errors occuring before EMS even starts.

 9:03:33 Error in expression <;
_recompile = (count _this) > 0;

if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t>
 9:03:33   Error position: <BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t>
 9:03:33   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: bis_fnc_init
 9:03:33 File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28
 9:03:51 Error in expression < 9000,0], [], 0, 'FORM'];
		if (!isNull PV_xll1x9e) then {deletevehicle PV_xll1x>
 9:03:51   Error position: <PV_xll1x9e) then {deletevehicle PV_xll1x>
 9:03:51   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: pv_xll1x9e

I believe one of those two are causing EMS to not work correctly, as an undefined variable inside a waitUntil should not cause the script to error, it should wait until the variable becomes defined true.


Also with this version of EMS, you no longer need the debug folder in the mission.pbo with the addMarkers and deleteMarkers in it.

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It wasn't answered because it is irrelevant. The Epoch event system is not a mission system although people have been using it to spawn in a loot crate with basic AI grafted to it. The Event system is based on a specific timetable with random chances of things happening and while you can have "events" come off at the same time it has created problems in the past. What you are essentially asking is to re-write a new mission system based off a scheduler which is all the Event system is. 


Fuchs recently updated to Vampires systems because essentially that was the direction we were heading in anyway and Vampire was kind enough to let us use it. The missions have bugs at the moment because Fuchs quickly updated the files to suit. But why update to Vampires and not X,Y,Z. Vampires system is essentially the same as the original CMS which EMS is based on it made sense. 


We are doing this on our spare time, so sometimes we can't update as quickly as we would like otherwise I would have been helping Fuchs test the mission updates prior to release. If the "entitled" user base is not happy with the state of things, don't use it. If it doesn't do things the way you would like, don't use it. Otherwise thank you to everyone else who helps iron out problems, helps on the forum and uses the script. 


Au contraire Firefly... my question is most relevant. While I appreciate the history lesson you are incorrect if you think I am just sitting back waiting to leach this. My interest is from a developers viewpoint where the division of labor is being squandered. There are some motivated folks here, who if worked together on something like this would get far more done and the product would be far superior. Simple business / development stuff. Why not devote that energy to writing great missions scripts instead of "systems"..


I am not sure I am an "entitled" user as you put it... but hey you don't know me from Adam. So here is a little info..  I script pretty much all my own stuff, have contributed a few things and certainly bring this up from the standpoint that I have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about. Either I am doing things with the event system that nobody else thought of or people just really don't know what it's capable of. Missions are scripts, it makes no difference to the engine what system it reads it from. Perhaps the "missions" developed so far are nothing more than loot crates but that isn't the fault of the system, it's a fault of the scripts, maybe if people spent the time writing missions instead of systems there would be more missions? Food for thought.


I have scripted up several very challenging missions that run on the stock system and I assure you they are more than just loot crates, My launcher adds unlimited random selection of missions. It works fantastic, so again... perhaps folks just don't know. I am not asking for a re-write, it doesn't need one. A couple of addon scripts, which I have already written, and it's flexibilty is endless. So.. again.. why waste effort re-inventing the wheel when we already have one?


I apologize for my comments if you guys would rather do it the hard way... it just makes no sense to me.

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This event is crashed... not spawn.




15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: sauerland Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
15:24:35 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
15:24:58 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM11."
15:25:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HMMWV_M998_crows_MK19_DES_EP1_DZE,
15:25:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HMMWV_M998_crows_MK19_DES_EP1_DZE,
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