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Howto setup Custom Loot with DZE_MissionLootTable



Any Hints or something?


I found this in dayz_code

if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
	_config = missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot";
} else {
	_config = configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot";

But how?


I think missionConfigFile will be init.sqf, but then? And with files do i need?

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1. Make a new folder in your mission file called "loottables". copy the hpp files from here https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgBuildingLoot into your loottable folder.

2. Open description.ext and add these lines just after the line that contains: "enableItemsDropping = 0;"

#include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

3. Add DZE_MissionLootTable = true; to your init.sqf near the "// DayZ Epoch config" section.


*This is not for the lighthearted as much more documentation is needed for everyone to fully understand what everything does.

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1. Make a new folder in your mission file called "loottables". copy the hpp files from here https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgBuildingLoot into your loottable folder.

2. Open description.ext and add these lines just after the line that contains: "enableItemsDropping = 0;"


#include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"
#include "loottables\CfgLootSmall.hpp"
#include "loottables\cfgLoot.hpp"

3. Add DZE_MissionLootTable = true; to your init.sqf near the "// DayZ Epoch config" section.


*This is not for the lighthearted as much more documentation is needed for everyone to fully understand what everything does.


Ok, I have done this all and now getting this Error when the first Player join the Server:

ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\loottables\CfgLootSmall.hpp, line 562: .CfgLootSmall: Member already defined.

I doesnt changed anything on the Loottables. Simply created the Files

Anyone else getting this Error?

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Oh yes forgot, see my edit we only need to include the one file as the others are included inside this file. 

#include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

Cheers... If they are included why i can not find the classname "Chainsaw" in it. Inside the cfgLoot.hpp file i can find this classname and spawnrate!? :huh:


Sry for that stupid question! I am not able to read everything... Damn, english is so hard for me.


Greetings from Germany :rolleyes:

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Do the custom loot files on the github have the same spawn chances as the original spawns as if i wan't using custom loot tables? Only reason i added them was to remove the launcher that was added but now it seems that spawns are very rare with those configs compared to not having the custom loot tables.

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This method does not work with 1.0.4......

I did a test:

class MilitarySpecial: Default {
		zombieChance = 0.4;
		minRoaming = 2;
		maxRoaming = 6;
		zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_heavy"};
		lootChance = 0.4;
		lootPos[] = {};
		itemType[] = {{ "militaryammo","single" }};
                itemChance[] =	{1};
		itemTypeSmall[] = {{ "militaryammo","single"}};
		itemChanceSmall[] =	{1};

Barrack's spawned guns and no vehicle ammo....

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I've not had a chance to fiddle with the new loot-table stuff until I understand how it works specifically. Mostly, it's straight forward, however, I'm seeing all these 0.xx values under ItemChance. While I understand that it represents a percentage (0.04 being 4%), what other relation does it have to the items above?


Does the Item Chance in first line, relate to the chance of the equivalent line to the table above it?


And just to Clarify, the CFGBuildingLoot.hpp contains both variables for Zombies and the relative building they spawn in/around? (With the first table set of items being zombie-loot (With ItemType) , and the second being building loot (With ItemTypeSmall))


The item loot table classes themselves I understand are hard-coded into the map itself, so if a spawn is designated as Industrial, it will spawn in industrial areas of the same class between any DayZ/Epoch supported maps, or is there something else I'm missing that relates to actual loot point/coords?


One last questions: Is it also possible to designate specific weapons to have specific spawn-rates, or do I have to use the categories? Is there a list somewhere that shows me what is contained in these categories? (So say I want to have all the primary weapons listed with specific spawn-rates in a barracks, rather than a category of itself, but still be able to put a pistols category in there to generalize pistol spawning)

<Sorry, first post, figured this would be the appropriate addition, since someone else may go reading this thread with the same questions, if needed, I can move it to a new threads)

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Somehow i still have the MAAWS spawning @ the helicopter crash of the WAI mission system.


I'm sure i installed it right, and removed the correct lines.


I see that the other .hpp files are called within the first .hpp that's called through description.ext like this:



#include "cfgLoot.hpp"



But as they are inside this loottables folder, shouldn't it be this?:



#include "loottables/cfgLoot.hpp"


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