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How radioactivity works now in 1.0.0?


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I noticed that you instantly get this grainy screen when you are close to radioactive town. But also when approaching satellite crash and eating sardines gives you not only toxicity but radioactivity too.


Is there some kind of a way to remove it or respawning is only choice? Eating plants that are marked on the map does not help.

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There was a fix posted on github for this. Sorry radiation was added last minute (week) before release and didn't get any testing or adjustments. The PP effects were created initially as a proof of concept in couple of minutes long time ago :D

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With radiation effects, it would be nice if it caused more visual impairment when you are in the zone and reduce it to minimum or zero when you are out of effected zone. Sure, the initial radiation level stays for example, causing blood pressure slowly to rise etc. That way attempting entering such zone would give you death after, let's say 5-10 minutes. And leaving it immediately could heal over time or kill you much much slower. Just a thought.

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On 09/11/2017 at 8:16 PM, KPABATOK said:

With radiation effects, it would be nice if it caused more visual impairment when you are in the zone and reduce it to minimum or zero when you are out of effected zone. Sure, the initial radiation level stays for example, causing blood pressure slowly to rise etc. That way attempting entering such zone would give you death after, let's say 5-10 minutes. And leaving it immediately could heal over time or kill you much much slower. Just a thought.

Rads should be decreasing over time by design, just haven't got around to implement it yet.

edit: implemented now

We discussed having a proper buff/debuff system, not hard to do and it's required for nanite pills/cream, just need to find some time to do it, hopefully around xmas. Having a stressful job taking all my energy sucks, but it puts beer in my belly.


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