Cherdenko Posted March 24, 2017 Report Share Posted March 24, 2017 Ok so the script seems to be running just fine. all credits go to @Logi coz he created this script. Original thread: /* if you have any problems post them below and ill try to offer support. also as it seems changes to infistar are not necassary */ create a new file called "locate_vehicle.sqf" paste this in it Spoiler private ["_inv","_searchString","_ID","_found","_targetColor","_finalID","_targetPosition","_targetVehicle","_count","_key","_keyName","_showMapMarker","_markerColour"]; //************************************************************************************************************************************** // CONFIG _showMapMarker = True; // True = display the map markers, False = just identify the keys _markerColour = "ColorOrange"; // Alternatives = "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorGreen", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow", "ColorWhite" //************************************************************************************************************************************** _inv = [player] call BIS_fnc_invString; if (_showMapMarker && !("ItemMap" in _inv)) exitWith { systemChat "You need a map to locate your vehicles!";}; _keyColor = []; _keyID = []; _removedID = []; _count = 0; closedialog 0; { for "_i" from 1 to 2500 do { _searchString = format ["ItemKey%1%2",_x,str(_i)]; if ((_searchString in _inv)) then { _count = _count + 1; _targetColor = _x; _keyColor = _keyColor + [_targetColor]; _ID = str(_i); _ID = parseNumber _ID; if (_targetColor == "Green") then { _finalID = _ID; }; if (_targetColor == "Red") then { _finalID = _ID + 2500; }; if (_targetColor == "Blue") then { _finalID = _ID + 5000; }; if (_targetColor == "Yellow") then { _finalID = _ID + 7500; }; if (_targetColor == "Black") then { _finalID = _ID + 10000; }; _keyID = _keyID + [_finalID]; _removedID = _removedID + [_ID]; }; }; } forEach ["Black","Yellow","Blue","Green","Red"]; _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("vehicleMarker"+ (str _i));}; if (_count == 0) exitWith { systemChat "No key found!";}; if (_count == 1) then { systemChat format ["Found: %1 vehicle key",_count];} else {systemChat format ["Found: %1 vehicle keys",_count];}; _count = _count - 1; _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to _count do { _finalID = _keyID select _i; _ID = _removedID select _i; _targetColor = _keyColor select _i; _key = format["ItemKey%1%2",_targetColor,_ID]; _keyName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _key >> "displayName"); _found = 0; { private ["_tID","_vehicle_type"]; _vehicle_type = typeOf _x; _tID = parseNumber (_x getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]); if ((_tID == _finalID) && ((_vehicle_type isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "Ship"))) then { _targetPosition = getPosATL _x; _targetVehicle = _x; _found = 1; }; } forEach vehicles; if (_found != 0) then { _vehicleName = gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _targetVehicle) >> "displayName"); if (_showMapMarker) then { _Marker = "vehicleMarker" + (str _i); _vehicleMarker = createMarkerLocal [_Marker,[(_targetPosition select 0),(_targetPosition select 1)]]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "DOT"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerColorLocal _markerColour; _vehicleMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName]; systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID]; } else { systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID];}; } else { systemChat format ["%1 - Vehicle ID: %2 - (This vehicle no longer exists in the database)",_keyName,_finalID];}; }; if (_showMapMarker) then { if (_count == 0) then { systemChat "No vehicles found!";} else {systemChat "Check the map to locate your vehicles!";}; }; or this for the masterkey thx to @theduke Spoiler private ["_inv","_searchString","_ID","_found","_targetColor","_finalID","_targetPosition","_targetVehicle","_count","_key","_keyName","_showMapMarker","_markerColour"]; //************************************************************************************************************************************** // CONFIG _showMapMarker = True; // True = display the map markers, False = just identify the keys _markerColour = "ColorOrange"; // Alternatives = "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorGreen", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow", "ColorWhite" //************************************************************************************************************************************** _inv = [player] call BIS_fnc_invString; if (_showMapMarker && !("ItemGPS" in _inv)) exitWith { systemChat "You need a GPS to locate your vehicles!";}; _vehicleType = []; _vehiclePos = []; _count = 0; closedialog 0; { for "_i" from 1 to 2500 do { _searchString = format ["ItemKey%1%2",_x,str(_i)]; if ((_searchString in _inv)) then { _count = _count + 1; _targetColor = _x; _ID = str(_i); _ID = parseNumber _ID; if (_targetColor == "Green") then { _finalID = _ID; }; if (_targetColor == "Red") then { _finalID = _ID + 2500; }; if (_targetColor == "Blue") then { _finalID = _ID + 5000; }; if (_targetColor == "Yellow") then { _finalID = _ID + 7500; }; if (_targetColor == "Black") then { _finalID = _ID + 10000; }; }; }; } forEach ["Black","Yellow","Blue","Green","Red"]; _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("vehicleMarker"+ (str _i));}; if (_count == 0) exitWith { systemChat "No key found!";}; if (_count > 1) exitWith { systemChat "You have too many keys!";}; if (_count == 1) then { systemChat "vehicle key found!";}; _key = format["ItemKey%1%2",_targetColor,_ID]; _keyName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _key >> "displayName"); _found = 0; _numberOfVehicles = 0; { private ["_tID","_vehicle_type"]; _vehicle_type = typeOf _x; _tID = parseNumber (_x getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]); if ((_tID == _finalID) && ((_vehicle_type isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "Ship"))) then { _targetPosition = getPosATL _x; _targetVehicle = _x; _found = 1; _numberOfVehicles = _numberOfVehicles + 1; _vehicleType = _vehicleType + [_targetVehicle]; _vehiclePos = _vehiclePos + [_targetPosition]; }; } forEach vehicles; systemChat format ["Key has %1 vehicles",_numberOfVehicles]; if (_found != 0) then { _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to _numberOfVehicles - 1 do { _targetVehicle = _vehicleType select _i; _targetPosition = _vehiclePos select _i; _vehicleName = gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _targetVehicle) >> "displayName"); if (_showMapMarker) then { _Marker = "vehicleMarker" + (str _i); _vehicleMarker = createMarkerLocal [_Marker,[(_targetPosition select 0),(_targetPosition select 1)]]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "DOT"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerColorLocal _markerColour; _vehicleMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName]; systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID]; } else { systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID];}; }; }; if (_showMapMarker) then { if (_numberOfVehicles == 1) then { systemChat "Check the map to locate your vehicle!";} else {systemChat "Check the map to locate your vehicles!";}; }; now you have to execute it through either extra_rc.hpp: Spoiler class ItemMap { class locate { text = "Locate Vehicles"; script = "execVM 'scripts\locate_vehicle.sqf'"; }; }; or clickactions: Spoiler ["ItemMap","Locate","execVM 'scripts\locate_vehicle.sqf';","true"] // no comma at the last line juandayz, Ghostrider-GRG and theduke 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theduke Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 I use this one for master key also. I have 2 options on my GPS. Thing is, if you have more than one key on you it wont work, but if you're only carrying your masterkey, this works great I didnt create this, it was buried in that original thread somewhere Spoiler private ["_inv","_searchString","_ID","_found","_targetColor","_finalID","_targetPosition","_targetVehicle","_count","_key","_keyName","_showMapMarker","_markerColour"]; //************************************************************************************************************************************** // CONFIG _showMapMarker = True; // True = display the map markers, False = just identify the keys _markerColour = "ColorOrange"; // Alternatives = "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorGreen", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow", "ColorWhite" //************************************************************************************************************************************** _inv = [player] call BIS_fnc_invString; if (_showMapMarker && !("ItemGPS" in _inv)) exitWith { systemChat "You need a GPS to locate your vehicles!";}; _vehicleType = []; _vehiclePos = []; _count = 0; closedialog 0; { for "_i" from 1 to 2500 do { _searchString = format ["ItemKey%1%2",_x,str(_i)]; if ((_searchString in _inv)) then { _count = _count + 1; _targetColor = _x; _ID = str(_i); _ID = parseNumber _ID; if (_targetColor == "Green") then { _finalID = _ID; }; if (_targetColor == "Red") then { _finalID = _ID + 2500; }; if (_targetColor == "Blue") then { _finalID = _ID + 5000; }; if (_targetColor == "Yellow") then { _finalID = _ID + 7500; }; if (_targetColor == "Black") then { _finalID = _ID + 10000; }; }; }; } forEach ["Black","Yellow","Blue","Green","Red"]; _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("vehicleMarker"+ (str _i));}; if (_count == 0) exitWith { systemChat "No key found!";}; if (_count > 1) exitWith { systemChat "You have too many keys!";}; if (_count == 1) then { systemChat "vehicle key found!";}; _key = format["ItemKey%1%2",_targetColor,_ID]; _keyName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _key >> "displayName"); _found = 0; _numberOfVehicles = 0; { private ["_tID","_vehicle_type"]; _vehicle_type = typeOf _x; _tID = parseNumber (_x getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]); if ((_tID == _finalID) && ((_vehicle_type isKindOf "Air") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (_vehicle_type isKindOf "Ship"))) then { _targetPosition = getPosATL _x; _targetVehicle = _x; _found = 1; _numberOfVehicles = _numberOfVehicles + 1; _vehicleType = _vehicleType + [_targetVehicle]; _vehiclePos = _vehiclePos + [_targetPosition]; }; } forEach vehicles; systemChat format ["Key has %1 vehicles",_numberOfVehicles]; if (_found != 0) then { _i = 0; for "_i" from 0 to _numberOfVehicles - 1 do { _targetVehicle = _vehicleType select _i; _targetPosition = _vehiclePos select _i; _vehicleName = gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _targetVehicle) >> "displayName"); if (_showMapMarker) then { _Marker = "vehicleMarker" + (str _i); _vehicleMarker = createMarkerLocal [_Marker,[(_targetPosition select 0),(_targetPosition select 1)]]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "DOT"; _vehicleMarker setMarkerColorLocal _markerColour; _vehicleMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0]; _vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName]; systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID]; } else { systemChat format ["%1 belongs to %2 - %3",_keyName,_vehicleName,_finalID];}; }; }; if (_showMapMarker) then { if (_numberOfVehicles == 1) then { systemChat "Check the map to locate your vehicle!";} else {systemChat "Check the map to locate your vehicles!";}; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted April 15, 2017 Report Share Posted April 15, 2017 @Cherdenko @theduke guys you think is possible show the marker only in the gps? i have the idea to add it to remote_key mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theduke Posted April 15, 2017 Report Share Posted April 15, 2017 6 hours ago, juandayz said: @Cherdenko @theduke guys you think is possible show the marker only in the gps? i have the idea to add it to remote_key mod. im honestly not sure... If i would start to look somewhere, it would be your script of the video on GPS lol juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted April 15, 2017 Report Share Posted April 15, 2017 Just now, theduke said: im honestly not sure... If i would start to look somewhere, it would be your script of the video on GPS lol hhahah erotic vehicle finder Cherdenko 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted April 27, 2017 Report Share Posted April 27, 2017 Any ideas how to make this working with Vehicle Key Changer from salival? So if there are more than one vehicle that belong to one key? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted April 27, 2017 Report Share Posted April 27, 2017 2 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said: Any ideas how to make this working with Vehicle Key Changer from salival? So if there are more than one vehicle that belong to one key? I wrote a script that works with my vehicle key changer script, I'll try and release it this weekend. Relentless 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted April 27, 2017 Report Share Posted April 27, 2017 59 minutes ago, salival said: I wrote a script that works with my vehicle key changer script, I'll try and release it this weekend. I am glad to hear that :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logi Posted April 27, 2017 Report Share Posted April 27, 2017 Its good to see that this script is still working with the latest version and still useful to people. Its been a long time since I played Arma, I have just update to 1061 today to give it a try. theduke and DieTanx 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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