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Block escape after gear for duping



Im using JustBullet's script to block escape menu so you cant abort whilst your gear is open or has been open for 30 secs, as duping is rife in my server at the moment.



//////////////* Author by JustBullet *///////////////
///////////* BLOCK ESC MENU ver. 1.0.3 */////////////

if (isNil "JustBlock") then {
    private ["_timer","_fps"];
    JustBlock = true;
    waituntil{!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
    _timer = 30;
    _trigger = false;
    while {_timer > 0} do {
        _timer = _timer - 0.1;
        if !(isnull (finddisplay 49)) then {
            findDisplay 106 closeDisplay 1;
            finddisplay 49 closeDisplay 2;
            _fps = round(diag_fps);

            switch true do {
                case (!(_trigger) && (_fps <= 4)): {_trigger = true; disableUserInput true;};
                case ((_trigger) && (_fps > 4)): {endLoadingScreen; _trigger = false; disableUserInput false;};

            if (_trigger) then {startLoadingScreen ["SD Anti-dupe: Very low FPS, you are blocked...", "DayZ_loadingScreen"];}
            else {systemchat format[" SD Anti-Dupe: You cannot exit the game for 30 seconds after accessing your inventory.", round(_timer)];};
        uiSleep 0.1;
    if (_trigger) then {endLoadingScreen; disableUserInput false;};
    JustBlock = nil;




* Anti-Duping by JustBullet */
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Gear") then {
    _nill = execvm "SD\dupe.sqf";



It works fine if you press G to open gear,but how many people do that whilst duping?

If you go up to a storage object and use your scroll wheel to open the gear  this script has no effect, obviously as its called from the "gear" key.

Is there anyway to get this script to run if a player also opens the gearmenu by any other method? That would pretty much wipe out all avenues for that way of duping, as you cant get into the lobby any other way.


I know there are other scripts that block logout near storage and other anti dupe things, but they either dont work, or are a pain. I often log out next to a safe, as my "base" if just 4 walls and a safe.

This script with the addition of blocking safe gear would be perfect, if its possible.


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