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[Release] New players get starting money


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18 minutes ago, Buck0 said:

A quick email to a service provder would have that resolved in 15 mins if it was the case. Why are you even involved and dragging this to these forums. 

Holy shit lol

See how you feel when you give something to someone , he takes a strole around the corner and he get's mugged from the shit you gave him mate .......

People are Always high and mighty about when someone joins a server to steal stuff from somebody else's mission file and now your acting like this ......

Apperently it is allright to do it when you work together with someone and then because one is to greedy to keep all donations for himself that he locks the other out of the database , ftp and all for his own server .

Seen you post more stuff had certain amount of respect for you since you help out allot of people , you just lost it .

Thats all i got to say have fun guys

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On 3/19/2016 at 4:03 PM, Hoplox said:

Try this instead:

CREATE TRIGGER `bankingIssueFix` AFTER INSERT ON `player_data`
( PlayerUID, PlayerName, BankSaldo,  LastUpdated)
(NEW.PlayerUID, NEW.PlayerName, 100000, NOW())


The new error

SQL Error (1235): This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table'


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3 minutes ago, DangerRuss said:

The new error

SQL Error (1235): This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table'


You may already have this trigger in your database. If so, look for this line:

(NEW.PlayerUID, NEW.PlayerName, 100000, NOW())

and change the 100000 to any value of your choice.

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2 hours ago, ckto said:

I managed to swap to SC 4.0 and apply this script to the database but i want to change to 300k insted of 100k,

how can i change it? Already applyed the trigger; thanks

Change the 100000 to 300000.

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9 minutes ago, ckto said:

Managed to change it on HeidiSQL.

BUT ins't working for me.Am I doing something wrong maybe...

Remember, it is only for fresh brand new players on your server. You can test it by wiping your player_data and login_data, then launching your server and joining again. The money will go into the bank of the player.

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13 hours ago, Hoplox said:

Remember, it is only for fresh brand new players on your server. You can test it by wiping your player_data and login_data, then launching your server and joining again. The money will go into the bank of the player.

I understand now, thanks!

Gonna wait to see a new player arround ^^




Edit : It really worked with new players, thank you very much!

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10 minutes ago, JohnnyBravo666 said:

I was having this same issue where it wouldn't do that after I had wiped the database. I inserted a trigger to automatically force it to when a new player joins the server.

Have you fixed it now?


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Just now, Hoplox said:

Have you fixed it now?


Yes I have. The trigger worked perfectly. I'll post below so if anyone else wants to give the trigger a try if they continue having problems too.


CREATE DEFINER=`<databaseusername>`@`%` TRIGGER `bankingissuefix` BEFORE INSERT ON `player_data` FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO banking_data
( PlayerUID, PlayerName, BankSaldo,  LastUpdated)
(NEW.PlayerUID, NEW.PlayerName, 50000, NOW())

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  • 2 months later...
12 hours ago, Tech_Support said:

"player_data" table in the SQL database.

In my data base under player_data is PlayerUID, PlayerName, PlayerMorality, PlayerSex

The money that the players earned is stored in PlayerMorality.

Do I replace banking_data with PlayMorality where it says it below? If not anyone know what to do?



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On 11/18/2016 at 0:19 PM, Thug said:

In my data base under player_data is PlayerUID, PlayerName, PlayerMorality, PlayerSex

The money that the players earned is stored in PlayerMorality.

Do I replace banking_data with PlayMorality where it says it below? If not anyone know what to do?



No, the only version this will work for is the version that has global banking. If you look in your database, you will see a extra table. Its the banking_data table. 

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