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A3 Launcher Bugs & Maca's Minions

Cockney Reeper

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I have every respect for people that put a lot of time into Scripting and sharing with the community, but I noticed recently

while using A3 launcher that a few bugs have crept in...So I That id pop over too CCG's TeamSpeak and try to let Maca and the guys know about them...

DAY 1]  Spoke to a guy called Echoflex(think that was his name) nice guy!! helpful!!

unfortunately maca was away having some lunch...and because it was an A3 launcher problem...probably best to pop back later...


Popped back...all admins gone...


Day2] Spoke to same guy as before Echoflex...he popped to ask maca if he had 5 mins...He came back and said" he was basically in middle of some thing and was a bad time"

I accepted the fact that he was busy and said "ill try catch him later" , "I'll pop back"....



Just had a conversation with one of his jumped up minions and came away shocked at the response.. I'll post the conversation...

Michael - "Hey, how can I help?"

Me         -"Is maca still busy..got couple probs with a3 launcher!"

Michael -"If you have issues with a3 launcher, please use support function which can be found through the a3 launcher website"

me        - "if it worked I would fella" (now im only trying to report couple bugs)

Michael -"The email is info@a3launcher.com

michael  -"can I assist you wih anything else?"

(now seeing that im waiting couple mins everytime he writes something im presuming hes talking to maca as well as me and passing on answers..)

me    -"So he cant spare 5mins"

Michael -"Maca is an incredibly busy person. He has to manage his time accordingly. For a3Launcher matters, he will deal with them via email. if you need closer support, then you can consider becoming a Patron of his: https://www.patreon.com/maca134 "

me - "You are joking me?"

Micheal  - "Not at all.. Maca is the hardest working unpaid person I know"


me - "So if I donate he'll fix a fuck up on his a3 launcher...that sounds reasonable don't it?

micheal - "On his free to use launcher that he graciously made for the arma community, yes"

me -"that's disgusting mate...."

micheal - "how?"

me - "yes we appreciate his work"

me - "But asked to donate to fix problems that are wrong with the a3 launcher...hows that reasonable...?"

micheal - " I am not saying that..( YES YOU WERE!!) I said send the email to the address and your issue will no doubt be sorted quickly and I said "If you need closer support" then you culd support him through his patreon site"

me "Ok ill try emailing"


now the bugs I was trying to report were if you use Bornholm on a server you need Bornholm 1.3 for epoch...the launcher keeps making players download the old version map that is not epoch ready...

there are two rhs studios mods supported on launcher which don not provide keys to use them...which I was going to make him aware of....

Now Am I Expecting anything unreasonable, I thought this was a community..We all Help each other and report and improve...Obviously some people have lost touch with reality....








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To be fair the guy has a point, Maca has a busy community to manage, I would imagine it takes up a lot of time.

Also the launcher is free and will cost Maca in bandwidth and again more time, also he maintains other things like M3editor.


He probably gets bugged daily so i don't see what was wrong with emailing him :unsure:

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What makes you so special that you can come in to a community teamspeak (which has nothing to do with the launcher) and expect help?


I have support systems in place to deal with launcher issues and you choice to bypass them.

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  On 4/27/2015 at 6:59 PM, Cockney Reeper said:

now the bugs I was trying to report were if you use Bornholm on a server you need Bornholm 1.3 for epoch...the launcher keeps making players download the old version map that is not epoch ready...


Well, the launcher works fine whenever I set up a server with Bornholm, my guess is the servers have their mod folder as @Bornholm and using an older version, as it auto-detects @Bornholm13 (which if you use A3Launcher, is what the correct version is called) so yeah, might want to contact the admins of that server before complaining about the launcher, which, functions if the server is setup correctly.

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That's like the worst chat log I've ever seen. How can you possibly think that we would believe it's legit? It's not hard to copy and paste something from a teamspeak chat.. or even print screen it.

Instead you post something like this which could be heavily doctored.




2/10 - Good try though.

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  On 4/27/2015 at 8:28 PM, Defent said:

That's like the worst chat log I've ever seen. How can you possibly think that we would believe it's legit? It's not hard to copy and paste something from a teamspeak chat.. or even print screen it.

Instead you post something like this which could be heavily doctored.




2/10 - Good try though.


To be fair to him, that is pretty much the convo. Just don't know why it is weirdly pasted.

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  On 4/27/2015 at 8:50 PM, Namindu said:

Why do you need to talk to the maker directly? Just send an email say mod A is outdate. Why do you need to go into his other community (A3 Launcher and CCG are two different group), just to tell him "Yea it outdated".

It's not even outdated though, there's two versions on the launcher, obviously the server is just setup incorrectly as it seems to work for every other server.

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this is ridiculous, I don't even.. instead of whining post your server start bat / link the bornholm it is downloading and the bornholm you want it to start. Also you should double-check your settings.. I just joined a bornholm server without a problem

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More than a bit of self entitlement from the OP, if you had paid for a service you could expect a certain level of support.


But you haven't paid for anything and are expecting people to drop everything and deal with your problem as a matter of urgency.


Not really going to happen is it?

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