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...yes, them funny things everyone has but nobody knows what to spend them on.

by this stage,i guess, we all got rich with all the sweet dosh safely stuffed away. but heck what to do with all this cash?

guns? meh, you'll find em anyway. choppers, meh bit more rare but you do come across those too fairly often. so then...any ideas? post em here.

how about a leveling system that increase certain things. like perhaps a scout perk that spots drones coming in faster. the merchant who gets a little extra from selling stuff.

the rental dude who rents out boats,cars,choppers or (unarmed) jets.dunno...something to make it worthwile to keep selling and increasing your bank account.

my clan and myself have reached altis uperclass citi

zenship long ago and its too boring. no kaviar, no cuban cigars and worse, no hookers and coke :)

iam a mere player and dont know what can be done within the epoch mod to solve this "problem" ..BUT.. one thing is certain....what to do do with all the monies available?

you love epoch? wanna keep this mod interesting and distingt from other mods for arma 3?...

then show us your brain farts!



having said that, i dont know whats possible on the dev side of things in terms of putting stuff in to keep it rolling but i do think the krypto system is a dump and very boring atm.it doesnt really give you an incentive as a regular player on any server to go out and save up some $'s.

P.S love epoch!

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Personally I love the fact that Krypto is meaningless I never liked the old shopping mall Epoch trader system it completely detracted from the apocalypse ambience, it is funny to see players using the old strategy of collecting and buying vehicles and then slowly seeing it dawn on them that they are not rich afterall the downside is it takes away vehicles from the map so depriving other players of there use.


I would like to see the system gone completely there is more then enough resources in the game and it might actually reduce the load on the server and there by allowing something more useful.

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Buy a pet sapper you can turn onto your enemies?   :ph34r:


HAHA or sign up with one of the priest to scare your friends at night.

In the serious the part with the Sapper would be awesome.

(I reached my limit to give likes for today, tomorrow you get it  :P)


Krypto is in any case a must have in Epoch, sooner or later you will need it to get rare items (Mod is still in Alpha) or for various other things.

If server owners destroy that feature just with extremly high loot spawns that's their thing.


Also you need it to save your buildings, thats a nice feauture, without it you will have different problems, like dead bases cause they dont get deleted.

Think about it.

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There are a great many things that could be added to Epoch to create a want and need for currency and considering we only have about 30% of the intended features, I'm hopefull.


I'd like to see more money sinks to create gameplay. For example, specialized traders. What if most ammo didn't just spawn in the game but instead there were a couple traders that only sold ammo? Like snipers? "Looks like you'll be making a trek out to the recluse trader in the mountains who makes the ammo for them. Oh, and be prepared 'cuz it'll cost ya." 


That in itself would create a need for currency that would outweigh base maintenance. Plus, it would make players travel the map more, increase the chance for player interaction (not only near the trader but what if you spot some random player carrying that same rare rifle you have that your almost out of ammo for?), and to make things even more intersting, they could NOT show up on the map but you could get hints of their whereabouts from other traders. 


Like I said, I'm hopefull. :D

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Meh, i hope they do something along the lines of what Creature describes,


Regrettably, i fear that most people will just join the Easy games, Overloot/Overpoch, 500 vehicles, fully stacked traders, high power weapons everywhere, Die, Respawn run back do it again x100. 

Maybe the "Basic trade" should revolve around players and not the NPC traders we currently have, having the special/rare traders come in once in a blue moon / incorporate proper missions events,

to create just that atmosphere that is currently missing. 


Tbh i'm still waiting to see what Epoch becomes, currently the difference between Wasteland and Epoch are...the sappers/Cultists?

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Meh, i hope they do something along the lines of what Creature describes,


Regrettably, i fear that most people will just join the Easy games, Overloot/Overpoch, 500 vehicles, fully stacked traders, high power weapons everywhere, Die, Respawn run back do it again x100. 

Maybe the "Basic trade" should revolve around players and not the NPC traders we currently have, having the special/rare traders come in once in a blue moon / incorporate proper missions events,

to create just that atmosphere that is currently missing. 


Tbh i'm still waiting to see what Epoch becomes, currently the difference between Wasteland and Epoch are...the sappers/Cultists?


Having played Wasteland, I'd say you're blind if you can't tell the difference.

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There are a great many things that could be added to Epoch to create a want and need for currency and considering we only have about 30% of the intended features, I'm hopefull.


I'd like to see more money sinks to create gameplay. For example, specialized traders. What if most ammo didn't just spawn in the game but instead there were a couple traders that only sold ammo? Like snipers? "Looks like you'll be making a trek out to the recluse trader in the mountains who makes the ammo for them. Oh, and be prepared 'cuz it'll cost ya." 


That in itself would create a need for currency that would outweigh base maintenance. Plus, it would make players travel the map more, increase the chance for player interaction (not only near the trader but what if you spot some random player carrying that same rare rifle you have that your almost out of ammo for?), and to make things even more intersting, they could NOT show up on the map but you could get hints of their whereabouts from other traders. 


Like I said, I'm hopefull. :D


I would think that this approach is is quite doable with loot.h being open for modification as of


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Things are just too cheap at traders by default in Epoch right now.



At one time in A2 you would only get back half your money when you sold an item at a trader.  It took longer to save up the gold to buy things.


Not the case in A3E.  



I know server owners can change the values.. I'm saying "by default" things are too cheap.

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But if they were let's say, 2 times higher, people would start selling vehicles even more, despite not using them. Basically, whoever finds the first helicopter in the map can sell all the vehicles eventually to traders and people will be screwed not being able to buy them out. I think prices are ok. I don't like servers with increased prices as it makes everyone to stop buying anything at all from traders. I saw a server with 10 times price increase. Left in a minute. Certain prices can be increased, yes, but not all. Yes, helicopters would be pricey, and it is weird that by default a heli is just a couple of times costs more than a fast car. But on the other hand, as I mentioned, increased prices will only make people stop buying stuff from traders, then what's the purpose of traders at all?


I am open to debate though. :D the biggest problem is that once the vehicle is sold to a trader it is gone from a map.

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Prices will find a level. Personally I would prefer true pricing based on supply and demand. Am sure Awol and I chatted about this once, the load on server to work out the pricing was a sticking point, from memory. 


can you not do it at DB level? should be able to do whatever the equivalent of stored procedure is in redis at server restart, to recalculate price depending on stock level and no less than the minimum price for an item across all traders.

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